MTL - I Ran Away After I Online-dated the Slag Marshal-Chapter 37 Make cakes for the marshal

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Jian Sang's live broadcast room jumped to the hot list within an hour.

As several of the most popular anchors on the entire live broadcast network, of course, there is no room to notice him. One of the most popular anchors on this website is named Xiaoqingtian. She has always been the whole live broadcast network, even entertainment top of the circle.

For no other reason, but because she is a half-blooded nightingale.

A fairy that nobles flock to.

Even if she's only a half-pure blood.

But Xiao Qingtian knows that in the upper class, a half pure blood is far less pleasing and likeable than the pure blood nightingales who are pampered.

Even if you enter a rich family, you will not get better treatment.

Making money with your own skills is the best!

She doesn't want to be the plaything of the big nobles at all!

She has to rely on herself!

Everything comes from my own efforts.

She is now liked by many people, all because of her own efforts!

Today is also a very ordinary day. After Xiaoqingtian opened her live broadcast room, her popularity quickly rose, and her fans who have always touted her also came as promised:

"Sunny Day is finally on the air."

"Woohoo, the nightingale sings just fine."

"No other host is as good as you."

"What is Xiao Qingtian singing today?"

Xiao Qingtian was very happy to see the fans bragging about her, just when she was so proud and set the wish wall to 5,000 yuan per song, the live broadcast room always brushed the system from time to time Push:

[In room 302 of the live broadcast room, a user presented a luxury rocket launcher, sprinkled a lot of red envelopes, and invited everyone to share and grab the bag~]

[There is a user in Room 302 of the live broadcast room who presented Carnival Deep Water, which triggers the rain of red envelopes, please go to share~]

[Room 302 of the live broadcast room…]

This frequently refreshed news proves the popularity and gold-absorbing ability of another live broadcast room.

This kind of grand occasion has only appeared in Xiaoqingtian's live broadcast room before. She is the absolute top of the website. No anchor has ever broken this class, and the other party appeared out of thin air.

Sure enough, there are fans talking about:

"Who is room 302?"

"A new host."

"It's also a song."

"Only 500 coins per song."

"Let's go grab a red envelope and bring it back to Xiao Qingtian."

In Jiannai's live broadcast room, the number of people is increasing. From a few hundred people at the beginning, it has now exceeded 10,000, and 100,000 online people are already the treatment that only big anchors can get .

Jane took a sip after singing two songs: "I don't feel like singing a cappella without a musical instrument. I will buy some musical instruments and come back to sing for you in two days."

"I know a lot of instruments."

"Piano, violin, accordion, zither, flute, all a little."

"Have you never heard of this?"

"Then I'll have to go to the market by myself."

Jane is chatting with fans, his voice is sweet, even if it is a lazy chat, it will give people a very comfortable feeling, the final tone is casual and like a cat Like a hook, it tickles people's hearts, and only feels that listening to him is the most enjoyable thing in the world.

A fan saw Jiannai's cup and asked:

"What kind of cup is this to look good."

"Yes, is there a link?"

"We want to buy too."

Jiannai glanced at it and said, "I don't know either. I don't think I bought it. Maybe it's a gift when I went out to the hotel for dinner today."

When I said this, most people were shocked.

No one thought that Jane's economic situation would be so tight!

No wonder the kid asked for five hundred dark star coins for a song. It turned out that poverty really limited his imagination!

The audience is distressed.

User Fengfeng presents a small windmill

The user is giving away a deep water torpedo

The user's entrance will give you a carnival

The audience left a message saying:

"Boer, take it and buy a cup!"

"Buy the bigger one."

"Buy some mugs and drink!"

Jane Nai blinked a little stunned, then smiled lightly. When he laughed, his voice was sweet and cute, and he accepted it calmly: "Thank you~"

Although the duration of the live broadcast has advanced, the amount of rewards in the overall live broadcast room of Jiannai has not decreased but increased. Shock.

The staff said with emotion: "Nightingale is really surprising."

If he shows his identity from the beginning, I think he will definitely surpass Xiao Qingtian."

This is a must.

Jane's traffic is terrible.

From the top ten in the whole station an hour ago, now it has been promoted to the top five in the whole station. If the live broadcast continues, he may even be on an equal footing with Xiaoqingtian!

Other side

Xiaoqingtian's live broadcast room also found something wrong.

Don't say anything else, Xiaoqingtian found that those people who went to Jiannai's live broadcast room to grab red envelopes for themselves are basically in a state of no return. You can't see it when you go.

Also, the data displayed in the background is that Jiannai is indeed getting closer and closer.

The real first sister has always been herself.

However, if she is robbed by Jiannai, it will not be the end!

She was singing, and even had a momentary broken voice because of the shaking.

Someone said:

"If you're tired, take a rest."

"The room 302 next door has been chatting for a long time."

"Hahaha...that little slacker."

"This will stop everyone from buying him a cup."

Although Jiannai and Xiaoqingtian have never even met, the name of room 302 has officially entered Xiaoqingtian's eyes today, and she has completely remembered the owner of this room!

She is absolutely and will not let anyone affect her status!

Other side

Jane's live broadcast is over.

He only sings about two hours a day, otherwise he will be very tired.

Slowly, he can also feel the mental power that others are talking about. It seems that singing will also consume mental power. Every time after that time, he will be tired.

Open the background and see today's earnings.

The total income from all gifts is about 100,000 yuan, and I can divide it into 50,000 yuan.

Xiao Di came in from outside and said, "Master, do you want to rest?"

Jane nodded, he was going to wash up, and then ordered: "You remember to call me tomorrow morning, I'm going shopping tomorrow."

Xiao Di asked, "What do you want to buy, young master? Why don't you tell me to buy it."

Jane hurriedly shook her head and said, "I have to do this in person."

Xiao Di didn't dare to refute when he saw his insistence.

, but since I slept with Lu Zefeng and realized what good sleep is, it would be really difficult to fall asleep.

Always wake up repeatedly.

I have a slight headache due to exhaustion.

Jane had dark circles under her eyes the next morning.

When Xiao Di saw him like this, he felt a little wrong, and came over and said, "Are you not feeling well?"

Jane yawned and said, "I didn't sleep well."

"Generally, nightingales will not suffer from mental damage." Xiao Di patiently acted as a living encyclopedia for him, and said warmly: "But there are also some special circumstances. "

Jane asked: "For example?"

Xiao Di said: "It is the nightingale family that will appear, mental dependence."

Jane did not understand: "What is that?"

"This is also more complicated." Xiao Di said: "In general, this kind of problem is only a problem for the Nightingale group, if they meet someone they like, especially If there is physical contact, and if they stay together for a long time, and if the other party is a person with strong mental power, Nightingale will unconsciously develop mental dependence. This usually occurs when nightingales have a partner, and they will I like to rely on my partner."

Jane Nai said: "Then I shouldn't have this problem, I'm not married."

Xiao Di comforted him and said, "Maybe I'm too tired recently."

Jane Nai didn't have time to think about this anymore, he said to Xiao Di, "I have to go to the General's Mansion today to thank you. Let's go buy some gifts."

Xiao Di was shocked, he didn't know about Jiannai and Lu Zefeng Hotel: "Master, you..."

Jane patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I'm not here to ask for forgiveness, I'm here to thank you."

Xiao Di had mixed tastes for a while.

Does the young master want to thank others for not marrying?

What a show.

Jane Nai asked him: "Xiao Di, do you think I should buy something to thank? What would the general like?"

Xiao Di answered honestly: "Master, I think the people in the General's Mansion should have everything."

Jane thinks so too.

Xiao Di felt that Jiannai suddenly remembered looking for someone from the General's Mansion, maybe she wanted to renew the relationship with the Marshal. In that case, he must help the young master to make a good deal of it.


Xiao Di gave a sincere suggestion: "Master, I think it's better for you to do something yourself, aren't you the best at making pastries, even your husband and wife have praised you for your work? The cakes are delicious, and it's better if you make some and send them to others."

Jane Nai said suspiciously: "Really? The pastries I made are delicious?"

Xiao Di is very sure: "Really!"

Jane Nai has never had great confidence in her cooking skills. He remembered that he seemed to have cooked it for his benefactor before, but his reaction at that time did not seem to be so happy...

Xiao Di said: "After all, if you want to buy anything else, the Marshal has countless rare treasures, and he should be very interested in what we buy, unless you spend a lot of money on it. A night pearl or something..."

Where does Jiannai have so much money, when he thinks of this, he decisively: "That's okay, just pastries!"

Read The Duke's Passion