MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 13 Midnight Mansion (End)

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Deafness and guilty conscience are the only feelings that Cheng Zhichu has now.

Although he does not know why he wants to be guilty - not right, being stared by Bai Yi's oppressive eyes, personal pressure, so even more strange is why Bai Yi will look at him like this...

Originally, if Bai Yi didn't mention it, he forgot that the other party had witnessed the kiss with Joshua at the time, and even if Bai Yi saw it, he thought that with the gentle personality of Bai Yi, he would definitely be considerate as nothing. Occasionally, I know that Bai Yi not only did not keep silent, but now it is re-raised, and the attitude is very serious.


The handsome man's eyes were deep, and even the smile faded a few points. He looked at him straight and looked at him. He knew that the beginning of his heart was hairy and he didn't know why the other party would be so upset.

Could it be that……

Suddenly he was shocked and thought of a very terrible possibility - is it because Bai Yishi is too straightforward, and he is particularly annoyed by the heart, so no one is allowed to engage in **** in front of him! ?

No, he has to explain clearly, and absolutely can't let Bai Yi have any strange misunderstandings about him! He couldn’t be straight until he could, and if this shameful misunderstanding made Bai Yi’s thigh away from him, he would really be depressed to vomit blood! !

"You listen to me!"

In a hurry, Cheng Zhichu stretched his hand to Bai Yi's clothes, because he was a little shorter than the other, nearly half, so he had to look up and look at Bai Yi.

He looks small, his skin is white, his eyes are round, it is very delicate and cute, the light-colored short hair is soft and fluffy, and looks like a small furry animal.

He was so pitifully licking his clothes and looking at him. The gloom of Bai Yi’s heart immediately dissipated most of his life. Without his temper, his heart was not soft.

He showed a good-looking smile and touched the soft hair of Cheng Zhichu. It was like looking at him. He said softly: "Don't worry, I am listening, you slowly said."

Seeing Bai Yi or willing to listen to him, Cheng Zhichu sighed in relief and quickly said: "Actually, I am with Joshua... We have nothing! I will kiss him because I have acquired a ability..."

Cheng Zhichu has already trusted Bai Yi very much, and he is afraid that Bai Yi will dislike himself. At this time, he also refuses to conceal his ability to be ashamed. He has explained it from beginning to end and spoke himself in the process of description. Weak and poor, and helpless, and how the system that forced him is awkward.

" also threatens me. If I can't kiss him before killing the boss, I will never be able to get out of this copy."

At the end of the day, Cheng Zhichu himself felt that he was really miserable and his eyes were very sad. He took out the boss's illustrations as evidence, and handed this insignificant album to Bai Yi.

"In addition to collecting enough survival points, I have to collect this illustration in order to get rid of the infinite escape... So with Joshua... that, really, I am not willing to volunteer! I am forced to help... ......"

Worse, how could Bai Yi’s face look worse...

Cheng Zhichu’s voice was getting smaller and smaller, and he was shocked to find that Bai Yi’s thin lips were sinking like water. Especially when he opened the illustrations, he looked at the silhouette of one boss after another in the book. His hands increased and he gradually stopped flipping. The fingers are tightened, and the pages are almost smashed.

At this time, the page number of the illustration is just on the page of Joshua.

[ID: 017]

[Name: Joshua]

[Source: Midnight Mansion]

[level of difficulty: normal]

[Description: The male owner Charlie and the maid Mary steal. The product of the love, still in the mother's womb, was the minced by the hostess Mei Jie, the grievances persisted for a long time, condensed in the emerald, catalyzed the birth of the grievance .

The only one who stayed with him was the necklace left by the parents. The evil curse would kill everyone who entered the mansion, and he separated all the living and enslaved their ghosts for him. This is what the parents have left. The distortion of "love", I hope he can "grow up" safely.

The dead man became his "nutrition". He never regarded the living as his kind, thinking that they are all food, and the dead ghosts are deeply afraid of him and never appear in front of him.

Every midnight, he woke up from the slumber. On the sunrise, he closed his eyes again. There was only darkness in the dream, because he never stepped out of the mansion, could not see the scenery outside, and never even saw the sun. .

He felt lonely, but he did not know that he was deeply immersed in loneliness. Until many years later, the door of the mansion was pushed away again. He opened his eyes and saw you at a glance. He also saw the light in your eyes.

He doesn't know what "sunshine" looks like.

But at that moment, he thought.

That might be what you look like. 】


Bai Yi suddenly put the book together, his face was so bad.

Cheng Zhichu was shocked and stared nervously at the illustrations, for fear that Bai Yi would tear it. Now he is very sorry to regret that the illustrations will be given to Bai Yi, because the description of **** in the **** there must have angered Bai Yi, a steel straight man!

"Sorry, don't be angry, let you see these things, I am sorry..."

Cheng Zhichu showed an unusually shy expression and cautiously apologized to Bai Yi.

Bai Yi was stared at by his pitiful pitiful eyes. After a while, he couldn’t stand his look. He sighed helplessly, reached out and grabbed his head, and returned the illustration to him. He said softly: "I didn't Being angry, this is a problem with the game mechanics, how can you blame you..."

He said, he glanced at the book with a glance, his eyes were cold and extreme, but he quickly turned his eyes away, hooked his lips, and smiled and repeated it to Cheng Zhichu: "Really not angry."

"Thank you..." Cheng Zhichu was moved. He knew that although Bai Yi was very straight-minded, people like him would be able to understand his own difficulties!

"Can I add a friend with you?" Bai Yi’s eyes swept over the illustrations several times, and said, "This way we can team up together later, when you collect the illustrations, bring me along. Ok?"

"Of course!" Cheng Zhichu was delighted. For him, this is simply a matter of pleading. "My forum id is ‘freshly squeezed orange juice,' which is the freshly squeezed orange juice. What is your name?”

Infinitely escaped players can't communicate through the system. They can only add friends to each other on the forum. Some of the functions in the forum are linked to the system. Players can communicate with friends in the forum, or they can choose to enter the same copy together.

There have been a lot of players in this situation, obviously the system is so smart, why can't you add friends directly through the system, but also in the forum, but after several years, the system has nothing to improve, so the players are dissatisfied, but There is no way.

Moreover, the player can't use the forum in the copy, only in reality, so Cheng Zhichu can only say his own id first, and then add Bai Yi's friend after exiting the copy.

"My name is ‘read one’, ‘threat’’, and the Chinese character ‘one’.” Bai Yi smiled and looked at Cheng Zhichu’s eyes very softly. “The meaning is... I only miss one person in my heart.”

"Can't see that you are so romantic."

Cheng Zhichu was surprised. At the same time, he was a bit embarrassed. Compared with the id of Bai Yi, his id is simply too rude. He is the homonym of the name, which is similar to an illiterate one. After such thoughts flashed through his heart, he was excited again and asked Bai Yi curiously: "You have this name, do you already have someone you like?"

"..." Bai Yi paused and laughed. "You guess."

His answer is ambiguous, Cheng Zhichu did not ask more, after all, they are not so familiar, this is also a **, since Bai Yi did not have a positive answer, of course, he will not endlessly ask questions, lest people get bored .

As for letting him guess, he thinks that Bai Yi is definitely a girl who likes it, but "only miss one person in my heart", it doesn't sound like it is catching up with the hand...

But Bai Yi grows so handsome, his character is still so good, what kind of girl can deliberately refuse him... "Dissing", is that the girl who went abroad, or even suffered an unfortunate death? Hey, if it doesn't exist, how can he curse people at random, but don't think about it again. This is a private matter of others. He guesses what he is doing.

"What about you?" Bai Yi asked unintentionally, "Do you have someone you like? Or a lover?"

"Of course..." Cheng Zhichu had to answer with a mouthful, and suddenly there was a figure in his mind. He suddenly turned black and hated his teeth. Then he said with a firm statement, "No! Mother wolf solo for twenty years, except my mother and my sister. Even the little hands of the opposite **** have not been taken."

Seeing his angry appearance, Bai Yi thought that he was grievous and angry for being single for many years. He could not help but sneer and said: "Don't be sad, I am the same, I have not interacted with anyone."

"How is it possible!" Cheng Zhichu's round eyes, a look of "you are less me".

"It's true." Bai Yijunjun nodded and nodded. Then he smiled and looked at him seriously. "I will only associate with my beloved."

"...the girl who is with you will be very happy in the future."

Cheng Zhichu said sincerely, but he felt that he was subtly embarrassed. Fortunately, he is still single, will not be sorry for anyone, or is it always a kiss with the boss?

When I mentioned the boss, he suddenly remembered that Bai Yi seemed to dislike the basics. He joked and emphasized: "Cough, I hope that there will be beautiful women in the boss, no longer a man, after all, I only have Like a girl."

"..." Bai Yi suddenly fell into silence.

"What," Cheng Zhichu had some guilty conscience. "I know that you are a straight man..."

Bai Yi: "..."

Cheng Zhichu: "If I want to kiss the boss or the man, you should never be angry..."

Bai Yi: "... um."

Bai Yi: "I am not angry."

Bai Yi: "Not angry..."

Cheng Zhichu: "You are so wonderful!"

He was moved, his eyes were sincere, his face was "you are a good person" and "you are really my good buddy" expression.

Bai Yi: "..."

Bai Yi: " fact, I don’t necessarily like a woman..."

Cheng Zhichu: "I really appreciate you today. Next time we must team up to play a copy, as long as you don't disappoint me, I am weak... Then let's go out from the copy?"

Bai Yi: "...good."

Cheng Zhichu: "?" Is his illusion, why does he feel that Bai Yi's smile seems a little weak?


Bai Yi's Diary · Part XIII

I didn't think about knowing that I only like women at the beginning of the meeting...

Just like I didn't think he would think that I only like women...

I... really can't be a woman, my soul fragments are also men... I...

(Hand shake can not write down) 2k novel reading network

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