MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 14 Reality (1)

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At this moment, Cheng Zhichu was sitting in the bedroom of his home, leaning against the bed and sitting on the bed. He was carefully editing the "Midnight Mansion" strategy with a memo. After he finished writing it, he posted it to the forum of "Infinite Escape".

Two days ago, he and Bai Yi passed a copy of the "Midnight Mansion" and returned to the real world. Although this is the second time to pass the copy, but because the two intervals are too short, so now he still has a rather unreal feeling.

After returning to reality, the first thing he did first was to spend 1000 life points to buy a countdown service. Although he had a survival point of 2350 points in total, nearly half of it took him to be very painful, but ordered. This service will know when you will open the next copy in order to prepare in advance.

Before the order, he was a bit hesitant, because it was like an exam. Seeing that the deadline is approaching, it will definitely be very difficult, but the magic is that the service actually has the effect of emotional relief, for example, he knows the distance now. The copy is only open for one day, and the mentality is still peaceful, without any tension.

Then he spent 150 more survival points to buy the burial service for the dead teammates, so the system will modify the memory of the deceased relatives and friends, they will think that the deceased has died many years ago, so that even if people die, Family members will not be saddened to accept the reality.

If one day he is dead, I hope someone can arrange for him at that time...

After mourning three teammates, Cheng Zhichu’s mood was somewhat low, but he was optimistic and quickly rallied, preparing to search for Bai Yi’s id and his friends in the forum’s friend system.

If you can, of course he does not want to die! So in order to be able to survive for a long time, he must hold the white thigh tightly.

Such a shameless thought, Cheng Zhichu searched for the id of "read one" and sent the friend's application out.

The forum id is unique. If you don't make a mistake, you won't find the wrong person. However, he still has a personal information in the habitual location. He wants to confirm it, but after seeing the information, he stunned and began to doubt. Did you really find the wrong person?

After reading the name, he clearly saw the imprint of a red skull, which is the mark of the player to open the "death mode".

Unlike the real mode he chooses, once the player chooses the death mode, it means that he can't return to the real world until he has saved 1 million survival points. He can only go through various copies constantly, although he can get 30% more by choosing this mode. The survival point, but there are still very few players who will do this.

On the one hand, few people can withstand such great mental stress, on the other hand, because most players are unable to use the forum in the copy, only a few exceptions, but such people are the top in the game. Great God, such as the cold branches, he chose the death mode, and can also use the forum in the copy.

If Bai Yi chooses the death mode, there is no way to use the forum, he should talk to him in advance, but at that time he did not say anything, even offered to add friends, so he added the wrong person...

Cheng Zhichu was secretly guilty. He was planning to try again. The "one" of "Reading One" was not a capitalized "壹". The mobile phone suddenly heard a message indicating that the friend's request had passed, and his new friend immediately sent a smile. Say hello to him.

Cheng Zhichu: "?!" I rely on, who, why can the death mode still use the forum? ?

Fresh Orange Juice:? ?

Freshly squeezed orange juice: ...bai Yi?

Read one: Yes, I am Bai Yi. What's wrong, why are you surprised?

As soon as I saw one, I confirmed that the other party was Bai Yi. Cheng Zhichu almost sprayed, and the round eyes were extremely surprised to press the phone keyboard to type.

Fresh Orange Juice:? ? and many more? ? ? How do you choose the death mode? ?

Freshly squeezed orange juice: And how can you still use the forum in the copy? ? How did you get permission? ?

Mind 1: Can't use the forum for death mode?

Read one: ...

Mind one: Well, I remembered it, it seems that I can't use it. I got permission because of an accident.

Freshly squeezed orange juice: What an accident? Is there such a good thing?

Cheng Zhichu is envious of crying, and he wants such an accident! If you can use the forum in the copy, you can always view the Raiders stickers or the items you need to trade with other players. It is just like opening a hang, which will greatly reduce the difficulty of the game.

Read one: You guess.

Freshly squeezed orange juice: Is it a novice gift pack or a lottery?

"Infinite Escape" is called a game, so of course, like many games, you can spend a survival point to draw a lottery. Cheng Zhichu hasn't tried it yet. First, he didn't have time before. Second, he didn't believe his luck. He didn't play any game. All faces are very dark.

Read one: It’s really smart, it’s the lottery.

Freshly squeezed orange juice: Dad! European emperor! Big! Please be worshipped by the younger brother!

Freshly squeezed orange juice: But wait a minute, I am very curious, you choose the death mode, can't return to reality, then how do you charge your phone? Will not be powerless soon?

There was another very cute selling expression on the other side.

Read one: Nuclear energy mobile phones, always have electricity.

Read one: So you can send me a message at any time, I should see it soon.

Freshly squeezed orange juice: But will this interfere with your cracking copy? In case the ghost came, the phone rang... um... Is it because I am bothering you now?

Read one: No, rest assured. I am working on a single copy, very simple. If something happens, I will reply later, you don't have to worry about me.

Freshly squeezed orange juice: that's it!

Freshly squeezed orange juice: Can I ask you why you choose the death mode? Is it because you want to earn more points for early customs clearance?

Read one: No. For some reason, I can't leave the game and can't go back to the real world, so I choose the death mode.

Read one: The reason is somewhat complicated to explain, and I will talk to you later.

Freshly squeezed orange juice: Ok! Let's not say it, you can quickly clear the copy, I will not bother you, talk back!

After Bai Yi replied with a smile, Cheng Zhichu closed the dialog box. It is still very surprising for Bai Yi to choose the death mode, and some people worry that the speed of white upgrade will not be very fast. If they are too different, the two levels will be too big. I can't team up to play a copy.

But in the final analysis, the most reliable person is himself. In any case, he must work hard to improve his own strength. Even if he wants to hold his thigh, he can't be a burden to Bai Yi.

Cheng Zhichu secretly made up his mind to decide to work hard in the real world and make full use of all the time to study various Raiders and copies. This is the first thing he can do now.

At the same time, he left the school and planned to go back home this weekend and spend more time with his family.

He is a local student. It takes about two hours from school to home. It usually takes about two months to go back. Originally, he went back last month, but he still didn't go home, but maybe he died when he was, so he wants to spend more time with his family and avoid regrets.

Sitting in the car, Cheng Zhichu opened the forum to view various posts, ready to study how to use the remaining 1200 points of survival, and find the relevant Raiders posts against the copy name on the boss illustration.

The novice Raiders written last time, he had not had time to read it. This time he saw a new content, which is about the other uses of survival points.

One can be used as a temporary blood volume. When the player's blood volume is zero and is about to die, you can choose to convert the survival point to the survival time. The survival point of 1 point can maintain the survival time of 2 seconds. If the survival point is also zero, the player will die completely.

The second use is money, and it is specifically mentioned that the survival point can buy everything except weapons, including curses that are also tradable.

However, almost no one will buy and sell curses. First, if there is a good curse, no one wants to hand it out. Second, the water of the curse is too deep. Who knows what kind of things they will eventually buy? Maybe I don’t even know how I died.

As for weapons, they are non-tradable items. They can only use their weapons to synthesize fragments, but unless they consume a huge amount of debris, synthetic weapons are generally weaker than curses. Everyone prefers curses.

Seeing this, Cheng Zhichu suddenly remembered that he still had a curse, the emerald necklace that Joshua wore on his neck. After he put it in his backpack, even if he was taken out by default, he became all of him. The object is now taken into his backpack.

He opened the system panel and looked at the properties of the necklace again. He found that this time he added a note. "Bind the item, the holder cannot discard, trade or transfer it to others."

That is to say, he can't sell this necklace, he can only use it... Cheng Zhichu's face is bitter, and the psychological shadow that Joshua's necklace brings to him is not small. He stays in his own hands is really} panic .

But it can't be sold, otherwise it is not a gift from Joshua. The curse of the necklace will kill the holder, and he can't be so harmful.

There is no hope for the way to earn a survival point by selling curses. Cheng Zhichu’s line of sight falls back to the screen of the mobile phone and continues to look at the post. His eyes are slightly brighter.

The last use of the survival point is the lottery. There are many levels of prize pools, from 100 points to 10 points to 10,000 points and 10 consecutive prize pools, but the player will have a discount for the first draw, which can only consume 100 points. Extract ten connections of any kind of prize pool.

Then of course he is going to try it now! It also indicates that the prize pool has a guarantee. Even if you don’t draw anything, you will give something as a guarantee. It may be a return to some survival points, or it may be weapons, curses, cards, etc... In short, it is simply It’s too cost-effective, and it’s very friendly to him.

Cheng Zhichu immediately eagerly spent 100 survival points to extract the top ten prize pool, but the result almost made him vomit blood - his luck is still extremely bad, the ten even lost all, nothing was drawn.

... can not be more unlucky!

Thinking of Bai Yi can easily extract the highest authority of the forum, Cheng Zhichu simply wants to cry, if he can, he really wants Bai Yi to smoke for him, but he also knows that this is impossible.

Now I can only see what the bottom of the guarantee is... I hope that the weapon, the hope is to put the weapon, even if it is a kitchen knife...

Cheng Zhichu closed his eyes nervously and prayed silently in his heart. He chose to open the prize, but the next second he heard the system prompts, the heart suddenly pumped, his face pale, almost fainted.

[The curse appears, dangerous, please pay attention. 】


Bai Yi's Diary · Part Fourteen

(Continued from the previous section)

I didn't explicitly tell the first time that I had someone I liked. If I said yes, I am worried that he will misunderstand me and like others, but I can't lie too. He is in front of me. How can I say that I don't like it? People?


I thought I would kiss other "I" in front of me at the beginning of my knowledge. I wanted to kill them all at once, and even destroy myself, let them die with me, but I can't do it.

If they are all dead, and they can't collect the book at first, they will be trapped in this game forever. This is unacceptable to me.

I really want to go out with him from here, let him fall in love with me, and willing to spend the rest of my life with me, so... If he really only likes women, should I consider changing it... sex...

(The hand began to shake again) 2k novel reading network

Read The Duke's Passion