MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 44 Horror variety (9)

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Cheng Zhichu stood in the same place for a long time, thinking about which part of the link went wrong. It was obvious that he was scared by ghosts in the past. How can he become scared away now?

What did he say is scary? It is clear that the ghost himself said that he likes him. At first, it was so distorted and paranoid. I wrote the wall with the words "I love you", but when I met, this guy was like a coward, hiding himself and saying nothing.

... Does it feel that it is very ugly, and that it is very inferior, so I dare not see him?

Cheng Zhichu squatted on his chin and felt that there was only such a possibility. He raised his voice and said, "I don't care about your looks. Just let me see you."

No blood words responded.

"That's it." Cheng Zhichu simply picked up the cover cloth on the tea set and tied it to his own eyes. He said, "I can't see anything under this, I don't know what you are like, you can always come out." What?"

He waited for a while, and the surroundings were still quiet, so he pushed the blindfold up and looked at the floor and the wall. There was still no blood. Obviously, even if he said this, the ghost would still refuse to see him.

This bag is not finished!

Cheng Zhichu came to his heart and did not expect the ghost to appear. He simply called the bear out of his backpack, held it in his hand, and pointed its small nose and said to it: "The pine cone, give me help. Busy, can you smell the ghost here? I want to find out a ghost."

The little bear’s nose was slightly moved, sniffing in the air, and the milk said with a milky voice: “Mom, there are so many ghosts here, which one do you want to find?”

"The most powerful one." Cheng Zhichu has been able to ignore the bear's name to him indifferently. "Can you find it?"

"Let me try……"

The bear shook his tail, his ears clung to his head, and he was a little scared because he could feel the smell very familiar. Dad’s body also had a similar taste...

But since Cheng Zhichu wanted to find a ghost, even if he was afraid, the bear was still trembled to lead the way, and ran all the way to the first floor.

Cheng Zhichu followed the little bear and turned around in the villa. The ghost also found that he had the means to track it, so he hid everywhere in the villa. Sometimes the little bear just brought Cheng Zhichu to a place, but he emptied, the ghost was already Unconsciously moved to another place.

The air suddenly began to fill a rich floral fragrance, and soon filled every corner of the villa.

The bear showed a faint color and stopped his own steps. This floral fragrance is not an ordinary fragrance, but covers the atmosphere of the ghost, so that it can not find where the ghost is.

"Sorry, I lost it, now I can't find it..."

The bear clicked on his front paws, his head lowered, and the tender voice was full of embarrassment.

"Don't apologize, I want to thank you, you have helped me a lot." Cheng Zhichu loved his head with affection. "When you go back, you will buy two pounds of chicken legs."

"Thank you mom!" Xiao Xiong heard the words happy and shook his tail cheerfully.

My master, your loyal servant is ready to serve you.

When Cheng Zhichu didn't know what method to use to find the ghost, the silver coin slammed softly in his ear.

As long as you are willing to use my strength, I will find it for you -

"I don't know if there is a knife in the kitchen here..."

Cheng Zhichu went to the kitchen without any trouble, muttered to himself: "If I threaten me to cut my wrist and commit suicide, will the ghost come out to see me?... No, maybe it will feel more happy? But still try it... ..."


Enough, can't you look at me?

After a short silence, there was a strong grievance in the voice of the silver coin: the last time it was just an accident, I could not miss it for the second time! You need my help!

The sound of "铛", a silver arc crossed in the air, the silver coin popped out of the backpack of Cheng Zhichu himself, and several rolled down and landed on the ground, revealing the clown face.

For a moment, the eccentric laughter from the clown sounded abruptly, and the air filled with a faint black mist, turning into many pure black pigeons. Their blushing eyes were cold and fascinating, fluttering their wings and flying towards the villa. go with.

"Hey! Hey!"

The black dove's cockroaches were very sharp, swaying on the door panel, and quickly smashed the planks out of the hole and into the house. Each pigeon occupied a room. It didn't take long for a figure to flash in a room on the second floor and fled to the depths of the corridor.

It must be that ghost!

Cheng Zhichu's heart jumped and unconsciously launched the teleport card that he had purchased before, and suddenly moved behind the figure and held the ghost's shoulder.

The black pigeons fell to the railings of the corridor, licking their heads, making a squeaking sound, sealing the ghost's way, leaving it nowhere to escape.

My master, have you seen my strength, just use me, you can reach all your wishes...

Silver coins lie on the floor on the first floor, so I told Cheng Zhichu that I found that Cheng Zhichu, who was standing on the second floor, didn't even look at it at all, and didn't mean to want to take it back.


Only the bear saw the silver coin, but it showed a disdainful look. He stepped on it and then ran to the second floor. In the trouser pocket of the beginning of the process, he vomited and spit out his tongue.


The silver coins are very quiet.

After a while, it suddenly appeared like a teardrop on the silver surface.


Cheng Zhichu held the ghost's shoulder and said from behind it: "I found you, don't escape."


The ghost didn't move, Cheng Zhichu could even feel that his body was a bit stiff, as if he didn't expect him to really catch it.

Cheng Zhichu looked at it from behind the ghost. Its figure is very good. It is taller than him. The shoulders are wide and narrow, and the legs are straight and slender. It is just strange... Why is it covered with tape?

He couldn't help but frown, because the tape wrapped around the ghost was not one or two, but the body was tightly wrapped around the body, from head to toe, and even the hair did not show much.

Is this originally wrapped around it, is it related to its cause of death?

And these tapes seem to be able to be removed, why doesn't it peel off the tape?

Cheng Zhichu glared at the cold, cold wrist, and walked around it, trying to kiss it, but froze when he saw his face.

He suddenly understood why the ghosts had been communicating in words, but never made any noise.

Because its mouth is also sealed by tape.

Seeing the ghost's entire face is also covered with tape, only revealing a pair of beautiful eyes, Cheng Zhichu silently confronted it for a few seconds, and fell into deep confusion.

... How should this make him kiss?

……Dont look at me.

As he squatted, the ghost gently pulled his wrist from his hand, raised his arm to block his face, his shoulders trembled, and **** words appeared on the wall.

Please, don't look at me.


At this moment, Bai Xixing was staying in the villa opposite the murderous house, waiting for Cheng Zhichu to come out from the murderous house.

When they came out of the villa, the sky outside was dark, and it was already beyond the recording time specified by the program group.

The fans waiting outside were very upset. The recording room broke contact with this side, and a new staff member was sent. They wanted to go in and find someone, but found that they could not open the villa and called the people inside. There is no signal, and the people inside have completely lost contact.

Seeing them coming out, the fans waiting outside were relieved, but the staff of the recording studio found that there were fewer people, and immediately asked what happened to them, but Xiao Liu and others who entered the ghost house were shocked and answered no. Out of his question.

In the end, Bai Xixing explained a few words and gave a call to the director of the recording studio. On his face, the director who had already been furious had calmed the anger and asked them to come back quickly and record the rest of the program. .

Ji Yunxiao worried about Cheng Zhichu, hesitantly did not want to leave, Bai Xixing advised him a few words, saying that once Cheng Zhichu came out from inside, he would immediately inform him that Ji Yunxiao finally reluctantly agreed to go down with the people in the program group.

Bai Xixing returned to another villa and walked to the window on the second floor. He looked at the opposite ghost house and lit up a light. His look was faint. He took out a cigarette to ignite himself, took a sip on his lips, and slowly Spit out the white smoke.

He has not seen the villas for many years, and people other than him have entered.

The courtyard is filled with the body of Zhou Luochen, and the remains of the child who was killed by him. The villa is like a huge cemetery. Only his hand holds the key to the cemetery, hiding the **** secrets. .

However, he felt that Cheng Zhichu had the necessity to enter it, even if he had never remembered anything, and he did not know what the cousin had done for him.

So when he learned that Cheng Zhichu had the opportunity to become an audience of this variety show, he promised that the TV station would lend the villa, and he also came here specially to wait for Cheng Zhichu and led him into the villa.

However, he did not think that there would be ghosts in it, and it seems that he is still inextricably linked with Cheng Zhichu. For the appearance of ghosts, Cheng Zhichu seems to be not surprised, and even has the means to deal with ghosts.

Is that going to be related to the cousin?

Bai Xixing’s eyes were deep, and the smoke caught between the fingers suddenly disappeared, and the finely broken ash was burned.

He couldn't help but think again about what happened that day.

He and his cousin stunned Zhou Luochen, tied to a room on the second floor, and found a little boy who was locked up by Zhou Luochen along with a slight cry. The boy was covered in scars and saw them coming in, extremely fearful inside. Going back, even hiding themselves in the closet and refusing their proximity.

The cousin appeased him over and over again, and wanted to hug him. The boy always refused his approach until his parents came to the villa. The boy cried and was taken out of his father by the closet and curled up in his father's arms and fell asleep. .

At that time, he saw the dangerous and dark look of the cousin. He already understood that the cousin would never let Zhou Luochen, and when they found the injection and the key in Zhou Luochen, opened the basement and saw the rotten bones of the land, he thought Zhou Luochen must have lived today.

He never thought that the teacher who has always respected Jia will be such a demon with a human skin.

What's more, he also touched the child that the cousin cherished the most.

He must die.

Perhaps because of this idea, when he saw that the cousin had to kill Zhou Luochen personally, his reaction was very calm. Not only did he not persuade the cousin to hand Zhou Luochen to the police, but he also helped the cousin to commit the crime. ——

"Hey, Ruolin, it is me."

At that time, Bai Xixing lifted his mobile phone and smiled with a smile on his lips. He communicated with his cousin on the phone.

"Well, yes, Teacher Zhou and I said that he wants to go out to collect the wind. He will not come back in the last two months. Our painting class is suspended for half a month. You will tell everyone, and tomorrow we will go out to play together."

"Hey! Hey-"

"Well, I will tell them later." The cousin replied at the end of the phone. "Oh, sorry, how can I listen to the movement on your side is a bit strange, what are you doing?"

"It's nothing."

Bai Xixing glanced at Zhou Luochen, who was wrapped in tape by Bai Yi. He looked at Zhou Luochen and fell to his knees. He was firmly wrapped in his mouth and smiled and stepped on Zhou Luochen’s face, completely blocking his voice.

"...just doing something that doesn't matter. Then see you tomorrow."

He hung up and looked down at Zhou Luochen, who was covered in tape. He smiled and asked: "How, Mr. Zhou, is it fun?"


Zhou Luochen, who only showed his eyes and nostrils, was flushed and stunned. He struggled to fall on the ground and struggled. However, his body was covered with thick tape. The struggling gesture was like a worm crawling on the ground. I laughed at Bai Xixing, and I laughed and my shoulders were shaking.

“It’s funny?” Bai Yi asked coldly, “Help me lift him to the chair.”

"It's funny, you still don't let me laugh."

Bai Xixing shrugged and shook Bai Yi to Zhou Luochen to the seat: "Hey, I can't think of it, Teacher Zhou looked very thin, but it was so heavy."

After moving Zhou Luochen to the seat, Bai Xixing pressed his shoulder. Bai Yi used a circle of tape to fix Zhou Luochen to the seat. He also glued his feet to the floor to ensure that he had been there until he died. Can only sit here.

On the wall that Zhou Luochen is facing, the boy in the portrait is smiling and the light-colored squats are slightly bent. It seems to be smiling at the man who is tied like a monster underneath.

"Do not worry, Teacher Zhou, in the past two months, no one will come in to bother you."

Bai Xixing walked beside Zhou Luochen and smiled and said: "Even if you are starving to death, thirsty, sitting here and turning into a body, the body will slowly rot, no one will know, after half a month, we will come back. I will collect the corpse for you."


"Well? Is Zhou teacher worried that we will find out that we have killed you?" Bai Xixing stunned his head, his face was innocent and pure. "It doesn't matter, don't you understand? Even if others see your body, how?" As long as the White House says that you are committing suicide, you will commit suicide -"

He curled his lips and there was no temperature in the middle.

"Do you know if you are a famous painter?"

Through the thick tape, I can still see that Zhou Luochen was shaking violently. Bai Yi made the final fixation. He pulled Zhou Luochen’s head and lifted his jaw to make his eyes face the portrait on the wall. .

The aroma of the rose slowly floats in the air.

The red flower sea and the boy's glass-like clear eyes are reflected in the man's eyes.

This will be the last sight he saw before he turned into a bone.

“Don't you be obsessed with this picture?”

Bai Yi leaned down, with a little smile, whispered softly in his ear.

"Then look up to him and die."


In the villa, facing Cheng Zhichu's doubtful and clear eyes, despite the thick tape on his face, the ghost still trembled, raising his face to cover his face, not facing Cheng Zhichu.

He didn't want Cheng Zhichu to recognize him, or that he didn't want Cheng Zhichu to recognize his face.

He knows who he is, he is Bai Yi, this is his life name.

Because he liked the beginning of the knowledge, he killed Zhou Luochen twelve years ago, and later buried his body with Zhou Chaochen with his cousin.

After that, his memory showed a lot of missing. He didn't know if he was dead. He just knew that when he woke up, he found himself turned into Zhou Luochen's appearance.

Perhaps he is punishing his sin. He has his most hated face. No matter how he draws his face, he will return to the original state the next day. He can only wear the appearance of Zhou Luochen.

And now he still has to appear in front of the beginning of knowledge in this way.

How can he use this face to face the beginning of knowledge?

The ghost slowly squatted down, curled up his body, and his face was deeply buried in his arms.

So beg you, know the beginning...

Don't look at him.

Don't look at him like this anymore.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part Fourteen

After knowing that I lost my memory, I didn't dare to meet him again, because I was worried that my appearance would make him irritated and rethink things about the man.

I only dare to look at him from afar.

It wasn't until six years ago that I entered the game, but even his back could not be seen.

One year, two years, three years, four years...

I was mad at my own thoughts and finally changed my mind completely.

If you give me another chance, let me see the beginning of the knowledge, this time I will definitely appear in front of him, use all my strength, let him become something that belongs to me.

I won't miss him anymore.


Bai Xixing's Diary · Excerpt

When I was a high school student, I was already in a big school. (Yes, this university is not surprisingly located in the city where Cheng Zhichu was located. It is convenient for him to peek at Cheng Zhichu.) The cousin who came to school suddenly called me and asked me to transfer. A middle school there went to study.

I asked him why he was going. He ignored me and hung up the phone directly. He didn't say anything.

I thought about it, and I went to school after saying hello to my parents. Although he said that this is a very annoying thing, but after all, we are also killing people together, just turning a school, no big deal. .

Until the day the school held the sports meeting, I finally understood why he wanted me to transfer to school, because he wanted to peek at Cheng Zhichu at the sports meeting.

... It is clear that he is now in the same city as Cheng Zhichu, but he has to get me over and find a reason to peek at others.

I was so angry that I returned to the original school. I don't know such awkward relatives.

The author has something to say: Thanks in fact, my name is Zhao Mengmeng's rocket launcher x3, and the tears of the star zero, 肆皓 Mu, Zhao Zhao love to eat duck, Lucy Hartfili, Wang Du, 1279 is a waste liao That's it, 崽崽メ, 35609782, and Fengjing today and the rice mines of the Tutu Temple 稹#! =3=2k novel reading network

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