MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 45 Horror variety (end)

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Looking at the taped ghosts slowly squatting on the ground, curled up into a ball, silently saying a word, Cheng Zhichu blinked his eyes, and inexplicably had a strange feeling of ghosts.

Is this very inferior to his appearance, or is Zhou Luochen doing anything to him, causing his face to be disfigured?

Regardless of what Zhou Luochen has done, the current Cheng Zhichu will not be surprised, but this is only his guess. After all, this real copy does not need to explore the truth, he did not find any clues, and has no clue about the identity of the ghost. It is probably just a poor man who was killed by Zhou Luochen.

"You are not Zhou Luochen, then who are you, why are you here? Is your death related to Zhou Luochen?"

In order to be able to kiss the ghost, Cheng Zhichu felt that it was necessary to set up a close with him, so he knelt down and looked at the ghost curiously.


The ghost did not answer his words, but the body trembled lightly. Cheng Zhichu saw him without words, and quietly brought the distance between the two closer, almost to the ghost's side, faintly feeling the cold temperature.

"Zhou Luochen is not suicide, is it that you killed him?" Cheng Zhichu said, "Well... if it is really killing you, then I want to say that you have done a good job, he is completely dead."

Hearing this sentence, the ghost finally had a little reaction, slightly raised his head, revealing beautiful eyes and secretly glanced at him.

"I am very curious, when did you know me, why do you like me?"

Cheng Zhichu asked him, his tone was calm, and his feelings were very subtle. He felt like a lure. A criminal, the ghost in front of him was a naive and pure child, and he was about to suffer his poisonous hand.

"When you are wrapped in tape, don't you feel bored?" Cheng Zhichu tentatively reached out and gently placed on the back of the ghost's cold hand. "Would you like me to help you?"

The ghost raised his head violently, and seemed to be frightened. He narrowed his eyes and retreated to the back. Cheng Zhichu was bold enough to hold him in his hands, and suddenly smashed the aging tape on his hand.

The tape peeled off, and the long, white fingers were exposed from the inside, and the fingertips were transparent white, like an ice sculpture, a very nice hand.

His face will be very nice?

Cheng Zhichu stunned, and accidentally let the ghosts shrink their hands back. His thoughts were a little dissipated, and he couldn’t help but guess what it would be like to hide under the tape.

As for the fact that he is about to kiss a man, Cheng Zhichu has been very numb early, and his heart has no waves. He even began to suspect that the boss in the illustration has no women at all.

He has no requirements, at least the boss is still personal, he is very satisfied, because he has not forgotten that the shadows of the previous illustrations are obviously not human bosses...

The ghost hurriedly picked up the tape that had fallen on the ground and seemed to want to get entangled. Cheng Zhichu immediately grabbed his wrist and said, "If your hand is so beautiful, don't cover it again?"

"..." The ghost was silent for a few seconds, slowly releasing his hand, which was acquiescence to Cheng Zhichu's words.

Cheng Zhichu said in his heart, "Does the other tapes not be picked up? Ah... but if you don't want to," he noticed that the ghost was very resistant, he added, "Take off the tape on your mouth. I want to talk to you, can you watch it?"

The ghost looked up at him slightly, and there was a hint of confusion in his eyes, but more was rejoicing, hesitating, or tearing off the tape on his mouth, revealing the light lips.

"...what do you want to say?"

Silence for a moment, he spoke, but it seems that because he hasn't spoken for too long, he is not used to talking, his voice is hoarse and hoarse, and he can't hear the original sound.

Maybe it was because he gradually let go of himself. At this time, he held Chou Zhichu’s hand tightly and lowered his head. He was unwilling to let him go. He was very confused when he was close to him. .

He did not expect that after he first introduced the painting into the painting, he did not fear him at the beginning of his knowledge. Instead, he wanted to meet him. If he knew that it would be like this, he might not send the knowledge to the painting at the beginning. Inside.

He will send the knowledge to the painting because it is the only chance he can use his original appearance to approach the beginning of the knowledge.

In the portrait, he can be attached to his own body when he was a teenager. Although he can't control himself, he can feel very satisfied with the close meeting with the first time.

However, he could not control the timeline of the painting. Once in the painting, the time must begin from the time when Zhou Luochen and Zhichu met, until he and the first time he met, only the short ten minutes. .

He hated his current face, and did not dare to appear in front of the beginning of this knowledge, but he wanted to meet with the first time, and he brought the knowledge into the painting and created this "game."

Even if the knowledge in the painting was discovered by Zhou Luochen, there would be no consequences, just withdrawing from the painting.

And once he said that he would lose his game forever, he would stay with him forever. Of course, he would not be able to achieve it. He would not dare to meet with him at the beginning, let alone leave people here, he could not do.

He just wants to use his previous appearance, and then say a few words with the beginning of the knowledge, nothing more.

As for now, it is known that he is close to him, but he can’t even think about it.

"What do I want to say?"

Hearing the ghost problem, Cheng Zhi had a few seconds. Although he did have a lot of questions, he didn't really want to ask the ghost to understand. He just wanted to be able to kiss him.

He thought about it and asked a simple question. While asking, he slowly approached the past.

"What's your name?"

Notice that he suddenly put his face together, the ghost was a little overwhelmed, hiding behind and hiding, subconsciously muttered: "White -"

But when he was about to say his name, he suddenly stopped, hung his eyes, and showed a bitter smile on his lips, shaking his head gently.

He no longer needs this name...

At the same time, Cheng Zhichu slightly lifted his toes and touched his lips gently.

[Boss illustrations have been collected, congratulations on the copy of "horror variety". 】

[Customs clearance: experience value x3000, survival point x2000. 】

[Congratulations to the player upgrade to level 20. 】

[Congratulations to complete the main line task, you can complete the copy after leaving the villa. 】

The system's prompt sounded, and Cheng Zhichu looked at the ghost's body and turned it into a crystal light spot, gradually dissipated in the air, and still maintained the posture just now, and some did not return to God.

Although he always thought that this ghost is the boss of the villa, he can only be completely sure when the collection is collected. It’s just that at the end of the day, he doesn’t know what the name of the ghost is and what identity it is.

When he disappeared, it seemed to be a little sad...

Looking back at the ghost's eyes at that time, I don't know why, Cheng Zhichu actually felt a little sad, as if he had forgotten something very important.

Fortunately, he also has a boss illustration, which will explain the boss, at least he can view the name of the ghost from the illustration.

However, after opening the illustrations, Cheng Zhichu stopped.

[ID: 039]

[Name:? 】

[Source: Horror Variety]

[Level of difficulty:? 】

[Note: You better forget him. 】

The ghosts in the illustrations always have only one back, never turning back.

Why is there no name in the illustration? Cheng Zhichu was surprised to ask about the system. Didn't I get his information in the copy, and it would not be reflected in the illustration?

[No, the illustrations should reflect all the information about the boss. In this case, I don't know what is going on...] The system's voice is a bit hesitant, [maybe he refused to disclose it. 】

Why is he not willing to say anything?

Cheng Zhichu looked at the ghost's back for a while and finally closed the page in confusion, but for this answer, perhaps he never knew the chance.

[That is not necessarily true, in fact, you may still know. 】

The system said: [I don't seem to tell you that there is a force echoing between these bosses. The more pictures you collect, the stronger the power they have in the illustrations, and the more they will gradually get rid of the illustrations and collect them. After the quantity, you can summon them and use their power in other copies. 】

Out of the illustrations? Are you saying that they may suddenly emerge one day?

Cheng Zhichu was shocked. Compared with the power of using the illustrations, he was even more worried that one day the boss would pop up, like this unknown ghost and Xie Yuanhuai, but if he was like Joshua Escaped from the illustrations, he was afraid that he would be able to splatter on the spot!

[There will be no such situation, they can't come out by themselves, they need to call you. 】

System Road: [But now the collection of illustrations is too low, the distance can summon them is still far away, don't forget that you still have 183 bosses left. 】

Cheng Zhichu: ... This kind of thing does not require you to remind!

[Why don't you need to remind you, you have to speed up the progress, otherwise I suspect that even if you live to be 80 years old, you can't collect the illustrations. Do you still expect you to rely on beauty when you are eighty years old. Are you tempted these bosses? 】

You are less bloody! When did I color. Lure them! ?

Cheng Zhichu and the system spewed each other, and walked out of the villa, officially ending the copy.

This copy of a photographer accidentally died, and this is in reality, the nature is equivalent to a murder case, Cheng Zhichu originally worried about what to do, but the system does not have to worry, because this person will live immediately.


Cheng Zhichu was shocked and asked quickly: Is there a resurrection function in the game?

[Resurrection does not exist. Once the player dies, he cannot be resurrected. To be precise, this photographer is not a resurrection, but a "copy reset." 】

[You know that some copies of the game can be repeatedly entered. Whenever there is a player clearance, the killed bosses and monsters will be reset, waiting for the next batch of players to enter, and start the copy process again. 】

[This is the mechanism of the game. All the elements of "non-player" can be refreshed. This photographer is not a player, but a passer-by who is innocent, so he can be reset and he can be resurrected. 】

[And because this is a realistic copy, the situation is very special. After our research, I feel that these people's memories should be partially corrected to avoid unnecessary trouble. 】

[Besides you and Ji Yunxiao are players, they will keep all the memories, and the rest of the memory will be changed, including Bai Xixing, the program group and those fans. 】

[However, we will not change a lot, we should try to be close to reality. As for what has been modified, you will know the program recorded in this variety show. 】

The system suddenly "squeaked" and smiled twice, as if there were some unintentional meanings: [I also changed the recorded program a part, you will have a very interesting identity. 】

Cheng Zhichu’s heart “squeaky” jump: I said, don’t be fooled!

[Reassured, how can I come, it should be a good thing for you...]

The system laughed very chicken thief, Cheng Zhichu was more and more uneasy in his heart, quickly walked out of the villa and went to the opposite villa, because he remembered that during the day, Bai Xixing came out of this villa, maybe he is still inside.

After all, he doesn't have a mobile phone now, and the mobile phone is still on the side of the recording studio. Now it is very late. The bus that picks up the fans has already been back. The villa area is so big that he can't go back from here.

Fortunately, after he ringed the doorbell, Bai Xixing was really in the villa and came over and opened the door for him.

Seeing that Cheng Zhichu came out safely from the inside, Bai Xixing showed a smile and said.

"Cheng Xuedi, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, I actually removed the ghosts in the villa." When it comes to this, Bai Xixing has a slight meal. "I don't know if I ask this question will be a bit abrupt. Which one are you under the command?" Metaphysical master?"

Cheng Zhichu: "Ah... ah?"

Undergraduate masters? What famous? - By, he knows, it will not be a strange hand and foot for the system to remember the memory of the white schoolmaster? !


The system made a sly laugh, and the meaning was simply self-evident.

This dog thing, look back and find your account!

Cheng Zhichu’s face changed a little, and there was no way to do it. He had to swear and swear, and said that he had no teacher, but he was lucky.

Bai Xixing only thought that he was inconvenient to say, and he did not ask more questions. He looked down at the time on the phone and said, "It is already late, or the school brother will stay here for one night. I will drive you back tomorrow morning."

"How can this be done!" Cheng Zhichu shook his head and said with a flattering voice, "This is too cumbersome to learn."

"It's not a problem at all. Everything here is spare, very convenient, and here is the wilderness, I don't send you, how do you go back?"

Bai Xixing smiled and said: "Moreover, I should thank you very much. I helped me to remove the villain from the villa. Otherwise, I might die someday, just to entertain you for one night. It is nothing."

"That... I am bothering the senior, I am embarrassed..."

Seeing Bai Xixing is so considerate, and considering his own situation, Cheng Zhichu really can't go back. He can only wait for Bai Xixing to send him back to the city tomorrow, and then take back his mobile phone and go home.

"Oh, yes, the senior's cell phone is still here, thank you, senior."

Cheng Zhichu handed the mobile phone in his pocket to Bai Xixing. Before he used the mobile phone information and ghost communication, he borrowed the mobile phone from Bai Xixing. Now the object is returned to the original owner.

"You don't have to say thank you to me." Bai Xixing smiled a little and raised the mobile phone and said, "Let's advance the house. After you go in, you should also call someone, saying that you won't go back tonight."

"Ah...Yes, I have to call my family." Cheng Zhichu grabbed his hair, and he was embarrassed. He almost forgot about it.

"Go, go in, you are standing at the door for a long time."

Bai Xixing hooked his lips and greeted Cheng Zhichu into the house. At this time, the two suddenly heard a villa in the distance suddenly heard a burst of laughter. They were a group of drunken young people who helped each other out from the inside. I don't know where it is going to be so late.

"Schoolmaster, is that?" Cheng Zhichu asked casually.

"It should be what party." Bai Xixing shrugged and wondered, "Some people just like to play."

Cheng Zhi nodded and no longer curious, and finally glanced over there casually, but when he saw one of the figures, suddenly his expression was stiff and he was about to drill into the villa.


At this time, the man just happened to see Cheng Zhichu under the streetlight, and the hand that loosened the tie was stunned, and immediately walked over here. The magnetic voice was a little anxious and called: "Cheng Cheng !"

Why, he will meet Guzhen here!

"Schoolmaster, take me in!!"

Cheng Zhichu's face was white and whispered, and he asked for him. Bai Xixing looked to the people, raised his eyebrows, did not immediately enter the house with Cheng Zhichu, but blocked him in front of him without any trace.

Bai Xixing said to the handsome man like a smile: "The young master of the family, do you have something to know?"

? How did the senior suddenly call his name?

Cheng Zhichu stunned, and the thought flashed through his mind for a moment, but he didn't think much. He just hid behind Bai Xi, and turned his back, trying to avoid any eye contact with the coming.

"Sorry, Mr. Bai, please let me know."

Gu Zhen’s words were polite and courteous, but the look at Bai Xixing’s eyes was very cold.

"Cheng Cheng is my lover. I have something to say to him alone. I will not bother you."


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 45

Inexplicably feel uncomfortable.

Maybe it's because I haven't seen it for a long time.


Bai Xixing's Diary · Excerpt

Although I have been paying attention to Cheng Zhichu's affairs, I am not sending people to follow him for 24 hours, so I don't know everything about him.

For example... ah? When was the cousin green?

Although he is not even qualified for being green.

The author has something to say: Thanks to Lei Hong's grenade, Ling Ling demon and 1279 is already a landmine x2, and vest, 崽崽メ, I love learning, warm, in fact, my name is Zhao Mengmeng, star Zero tears, sorrow, Lucy Hartfili, Wang Du, 舜曦, Fengjing. Bright, bright and birch mines! Leopard big baby! =3=2k novel reading network

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