MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 47 Wraith Campus (1)

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After chatting with Bai Yi, Cheng Zhichu saw that his mobile phone was running out of power. He stopped chatting with Bai Yi and took the high-speed train back to his city. He returned to his home before returning to school, and his sister Cheng Lingling Tell me about some of the experiences of participating in variety shows.

He didn't know what the system would be like to change everyone's memory, and he didn't dare to talk about it. He couldn't mention the actual copy. He just said vaguely that he felt very happy. He also mentioned that he was chosen to go on stage. Together with Ji Yunxiao, he completed the interactive section of “You Do My Guess”.

Cheng Lingling, who has not recovered from a foot injury, can't help but admire him. He even deplores why he missed this opportunity. If she went, maybe she could interact with Xiao Xiao.

However, his brother can have the privilege of interacting with the idols, and he is very happy with Cheng Lingling. He is very excited about the broadcast of this program and would like to see what their interaction will look like.

Moreover, I heard that there will be other gifts sent to my home in a few days. She even screamed excitedly and hugged her brother. He said that he was simply a humanoid koi. He heard that Cheng Zhichu had a bitter smile, this little Nizi. I don't know how badly he has encountered him.

After lunch, Cheng Zhichu rushed back to school, after all, he still has to go to class tomorrow.

In the remaining days, Cheng Zhichu was very calm, and there was no other bad thing. In the meantime, because the real copy allowed him to gain a lot of survival points, plus the survival point of the Raiders post, it was just right. Let him improve his skills.

In the actual copy, he purchased five kinds of cards, two of which have been used in the actual copy, respectively, the "purification fire" that can burn the grievances, and two cards that can move 20 meters in an instant. brand.

In addition, there are three other types, namely "soul toxin", "the scream of the banshee" and "protective cover".

The protective cover and the cards used by Meng Xin have the same effect. The protective diameter is three meters. Hiding inside the protective cover, it can resist external attacks.

However, Meng Xin’s card duration is five minutes, and Cheng Zhichu’s purchase is three minutes, but even if only this short three-minute utility card, the original price is 1500 points, and the fire of the attack attribute is the same price, expensive It’s astounding.

And because the use of two protective cover cards has a cooling time, it can only continue to use the next one after 30 minutes, which cannot be superimposed. This leads to an exponential increase in the price of the protective cover card. It is simply stealing money. However, Meng Xin’s kind of 5,000 points, even more advanced protective cover, he did not even dare to look at the price.

The "soul toxin" and "the scream of the banshee" are the cards of the attack class. The original price is 1000 points, and the effects are different.

Soul Toxin is a single attack. After using the card for the target, it will release the toxins that can soak the soul, let the target kill instantly, and a card can infect up to three targets.

The screaming of the banshee is a group attack, resulting in a debuffing state. After use, it can cause dizziness, bleeding, fear, confusion and other effects on non-living creatures. If luck is good enough, it can even directly kill, but the probability is very low. And is not valid for living people.

The price of these cards is very expensive, the cheapest instant movement is also 600 points, and Cheng Zhichu also purchased the "increased number of cards used" skills, so that each card can be used twice, just the original price of this skill is 2000 points, and only one level, the price will be doubled when it is upgraded to a higher level.

In addition, Cheng Zhichu also purchased the "map recognition" skill and a bottle of advanced lucky potion worth 1500 points. Even if his level is upgraded to c level, he can enjoy a 20% discount, but he still squanders in an instant, and spent more than 8,000 at a time. The point of survival.

After completing the actual copy this time, with the new survival point credit, plus the proceeds of the Raiders post, Cheng Zhichu raised the three skills of text interpretation, clue prompt and map recognition to the third level, in the "expert" difficulty. It can also be used in a copy.

Although Cheng Zhichu wanted to say that the difficulty of the expert did not match him. He seemed to be an expert. He could see that most of the copies on the illustrations were more terrible "mad people" and "abyss" difficulty. He had to shut up. .

After upgrading the three skills, there are only 200 survival points left in the early days of Cheng Zhi.

He can't help but start to lament that it is too difficult to save enough for 1 million survival points. Although the more you earn later, the more you get to reach 1 million, it is not difficult, but the expenses are like running water. Not enough for those points.

The most powerless thing is that these expenses are still necessary, otherwise their own strength can not keep up with the difficulty of the copy, they will die inside, when the miser is only a dead end.

It’s been a few days since the cold twigs replied to his Raiders posts, and the heat brought about by them has quickly subsided. The players who came in and watched the gods have already finished reading, and now Cheng Zhichu’s points have been very limited.

Cheng Zhichu did not feel frustrated. Instead, he hoped that this post would sink quickly. After all, it was said that this is a special copy. If it causes widespread concern, it may cause trouble.

In the past few days, he has been chatting with Cheng Zhichu from time to time. His attitude is gentle and friendly. He will take the initiative to help Cheng Zhichu answer questions, and he has never mentioned anything that he hopes Cheng Zhichu will reveal a special copy, as if he has completely forgotten it.

However, after considering it, Cheng Zhichu decided to take a special copy of the cold-blooded initiative, showing some curiosity and asking if the other party could reveal more information.

He inquired about these things, he was going to mention this to Bai Yi. Before some considerations, he did not talk to Bai Yi, but now he heard that Bai Yi has been missing for six years in reality, perhaps in danger, maybe It will be related to a special copy. He wants to help Bai Yi get out of trouble, and he has no reservations.

After telling Bai Yi about this, you can let Bai Yi judge whether he can trust the cold branches. If it is feasible, he can definitely help Bai Yi with his rich experience in the game.

As far as the cold branches fall, the average person will be very interested in the existence of special copies. Even if he asks, he will not doubt the cold branches.

Of course, Cheng Zhichu still emphasized that if the cold branches are inconvenient, of course, you don't have to tell him. He doesn't want to be ruined because he hears terrible secrets.

Cold branches fall: Well, it is time to reveal some information to you.

The cold branches are white: I mentioned it to you before, this kind of copy should be opened by a specific player, and his hand holds the "key" to start the copy.

Cold branches: There is a special point. The bosses of these copies are not the same as the ordinary copies of bosses. They all come from the same origin.


Seeing these messages, Cheng Zhichu suddenly stunned and suddenly remembered his boss illustrations.

Rely, is it true that the person who opened the special copy is not Bai Yi, but his own, the so-called "homologous" and "key", is this boss not able to make a book? !

In the heart of Cheng Zhichu, he picked up the waves and stared at the news in his mobile phone, his eyes wide open.

Cold branches are white: Perhaps you can already detect it here, the person who can open these copies is you, knowing the beginning.

How does the cold branch fall to know his name? !

Cheng Zhichu took a breath of cold air and smashed his hair. He almost dropped his mobile phone to the ground. The next moment, several messages sent by the other party made him fall like an ice cave, and his face suddenly became pale.

Cold branches fall: these copies of bosses also include me.

The cold branches are white: I am also awakened by you, knowing the beginning.

The cold branches are white: The information exchange between you and me has reached a thousand, let me successfully capture your "breath", now I can go to you.

Cold branches are white: I am very happy that we can meet in reality.

Cold branches are white: I am leaving, I will report my position to you at any time, you will wait for me.

What the **** is this thing, is it not a living person? !

Seeing this horrific speech, Cheng Zhichu was full of cold sweat, and a huge panic was overwhelming, causing him to tremble with his fingertips.

I talked with him for so many days, and it was a ghost... I also said that I would come to him...

No wonder the cold white will suddenly appear two years after the disappearance. The real cold fall is likely to die as early as two years ago, but now I don't know what it is using this account.

Fuck, why does he always encounter this kind of thing? !

Cheng Zhichu is really scared, and this is even more intense than the impact of his own eyes.

He couldn't think of it, his side had been lurking with real ghosts, and he even had a lot of days with the ghosts, and even sent enough news to bring the ghosts to his side!

How will the "cold branches fall white" come over? When will it come over?

He said that he is a boss, but now there is no sign of opening a real copy. Can his ability work for him? What if there is no entity in the "cold branches"?

The unknown horror brought unprecedented pressure to Cheng Zhichu, and there was no blood on his face. He threw his mobile phone to the side.

However, it didn't take long for his mobile phone to suddenly vibrate. He thought that "the cold twigs were white" and mentioned that he would report the position. Cheng Zhichu didn't dare not read the news, but he had to open it, but he was shocked and stood up from the chair. stand up.

Cold branches fall: I have already arrived at your school gate.

Why is it so fast? !

Cheng Zhichu scalp numb, subconsciously want to escape immediately, but at this time the phone screen suddenly turned into a blood red, and jumped out of the familiar prompt box.

The cooling countdown ends and the player is asked to select a copy.

Great, he has to enter the copy! !

In the past, when Cheng Zhichu learned that he was going to enter the copy, he would be extremely nervous. However, at this moment, his heart was only happy and glad.

He would rather go to the copy of the crazy boss, and do not want to encounter "cold branches"!

Although he also knows that he still has to face this ghost thing after he comes out, but he can escape for a while, at least there is a buffer time.

I want to choose "Worry Campus."

Cheng Zhichu immediately reported the name of the copy he had chosen, and informed Bai Yi that he had to enter the copy.

[The player has chosen a copy: Wraith Campus. 】

[Level: 22 levels. Difficulty: Expert. Number of people: 4 people. 】

[I am about to enter the "wrestling campus", countdown to five seconds. 】

Hurry up, hurry up!

This short period of time was extremely intractable for Cheng Zhichu. The light around him gradually dimmed into a darkness. The next moment appeared in front of a dim street lamp and the night sky without Xingyue. Let Cheng Zhichu suddenly relax.

Great, I finally came in...

Cheng Zhichu took a sigh of relief. In the next moment, he saw that Bai Yi also went under the streetlight. The familiar beauty face filled with a shallow smile, which made him feel very relieved. He couldn’t help but rushed over and directly whitened him. Easy to hug tightly.

"...I know the beginning?"

After a brief embarrassment, Bai Yi’s hand immediately took Cheng Zhichu’s back and gently took a few shots. The eyes of the person in his arms were full of joy and softness.

"What's wrong, what happened? Or..." His words were too soft, full of pets, and asked gently, "Do you miss me?"

When I heard Bai Yi ask, Cheng Zhichu suddenly felt very embarrassed, and some of them were arrogant.

He really misses Bai Yi very much, but he is so excited, because he is too scared. When he sees Bai Yi, he can't help but seek comfort.

"Actually, I have encountered a terrible thing..."

Cheng Zhichu left the arms of Bai Yi with a little shyness. He was about to tell him about the things he had encountered. His eyes were inadvertently swept over and saw the new teammates who copied this moment. They forgot all things for a moment, and their expressions suddenly disappeared. Stiffened.


Gu Zhen walked out of the darkness, looking at his dark and deep eyes, walking gracefully to their eyes.

“The freshly squeezed orange juice in the forum is really you.” Gu Zhen reveals a little smile. “You use this name in all games, so after seeing your post, I guess if you are the same. Entering the game, it seems that I guessed it right now."

He said that he reached out and seemed to want to hold Cheng Zhichu’s wrist: "I said, we will meet again. Don't be afraid, I will protect you -"

But his hand was suddenly stopped.

There was no smile on Bai Yi’s face, and the eyes were cold like ice, asking without temperature.

"Who are you? What is the relationship with Zhichu?"


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 47

When I saw this man's first sight, I really wanted to kill him.

Except for Zhou Luochen, no one has ever given me such a strong sense of disgust - even including those "I".

Although I want them to all die, the degree is slightly different. Since Zhou Luochen is already dead, this man is ranked second.

The author has something to say: Today is also the day that jj does not allow to reply to comments (.), I will see if it is better...

Thanks to Moju Aorui's mine x2, as well as South and South, warm 栀, 1279 has been a waste of liao, Li Han, Wang Du, Star Zero tears, fox one, jasmine, 舜曦, crane and good spirits Mine! =3=2k novel reading network

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