MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 48 Wraith Campus (2)

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Bai Yi blocked the real hand, the light was fierce, and the tone was very cold.

Gu Zhen has been looking at Cheng Zhichu’s sight just now on his body, but he glimpsed a little, smiled a little, and took back his hand. He politely and politely asked: "Are you Mr. Bai Yi of Baijia?"

Bai Yi looked at him with no expression, no answer, Gu Zhen still maintains a gentle and graceful manner, and does not seem to notice his hostility.

"Hello, I am Gu Zhen of my family. I have had a relationship with you before."

"A few years ago, I heard that you left the White House and didn't expect to meet you here. I just met your cousin, Mr. Bai Xixing. If you are not convenient to contact your family, I can send you a message."

Having said that, Gu Zhen suddenly smiled and said: "As for me and Cheng Cheng, I am his -"

"To shut up!"

Cheng Zhichu was in a hurry and immediately rushed over to Gu Gu’s mouth.

Gu Zhen was blocked by his lips, but his smile showed a gentle smile. Instead, he reached out and caught Cheng Zhichu’s wrist. He took it down and held it in his own hands. He asked seriously: "Why can't you say that?" ”

"Bai Yi is my friend," Cheng Zhichu's tone was very bad. He tried to pull out his hand. "You don't talk nonsense in front of him."

He seems to be sinking like water, but his head is actually smashed, his fingertips are slightly trembled, and he is completely guilty.

He didn't understand why Gu Zhen actually appeared here, and listened to the tone, Gu Zhen had known that he was also a player, and waiting for him to vote for himself in the game... What the **** is going on! ?

Gu Zhen did not explain why he appeared here, just smiled: "Is it Mr. Bai is your friend? If so, I should also have a good relationship with him."

He looked at Bai Yi, and saw that Bai Yi’s look became darker and darker. He seemed to understand something, and his eyes became sharp. Even if his lips were tilted up, he was not really laughing, he said.

"Thank you, Mr. Bai has been taking care of my family's journey. I haven't had time to explain it to you. I am Cheng Cheng's boyfriend."


Just as Gu Zhen’s voice just fell, he suddenly heard a sound of breaking the wind, his pupils were miniature, and he was sideways to avoid it. A sharp white bone knife was rubbed against his cheek and then deeply nailed. In the ground.


A blood mark appeared on the face of Gu Zhenjunmei, bleeding out of the blood, dripping on his clothes, and dyed a small piece of stains.

He raised his hand and gently wiped off the blood. His eyes swept over the bone knife behind him. The gentle camouflage was instantly torn open. He asked without temperature: "What do you mean?"

At this time, Bai Yi had already pulled Cheng Zhichu to his side, as if the abyss was as dark and depressed, and looking at Gu Zhen’s eyes was like watching a dead body.

Cheng Zhichu felt a strong pain in his wrist. It was Bai Yi who slammed his wrist with great force. The strength of the road almost made Cheng Zhichu have the illusion that his wrist was about to break.

But now he can't even take care of his own hands, but he looks at Bai Yi with his eyes wide open, and he can't believe what Bai Yi has done.

Bai Yi throws the knife to Gu Zhen. What is it to do... Is it that after seeing Gu Zhen, there is a ghost, killing the ghost, but just accidentally hurt Gu Zhen? But now they have not entered the scope of the copy, the copy has not yet started, how can there be a ghost?

This reason is too far-fetched. Cheng Zhichu can't convince himself. However, he can't believe that Bai Yi just wanted to kill Gu Zhen. Why, because Gu said that he is his boyfriend?

Bai Yi’s eyes were dark and violent, and the white bone knife suddenly appeared in his hand. He was about to go to Gu Zhen again. Cheng Zhichu suddenly slammed back and suddenly hugged his arm and shouted palely: Bai Yi!!"


Bai Yi’s footsteps were stagnation, and the hand holding the bone knife slammed tightly, silent for a few seconds, or returned to Cheng Zhichu’s side, his expression eased a few points, touched his hair, and his voice was low.

"Sorry, I know you, scared you."

However, for Gu Zhen who was injured by him, he did not have any intention to explain and apologize.

"what happened to you?"

Cheng Zhichu was still full of frightened expression, and was shocked by the sudden loss of control of Bai Yi: "How come you suddenly started to Gu Zhen?"

"He **** it."

Bai Yi did not cover his own killings, and his voice was cold to the extreme. Cheng Zhichu was the first to see him in such a terrible appearance. His heart was flustered and glared at his sleeves, but he did not know what he should say.

"Knowing the beginning." At this time, Bai Yi looked down at him, saw him afraid, or converged his own haze, trying to maintain a gentle tone, said, "He is lying, in fact, you did not associate with him. ,right?"

It turns out that Bai Yi really cares about this matter... Why is he so angry, can he see that he can’t see it before his eyes? But this reaction is too big...

Cheng Zhichu was shocked. Although he was also faintly aware that the reason for Bai Yi’s anger was not so simple, he ignored what he was doing. However, the current situation does not allow him to consider this question. He is just thinking, if he tells the truth, will he Will also let Bai Yi turn his face on him.

Before he told Bai Yi, he had never had any contacts with anyone. Although he felt that he couldn’t be a contact with Gu Zhen, maybe Bai Yi would not think so.

Fuck, how could he expect that there will be today, these two people not only met, but even started!

"I am sorry……"

Cheng Zhichu bowed his head deeply and decided to confess with Bai Yi.

"I did live with Gu Zhen for less than a day. When I mistakenly thought that he was a girl, I promised him, but then I knew his true gender and broke up with him... because you know, I only like women!"

He suddenly raised his tone and emphasized his sexual orientation, trying to prove his innocence, but did not say that it was the result of Gu really deliberately deceiving him.

Because he was afraid of telling this fact, Bai Yi would once again follow Gu Zhen. In such a dangerous copy, how can they kill each other as three teammates?

I didn’t pay attention to the beginning of the process. When he said that he only liked women, the other two’s looks changed slightly, which was a bit ugly.

"I think the time is so short, and it's just a misunderstanding. It's not an emotional experience, so I didn't tell you... But except this time, I promise that I haven't had any connection with anyone, I swear!! ”

Cheng Zhichu looked at Bai Yi with great sincerity. This time, he really didn't have any concealment. Although he didn't know why he had to explain it so clearly with Bai Yi...

"All in all, I have broken up with Gu Zhen, and we can't be together in the future." Cheng Zhichu said, "I am absolutely, absolutely will not like him, Bai Yi, you should not be angry, we have to go through customs together. A copy, if you are guilty, we will be very dangerous..."

"...Reassured, Cheng Cheng, even if he is missing one, we can pass customs, I will protect you."

When I heard that Cheng Zhichu said so decisively, Gu really looked a little dim, but quickly laughed and spoke softly.

"Know why I can enter the same copy with you? Because I am a high-level player, with the privilege of picking a copy and teammates, as long as I know the real name or forum id, I can enter the same copy regardless of the level difference."

"Because of this, when I saw your Raiders post and guessed that the player named ‘Freshly squeezed orange juice’ was you, I opened this right and entered the same copy with you.”

"Maybe you heard about my forum id... I called ‘Sink Boat’.”

Shen Zhou? Gu Zhen is the sinking boat? !

Cheng Zhichu took a breath of cold air, revealing a stunned expression.

Of course, he has heard of the name of Shen Zhou. This is another top **** in the game. It can be said that as long as players who have seen the forum, they will know two names, one is cold and the other is sinking. boat.

The time when Shen Zhou entered the game was later than that of the cold twig, and he did not publish the Raiders post. He was famous because he established an elite player organization called "Unlimited Alliance."

The conditions for joining an organization are extremely demanding, but once you enter, there are many huge benefits, and this is an honor: members who are accepted by the Infinite Alliance are all well-known players in the game.

Every player is proud to be able to enter the Unlimited Alliance. However, the only one that does not include the loneliness of the loner, the Alliance has invited the cold branches several times, but until he disappeared, he has been Did not join the league.

As a newcomer, Cheng Zhichu has certainly longed for a cold and infinite alliance, but now his shackles have all been shattered—the cold branches have become ghosts, and the chairman of the Infinite Alliance is actually Guzhen...

Moreover, he learned that Gu Zhen was a stern boat. He was even scared and sweaty, his face was pale, and he was extremely worried that Bai Yi, who had just started to take care of Gu, would not be chased by the Alliance in the future.

No... I don’t even need to chase after him. Shen Zhou himself is here. He is the top **** who is almost the same as the once cold, and his strength is one of the best in the league. As long as he thinks, Bai Yi will definitely be He killed it easily!

Cheng Zhichu was in a panic, and anxiously pulled Bai Yi's clothes. He wanted him to hurry and apologize to Gu Zhen. However, when he heard the identity of Gu Zhen, Bai Yi did not care, but he fixedly looked at Cheng Zhichu and asked softly.

"You don't like him? Don't you like others?"

"No, no, certainly not! I promise!"

Although Cheng Zhichu felt that Bai Yi’s question was a bit strange, after all, he would definitely marry a girl in the future, and he always had a favorite object, but now he wants to appease Bai Yi, and he will not care about it.

"Bai Yi... He is a sinking boat. I don't know if you have heard it, but he is very powerful..."

He leaned into Bai Yi's ear and whispered, he knew that Bai Yi didn't pay much attention to the forum. Only chatting with him would be very positive, so he felt that Bai Yi might not even hear the names of the cold and the boat. Must explain to Bai Yi.

"It's ok."

However, after listening to his explanation, Bai Yi just smiled slightly and licked his hair. He said softly: "Don't worry, he can't kill me."


Cheng Zhichu thought that he had not explained clearly with Bai Yi, and how serious the consequences of offending the Infinite Alliance were. Gu Zhen had already stepped forward and said to him.

"Cheng Cheng, don't worry, I won't kill people at will, and I won't easily use the privilege to let the league members chase a certain target. I just had a misunderstanding with Mr. Bai, I won't do this kind of thing... as long as he doesn't I will work on me again."

Having said that, Gu Zhen took a look at Bai Yi and his eyes were meaningful.

"Mr. Bai's strength is very strong, and it seems that it does not match the grade of the copy. I think Mr. Bai should not be a member of the alliance, so I would like to invite you to join us. I wonder if you are interested in this?"

Bai Yi hooked his lips and said: "I am a little interested in your position as the chairman. I will not talk about anything else."

Gu Zhen said faintly: "The chairman can't give Mr. Bai, but look at the face of Cheng Cheng, I can give you a management position."

For a time, there seemed to be sparkling flashes between the two people. Cheng Zhichu was shocked and jumped, and subconsciously took the white corner of the clothes. I was afraid that the two would be hit if they were not careful.

Fortunately, at this time, there was a sudden rush of footsteps around, and the fourth player who came late was finally appearing.

"Oh, sorry, I am late!"

A boy with his shoulders and a cap suddenly slammed out from the corner, running red face, sweating, and panting.

His looks are very cute, his eyes are big, his character looks very lively, he ran to Gu Zheng, bent over his knees, and the camera hanging between his neck fell down and dangled in the air.

"Hey, hey, you are going too fast. I can't find you in a blink of an eye. I just lost my way around, or I heard your voice before I found you..."

"Thousands of sails, how have you lost your way, I have not taught you how to look at the map many times?"

Gu Zhen couldn't help but gently patted the boy's head.

"What map, isn't that a bunch of messy lines, can it be called a map..."

The boy muttered uncomfortably, looked up at Bai Yi and Cheng Zhichu, and shook his hand and said hello to them happily: "Hey, hello, my name is Yang Qianfan, this is my little sister Gu Zhen!"

Yang Qianfan?

Hearing his name, Cheng Zhichu stunned, and suddenly associated with a player in the Infinite League, named "Thousands of sails", is a partner of Shen Zhou, it is said that they will make a copy together every time.

The ids of the two of them are easily reminiscent of the poem "Shangzhou side sails thousands of sails", so many players have guessed whether they are a couple, but they did not expect that they actually have a relationship.

The appearance of Yang Qianfan seems to have diluted a little bit of the arrogant atmosphere. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Cheng Zhichu also wanted to ease the atmosphere. He smiled and said, "Hello, thousand sails, my name is Cheng Zhichu, I am very happy..."

"Ah, Cheng Zhichu!" Yang Qianfan slightly widened his eyes and looked a little surprised. The smile instantly became brighter. "You are my future little aunt!"

Cheng Zhichu: "..."

Cheng Zhichu: "???"

Fucking, Gu Zhen, this **** has said something to the children? !

Gu Zhen is still a light and faint look, as if his nephew only said a very plain fact, there is no intention to apologize.

"Little aunt is good!" Yang Qianfan said with a smile. "I can understand why I am going to take me over in a hurry. It turned out to be --"

However, at this time, he suddenly had a very creepy feeling. As soon as he looked up, he saw Bai Yi staring at his cold eyes, and instantly scared the cold hair and stood up, hiding behind Gu Zhen, and shivering.

So terrible, why this man will give him such a terrible feeling, even those ghosts will not be so scary...

The boy’s face was white, and he immediately calmed down and never dared to speak.

Bai Yi showed a sneer, Gu Zhen’s smile disappeared, and the atmosphere became extremely tense again. At this time, the bear who had been shrinking in Cheng Zhi’s pocket suddenly showed his small head and drilled it out. On the ground, kicked Yang Qianfan, and the milk murdered fiercely.

"You said who is your little aunt! That is my mother, my father's wife!"

Several people were slightly stunned, and Yang Qianfan first reacted, and immediately forgot the fear just behind him, not to be outdone and quarreled with the bear.

"It's not! It's my little aunt! You don't have a mother with a teddy bear, it's the sewing machine that made you!"

"He is my mother, my mother!"

"It's my little aunt! Aunt Aunt!"

"Enough!! I am a man, not your mother, not your aunt!"

Cheng Zhichu showed his expression of being thundered, and for a moment, he shouted with a red face.

"If you talk nonsense again... I am the father of both of them!"



Bai Yi's Diary · Part 48

The cold twig is the forum account I have used.

In order to get the survival point quickly and get rid of the game as soon as possible, I posted a lot of Raiders posts, even though I think it is really stupid.

But two years ago, my soul was completely broken. Since then, I can no longer use this account normally. I suspect that some of my soul fragments may have invaded this account and can only apply for a new account.

At that time, I hated Shen Zhou. He seemed to be humble. The actual arrogance was full of arrogance. When he invited me to join his alliance, I told him that unless he gave me the position of the chairman, Otherwise I will not consider it.

I did not expect that after more than two years, I actually met him in the game.

I am more annoying.

I must find an opportunity to kill him.


I didn't expect to know the taste of "calling daddy" at the beginning of my knowledge. I am not okay, it is quite ok.

It should be that he called me so.

The author has something to say: Yes, Bai Yi can do it again.

Ah, yes, since there are a lot of big babies asking me if Gu will die, I will say it directly... This article follows the law of the undead, unless other people like Zhou Luochen must die, others will not I am a mother and duck, do not write the plot to kill, believe me! (forked waist

Thanks to Li Han's shallow water bomb (baby really spent qaq), warm grenade, and Dou Yingbo, Star Zero tears, Star Zero tears, Lucy Hartfili, 1279 is a waste liao, Xue Madame, you are so stupid, sweet, jing, a big dog, Fengjing. (My class represents hard work), and the landmines of Su Shi’s time are not abandoned! =3=2k novel reading network

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