MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 49 Wraith Campus (3)

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Because of the inner embarrassment, Cheng Zhichu shouted the words to Xiao Xiong and Yang Qianfan without thinking, but when he came back and saw that the bear and the other three were looking at themselves, his face suddenly became red. The look unnaturally removed his gaze.

Although he knows that he shouldn't be more serious with children and teddy bears, the content they just quarreled is really ridiculous. What mom's aunt... depends, they still remember that he is a man! !

So he really couldn't hold back, intimidating the two of them, just accidentally getting tired and easily shot... As for Gu Zhen, this kid loves how to think, if he hates him because he said this, then he still I want to be!

However, after he finished speaking, several people fell into silence, and the bear showed his guilty expression, creeping his legs back into his pocket.

Yang Qianfan also lowered the cap, and he lowered his head and did not speak. He seemed to feel that his fight with the bear was really naive.

At one time, the atmosphere was a bit stiff. Fortunately, the introduction of this copy of the system finally began. Cheng Zhichu sighed in his heart and couldn’t help but recall the last time he met Ji Yunxiao. This background appeared. Deco is really timely.

[Today, your group of people will attend a special class meeting. 】

[In addition to Yang Qianfan, the children who were brought to the party, the remaining three of you are graduates of Chengnan Middle School. You have spent three years of high school in this school. 】

[Now the school is about to move to the new site, the old school building is being demolished soon. In order to find the memories of the past, the four of you and the other five students agreed to enter the old school building at night, and now they are waiting for you at the door. 】

Hearing here, Cheng Zhichu slightly frowned, knowing that this is a new content that may appear when the copy level reaches “experts” and above: the player’s identity setting will be more detailed, and in addition to the player, the copy will also come with some Set the character.

These copy characters may be irrelevant background characters, and may carry very important clues, but without exception, their appearance will greatly increase the difficulty of the copy, bringing many difficulties to the player.

He once read the complaints of the players' grief and indignation in the post. Some npcs seem to have no brains, and they will make extremely ridiculous acts of death; others will not be able to show any abnormal behavior in front of them, that is to say You can't use weapons and curses in front of them; there are some copies that require players to protect npc from surviving, and so on.

All in all, once you have a copy role, it becomes very cumbersome, and you don't know what type they are experiencing. The system should be introduced.

[You four, Gu Zhen and Bai Yi are friends, the family is very good, studying in the same grade, Gu Zhen is the chairman of the school's student union, Bai Yi is the first grade, all of them are the stars of the city. It is the pride of the sky in everyone’s eyes. 】

Hearing the words "to make friends", Gu Zhen’s eyes were faint, and Bai Yi also showed a sneer. The focus of Cheng Zhichu’s attention was Gu’s identity, and his mouth twitched slightly. This guy seems to be the chairman no matter where he is. what.

[But unfortunately, a car accident three months ago caused Bai Yi to lose most of his memory. He had no impression of many things in the past, even if he did not know his friends and family, but he only had to learn from his classmate Cheng Zhichu. Has a near morbid dependence. 】

[Because you are not only the relationship between the seniors and the younger brothers, but also a pair of lovers who have long loved each other. 】

Cheng Zhichu: "..."

What the **** is this setting? !

He looked up in shock and looked at Bai Yi subconsciously, and Bai Yi just looked at him at this moment. Just now, the overshadowed face suddenly showed a gentle look like water. He smiled at him and seemed to be in a good mood. .

Seeing that he was not repulsive, but also showing a little smile, there are still some inconsistencies in the process of Cheng Zhichu, which is somewhat incomprehensible, and it is quite embarrassing to take back his own sight.

Anyway, he and Bai Yi have kissed each other. He has long since been indifferent. As long as Bai Yi doesn’t feel annoyed... although I always feel that there is something wrong with it...

Cheng Zhichu grabbed his hair and was wondering. Yang Qianfan next to him heard this setting and slightly widened his eyes. He whispered: "This setting..."

I am afraid that I am going to be mad! ?

He was tight in his heart and carefully looked at Gu Zhen. Sure enough, Gu Zhen looked gloomy and his lips were tight. Although he did not show obvious anger, the boy who knew him could know that Xiao Yu was already quite angry. It is.

Also, little aunt... Hey, Mr. Zhichu has been rejecting jealousy, but he has become a lover here with other men, and it doesn’t seem to dislike this setting. It’s totally different attitudes with treating ,, he doesn’t It’s a strange thing to be jealous and not angry.

Yang Qianfan touched the tip of his nose and was very sympathetic, but he did not intend to speak. If he went to comfort, he would make him even more annoyed.

The background of the system is still going on.

[Cheng Zhichu is a younger brother of Bai Yixiao. He has severe hearing impairment. He must rely on hearing aids in his daily life, otherwise he will hardly hear any sound. 】

[But Cheng knows that his character is gentle and cheerful. The classmates in the class like him very much. They also have a lot of care for him. Later, Cheng Zhichu met a gentle and excellent white school, and they became a couple and graduated. After that, he still maintains a relationship. 】

Cheng Zhichu touched his ear, and there was a small hard object inside, but there was no feeling in it. He had not noticed it.

He tried to take off the hearing aid, and he couldn't hear the wind around him. It seems that he couldn't lose the hearing aid in the copy, otherwise he couldn't hear anything.

The last time I was mentally ill, this time I was hearing impaired. It was enough...!

[The car accident made the relationship between Cheng Zhichu and Bai Yi more intimate. Bai Yiben loved Cheng Zhichu very much. After losing a lot of memories, he was only willing to be close to him. 】

[Cheng Zhichu felt sweet, but more of it was distressed by Bai Yi. He decided to help Bai Yi to retrieve his former memories. So he met with Gu Zhen and several classmates and came to the campus where they first met and found Bai Yi. Campus time. 】

[But there are legends of hauntedness in the school. On the night after school, some things that should not exist in this world will open their eyes and reawaken. 】

[You didn't see ghosts when you were at school, and you didn't believe these ghost stories. You still decided to enter at night, because everyone was working during the day, and only had a leisure time in the middle of the night. 】

[I hope that your trip will be smooth. 】

[Main line task 1: Live away from school. 】

[Main line task 2: Help Bai Yi find memories. 】

[Special requirements for the copy: play the role of each other, can not let the "classmates" aware of your player identity. 】

[Including: First, when using weapons, cards, curses and other props, you can't be perceived by the "classmates", or at least let them think it is the power of ghosts. 】

[2. Bai Yi and Cheng Zhichu are sweet lovers. If necessary, they must make intimate moves in front of the "classmates". 】

[3. Bai Yi is very dependent on Cheng Zhichu, but he does not trust other people very much. 】

[Four, there is no conflict between Gu Zhen and Bai Yi, Cheng Zhichu and Bai Yi that will be perceived by the "classmates" because you are friends and lovers. 】

[Five, you can't take the initiative to get rid of "classmates". When "classmates" are in danger, try to rescue them. At the end of the copy, the number of "classmates" who survive will be linked to the reward points for survival. The more you survive, the higher the reward. 】

[The player has a penalty mechanism when there is a mistake, and the specific penalty content is different depending on the level difference. 】

Each individual's own system then tells them the individual content that each person has.

[Your punishment mechanism: a mistake warning will deduct 20% of the remaining survival points, more than three times, not three times, and the survival point is directly cleared. 】

[Your special mission: collect illustrations and kiss bosses. The special task is not completed, and the copy cannot be left even if the main line task is completed. 】

[Once you enter the campus gate, you will see the game start. 】

[I wish you a happy game. 】

After listening to the introduction of the system, Cheng Zhichu suddenly did not respond, and suddenly felt his hand gently wrapped by the warm palm, the slender and beautiful fingers inserted into his fingers, with his firmly ten fingers .

"...bai Yi?" Cheng Zhichu's heart missed a beat, looked up and looked at Bai Yi who was holding him. He felt very embarrassed and wanted to take his own hand, but he didn't succeed.

"Since we want to play lovers," the handsome man raised his lips and his eyes were full of smiles. "Hands are just very common."

"Mr. Bai, the copy has not yet begun, please let go." Gu Zhen's tone is very cold.

"You should be polite to me, I am your ‘friend’.”

Bai Yi glanced at him and slowly said: "But I have no memory, I don't remember that you are my good friend. If you are offended to Mr. Gu..." He paused and suddenly smiled. "I I will not apologize to you."


Gu Zhen’s eyes became extraordinarily sharp, his hands clenched and he looked at the hands of Bai Yi and Cheng Zhichu, and his expression was gloomy and depressed, which was very scary.

Cheng Zhichu was somewhat upset by him. He pulled La Baiyi and took him to the place where the copy was to start, because he was worried that Gu Zhen might do something about Bai Yi, but as long as the copy started, they had to follow the settings. Gu Zhen can't do anything.


Yang Qianfan pulled out the real clothes, expressions.

They are high-level players, entering this low-level copy, will be directly locked to the highest level of "abyss" difficulty, the penalty mechanism is also the heaviest, as long as they are once seen by the copy of the character, it will be directly obliterated.

Although there is no way to avoid the end of death, it will also pay a great price. If you can't control your emotions in front of people, it will be bad...

"do not worry."

Gu Zhen patted the boy's back, silent for a moment, it converges to the darkness in the look, revealing the smile of the past, but there is still a haze that can't be seen, keeping up with Cheng Zhichu and Bai Yi in front.

"I won't get out of control."


The old site of Chengnan Middle School is located in an old residential area. This residential area is also about to be demolished. Therefore, the nearby area is uninhabited, the street lights are broken, most of them are not repaired, and the streets are also ragged.

He was led by Bai Yi, and Cheng Zhichu followed behind him and saw five classmates waiting at the school gate. Under the flashing lights, several people stood under the lights, the black shadows stretched, the skin color was pale, and the ghosts were nothing. The difference, let Cheng Zhichu not be particularly flustered.

"You two grandfathers can count, and Cheng Xuedi and Xiao Qianfan, let us wait for so long, I want mosquitoes to eat us!"

Seeing that the four of them came, several copies of the characters seemed to have suddenly come alive. The original somewhat dull look became lively and lively, and they laughed and waved at them.

The copy of the character set is Gu Zhen and Bai Yi's classmates and friends, are young people of their age, are three men and two women.

The two girls are pure and glamorous, very beautiful, and the three young people are relatively inferior. It is an ordinary five-minded and correct, and it is even worse in front of Gu Zhen and Bai Yi.

"Sorry, I have kept you waiting. When Qianfan came, I accidentally walked away with me. He lost his way and found it for a long time."

Gu Zhen and a few copies of the characters talked up, the smile is gentle, graceful, as if he and these people are old friends for many years, the attitude is extremely natural.

In contrast, Bai Yi was a lot colder, and even his eyes were too lazy to give them alms. He only looked at Cheng Zhichu with concentration and gentleness. He was too shy to see Cheng Zhichu, coughed and greeted the copy: "Everyone learns Sister is good."

"Cheng Xuedi is good."

Several people nodded at him and saw that Bai Yi only looked at Cheng Zhichu, and he also knew what the situation was, and they showed their expressions of emotion.

The glamorous girl is bold and lively. Even if she knows that Bai Yi has lost her memory, she also has his mind to tease him. He smiled a few times and said to Bai Yi and Cheng Zhichu.

"Bai Ge, I heard that you especially like Cheng Xuedi? It is unfortunate that I also appreciate him very much, so you have to kiss him to prove that your relationship is very good, otherwise I will take the school brother away. ”

"Sister, we..."

Cheng Zhichu showed an unnatural smile to the school sister. When he just wanted to get rid of it, he heard Bai Yi, who was around.

"it is good."

and many more--!

Cheng Zhichu had wide eyes and opened his mouth. Before he could make a sound, Bai Yi had already lifted his jaw and gently kissed his lips under his gaze.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 49

It is the true color.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the mine for drinking water, the X4, the rabbit (?w?) ノ (the expression of the face is not complete jj's fault) mine x3, the mine of the mine x2, and Su Shi, 舜曦, Warm, windy oil, pumpkin, you are stupid, sweet, star-shaped tears, 1279 is already a waste of liao, Confucius, Lucy Hartfili, a ginseng, fox one and one snow Silent mine! =3=2k novel reading network

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes