MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 158

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Such a configuration of combat power is almost the same as the original Rocks Pirates.

The original Rocks Pirates also had the strongest Rocks in the world, as well as five general-level pirates with Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Aunt, Wang Zhi, and Captain John.

As for Kaido, who later became the Four Emperors, he was only a trainee crew member on the Rocks Pirates at that time.

The Chenos Pirates can be said to be the resurrection of the Rox Pirates.

Moreover, as the strongest Chenos in the world, he is only sixteen years old now, and he is far from reaching his peak.

If Chenos spent more than ten years growing to the peak of his 30s, how terrifying would Chenos be at that time?

Maybe Chenos at that time could sweep the world government by himself!

At that time, Chenos might really be able to accomplish the feat that Lox had not accomplished and become the king of the world!

After reading the information accidentally leaked by the navy, everyone did not dare to say the name of Chenos [Rocks II], but called out the name of Chenos I one after another.

There are even many old pirates who are shouting.

this era,

Named Chenos!

After seeing the information of the Chenos Pirates, many pirates plan to join Chenos. They want to join as soon as possible before Chenos has become the king of the world. Become a minister of the dragon and achieve a career.

The leak of the navy also helped Chenos gain countless pirate forces.

The other two major forces in the new world also received classified intelligence information leaked by the navy.

After seeing the information about the members of the Chenos Pirates, Auntie disdainfully discarded the information. In her opinion, these are just exaggerations by the Navy.

The one who knows the Chenos Pirates the most is their alliance.

Because they have fought against Chenos' pirate group more than once, Kaido has experienced the power of most of Chenos' unique moves.

It's not as exaggerated as the Navy says.

On the other hand, Kaido, who was drinking, saw this information, and the drunkenness in his eyes was a little sober.

He was different from the dismissive aunt. He picked up the information and read it in detail. The more he looked at him, the deeper his brows became.

He asked Jhin, who was leaning against the pillar and resting with his eyes closed, "Jin, did you hear about the battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and Chenos Ship Doctor Liu Ji last time?"

Jhin slowly opened his eyes, turned his head to Kaido, and said, "I got information from Morgans, that ship doctor named Liu Ji, who is able to control the virus to fight, is Quinn's fellow. An enhanced version of a biological weapon developed.

According to the information, this Liu Ji is indeed very powerful. If it weren't for the appearance of red hair and eagle eyes, it is estimated that she could destroy the entire Whitebeard Pirates by herself! "

After Kaido heard it, he picked up the jug and poured it into his mouth until he drank all the wine in the jug.

After drinking, Kaido slammed the jug to the ground, and said to his aunt seriously: "Lingling, the Navy's information is true, it is not an exaggeration, we must plan carefully, how to eliminate Chenuo That's it!"

Chapter 317 Huh? Sengoku's head is broken?

On Sphinx Island, Chenos is enjoying a rare leisure time.

Except for the previous Whitebeard Pirates, almost no pirates in the New World dared to come and provoke Chenos, which also gave him a two-day rest in peace.

In addition to practicing every day, he spent the rest of the day doing sports with Hancock and Liu Ji.


Of course, this exercise is not the kind of exercise that everyone and Chenos want, but that he is accompanying Hancock and Liu Ji to practice.

Although there are only three girls, Hancock, Liu Ji, and Robin by his side, he feels that these three girls are more involved than when they were on the boat.

Especially when Hancock saw the powerful combat power of Liu Ji's awakening form, he immediately began to practice like crazy.

According to her words, it is: how could the concubine lose to that Liu Ji!

After seeing Hancock rolled up, Liu Ji was not to be outdone. Now she is stronger than Hancock, but she also knows that there is a little gap between her and Hancock, that is, she is not domineering.

Although her fruit ability is extremely powerful, if Hancock cultivates both the domineering and the fruit ability to the point of awakening, then her strength may not necessarily be able to defeat Hancock.

Therefore, she also began to practice.

Of course, she found an excuse to practice, but didn't say it was because of Hancock, but said to Chenos: "My awakening state is still a little out of control, and I want to continue to practice until she can fully control it!"

As for Robin, there's actually nothing to say. Seeing that the two captain's wives are practicing so hard, she was embarrassed to be lazy, so she started to practice.

It's just that after they started to practice, Chenos' original thought was lost, and he planned to take advantage of the rest time to evolve into a real man.

But who would have thought that the three girls would get together every day to roll, day and night, so that he could not find a separate opportunity to have an in-depth communication with one of them.

Even if he wanted to grit his teeth and come at the same time as the two of them, even if he had the idea of ​​being beaten up, he still couldn't do it, because little Robin had been staying with Hancock Liuji and the others. Woolen cloth.

On this day, Chenos was hiccups in the room and instructed the three of them to practice. When the practice was over at night, Chenos quickly said to Robin: "Little Robin, it's a little late today, you are still growing, just Go back to bed early!"

Only after hearing Chenos' words, Robin's little face showed a strange smile.

"Okay, Mr. Captain is right, I really should rest early, otherwise I won't be able to grow two sisters so tall!"

Chenos stared at Robin with anticipation, and was about to chase people away with his eyes.

It's just that after Robin finished speaking, he got up and came to the middle of Hancock and Liu Ji, holding one person with a small hand, showing a pitiful look to them.

"Sister Hancock, Sister Liu Ji, can you sleep with me at night, I...I miss my mother!"

The two of them also saw the meaning of Chenos's words. After hearing Robin's words at the beginning, they both planned to refuse, and then the two competed for Chenos together.

Only when they heard Robin's words about missing their mother, both broke their defenses.

Hancock didn't have a mother when he was a child, and Liu Ji didn't get along with her mother. Both of them had the experience of thinking about their mother at night, and imagined if their mother was still there, would they sleep with them? , tell them something like a bedtime story.

And they also listened to Robin's story about her childhood, knowing that Robin's island had experienced the slaughtering order of the navy, and her mother also died in that slaughtering order.

So the two suddenly softened their hearts. After casting an apologetic look at Chenos, they nodded and agreed to Robin's invitation.

After seeing the agreement of the two, Robin showed a smile of joy from the heart. After all, she is still a child, even if she became a trainee crew member of the Chenos Pirates, and came to this place where the strongest man in the world is Chernoth. on an island protected by North.

But the habit she has developed over the years, she still rarely enters a state of deep sleep.

It would be great if she could sleep with her two sisters now, maybe in this way, she could go into a deep sleep and get a good night's sleep.

Robin happily took the two sisters towards the room. Before leaving, he asked Chenos, who was staring at them in a stunned manner, "Mr. Captain, do you want to go to rest together?"

"Xing... Forget it, by the way, little Robin, you don't have two mothers. If you want a mother, you can just ask a sister to accompany you. You don't need to invite two sisters together, so... This kind of bed will not work. squeeze?"

After Chenos held back for a long time, he finally made an excuse, and the three girls couldn't help laughing.

Robin covered his mouth and smiled: "Hee hee, no, two sisters, they will give me double the warmth and double the happiness, as for crowding... We girls like the feeling of being squeezed together! "

After finishing speaking, Robin took the two sisters and walked towards the room, ignoring Chenos' feelings at all.

Reluctantly, Chenos could only walk towards the beach, preparing to go to the training ground in the shallow sea area for training.

The training ground in the shallow sea area is actually a dug out area, a bit like a swimming pool, for those with fruit abilities to train.

Of course, Chenos doesn't need to do this kind of training now. Even if he is caught by Hailoushi's handcuffs, he will not feel weak because of this, because he has already done this kind of adaptation training.

This area is mainly prepared for the three girls, so that they can experience the beauty of swimming while training, and at the same time allow Chenos to appreciate their swimsuits.

Chenos came here at night, not for training, he just wanted to go to the fire and cool himself down.

Chenos, who was immersed in the sea water, sighed helplessly, "I didn't expect that I didn't achieve the achievement, but let Robin achieve it first. What a sin, why did I keep Robin on the island in the first place? Why? "

Chenos lamented as he started strength training until he was so tired that he lay directly on the water in the shallow training area and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Chenos, who had not woken up yet, heard little Robin's voice in his ear.

"Mr. Captain, it's not good, the big thing is bad, the naval headquarters has been relocated to the new world, and we have also sent an invitation to invite us and the other four emperors to attend their navy's relocation banquet!"

Chenos: "Huh? Sengoku's head is broken?"

Chapter 318 Going to the Naval Headquarters Alone

Chenos got up from the shore and walked towards little Robin.

He took the news and saw that it was indeed an invitation letter from the Navy, and it was also an invitation letter written by the Warring States period, inviting them to attend the Navy's relocation banquet in five days.

After seeing the invitation letter, Chenos frowned involuntarily.

In fact, after learning that the Navy was moving the Admiralty to the New World, Chenos issued an order to the members to bring them all back.

The new world has always been the territory of the sea emperors. This is a tacit agreement reached by all sea emperors. No matter how the sea emperors fight and fight in the new world, they all have a common enemy, that is, the navy and the world government.

The emperors of the sea can accept that the navy has several branches in the new world. Of course, these branches were successfully kept by the navy at the cost of blood.

But when the navy invades the new world, all the sea emperors will unite to deal with the navy, because if the navy invades the new world, it will definitely violate the interests of all sea emperors. This is something that all sea emperors cannot bear. .

In the comics of the previous life, the navy also took advantage of the death of Whitebeard, one of the emperors of the sea, and took the attack to kill the strongest man in the world on them. After that, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Black Five Pirates competed for Site, win over and divide the other four emperors.

Make a deal with Kaido so that Kaido and Big Mom will no longer stop them from entering the new world.

And the remaining Four Emperor Shanks is a pirate group alone, and there is no way to stop the navy from entering the new world.

But in this life, the navy not only failed to kill the strongest man in the world, on the contrary, the three generals on the navy side were defeated by Chenos before this, becoming one of the achievements of the world's strongest Chenos.

Under such circumstances, the navy rushing into the new world will definitely arouse the hostility of all sea emperors.

Just like Chenos, he is already gathering his men, and when his comrades return, he will lead them to attack the Naval Headquarters in the New World.

But the navy not only entered the new world to build a new naval headquarters, but also dared to invite all the four emperors to attend the banquet.

However, the current naval marshal, Warring States, is not a brainless person. On the contrary, Warring States is a person famous for his title of wise general. Such a person suddenly makes such a move, and he is definitely relying on it.

And to make the navy so confident that after daring to move the navy headquarters to the new world, to invite the other four emperors, it is very likely that the other four emperors have reached a cooperative relationship with the navy, and only this possibility will allow the navy to Have the courage to hold a relocation banquet.

What makes Chenos puzzled is that even if the navy has reached a cooperative relationship with the other four emperors, he should hide this cooperative relationship and give the other four emperors a fatal blow at the most critical time. How could they make such a move to tell others that they had reached a partnership with one of the four emperors?

Or is it that the navy is playing an empty city game with them, deliberately posing a move to hold a relocation banquet to divide them, so that the four emperors are suspicious of each other, and the navy can profit from it?

Is this a navy banquet or an empty city plan?

After thinking about it for a long time, Chenos not only failed to understand the purpose of the navy's move, but also had a lot of thoughts and did not know what the true purpose of the navy was.

Chenos frowned and asked Robin, "How soon will our people be back?"

Robin said to Chenos without thinking: "Tezolo and Moria can come back in a day, and if the other members come back, it will take about three to seven days."

After thinking about it for a while, Chenos said to Robin: "The purpose of the navy is unknown this time, and it is most likely a banquet. Well, let me go and see first. After you wait for the other crew members on the island to come back, let them Rush over to meet me.

With my speed and strength, even if the navy holds a grand banquet, I have the ability to escape.

It saves the whole pirate group being caught in the navy's strategy and trapped, and it would be troublesome to get out at that time. "

Robin said hesitantly to Chenos: "Chenos, we don't have to attend the naval banquet, we can wait until all the members have returned, and then we will go to the naval headquarters together.

If you go to the Admiralty alone like this, I fear you will be in danger. "

Even though Chenos has become the strongest in the world, Chenos is not an invincible existence. If the three generals of the navy, Sengoku Karp, and the four emperors who cooperated with the navy were to besiege Chenos, Chenos would Still in danger of falling.

And in this world with the magical devil fruit ability, who knows if there is any fruit ability that can trap Chenos, no, you don't even need to trap Chenos, just limit the speed of Chenos Just do it.

The world government and navy that sit on the vast majority of the world's territory, with such fruit ability, is normal.

So Robin didn't want Chenos to take the risk.

Seeing Robin so worried about himself, Chenos couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, have some confidence in me, I learned a trick from Whitebeard, even if the navy and other four emperors besiege me, I'm sure I can leave.

That's why I dared to go to Admiralty alone. "

Whitebeard's ultimate move, Shiquan, although not an invincible move, is enough to allow him to deal with most dangers. Even if the high-end naval forces are all out, and the other four emperors are besieging him, he is sure to retreat.

Robin still said worriedly: "But..."

Chenos rubbed the hair on Robin's head and said, "Don't worry, I won't do anything that will put myself in danger. On the contrary, this past time is to test out those dangers.

Once we knew what the Navy was up to, and our crew had almost reached the Admiralty by then, we could take it easy. "

After finishing speaking, Chenos flew up, turned and rushed towards the location of the naval headquarters.

Robin looked at the disappearing figure of Chenos, and still felt a little worried. She quickly connected to the Varis system and asked the system to help her notify others.

After a while, all the members of the new world who were rushing back and forth received news from Robin on their watches.

[Captain Chenos decided to go to the Naval Headquarters alone. I am worried that an accident will happen. I also ask all members to return quickly and go to the Naval Headquarters to meet Chenos! 】

After seeing the news of Robin, all the members frowned and rushed towards Sphinx Island at a high speed.

Chapter 319 I don't understand

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