MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 159

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Five days later, in the air outside the New World Naval Headquarters, Chenos was observing the situation at the Naval Headquarters from a distance.

It's just that after seeing the situation at the naval headquarters, he frowned again, because the navy was really preparing a banquet, and countless naval soldiers were busy moving in and out of various ingredients, which seemed very lively.

Not only that, but there are also many navy soldiers who are putting up some decorations. I don't know, I thought which general in the naval headquarters was married.

It's just that this picture is very strange, not like the navy at all.

The navy is the armed force of the world government and a machine for killing pirates. It stands to reason that it would not do these messy things, because it would damage the image of the navy outside, but the navy not only did this, but also did it with great fanfare. Chenos still looked a little puzzled.

At this moment, a huge fleet appeared on the sea. This fleet was the Red-haired Pirates who had just absorbed the Whitebeard Pirates.

After seeing Shanks and the others coming, Chenos thought for a moment and flew towards them.

On Shanks' pirate ship, Shanks, Beckman, and Marco are also discussing this unusual move by the navy.

Shanks frowned and said, "It's too abnormal. Do you think the Navy will join forces with Mama Kaido or Chenos, and plan to take advantage of this banquet to deal with the other two parties?"

Beckman slowly shook his head and said, "I don't know, during this time I also sent someone to spy on Kaido's side, and I also asked Morgans to understand the situation on Chenos' side, but I didn't receive any information from them and the Navy. Signs of cooperation.

Both of them reacted the same to the presence of the navy in the new world, and both were mustering their forces and preparing to deal with the navy.

This time the navy is indeed abnormal. If they do not cooperate with one of the four emperors, their actions are simply courting death! "

Marko pondered for a while, still feeling that he couldn't understand what was going on with the Navy.

"We are all careful this time, such an abnormal move by the navy must be deceitful.

It may not be the alliance between the navy and the four emperors. Maybe the navy has some special method to make them confident that they can deal with the alliance of our four emperors.

If there is any abnormal situation, don't go up when the time comes, I will open the undead flame to protect you from leaving! "

At this moment, the three of them looked in one direction in unison. Hawkeye, who was sitting on the side with his eyes closed and resting, also opened his eyes instantly, pulled out the sword on his back, and pointed it in one direction.

"Haha, don't be so nervous, I'm just here to see the situation on your side, and I'll ask you by the way, have you... joined forces with the Navy?"

Chenos fell from the sky and appeared in front of Shanks and the others, and he didn't care that he was surrounded by people on Shanks' side.

When the members of the Whitebeard Pirates saw Chenos appear, they all stood up, holding weapons, and looking at Chenos with murderous eyes.

Marco even roared at Chenos: "Chenos, do you really think you are invincible? How dare you come to our pirate group alone!"

The atmosphere on the ship suddenly became tense.

However, Chenos didn't care about the glares of the Whitebeard Pirates, he smiled and said to Marco: "It's pretty quick to recognize the master, and I've integrated into Shanks' Pirates so quickly, congratulations! !"


Shanks waved at Marco, signaling the Whitebeard Pirates to calm down, now is not the time to fight Chenos.

And now they are near the Naval Headquarters, once they fight, it will only allow the Navy to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

"Chenos, I also want to ask you, have you joined forces with the Navy?"

Both stared at each other's faces, testing each other.

Chenos thought about it in his heart. If he was in the Navy, he would not go to Shanks to cooperate. Now Shanks seems to be very strong, even stronger than Kaido's side, but as a Captain Shanks just wants to maintain the balance of the sea, which is obviously in conflict with the navy side, so the probability of cooperation between the two parties is very small.

"Shanks, now I'm here alone, and my crew hasn't arrived yet, do you understand?"

After hearing Chenos' words, Shanks relaxed.

If Chenos came alone, it means that Chenos did not cooperate with the Navy. If Chenos and the Navy reached a cooperative relationship, they would definitely bring all the crew over, join forces with the Navy, and kill them together. the other four emperors.

So he said to Chenos, "We didn't join forces with the Navy either. If we came here this time, we wanted to see what tricks the Navy was playing!"

"If we don't have both, then the possibility of cooperation between the navy and Kaido's mother is very high. The two of them are not fuel-efficient lamps. Once they cooperate with the navy, we will be very passive!"

Having said that, Chenos' face also became ugly.

These guys are really doing things endlessly. He could finally rest for a few days, and he was disturbed by these guys before he finished his coming-of-age ceremony.

It's a pity that his current strength is not strong enough, otherwise he would like to directly kill all these guys who are in trouble.

Beckman, who was standing beside Shanks, said: "Don't make a conclusion yet, maybe there is no cooperation with the Navy on Kaido's side. Maybe this is just a slander of the Navy. The purpose is to make us suspicious of each other and fight each other, okay? achieve their goals!"

After hearing Beckman's words, Chenos shook his head and smiled.

"Shanks, Beckman has some brains, but not much. If you let him continue to be the resourcefulness of your pirate group in the future, it is very likely that you will suffer a big loss!"

Chenos also ignored Beckman's unhappy look, and continued to say to Shanks: "The Warring States period of the Navy is not Beckman, he would not do such a meaningless thing, now the Navy has come to the new world to open After the headquarters, not only did they not hide like gophers, but they invited us to participate in the relocation banquet of the naval headquarters with great fanfare. This is completely courting death!

So the navy must have something to rely on.

The most direct reliance on this is to reach a cooperation with one of the four emperors. Only in this way can the navy have the confidence to deal with the two of us.

The only thing I don't understand is, wouldn't it be better for their navy to keep such a partnership hidden? Why publish it? "

At the same time, the new general Kuzan, who had arrived at the new naval headquarters, was also asking the same question to Sengoku.

"Marshal, I don't understand, why send an invitation letter?"

Chapter 320 Objective: Kill Chenos

At this time, in the New World Naval Headquarters, there were countless 100,000 elite soldiers mobilized from all over the world, as well as most of the navy's generals and lieutenants.

All these generals and lieutenant generals gathered in the conference room of the Naval Headquarters to listen to the war meeting held by the Warring States.

If the pirates on the great route saw the lineup of the Admiralty, they would definitely be scared to pee.

Attending this battle meeting were naval hero Karp, Akainu Admiral Sakaski, Kizaru Admiral Polsalino, Black Arm Admiral Zefa, new Admiral Aokiku Kuzan, and... a secret figure !

It's just that the admirals and vice admirals in the conference room at this time did not see the mysterious characters mentioned by the Warring States, but they didn't care either. After all, they were all secret characters. It is understandable to keep them mysterious.

When Sengoku appeared in the conference room, Kuzan, who had just arrived from the Kraf Kingdom, had questioned Sengoku before the meeting started.

Why do you want to send an invitation? No matter how you look at it, this decision of the Warring States period is likely to push the navy into the abyss of doom.

Kuzan's question also attracted everyone's attention, and they all wanted to know why Sengoku did such a risky thing.

Facing the curious eyes of the crowd, the Warring States did not sell off, but said directly to the crowd: "Actually, the reason why I hold this banquet is for only one main purpose, and that is the current 'world's strongest' Chenuo s!"

While talking, Sengoku looked towards Garp, but at this time Garp didn't care what Sengoku said at all. Anyway, when it was time to fight, he would beat whoever Sengoku asked him to beat.

As for those meetings that make you want to sleep just listening to them, don't listen!

So, Karp took out his beloved senbei again and hid it under the conference table. This time, his challenge project was to eat enough senbei in this conference!

Once the meeting is over, if he doesn't finish the hundred senbei, even if he loses, the punishment will be to return to the East China Sea to face his two grandsons who are giving him a headache.

Hehe, it's really a cruel punishment, you have to finish the challenge quickly!

Warring States: "..."

After glaring at Karp, the Warring States continued: "Chenos's talent is now world-famous, and it is difficult to find a few in history to be able to reach this height at the age of sixteen. One, and once such a character appears, if he is on the side of justice, it is not bad, but if he is on the side of evil, it will definitely bring huge disaster to the world.

Because of Chenos' potential, no one knows what heights he will reach in the future.

That's why I specially formulated a battle plan for Chenos. This time our first goal is to keep Chenos in our naval headquarters and kill him!

The second goal is the red-haired pirates headed by Shanks and the Varys pirates that have not yet arrived. The most perfect result of the battle is to eliminate both forces. "

As soon as Sengoku's words were said, the brows of all the admirals and lieutenants in the venue frowned.

Such a combat goal is completely unrealistic. It is difficult for them to keep people, let alone kill each other.

Of course, no one thinks that the naval hero Garp can't kill Chenos, because Garp has spent decades proving his strength, even Roger of the Pirates was chased and beaten by Garp.

It's just that Garp also has a problem, that is, his strength is enough to kill any of the four emperors if he is singled out, but the other party will not foolishly fight Garp until he is killed by Garp. .

Once they find that there is no way to defeat Garp, or that they are likely to die at Garp's hands, these four emperors will definitely run away.

Garp's strength is extremely fast in a short distance, and he can even keep up with the capable ones, but once the distance is extended, he can't catch up.

This is why the Navy directly asked Garp to kill the Four Emperors.

Because it is extremely difficult to kill the four emperors!

If they send naval heroes, but fail to kill the four emperors, they will definitely be promoted by the four emperors in turn. They have reached the height of One Piece, and even Garp can't help them.

At that time, it will only in vain reduce the godhead of the naval hero they finally built up.

It is precisely because of this that the admirals present did not believe in the goal set by the Warring States Period. Even if all the admirals of the navy came out, and the marshals and heroes of the navy came together, they might not be able to keep one who wanted to escape. the four emperors.

Seeing the disbelief of all the generals around him, Sengoku smiled slightly and began to tell everyone about his battle plan.

When all the surrounding navies heard the battle plan of the Warring States period, their eyes changed from disbelief to hesitation.

Or this Warring States plan is likely to succeed!

For a time, everyone began to cheer, as if they had killed Chenos and won the victory.

At the same time, in the waters outside the naval headquarters, two huge fleets appeared again.

The styles of the two fleets are very different. One style is like a fleet that came out of a fairy tale. The desserts and delicacies can be seen everywhere on the fleet, and even the soldiers on board look extremely cartoony.

On the other fleet, it has a completely different style of painting. This is a fleet that is armed to the teeth. The entire fleet is like a wild beast, which is daunting.

The people on the fleet all wore helmets with long fangs, and their armor was like a hedgehog, full of sharp spikes. Most of the weapons in their hands were mace, pistols, and spears. branch.

And such two fleets with completely different styles sailed together in great harmony.

Chenos, who was standing on Shanks' ship, smiled disdainfully after seeing the two fleets appear.

"Mother Kai and the others are here too, and it looks like they've moved all the property here!"

Seeing Mama Kaido and their huge fleet, Shanks also frowned. He also heard what Chenos meant. If Mama Kaido came to fight the Navy Headquarters with them, then there was no need for them at all. Bring all your belongings with you.

This is to cooperate with the navy and wipe out the two of them!

Chenos flew up and said murderously to Shanks: "Shanks, I'll go say hello to them first!"

Chapter 321 Naval Hero Garp

When Chenos went to Kaido and Aunt's fleet, he was not as polite as Shanks. He looked directly at the overlord's domineering and pressed towards Kaido and Aunt's fleet.

Kaido's fleet is a bit better, but some weaker pirates were stunned, while Auntie's side seemed a little flustered. Most of Auntie's fleet was created by her fruit ability. Miz, like the boat, the sails, the weapons on the boat, etc., are given souls by the gate.

And these souls are better for aunt's domineering and domineering, after all, they are the origin.

But for Chenos' domineering arrogance, he suddenly went crazy, because these soul-given tools, their own soul strength is not very large, even not as good as ordinary people.

In the face of Chenos' domineering arrogance, many of Hormiz's souls were directly shaken and returned to their original appearance, while other slightly stronger Hormiz were also affected by this tyrannical arrogance. Scream strangely.

"Hmph, shut up for me, it's so noisy!"

The aunt shouted angrily, and the surrounding Hormiz seemed to be imprisoned from the soul, and all the Hormiz were speechless.

"Stinky boy, what do you mean? Come to Lao Niang's captain to show off his power? Be careful, you can't leave!"

Looking at the aunt who was yelling at him, Chenos said disdainfully: "The old woman who has no knowledge of her own abilities, and everyone who doesn't want you to die here, then keep your mouth shut!"

Aunt: "You..."

It's just that the aunt was about to yell at Chenos, but was stopped by Kaido.

"Chenos, tell me, what are you doing here with us? If you want to fight the two of us, we'll stay with you to the end!"

Kaido said, unleashing the domineering arrogance of his body, pushing back the domineering arrogance of Chenos, and protecting the two fleets.

Looking at Kaido, who is more sensible than Auntie, Chenos said: "I'll ask you a question, have you cooperated with the Navy?"

After speaking, Chenos stared at Kaido, intending to see if he could see any clues from Kaido's demeanor, but he shook his head very calmly when he saw it.

"The navy approached us and planned to cooperate with us to destroy you and that guy Shanks in one fell swoop, but... I refused!

Although I hate you and Shanks extremely, I will not agree to such a request. Once I cooperate with them and kill you, we will not be able to resist the attack of the navy alone.

This time I came here for the same purpose as you, to drive the navy out of the new world! "

Kaido's words were very sincere, but Chenos didn't believe a word.

He knows that Kaido and Shanks are not the same person at all. If Shanks said this, Thaksin.

Because idealists like Shanks disdain to lie.

Kaido is different. Kaido is an egoist. As long as it is beneficial to him, he can lie full of lies without blinking his eyes.

"It doesn't matter, you can cooperate with the navy or not. If you cooperate with the navy, then you will be killed together."

After Chenos put down his words, he got up and flew directly into the air, sitting on the cloud and thinking silently.

At this moment, a fleet appeared at the naval headquarters. On the ships headed by the fleet, stood an old man with a dog-headed hat, but the appearance of this old man also made the faces of the four emperors present solemn.

"The navy hero Garp is here too. It seems that the navy is really planning to make a big ticket!"

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