MTL - I Will Be The Crowned King-Chapter 7 On the bayonet!

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The battle for the artillery base started from the first round of meaningless shooting between the two sides.

The chaotic gunshots crackled in the thick fog, and the soldiers on both sides raised their weapons in a panic, and could not wait to fire in the direction where the ghost knew if there were any enemies, using the sound of gunfire to embolden themselves.

"Stop shooting! Everyone - stop shooting!"

Karl Bain stood under the parapet and roared: "The trumpeter blows the trumpet, and those who disobey will be killed on the spot!"

Another hurried bugle sounded, and the panicked artillery positions finally got some order amid the officers' scolding; the privates who were ordered to cease fire began to reload their ammunition.

Soon, the sporadic gunfire disappeared in the sea of ​​fog; instead, there were dense horizontal formations, lined up in a row, looming in the fog.


The heavy and dense footsteps sounded shocking even if they were a little messy.

"These stupid and angry imperial knights... they have been saints for ninety-nine years, and they are still holding on to a dense formation, for fear that we won't be able to hit them?"

Looking at the menacing Imperial phalanx on the opposite side, the cursing Carl Bain looked disdainful, and the right hand holding the gun on his waist kept shaking.

The dense front line also means that once a charge is launched, it will be difficult to contain, especially when the force is far less than the enemy's.

Do you really have to rely on that twenty-four-pounder?

Carl couldn't help but secretly glanced behind him. Several soldiers were busy around the artillery, and they didn't even know how much propellant to put, so he quickly dismissed the idea.

Count on this thing... even if it doesn't blow yourself up to the sky before firing the cannon.

"Calm down, keep calm!"

The dull sound of footsteps shook everyone's heartstrings, completely suppressing Carl's anger; the imperial phalanx holding the iris battle flag high was like a moving city wall in the thick fog.

"Dong dong dong! dong dong dong! dong dong dong!"

The brisk drum beats played behind the imperial phalanx, and the densely packed phalanx quickened its pace.

400 meters... 350 meters... 300 meters... Carl Bain, who squinted his eyes, was a little flustered. It was really difficult to judge the distance on a foggy day.

"Two hundred meters - fire in columns, fire!"


The neat platoon of gunfire exploded in the artillery position, and the moment the gunfire flickered, the slowly advancing imperial privates were like knocking down an invisible iron wall, and the entire phalanx was stunned.

But they didn't have time to stop, because the next second, there was another salvo.


Without aiming, it was impossible to aim on the battlefield shrouded in fog and gunpowder; the privates behind the cannon barrier mechanically obeyed the orders of the officers behind them, firing row after row of salvos.

The imperial phalanx, which was continuously covered by fire, but still maintained a tight formation, kept being shot and fell to the ground; even because of the continuous gunfire, the already crowded formation became even tighter.

Some people tried to escape, but were immediately killed by stray bullets and the officers in charge of the battle behind them; the soldiers with guns fell like wheat in the fields, the back row stepped on the corpses of the front row, under the increasingly rapid drumbeat and With the roar of the salvo, he continued to quickly approach the artillery base.


Taking advantage of the gap between the salvos, an imperial knight suddenly rushed out of the phalanx, drew his saber from his waist, and pointed in the direction of the artillery base:

"For His Majesty Herid, for the Empire! Warriors, before—"


The words stopped abruptly.

A lead bullet penetrated from his right temple, and the dark red liquid that spewed out bloomed in the white fog.

The saber clenched in his hand fell to the ground, and the knight who was standing stiffly wanted to be drained of all his strength and collapsed to the ground.

Looking at the fallen figure of the enemy, Anson, who was lying on the edge of the trench, unhurriedly pulled off the gun, and the recruits who were standing beside him immediately handed the bullet box to him.

"Free Fire!"

The next moment, the chaotic gunshots exploded on the right side of the imperial phalanx.

The imperial soldiers who were just about to launch the charge stayed in place like a frying pan. Many people suddenly fell down before they could figure out what was going on. The rest of the soldiers moved behind them in a panic, and were at a loss in the phalanx. It seems that this can increase a lot of security.

Then...they became living targets.

Looking at the surrounding soldiers who were screaming and falling, the array that was almost out of order in the panic, the imperial knights who had just been imposing, immediately realized a terrifying fact.

They were pinched!

The enemy is not a dying army, but a premeditated trap to ambush them here!

The casualties were still increasing, and the imperial knights, who were trying to maintain their formation amid the continuous sound of gunfire, soon found that doing so was futile, and even only made the soldiers die faster.

Under the premise of facing the firepower from both sides at the same time, continuing to maintain a tight phalanx is simply courting death.


The gunfire dissipated, and another imperial knight who tried to maintain order and organized a counterattack became Anson's prey.

Anson, who did not change his face, opened the gun, mechanically repeating the exact same action as just now; while aiming at the target, the memory belonging to "Former Anson" kept emerging in his mind:

"...Everyone, before I start the class, I have a small question: and your enemy are equal in strength and firepower, what are you going to do?

Go straight up? Very brave, but can you make your soldiers willing to be killed by a third, run to the death and fight the enemy hand-to-hand?

Shooting in situ? This is the standard answer. If you say that again next time, you can drop out of school without thinking about graduation; what we train here are officers, not fools who will be shot in line.

Let me tell you another standard answer - one-third of the soldiers are deployed in place to form a fire deterrent to the enemy; the remaining two columns maintain a rapid advance in columns and launch a surprise attack on the enemy's flank.

Remember three common senses: first, let your soldiers always only think about the enemy in front of you; second, let your enemy always worry about the wings and behind;

Finally, always remember that strength and weapons are never the key; it is the key to convince your soldiers that they will win..."

Continue to attack the enemy, let them form a group under the condition of being attacked by the enemy on many sides, dare not split up and dare to attack, let the enemy fall in every salvo, and let the soldiers fight without distraction.

These precious memories are the capital of An Sen, a "traverser" with no war experience, who dares to play on the spot and formulate a battle plan.

"Charge! Charge! Charge! For the Empire—!!"

A trembling roar resounded through the battlefield. Under the encouragement and supervision of the knights, the imperial soldiers no longer maintained the original tight phalanx. They held up their rifles and organized a salvo, while charging towards the front of the artillery position.

The imperial knights, who were several times larger than the defenders, finally remembered their greatest advantage, directly ignoring the firepower from the flanks, and rushed towards the artillery base like a tidal wave.

The defenders hiding behind the fortress wall still loaded their ammunition in an orderly manner, and fired a steady stream of fire at the oncoming enemy in the sound of the officer's command. .

In just 100 meters, after several rounds of salvo, the enemy in the first row had already rushed under the cannon barrier.

The roaring imperial soldiers raised their bayonets, and they were greeted by 24-pounder guns that were loaded and ready to go.


There was no artillery in the artillery base, so Carl Bain used the less risky shotgun, and specially reduced the propellant by half to avoid blowing the chamber.

Countless tiny lead bullets poured out of the gun bore, swept through the air like a violent storm, forming a fan-shaped barrage right in front of the gun.

The first row of Imperial soldiers who had just rushed to the parapet were torn to shreds in an instant; blood was sprayed in the air, stumps and broken arms were smashed in the air, and stray bullets that fell on the ground exploded the flying dust.

Screaming, crying, wailing... After the storm raged, only a piece of blood was left under the protective wall, which abruptly broke the momentum of the imperial soldiers' charge, tearing an extremely hideous gap in the charging line.

Looking at the Imperial soldiers who were repelled under the cannon wall, the ecstatic cheers of the privates resounded from the position.

But Anson couldn't smile.

There was only this artillery piece in the artillery base, and it couldn't stop the enemy whose strength was several times their strength. As long as the soldiers of the Empire could fire volleys and shells against the platoons, they could still enter the artillery base.

Moreover, the fog is about to clear; when the fog clears, the enemy in Thunder Fort can use artillery fire to support the enemy who is besieging the position. can use other methods to make the enemy dare not open fire.

"All have-"

Turning back suddenly, Anson in the trench shouted out the most heart-warming words he had ever heard in his last life to the soldiers behind him:

"Attach the bayonet!"