MTL - I Will Be The Crowned King-Chapter 8 fencing

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Louis Bernard panicked.

Everything that has happened since the early morning until now is like a roller coaster to him - first a thrilling and rapid turn, followed by an exciting rush to the height, and then a straight fall into the abyss...

Originally thought that he, who was just entering the battle, had seized the opportunity to win and could determine the direction of the war in one go, but when he was at his most complacent, he hit his head with blood.


Why did the enemy retreat for no reason, why was there an enemy guarding the artillery position, and why did they still have 24-pound heavy artillery in their hands?

Why is this? !

The terrified young knight looked at everything around him, at the army that was in a dilemma under the crossfire of the enemy. Under the protective wall of the artillery position, there were still traces of being ravaged by heavy artillery.

A corpse that fell to the ground, spewing blood;

Abandoned, defiled iris flag;

The unwilling roar, the gunshots that are still fighting back;

The battlefield... is really not a place where you can glamorously capture glory!


A shot rang out, and Louis was thrown down by the guards behind him.


The sound of someone coming to the end sounded in his ears, and Louis, who was lying in the mud in a panic, looked sideways; the guard who was shot through the neck by a bullet lay beside him, staring at him with empty eyes.

The blood gushing from his neck flowed across the gaps in the dirt, soaking his cheeks.

"grown ups!"

An officer who saw the knight fell to the ground immediately rushed forward and hurriedly helped the young knight up: "Order to retreat, my lord! All the soldiers of the second battalion are willing to stand behind you until..."

"No, you can't retreat!"

Looking at the body of the guard on the ground, Louis Bernard raised his head suddenly with a sharp gaze: "The enemy's firepower has exposed himself. They only have one battalion of troops and only one artillery piece."

"Charge, organize another charge immediately! Our troops are three times their strength, and we can defeat them by rushing into the artillery base!"


The officer was about to argue when a harsh bugle and roar suddenly exploded in the direction behind them.

The young knight looked back, his pupils shrank suddenly.

The Clovis people, they rushed up from their right rear!

"grown ups!"

"Go and capture the artillery base, hurry up!"

The pale-faced Louis Bernard immediately got up and stared at the screaming and charging Clovis troops: "I'll stop them!"

With that said, he picked up the fallen battle flag; the golden irises full of dust and blood fluttered in the wind in the smoke.

The panic-stricken imperial soldiers saw the flag and hurriedly gathered in the direction of the young knight; under the orders of the sergeants, a three-column line of defense was quickly formed in front of him.

"Raise the gun—all in place!"

When the voice fell, the soldiers in the first row immediately knelt down on one knee, and the soldiers in the third row who were standing upright with their guns up also picked up their rifles and aimed straight ahead from the gap between the second row.

The Clovis soldiers immediately noticed the movement on the other side, raised their guns one after another, and at the same time quickened the pace of their charge.


Looking at the roaring young knight at the enemy, he slashed the sharp blade in his hand.


Following a round of salvos, the soldiers on both sides, shrouded in gunpowder smoke, let out a cry at the same time, stepped on the corpse of Paoze who was killed, and charged the enemy.

The chaotic hand-to-hand combat started with the first unlucky guy who was stabbed to death by the enemy's bayonet.


Kankan blocked the bayonet that almost pierced through his chest, and Louis, whose eyes were reddened, stabbed back, and the Clovis soldier was chopped to the ground before he recovered.

Almost at the same time, a soldier who was hit by a bullet between the eyebrows fell at his feet.

"Stay in formation, don't panic!" With another knife, the young knight who pierced the enemy's throat shouted, "Don't let the enemy rush into the phalanx, keep them out!"

The cry of powerlessness echoed in the center of the battlefield, and the entire battlefield was already in chaos.

At the moment when the charge was launched, the entire Clovis Private Company had already turned into columns, penetrating the imperial line that had just completed the salvo like a sharp blade piercing the butter. The charging Imperial soldiers were immediately attacked from the flank.

By the time Louis Bernard realized that it was too late, there were not many soldiers standing beside him; only Clovis soldiers in black and red uniforms could be seen, surrounded and interspersed among the chaotic imperial phalanx. .


The sound of gunshots swept past Louis' ears, and another guard who tried to cover him had his neck broken, and blood spurted out.

Damn it!

Biting his trembling lips tightly, the young knight waved the saber in his hand, ashamed of his powerlessness.

He desperately looked around, looking for any possibility that could turn the tide of the battle, or even change the status quo a little, and temporarily repel the enemy; but all he saw was that he was at a loss in the melee, and the artillery position was round after round. Shooting at the figure that kept falling.

Without even having to look back, Louis could have guessed that the charge against the artillery fort had been thwarted again—otherwise what he would hear now would not be the wailing of the soldiers, but the cheers of breaking down the parapet.


The sharp blade pierced the chest of a Clovis soldier, and the hot, bright red liquid was sprayed on his face.

Just as he pulled out the saber from the corpse, a sense of impending death pierced into Louis's heart.



The saber swung in the air in front of him smashed the bullets that came in the air.

Louis, who maintained his sword-wielding posture, suddenly raised his eyes and looked in the direction where he just shot.

A black-haired, brown-eyed officer appeared in his field of vision, holding a gun with a stunned expression on his face.

It's him? !

Like a hunter staring at his prey, Louis Bernard, wielding a saber, pounced on the figure.

An Sen's eyes widened, and he was stunned.

what's the situation?

A knife shoots a bullet into the air... Is this something that humans can do? !

He was stunned on the spot and his feet were motionless, and he was still mechanically repeating the action of loading ammunition in his hand - memory plus inertia, this almost became instinct.


The sharp blades intersect, and the fire bursts.

The moment Anson locked the bolt, the young knight had already rushed in front of him; the sharp edge that fell head-on was caught by the bayonet, and he was finally not beheaded.

But the impact alone made Ansen almost unable to hold the gun, and he took a few steps back before he could barely stand still.

In an instant, he saw the opponent who had missed the knife pull out the gun from his waist.


The bullet exploded in the dirt, and Anson, who had escaped the catastrophe, rolled on the ground without any image; at the same time as he got up, the Leopold rifle in his arms had already pulled the bolt and locked the bolt.

When he noticed, Louis' complexion changed slightly, and he froze in place, ready to dodge his next shot.

But Anson didn't pull the trigger, instead he straightened the bayonet on his rifle and pounced on Louis.

There are only three steps between the two, and counting the length of the bayonet rifle, it is only a stab distance!

The next second, the slightly trembling bayonet tip stopped in front of the young knight's neck.

The motionless Anson's expression was a little stiff - the saber in the opponent's hand also held up to his throat.

"Sure enough, as I guessed..."

Looking at Anson's eyes, the blood-stained Louis' face showed an "unexpected" expression:

"Those who are gifted can sense each other. Although you don't know your identity, you have the power of blood in your body... The commander guarding the artillery base is you, right?"

An Sen was expressionless and silent, his heart was turning upside down. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

So the opponent was able to hit the bullet with a single strike just because of the power of the bloodline?

Potential stimulation? Body strengthening? There are abilities that can be used time or times... Ansen is very distressed. "Former Ansen"'s memory has too little content about the power of blood, so that he doesn't even have a reference object.

His eyes were darkened, how should we fight this? !

"I have to admit, you are really good: you stand alone at the fort and let me, who has three times the strength but careless, fall into this situation." The opposite Louis Bernard was still talking to himself:

"But I'm not going to give up - I am Louis Bernard, the knight of the empire, in the name of the family and the ring of order, whether you accept it or not, I will invite you to a duel!

Since we are both talented and commanders of each other's armies, let's use a one-on-one duel to decide the outcome of the two sides! "

Saying that, the serious-looking young knight took two steps, holding a gun in his left hand, while his right hand holding a knife played a knife trick, using the handle of the knife to knock the Clovis soldiers who wanted to sneak attack to the ground.

Looking at the other party's imposing appearance, he wanted to decide his life and death with him; Anson, who was stunned for a few seconds, thought for a moment, threw the Leopold rifle in his hand on the ground, and pulled out the saber at his waist.

The solemn expression of Louis's eyes lit up, and an admiring smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't expect... as a Clovis nobleman, you actually have such a chivalrous demeanor. It's really embarrassing." Said, the young knight also decisively threw away his gun, and generously held the gun on the back of his left hand. Behind:

"Since that's the case, let's use the way of our ancestors to each other, with swordsmanship..."


An Sen, who was standing with a sword, pulled the trigger of the revolver with his left hand hidden at his waist.

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