MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 467 465. Chilled Red Wine

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  Chapter 467 465. Iced red wine

   The taste of this dish is not bad.

   At least the food in Li Hao is pretty good.

  However... I have a small problem with all Modu dishes, the soy sauce tastes a bit strong.

  As for what Uncle Xu and Liang Bingning talked about, he didn't listen.

   If it's entertainment or something, and he's present, he must pay close attention.

  But Uncle Xu said that this is a friend game, so he simply didn't wear ears.

  If the left ear is listening to the right ear, it will be as if you can’t hear anything.

   What's more... the current topic on the court is dominated by Liang Bingning.

"Now what Brother Mu has initially decided for me is to create a "father" character design. It is a tone of a big woman and a strong woman. It means that in the past two years, we will give the audience an independent female character design. Fans are no longer just facing Male fans and female fans should also start to absorb... After all, the purchasing power of the female-dominated consumer market is also very strong..."

   "Oh, that sounds really good."

  Xu Daqiang nodded while eating vegetables and drinking tea.

   But Liang Bingning saw his nodding attitude, but was a little speechless:

   "Mr. Xu, why do I hear a hint of perfunctory?"


  Xu Daqiang smiled:

   "It's perfunctory. You talk to me about this, but you don't understand, so don't rush to express your opinion."

  Hearing this, Liang Bingning thought for a while and asked:

   " do you feel? Hearing these words, does Mr. Xu feel anything? The kind that comes from the heart."

   "From the heart?"

   "Yes. From the heart!"

   Liang Bingning actually wanted to hear what he was thinking.

   After all, Mr. Xu has eaten and seen too many.

  Faced with this question, Xu Daqiang shrugged and acted casually:

   "Well, the idea is actually just one... Since you started talking about your career just now, I wanted to ask you. If you do this, you won't get married anymore?"


  Looking at Liang Bingning's stunned look, Xu Daqiang showed a hint of helplessness:

"Hey... so, I talked to you before, why don't you think about it? It's not that women are not allowed to have careers. You have a strong sense of career, but I understand, but wow... You are getting bigger and bigger, so you can find a man. The old saying is good: When a woman is in charge of the house, the house collapses. It’s not that you can’t manage a house, but if you really start your career, then why do you find a man?”

  Liang Bingning was a little speechless:

   "I started my career and made money, so why can't I find a man... find a boyfriend."

   "It's not a boyfriend, it's a man...husband. You don't want to get married?"

"Yes I do."

"Really? If you are like Sanjin and Mimi, get married first, and then the two continue to work on their careers, that's easy to say. But you have done this by yourself, do you think you can find someone else? Are you just Can you find someone who earns more than you and is better than you?"


  Hearing this, Liang Bingning quickly shook her head:

   "I... don't choose people. I have money myself, and when I get married... don't I also spend it with my husband? I don't have any requirements for him, as long as they get along well. I have very low requirements..."

   "How low?"


  Liang Bingning thought for a while, and said with a sense of humor:

   "Male~ live~...hehehe."


   Now it was Xu Daqiang's turn to be speechless.

   "You melon girl..."

   As he spoke, he shook his head helplessly:

   "The last time I saw you, I told you. Money, that's a number..."

   "You have to stand at your height to say this, I dare not."

   "What height?"

  Xu Daqiang became more and more speechless, picked up the cigarette on the table and knocked it, pointed at Li Hao behind him.

  Li Hao, who was eating, got up directly, walked to the back of the main seat where Uncle Xu was sitting, and opened the window halfway.

   And Liang Bingning saw that he had drawn out two sticks, and subconsciously stretched out his hand.

  Xu Daqiang rolled his eyes, handed the other one to Li Hao, and continued as if he didn't see her action:

"It's just a lot of money at the beginning. The money is not earned in a year or two. I told you last time that you first find a man and give yourself a home with a shelter from the wind and rain. That house is What? Home is the rope that hangs around your waist when you are floating outside. I know you want to make money, but people can’t just live on money in this life... If you don’t look for it now, when you earn money, you Do you think you can still find Sarah? You are old, but people still think you are young and beautiful? Don’t you? Are you saying..."

  Lighting a cigarette for himself, he shook his head helplessly:

"Two people are stronger than one. No matter how strong you are as a woman, there are times when you can't. If you're tired or exhausted, at least there is someone you can rely on, isn't there? ... Besides, if you are looking for a man, that's for sure I'm also looking for a match-mate, how can I ask so low? I'm still a man, I'm alive... This is called asking for it."

   It can’t be said to be preaching, but Liang Bingning also knew that this conversation, which was similar to the first time the two met in Xiying Studio, came from Mr. Xu’s heart.

  It's just...every family has its own difficult scriptures, how can some things be so easy?

  Her current circle is basically solidified.

  Looking for an insider?

  Don't be funny, let's not talk about whether others like to look at themselves in the eyes of "Liang Bingning her husband" in everything.

  Just talking about the chaos in this circle...

  Do you really think who is your son?

  A true gentleman?

  You are so superb, look at the young people today... how many can resist the temptation?

   To put it bluntly, her current evaluation of herself in the circle is like a chicken that lays golden eggs to those who are not as famous as herself.

   Whoever can hold it can fly.

   It's not narcissism, it's the truth.

  She herself knows her own virtues. If she really falls in love, she is actually very blind.

   Unless the motive is not pure at the beginning, it feels really right, as long as the other party doesn't let her give up her career...then I can dig out my brain for him.

   And what about those outside the circle?

   Looking for an ordinary person? Playing in that novel... the drama of online dating between ordinary people and big stars?


  Fiction is just fiction. Although some realities are worse than fiction, she really can't find ordinary people.

   Instead of looking for ordinary people, how about looking for some successful people?

  Don't say whether you dislike others or not, whether they can see you or not is another matter.

  In case you give up your feelings and end up with wishful will be a lot of fun to think about it.

   So, unrealistic.

  She can't ask herself what kind of partner she wants to find.

   can only say...wait.

   Wait for fate to come.

   Wait for the wind to blow.

   and so on meet.

  But she had to admit...

   President Xu's words sounded much more interesting this time than last time.

  Last time, it was more embarrassment.

  But this time, after getting along with each other, I treated them with a normal heart and felt the care from my friends.

  She is very useful.

  Because... at least during this meal, there was someone who cared about me and brought me a little warmth.

  Thinking of this, her brows and eyes became softer.


   "Let's go now... Today's meal tastes good. Oh yes, I don't dare to lose my temper. I disturbed my good mood at night."

  Xu Daqiang waved his hand and led Li Hao out of the box first.

  Go, walk separately.

   This is good for all four.

  Xu Daqiang and Li Hao left first, while Liang Bingning and Wang Dongying planned to sit in the room for a while.

Who knows if there are any reporters outside, if there is any news about "Liang Bingning having a secret meeting with a certain man late at night"... It doesn't matter if other people see it, but if Mimi and Xu Xin recognize her, then she will really have no face to show up again In front of the two of them.

   After the two of them left, Liang Bingning looked at her assistant with a slightly cold gaze:

   "What's going on with you today?"

   "I'm sorry, sister."

  Wang Dongying lowered her head slightly.

   Seeing her apologizing and admitting her mistakes, Liang Bingning wanted to say something... but Mr. Xu's words rang in her ears again.


never mind.

  She shook her head helplessly:

   "Be careful in the future, today is Mr. Xu, what if it is someone else? Why do you laugh at him?"

   "...Understood, sister, I will definitely not do it next time."

  Liang Bingning didn't respond, but just lowered her head and started fiddling with her phone.

  After waiting for more than ten minutes, she got up and said:

   "Let's go."

  Wang Dongying nodded quickly, and the two of them left the room together with red wine.

   Get in the car and go home.

  In the past few years, she has actually invested a lot of real estate in Shanghai. However, the place where she lives most often is Xuhui Garden on the Xuhui side.

  She bought this house a long time ago, in the second phase. The area of ​​the house is actually not large, only 140 square meters.

  The second phase of Xuhuiyuan was a house handed over in 2003. At that time, I made money and directly withdrew the full amount.

   It's not that she can't afford better ones. In fact, she just bought a villa at the end of last year in Gubei No. 1 Villa District, which is still under construction.

  The opening price was 100 million yuan, for a residence of more than 800 square meters.

   It's not that she doesn't have money, it's just that her money is being invested.

   This villa with more than 100 million yuan will be her place to settle down in Shanghai in the future. But for other houses, she didn't choose luxury houses too much.

   On the contrary, she always chooses this kind of house with an area of ​​more than a hundred square meters.

   And there are many sets.

   Except for living by yourself, everything else is for investment.

  Since the Olympics, the real estate market has been booming in the past few years, and the same housing prices in Shanghai that year also directly prove that her investment vision is correct.

  In the next ten years, it must belong to the real estate industry.

  So... If you only count the number of properties... Maybe there are not many people in the entertainment industry more than her.

   What's more, although Xuhuiyuan is not by the Huangpu River, it is not far away, and the people who live here are the first batch of people who became rich in Shanghai. In addition to the fact that there is no separation of people and vehicles on the ground in the community, Xuhuiyuan, which has won the title of National Civilized Property Unit and Advanced Management Community of Magic City many times, is not a casual community.

  The car came to the parking space and parked.

  After Liang Bingning got out of the car, Wang Dongying hurriedly asked:

   "Sister, what about these two bottles of wine?"

  Liang Bingning thought for a while, then took it:

"give it to me."

   At least two bottles of Mouton, more than 10,000 a bottle.

   It is a waste not to drink.

   Then, she walked into the corridor without looking back.

  Get into the elevator, go home, and turn on the lights.

  Among the luxurious French-style rooms, the most eye-catching thing is actually the remodeled huge glass window and the chaise longue in front of the glass window.

  She threw her bag on the sofa and walked into the bedroom.

   About an hour later, she put on a set of pajamas and walked out with the mask still on her face.

  Turn on the TV, the sound is not too loud.

  Carrying the wine bottle and goblet, she came to the lounge chair on the windowsill.

   Skillfully opening and pouring the wine, she poured herself a full glass without even a little snack.

   Drink it alone, without so much sense of ritual.

  The method of drinking wine, just pouring wine is troublesome enough.

   Leaning on the goblet, looking at the busy traffic below, she raised her head and took a big gulp.

  Only at this time, can she vaguely see the arrogance of a Shandong native drinking.

  Drinking red wine is a habit.

   I first heard that the tannins in it are good for the body.

   Over time, it becomes a habit.

  If you don’t have a drink before going to bed, you won’t be able to sleep well all night.

  Who said celebrities have no pressure?

  Their pressure is sometimes greater than that of ordinary people.

  Of course, this is a bit hypocritical. But sometimes the source of stress is not just life.

   There are various aspects.

   If you don't drink... She doesn't have a boyfriend, and she doesn't even have anyone around her who can enter her house and talk.

   What else can you do besides drinking a cup by yourself?

  She doesn't have many friends.

   This is the truth.

  Leave aside those people who play tricks on occasion... Along the way, she gave up too many things in order to be famous and popular.

   But I got used to it.

   After taking a gulp of wine, I made up for the wine I didn't drink at dinner.

   She breathed a sigh of relief.

  I don’t care about what’s on TV.

  Turn on the TV just to make the house less deserted.

  And on the small table with red wine, there is half a pack of mint-flavored Marlboro.

  Beside the ashtray, there is also a delicate-looking thing... a bit like an earring.

   This thing is called a cigarette clip.

   It is still an antique.

  French goods, when she was visiting an antique shop in Xiangjiang, she bought them for less than 15,000 yuan.

   Cigarette clips are just silver and worthless. The most valuable thing is the old turquoise inlaid on it.

   This thing can hold the smoke, and then the other side can be put on the finger like a ring, which can prevent the smell of smoke from being stained on the finger, and will not yellow the finger.

  She stuffed the cigarette in familiarly, put it on her hand and lit it.

  The aroma of mint and tobacco and the aftertaste of red wine add a little melancholy to this quiet night.


   Breathing out a mouthful of smoke, he picked up the red wine and took another big sip.

  She just picked up the phone.

   Fiddle this fiddle, fiddle that fiddle.

   Soon, half of a cigarette was burned.

  She opened Weibo.

   Not only Yang Mi has a trumpet, she also has one.

  The explosion of Weibo has attracted more and more people to this blank market.

  Tengxun Weibo and Sina Weibo are inseparable.

   But she still likes to use Sina Weibo.

   I can't tell the reason, but it might be easier.

  Log in to the trumpet, and her trumpet follows more than 100 accounts.

   There are relatives, friends, funny, entertaining gossip...everything.

   Refresh casually, and the microblogs of the whole day will be listed in chronological order.

  The first Weibo post led by Er was posted seventeen minutes ago by the "Plateau Man" with the head of the Hukou Waterfall.

   "The scenery is nice, haha."

   There is also a photo in the package.

  The photo was taken while lying down with a mobile phone, and the hair on both legs is still clearly visible.

   And the shooting location should be the balcony.

  Legs, red wine at the table, a bag of peanuts fried in sand that people in Shanghai don't eat very much, and the lights of the Huangpu River that are particularly conspicuous in the dark.


  Suddenly, she was speechless.

   You didn’t drink at the dinner table just now, but now you drink it when you get home?

  What do you mean?

  Is it shameful to drink with me?

   And under this Weibo, there is another comment.

  ID: Mr. Fox.

  The avatar is a cute cartoon fox.

   "Pay more attention to your body, be careful of catching a cold, don't catch a cold, I checked the weather in Shanghai, it's not warm."


   Seeing this comment, Liang Bingning sneered.

   Another little girl from nowhere.

  Thinking that some sweet words that seem to be caring can capture the heart of a middle-aged rich man.

  Is it useful?

  Looking at the "good" reply from the guy in Gaoyuan under this comment, she shook her head and continued to scroll down.

   But after flipping through it, it suddenly brought Weibo to the top.

   Clicked on this Weibo again, and then clicked on the avatar of "Mr. Fox".

  Mr. Fox basically doesn’t post on Weibo.

   But she was really active.

   It’s not like liking some funny animal videos, or reposting some mothers and babies’ feeding experience.

   Isn't it just a Weibo comment to Mr. Xu.

  Liang Bingning suddenly twitched the corner of her mouth...

  What do you mean?

   Already a mother?

  Still hooking up with Mr. Xu here?

  This... Mr. Xu, this...

   Are you so hungry?

  This fox, are you fair to your husband?

   Married, can't you live a good life with your husband?

   What do you do with a middle-aged widower?




   "Ah Choo!"

  Back after filming, in the courtyard of Guangdong, which can be said to be midsummer, Yang Mi rubbed her nose with a cattail fan to fan two sleeping dolls covered with pillow covers.

what's the situation?

  Caught a cold?

   No, let's take the two children back to sleep in the bedroom.

  She got up and pushed the cart and walked back to the house.


  As for Liang Bingning, after despising this mother who is not living a good life, Liang Bingning was a little speechless after looking at the plateau guy's Weibo.

  After thinking about it, she quit Weibo on her mobile phone and came to the phone interface.

  But looking at the name "Mr. Xu" stored on the phone, he suddenly hesitated.

   But he didn't hesitate for long.

   Don’t you have to ask the person from that foundation tomorrow what time to meet?


   "Doo...Hello? What's the matter?"

   "Mr. Xu is drinking?"

  Liang Bingning held up the phone and laughed.

   " Weibo exposed again?"

  Xu Daqiang was also a little speechless.

   "Haha, it's inevitable. I just got home, and when I saw Mr. Xu's Weibo, I called to ask about it. Coincidentally, I was also drinking... Mr. Xu."


   "Why do you think it's necessary? I really want to drink it. Just now, let's drink this wine and talk slowly. I see in the photo that you also got a bag of peanuts? Isn't it boring to drink alone?"

   "It's boring. You are Sanjin and Mimidi's friend, and you are an elder. If you go out and drink with your newadi friend, it doesn't look good."


  As soon as Xu Daqiang said this, Liang Bingning was taken aback.

  Can't help but ask:

   "Mimi and Sanjin's friend?"

   "Ang. Otherwise? Or Sarah?"


  Xu Daqiang's words made Liang Bingning speechless again.

  But after being speechless, she has a clear grasp of the meaning of the other party's words.

   It was like meeting Mr. Xu for the first time at Xiying Studio.

  The other party's expression of "it's better not to see".

   One sentence hit her heart.

  Maybe it's the red wine that I haven't had a few sips of, or it's something that has been held in my heart for a long time.

  Finally got an outlet today.

   "Xu always wants to tell me... the past is the past, right?"


  On the other end of the phone, Xu Daqiang lit a cigarette on his own.

   "Bing Bing."

  Rarely, he no longer uses "you" to address Liang Bingning, but changes to a name from... a long, long time ago.

   "Do you remember what you said yourself?"


   "200,000, Liang Bingning in the past was only worth 200,000. Starting today, I will become more valuable than anyone else."


   Liang Bingning on the other side of the phone fell silent.

   In silence, he picked up the glass of red wine.

   Drink it all in one gulp.

   "Googling... Huh..."

   "...are you drinking too?"


  Liang Bingning responded, with the phone tucked around his neck, poured all the remaining half bottle of red wine into the glass, and said with a smile:

   "I knew I wouldn't call Mr. Xu this way. Usually, one bottle of red wine is enough, but today I'm afraid I'll have two bottles."

   "...why drink so much?"

   "I'm not like Mr. Xu, I still have a bag of peanuts at hand. I don't have... so I can only drink from the past."

  She stood up with a smile, and while going to get the second bottle of red wine, she smiled and said:

   "Mr. Xu won't you accompany me for a drink?"


  Xu Daqiang laughed.

  Then, she heard a knock on the phone.

   That was the response given by people who were 12.1 kilometers away from her and 7 traffic lights.

   Returning to the lounge chair with a bottle of red wine in hand, Liang Bingning replaced the burnt cigarette.

   After ordering another one for himself, in the sound of breathing, he looked at the night scene outside the window and asked:

   "I thought... Mr. Xu had forgotten it long ago. I even forgot that I said this sentence... I didn't expect Mr. Xu to remember it."

   "Well, my memory is better... But now I'm old, old. I can't remember what I said just now."

   "Nonsense, Mr. Xu is not old, he is charming."

  Quandang didn't understand Xu Daqiang's meaning of "let's close this topic", and there was something... inexplicable in her tone:

   "Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible for someone to reply immediately after posting a Weibo."


  Xu Daqiang was stunned...

   "Someone replied to you? ...Wait, let's see."

   After a few seconds...

   "Ah, what time is it, why isn't she sleeping..."


   Liang Bingning's mouth twitched.

   "Look, I told you. Mr. Xu has a good memory~ You can tell who kept it at a glance."

   "This is not nonsense... This is Mimidi Weibo, Sanjin just talked to it today."

   "Puff...cough cough cough cough cough..."

  Liang Bingning took a breath of smoke, choked it into his lungs, and coughed violently.


  She was surprised and came up with a sentence in the northern Shaanxi dialect:

   "Is that Mimi?"

   "That's right, this is Mr. Fox. Ah, what's the point of giving it a Japanese name... Huanjun, Jundi. It seems that I can just call it Taijun."


  In front of the quiet floor-to-ceiling windows, the bright smile of the woman with the mask off was revealed under the moonlight.

  Mimi, I'm sorry, this time it's my heart.

  While laughing, she threw the mask that fell on the pajamas onto the table.

   "President Xu."


   "Then... let's just drink two glasses like this? I just opened the second bottle."

  She made an offer.

   On the other side, after the "embarrassment" of meeting was gone, Xu Daqiang did not refuse:

   "Hehe, okay. But you have to agree, you can drink as much as you say...Can't you escape drinking and play tricks?"

   "Hey, don't worry, it won't happen!"

   She responded brilliantly.

  (end of this chapter)

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