MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 468 466. A safe life

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  Chapter 468 466. A safe life

  With a flick of the finger, April came to an end.

  This year’s May Day Golden Week has been extended due to the extension of the statutory holiday, and the national tourism industry has suddenly entered a full-load stage.

  Everywhere you go, there are people.

  Not to mention natural scenic spots, even man-made scenic spots, such as Hengdian and Xiangshan film and television cities, are also overcrowded.

  Because of the influx of tourists, many production crews had to temporarily stop their filming progress to make way for tourists. Otherwise, many exterior scenes of the crew would not be able to proceed. When a star comes out, hundreds of people will watch, and no one can stand it.

   It is not only the production crews in these big film and television cities who are affected by these tourists, even a small place like Yuan'an, which is not well-known, also received the first wave of tourists because of "The Hawthorn Tree".

  As for the exact number of these's hard to count.

  But the hotels in the entire county, large and small, are almost full, which is true.

  At first, Xu Xin didn't realize how serious the situation was.

  But on May 1st, when he was preparing to shoot the scene where Jing Qiu helped the school renovate the playground during the summer vacation, he realized that something was wrong when he found that he couldn't disperse the normally cooperative crowd.

   people, more than ever.

  Those civilian police comrades struggled to maintain order.

   Not only are there many people, but there are also many foreign vehicles on the street that do not belong to the "E E" license plate.

These people are holding cameras and guarding outside the school. When they see Lin Juxin or Liu Yifei appearing, they will yell. Comrades from the police and the drama staff cooperate with each other and hold up the horn to ask everyone to "don't make noise". .

  One morning, not a single scene was filmed.

   From time to time, someone will disturb you.

   Either someone was walking around in the camera, or someone turned into the school and hid his head in the classroom watching the shooting scene.

  All actors and crew members were exhausted physically and mentally.

   Even, comrades from the police came over to discuss with Xu Xin whether to increase the police force in the afternoon to maintain order.

   But this request was denied by him.

  When the old man was on the set, the scene in Yuan'an County was filmed. At the beginning, the people in the county were also curious, and there were many onlookers.

  Someone discussed whether to close the road, but the old man directly rejected it:

"When filming this kind of scene, don't block roads and mountains at every turn. Who do you think you are? The things you film are for the people to see, and everyone cooperates with each other. Don't finish the filming, and your reputation will be bad. Why bother."

  The old man felt that filming was nothing special. Although he didn't feel anything, he also felt that it was unnecessary to increase the police force or make it look like martial law.

  In the morning, he felt that the tourists and the crew could cooperate with each other, so he started working normally.

   But at this time, seeing that there were more people, all kinds of unqualified people appeared, so he just made a decision:

"have a rest."

  He waved his hand and said to Xue Yong when a scene was not filmed:

   "In the afternoon, let people go to see how the scenery of Qinglong Village is, especially the hawthorn tree. If it blooms... Tomorrow, the crew will shoot there, and let the scene of Yuan'an be vacated first."

  He is leaving soon.

  Golden Week ends on the 5th.

   And starting on the 6th, he will go to Shanghai.

  On May 10th, the World Expo opened, and he had to stay until the 11th, and he would not be able to come back after attending the celebration banquet.

  So I want to catch up with the progress before leaving.

  Although the progress of "The Hawthorn Tree" is ideal, it is difficult to maintain the state of the actors.

  But who knew that Xue Yong and Zhang Mo would give feedback in the afternoon.

   "Director Xu, our people are back."

   Xu Xin, who was busy with various materials, line drafts, and scattered books, said casually:

   "Well, how is it? Can it be filmed? If it can be filmed, first transport the equipment to the village chief."

  Hearing this, Duan Heng, the drama manager who came with Xue Yong, shook his head directly:

   "I can't shoot, Director Xu. When we passed by in the afternoon, the car couldn't even enter the village."

   "...What do you mean? There are many people?"

  Xu Xin was a little puzzled.

  Duan Heng sighed:

"Ah... that's not a matter of crowds. On the road we enter the village, the private cars of elders and elders are already lined up. Those cars are all parked on the side of the road in a row. Then there are special people to collect fees... we went Someone came over from time to time... Twenty cars. Later, I still said that I belonged to the crew, so I didn't pay the money."


  Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

   "What about the village? Are there many people?"

   "There are not many people in the village, or basically there are no people, and they are all empty."

   “…where are people?”

"There are men who pay for parking on the side of the road and guide the way, but most of them go to patrol the mountains. I found the village party secretary who stayed behind in the village and asked him. He said that he was afraid that tourists would go climbing the mountain. One inadvertently caused a mountain fire, and all the men in the village went to patrol the mountain.

  Those women, grandma and aunts, all went to the nearby Hawthorn Garden. Although those hawthorn orchards are not yet out of hawthorn, they have been considered in Yuan'an when they started this eco-tourism. There are farmhouse facilities in several nearby hawthorn orchards...

  Although it was a bit crude, everyone went to have a big banquet. When I passed by, I took a look. There were cars inside and out, and the tourists were full. It looked like a running water mat. And the fish ponds are also open... It seems that the village is planning to take advantage of this Golden Week and our popularity to directly make a fortune. "


  For a while, Xu Xin didn't know what to say.

   On the contrary, it was Xue Yong who corrected and said to Duan Heng:

   "It's not salvaging, this is Yuan'an's eco-tourism strategy. To make money from tourism, as long as the price is fair, it's not called big fishing."

"...Yes, yes, brother, you are right. Anyway, there are quite a lot of people, and when we went, we saw the fork towards Qinglong Village. Several people were laying piles to erect a sign. The sign was not erected when we passed. , Some villagers stopped our car, and when the car window fell down, they asked: Are you going to the production team of "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree"? Do you want to lead the way?... When we came back, a big red sign had already stood on the side of the road: "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree" "——Directors Zhang Yimou and Xu Xin filming locations. A big arrow! It stands out!"



  When Duan Heng said this, Xu Xin understood.

  If the crew can go to shoot at this time, the people in Qinglong Village will definitely welcome it.

  But the problem is... the conditions over there may not meet the shooting conditions.

  Even Yuan'an is like this, if the news about their shooting in Qinglong Village leaks out... no, people here will definitely know about it.

  As soon as the news came out, tourists all rushed to Qinglong Village...

  That's even worse.

   "So...maybe I won't be able to shoot in a few days."

  He temporarily put down the work at hand, and sat on the sofa showing a helpless look.

   While talking to himself, he wants to smoke.

   As a result, the smoke has become an empty box.

   Seeing this, he directly opened the drawer, took three bags of Zhonghua, and threw one bag to Xue Yong and Duan Heng.

"That's fine...Brother Yong, let's talk to everyone. The production team will rest for the next two days... Let everyone relax and relax. Objective conditions don't allow it, so we won't force it... But the weather forecast still needs to be managed well, and, In a moment we will compare the next shooting process.

   During this period of time, some people from the production team have been scored, and they are in Yuan'an, while going to Qinglong Village... Especially Qinglong Village, we must protect our filming location with the village chief, and we must not let tourists ruin it. Especially those important filming locations... You can find a few people in a while. "

  Xue Yong nodded to express his understanding:


   "Director Xu..."

  At this time, Duan Heng spoke again:

   "There is one more have to decide."


"The village party secretary told me... that he wanted to borrow the old movie projection equipment that our crew used to shoot the movie show. The young people in the village gave him a suggestion, saying that it was a special... nostalgic movie theme. Pull those tourists over to experience it, saying that it is fifty yuan a head..."

   "Fifty??? That's the same price as a movie theater!"

  Before Xu Xin opened his mouth, Xue Yong said dumbfoundedly:

   "What are you doing? You really caught a few fat sheep and plucked their wool to death? You agreed?"

  Duan Heng hurriedly shook his head:

   "That's definitely not the case. How can I dare if Director Xu doesn't nod? ... But the village party secretary told me over and over again that I must apply to Director Xu..."

   "...It's okay, the equipment can be given. But I'm afraid they won't understand."

  Xu Xin nodded:

"It's not easy for everyone to earn some extra money. The best time of the year is this May. Agreed, Brother Yong, you take care of this matter, and put the equipment... um. Well, let's just do this, and they won't see you anymore." We must know how to do it, let Guo Fan and the others go directly to the village to live until the end of the Golden Week. On the one hand, we are maintaining the film equipment, and on the other hand, we are asking the villagers to maintain our filming location."

  Suddenly remembered that there were so many "practice dogs" who were useless, so he stopped pretending.

   Instant showdown, incarnate as a black-hearted capitalist:

"Equipment rental, no money. But the film needs to be coordinated with the county. Today, "Guest on the Iceberg" can be shown to them. But I ask for this, and they also have to send people, completely obeying Guo Fan and the others. , protect our filming location. You can call and communicate now, if it works, then let them go now and let the village chief arrange board and lodging."

   Xue Yong responded:

   "Okay, Director Xu."

  Hearing Xue Yong agree, suddenly, he thought of something, turned his head and said to Zhang Mo:

"Since this Golden Week is so lively, then we have to make the leaders of Qinglong Village and Yuan'an County look good. It's definitely not possible to make serious scenes. You can arrange it again, and Yuan'an Contact people around. The crew can cooperate with them to appear in some places they need in these two days.

  Note, it is not to cooperate with them to participate in activities. Instead, I went to some places to pretend to be filming, and went through a cutscene. To attract some tourists is to give them publicity. But it's limited to one episode a day, and you can ask a few questions about the news in Yuan'an's own county. Other news interviews will not be accepted.

  As for the specific plan, let them think for themselves. We only shoot movies, so that tourists can watch and help them promote. But this scale... Sister Mo, you can decide for yourself. "

  Zhang Mo also nodded, wrote down his instructions, and added:

   "And explain the situation to the actor?"

"Well, let's say. Tell them to just go through the motions and cooperate with each other. These few days... Let's arrange it like this. Help Yuan'an publicize and make it famous. Everyone has worked hard for a few days. When the Golden Week is over, it happens that I Going to the expo..."

   "Om, Om, Om..."

  His phone rang suddenly.

   Glancing at the caller, he waved his hand:

   "We'll have another holiday then."

  The two assistant directors nodded at the same time:


   "Well, let's all go to work."

  The three of them exited the room together.

  Xu Xin looked at the caller and connected the call directly:


   "Xu... Director Xu."

  Inside the phone, Nazha's uneasy voice rang.

   "Well, what's up?"

   "You and Miss Mi...will you come back this May Day?"

   "I'm not going back. What's the matter? What's the matter?"

  Seeing Xu Xin's tone as if nothing happened, Nazha plucked up her courage and said:

   "It's just... my mother... and my sister... Our family wants to thank you in person. My sister just flew a flight to Beijiang yesterday and brought a lot of special products. It's a little heart from us..."

"Need not."

  Looking down at a copy of "Bite of the Tongue" material in his hand, Xu Xin said:

   "How is your father?"

   "Probably tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I will be released from the ICU and transferred to the general ward. Then... I am also queuing up now. If the doctor says the fastest, the operation can be performed next month. But the risk of rejection must make us prepare..."

   On the day he returned from Shanghai, Nazha and his family arrived in Yanjing on the brothers' private plane and lived in Xiehe.

   As a first-class hospital in the country, Xiehe is really tight on beds.

   But everything was resolved after Zhang Wu made a phone call.

   Not even a favor.

  Before the meeting, Xu Xin said:

   "Director Zhang, do you know the doctor in Xiehe? I have an ICU patient here who wants to go there for heart surgery."

  Zhang Wu nodded:

   "Okay, I'll make a call, and you ask them to prepare the case and patient number information."

It's that simple.

   And admitted to Xiehe, a hospital that does not have a transfer procedure at all, the life of Nazha's father, who completed the rescue in northern Xinjiang, was saved.

  The rest is easy.

  Line up and wait for the donor.

   Prepare for surgery.

   During this period, the little girl's father could not be discharged from the hospital.

  Xu Xin has done everything he should.

  As for the rejection reaction... I can only say that I did my best and obeyed the destiny.

   Then he said:

   "Okay, isn't the situation better? Tell your family that you don't have to worry."

   "...Well. Director Xu... this time's kindness... I will repay you like a cow or a horse!"

   "Ha, no, it's not the old society... Okay, is there anything else?"

"No... Ah? No, Director Xu, then... When will you come back, I will give you the things in person. My mother said that we must express our feelings in person. And we have to pay back the money. You owed a note..."

   "It's really unnecessary. You can save those things for your father. As for the money..."

  He thought about it, and felt that he really had to issue an IOU.

   It's not that he feels sorry for the money.

  Ding is Dingmao is Mao.

   When he chose to help her save her father, he had no intention of asking for the money.

  But if there is no IOU, sometimes it can't be separated too clearly.

   Then said:

"On the 8th, on the 8th, your sister Mi is going back to participate in the Yanjing College Student Film Festival. You can contact her directly... I will take this IOU. But you have to tell the people at home. Don't put too much pressure... "

   Speaking of this, he paused, and his tone softened:

"It's all about giving you your own fighting spirit. Don't you want to stand out? The college entrance examination is only a few days away. Work hard in the past two months to get admitted to Beijing Film Academy. After graduation, you will become an outstanding actor. Pay me back the money that came. Tell your family that you owe this money alone, and you will pay it back with your own salary in the future. As for other demolition of houses, land sales, loans, etc., I will not accept it. Understand me Do you mean it?"

  He conveyed his best wishes for the girl in his heart, wishing her to be a good actress seriously, and conveyed it to the girl's heart in this way.


  Holding the phone, under the gaze of her mother and sister, the tears in the girl's eyes could no longer hold back.


  Among the low-pitched sobs, Xu Xin, who really couldn't hear the girl wipe her tears, said:

   "Okay, let's just say that, take good care of your father, come on."


  The phone hangs up.


  The moment the phone was hung up, she sat on the bed in the small family hotel next to the hospital, curled her legs, buried her face deeply in her knees, and released the fear and pressure that had been lingering in her heart for many days.



   And next to her, no matter if it is a sister or a mother.

  No one came to comfort me.

  Because they were crying too.

   Crying and praying to the gods and Buddhas all over the sky.

  Praying for this bunch of good-hearted people who shined down in the hopeless darkness and redeemed their small family like the Holy Spirit...

a peaceful life.

   Readers who have seen the easter egg chapter know that my computer really blew up last night. However, because something happened before, I went to sleep directly, and tried again when I got up this morning, and it turned on. However, I just wrote 100 words when I turned it on, and the power was cut off.

   After waiting for 5 minutes, I didn't believe in evil, and turned on the phone. I wrote another hundred words. Snapped…

   I went directly to the computer to repair the machine, but it didn’t work after changing the power supply. In addition, I bought this computer in 18 years, so it should be replaced. I'm going straight to get a new computer.

   As a result, the new year just started, the profiteer said that it was in stock, and told me that it could be installed at two or three in the afternoon. After paying the money, what the **** did I wait until after 5 o'clock in the evening, and the most important motherboard was brought over.

   After everything is done and the system is completed, the shopping malls are closed.

   Back home, hurry up and write so much. But the writing is very awkward. Firstly, all the files are not backed up, so I have to take this computer to someone else tomorrow to find it. The second is the input method, coding software, fonts, etc... Anyway, the new computer is uncomfortable to use.

   That's all for today... hey. Bad January.

   Oh yes, I am so unlucky that I have to take my wife to the hospital for a brain CT tomorrow. She is still dizzy from the sequelae of the new crown, and my **** nose has not recovered.

   One word.

Capital letter.




  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion