MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 484 482. The Socks Are Brilliant, You Need Balenciaga

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  Chapter 484 482. Socks play well, and Balenciaga

   "Hello? Xu Xin, what's the matter?"

   "Sister Bingbing, where are you?"

  Xu Xin's voice came from the microphone.

   "Well, it's outside, what's wrong?"

  As soon as Xu Xin asked this question, after Liang Bingning finished answering, an idea suddenly came to her heart naturally.

   "Do you have to change the car?"

  Change to a privacy shield, but also soundproof.

  Because she had clearly said "Xu Xin" just now, and now she said "outside".

   Obviously, he didn't expect to tell the other party about his upcoming itinerary.

  But... Yingying knows the relationship between President Xu and Xu Xin.

  My answer...will it make others think too much?

  Her face suddenly became hot.

   Very uncomfortable kind.

  But the idea of ​​changing the car became more determined in my heart.

  Xu Xin naturally didn't know what she was thinking in her heart, and she didn't even consider that the other party was "lying" even this kind of answer.

   It was originally a greeting at the beginning of the phone call.

  He didn't mean to pay attention to what other people were doing.

   Then he responded:

   "Well, Sister Bingbing, is it convenient for you to talk now?"

   Normally, when she heard this, she would definitely ask Lao He to stop, and then let the two of them get out of the car to avoid it.

  But it really doesn’t work right now, so I can only say:

   "I'm in a car."

  As soon as these words came out, Xu Xin understood the meaning and said with a smile:

   "Then it doesn't matter. That's it, Sister Bingbing, do you know Xi'an, the city that never sleeps in the Tang Dynasty?"

   "Well, I know. I drove by before, and I took a special look at it from a distance. What's the matter?"

"Is such that…"

  He talked about the "beauty in Tang Palace".

   Liang Bingning's eyes lit up.

   Is there such a good thing?

  But he immediately realized that something was wrong... Why didn't he push Mimi to this kind of thing?

   But found yourself?

  So he asked in a joking tone:

   "Why don't you let Mimi go?"

   "Her? She can't play Wu Zetian."

  Xu Xin didn't think there was anything to hide, so he chose to tell the truth:

"If you really want to play Wu Zetian, she is at the talent stage at most. But she will have to wait at least five or six years to cultivate the kind of empress grace and luxury. So she can't act, since Deputy Director Ma told me this The words mean that since the time I wanted to deepen our cooperation with us, I have never considered her."

   Liang Bingning understood now.

   After thinking about it for a while... It is true that Mimi is beautiful, but it is really not suitable for her to play Wu Zetian.

  It's okay to let her play a "beauty" like Daji.

   It's not to praise Yang Mi, but to tell the truth.

  As an actress, if she didn't even know her own strengths and weaknesses, and how to make use of her strengths to make up for her weaknesses, she would have been in vain for so many years.

  So, she responded:

"I see."

   Another joke:

   "That's why it's cheaper for me?"

"Haha~ That's what I said. Sister Bingbing is not an outsider. What is cheap? It should be said that the resources are allocated reasonably. If you agree, I will let the factory recommend you. With this level of identity You still have a lot of benefits. How?"


"…What's the matter?"

"It's okay... I just lost my mind just now. That's okay... How about this, I'll finish my work tonight, and I'll go back and talk to you, how about it? Well, if I want to drink tonight, I'll call you tomorrow, okay? See what I need to do..."

"You don't need to do anything, it's not that complicated. I just report you. If there is no accident, the endorsement of this Tang Palace beauty is yours. Then just cooperate with the promotion of the city that never sleeps. It's like you started this year. Fulfilling the duties and powers of the deputy head is the same. This is a medium and a bridge for the two sides to deepen cooperation. If you have this layer of halo in the future, you will definitely walk harder."

   Subtext: The status in the circle has been improved.

   Liang Bingning naturally understood.

  So he laughed and said:

   "Yeah! Then I know!"

   "Ha~ That's fine, let's do this first. Sister Bingbing, you are busy, I will hang up."

"Where are you?"

   "Xi'an, the movie business is coming."

"oh oh…"

   After a few more pleasantries, the phone hung up.

  But Liang Bingning's face was not as happy as before.

  At this moment, looking at the scenery outside the window.

  The sky in summer is long, and it’s not dark until after five o’clock.

  She just looked at the busy traffic outside the window, and the inexplicable feeling of guilt in her heart became stronger and stronger.

  Actually, her hesitation just now was not any objection to the endorsement.

   Just kidding, this is a 10% good thing... I can't say that.

  But the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

  The reason why she hesitated just now was purely because of Xu Xin's words.

   "We are our own people."

  Actually, looking back on everyone's friendship, it can be said that it was very impure from the beginning.

  She really wanted to find a backer, so she picked and chose Xiying Studio.

  The factory asked the other party to contact me.

  The two also used each other to play Tai Chi for a long time.



  A strong embarrassment welled up in her heart, and she quickly shook her head, pushing back some really embarrassing memories.

   "Sister, is your throat uncomfortable?"

  Wang Dongying turned around and asked.

   "It's okay... What's inside, Lao He, play a song, play a song and listen to it, louder."


  The driver Lao He looked surprised, but obediently turned on the mute player.

   Soon, Adu's voice sounded:

   "He must love you very much~ he also compares me..."

   "Change, change a song."

  Liang Bingning quickly asked to cut the song.

  This...what the hell!

   Soon, the prelude to "Tearing the Night" sounded.

  She hummed directly to the song:

   "I tore a page from my dream~ I don't know how to write tomorrow..."

   No, no more thoughts.


  What about this matter?

  Yang Mi has decided.

   Stop here.

  She didn't want to tell her brother either.

   It is the most correct way to not listen to it, not to ask it, not to look at it, not to think about it.

  The daughter-in-law takes care of the husband's affairs?

  Aren't you afraid of other people's gossip?

   Still talking to your husband?


  So, she selectively "forgot" this matter.

  So, Xu Xin naturally didn't know these things, and continued to be that happy rice bug in Xi'an.

  Stayed in Xi'an for 4 days.

   On the fifth day, he returned directly to Yanjing.

  The 4th College Student Film Festival will start tomorrow.

  Different from those domestic awards, it also adopts the form of foreign film unit exhibitions. From the 18th to the 24th awards ceremony, there will be a 5-day film unit screening session.

  As the director of the opening short film, he and Liu Yifei were invited to attend the opening ceremony of the film festival.


  Since Yang Mi moved to Chikan, the houses in Yanjing are basically empty.

  Even when Xu Daqiang came to Yanjing, he didn't live here.

  He also has more than one suite, which is the wedding room of his son and daughter-in-law. When the young couple was around, he came to see his grandchildren. But now that everyone has gone out, what does he, a husband, live in their wedding room?

   Not suitable.

  Don't talk about the water thrown by the married girl.

  In fact, it is the same for both men and women.

  Since the child is married, the parents of both parties should try not to play too many roles in the emotional world of the young couple.

  Xu Daqiang understood this truth.

  So, after the parents-in-law and mother-in-law played the role of taking care of the party, he played the role of the party who paid the money.

  The son and daughter-in-law are not short of money, that’s right.

  But the truth has to be understood.

   Otherwise, it is easy to be said in the future, "Have you managed your grandson for a day?" and so on.

   That's not good.

   But if Xu Xin is himself, then the situation is another story.

  My son is at home by himself, and he doesn't know how to cook or make noodles.

   It's not good to eat or drink.

  Since the father is in Yanjing, he must come to take care of him.

   And after the time in Shanghai in May, he hadn't eaten his father's meal, so Xu Xin also thought very hard.

   entered the house, but there was no one in the house.


   Where is the old man?

  He yelled twice in wonder:


   No response.

  There is no one at home.

   That's weird.

   Didn’t he agree that he would have mutton noodles for lunch.

  It's almost 10 o'clock, and the mutton soup hasn't been boiled yet?

  Pushing the suitcase aside casually, after changing into slippers, he just walked into the living room from the hallway, when he saw a noodle table on the marble table for eating, and a stainless steel basin was turned upside down on it.

   Now I feel at ease.

   Or say that the heart of being a son is big.

   If you are a girl, you must call to ask about the situation and see what the old man is doing.

  But when the son is sure that the father has kneaded the dough, he doesn't care about it.

  No way, it’s been like this since I was a child.

  When the old man cooks, he just waits to open his mouth to eat.

  Sometimes Xu Miao has to help with picking vegetables, but he doesn't.

  Because he is the youngest son, he was born to be favored.


  Xu Xin chuckled, his mind was full of the bowl of mutton noodles that haunted him.

  Nothing to do this afternoon, just eat garlic at noon.

   Well, it’s just a pity.

  The sour water can’t come out.

  If it can be sent out, it will be more comfortable to eat at night.


  Going to the familiar comfortable leather sofa, he realized that he was a little dull.

  The air conditioner is still on at home.

  There must be someone.

  I'm so worried...hehe...

  In a good mood for a while, he turned on the TV and began to search aimlessly.

  Hmm, rumors of martial arts?

This is acceptable.

   Long time no see.

   Lying sideways on the sofa, he yawned lazily.

   Feeling a little thirsty again.

  Forget patient.

   Wait for Dad to come back later, and ask Dad to get some sweet water from the refrigerator to drink.

  Naturally, his mentality changed into that of a child. He was thinking about it when the phone rang.

  Xu Daqiang called.

   "Hello? Dad? Where are you?"

"…came back?"

   "Ang, I just got home."

   "That's just right, go downstairs to help me carry things... Ah, the weather is so hot!"

   "Uh... good."

  Xu Xin was actually quite reluctant.

   Mainly because of laziness.

  But still got up and stepped on the slippers, took the key and walked out.

   All the way down the stairs, I saw the old man riding a small electric tricycle specially bought by his father-in-law and his mother-in-law, wearing sunglasses, and just parked in the bicycle parking space.

  Xu Xin hurried up:

   "What did you buy?"

   "It's hot, buy some cucumbers, and make a cold dish. The seasonings at home are several months old, throw them all away, and replace them with new ones."

  Xu Daqiang pointed to the small three-wheeled seat not much bigger than the electric car and said.

   This car happens to be in the "gray" area between large electric three-wheelers and electric vehicles.

  So so far, the old men and women in Yanjing City can still drive.

  Looking at the bottles and cans inside, Xu Xin picked them up without hesitation.

   Didn't ask Xu Daqiang to help at all.

  But because both hands were occupied, Xu Daqiang had to walk a few steps to open the door for him.

   While Xu Xin was carrying his things, he saw that the pair of shoes on his father's feet were a bit weird.

  The upper is very long, and at first glance it looks like going out with only socks on.

   It seems to be... woolen?

   But the sole is that of a sneaker.

   Is it an illusion?

  How does it feel like the socks are sewn onto the soles of the shoes?

   But this kind of thinking is just random thinking, and he hasn't paid much attention to it yet.

   After the old man opened the door for himself, he carried his things and went straight in.

  Xu Daqiang walked a few steps quickly and pressed the elevator.

  The elevator door opened, and Xu Xin put the two bags on the ground.

   Casually glanced at the old man's feet, wanting to see if it was a sock or an illusion, but in fact there was a support structure inside it.

   There should be a supporting structure, right?

  Socks will definitely change shape after wearing them for a long time.

   I'm talking about the quality of the shoes made of socks, can they be strong? Can you walk with your feet?

   It doesn't matter if you don't look at it...

   Looking at it, he saw the outline of his father's toes at the toe of the shoe.



   "These shoes... are socks?"

   As he spoke, he squatted down and touched it.


   Are they really socks?

   And with this squat, you can see the details of the shoes more clearly.

   There is a string of English letters on the heel.

   "Is it... stupefied... time... Balenciaga? What kind of shoes are these? Sock shoes?"

   Xu Xin, who had never seen the world, was shocked.

   "Uh... I don't know, I bought it to wear."

  Xu Daqiang said.

   And Xu Xin hasn't gotten up yet, but is studying this shoe.

   Guys, are they really socks?

   These famous brands are really crazy about money, right? If you put a sole on your socks, you dare to sell them for money?

   Or... speaking of the ability to play with socks, it has to be you.


   "How much are these shoes?"


  Xu Daqiang's mouth twitched.

   "I don't know, wow, bring a lot of things to buy together."

   "... At least one or two thousand?"

   "Ang, almost wow."


  Xu Xin just stood up, eyes full of emotion.

   They still make money.

  He even imagined the craftsmanship of these shoes.

   You can even do it yourself.

  However... it may not be possible to make it in Yanjing. Because he has never seen a shoe repair booth in the past few years since he came to Yanjing.

  Different from Shenmu, Shenmu can occasionally see the shoemaker's shop when he was a child.

  If the shoes are opened and glued, you can give me 50 cents, and they will handle it comfortably.

   And this kind of shoes... go to Shenmu, find those shoe repair shops, and buy a sole.

  Then go to the supermarket and buy three pairs of black socks for ten yuan, apply glue on the inside and outside of the socks, then stuff an insole into it, and stick it to the sole of the shoe to make it work.

  The cost... the sole plus the insole is only five yuan at most.

  Counting the socks, the cost may be less than ten yuan.

  But once this kind of thing enters a famous brand store, it becomes a luxury when it comes out...

  Tut tsk tsk...

   Smacking his lips, he stood up, and the elevator floor also arrived.

  He walked out with his things.

  Back home, put the newly bought seasonings and ingredients in the kitchen, and he didn't care about anything.

  His mentality now is the mentality of his son.

   Still the kind of favored young son.

   To put it bluntly, even if the soy sauce bottle at home was down, he didn't help it.

  Both father and son are used to this way of getting along.

  In Xu Daqiang's eyes, his son is always a child.

  Children know how to be a salamander.

   Just watch TV and wait for dinner. Wow.

   Holding the soda from the refrigerator, he walked out of the kitchen.

   Just passed the entrance.

   His footsteps stopped.

   No, he is really curious about socks and shoes.

  The old man wears these shoes and socks.

   Two layers of socks, can you be comfortable?

  So, he walked over directly, intending to try it on.

  His feet are actually stronger than Xu Da.

   doesn't quite fit.

   But after putting it on, I found that these shoes are really interesting.

  Because of the toes, his toes have already formed an outline.

  But...unexpectedly, it seems to be quite breathable.

  Walking back and forth for a few steps, I felt the strong sense of envelopment, but it didn't hinder the feeling of strength on my feet. Xu Xin immediately fell in love with this pair of shoes.

   Not bad.

  As for DIY, it’s just for fun, it’s pure nonsense.

  You ask him to do it, but he won't go.

   What if the glue cannot be washed off with one hand?

   Not troublesome enough.

   While thinking about it, he took off his shoes, took a photo, and sent Yang Mi a MMS.

   “[Image], I want this!”

   After sending out, that is, when I walked from the entrance to the sofa and unscrewed the soda, the phone dinged.

   "...? What kind of socks are these? They look like shoes."

  Seeing this news, Xu Xin was overjoyed.

   "Hahahaha, you idiot. These are shoes from Balenciaga. I want them. Buy me a pair."

  Yang Mi didn't seem to care about being called a turtle, and replied:



   "Why does this shoe look like a sock? Where did you see it?"

   "My family, my dad wore it on his feet. I looked fresh, so I tried it on. Although they are socks, they feel very breathable and fit well. Buy me a pair."

   "Okay. Then I'll ask Jiaojiao to get it for you. Are you home this afternoon? I'll send it to you directly."

   "Hmm. Thank you wife~"

   "It's okay, you call me a vulture, when you come back, just let me punch you."


  Mom, why are you **** like this.

  Xu Xin just smashed his mouth and didn't care about anything.


  Balenciaga store.

   After receiving the picture, Zhang Jiao hurried to the mall.

  When I came to the specialty store, I turned on my phone and gave the photo to the shopping guide:

   "Hello, where are these shoes?"

  The shopping guide took a closer look and was taken aback...

   "I'm sorry, ma'am, this pair of RUNNER series knitted sneakers is a new spring product. It's currently on the market in Europe and America, but we don't have any in China yet."


  Zhang Jiao was taken aback.



  She nodded:

"OK, thanks."

   Turned around and walked out, she dialed Yang Mi's phone directly, her voice was still a little confused, and she didn't know if she just woke up or was woken up:

   "Dudu... Hey... Ah... It's Jiaojiao. Have you bought it? Have you confirmed the size? Size 44, European size 43 and a half..."

   "Sister, I'm at the gate of Balenciaga right now, and the shopping guide said that this pair of RUNNER knit sneakers are not available in China, but are only sold in Europe and America. They are new products."


   This time Yang Mi was also stunned.

   Not on?

   It's weird.

  Why didn’t it show up? Didn’t my brother say that this was what Uncle Xu was wearing?

   "...Okay, I see. Then I'll talk to him and hang up."

  Yang Mi hung up the phone, turned around and called Xu Xin.

   "Hey, that's not right. Jiaojiao went to Balenciaga and said that this kind of knitted sneakers are not yet available in China."


  Xu Xin was also confused:

   "Not available in China? But the old man has already worn it on his feet."

   "Could it be that my dad went to Europe to buy it?"

   "No, he said, he bought it at the Balenciaga store."

   "...Are you sure you are the Balenciaga in China?"

   "Nonsense, if I don't even know whether my own father has gone abroad or not, I might as well stop calling him Xu Xin.

   "Then you can ask our dad to see where you got it."

  Yang Mi's thinking is quite simple.

  My husband likes it, so buy it for him.

   Isn't it a matter of course.

  If you want the stars in the sky, I will pick them off for you.

  Xu Xin didn't think too much, and replied:


  Holding up the phone, he walked towards the guest bedroom.

   As a result, a loud snoring was heard through the door.

   "He is sleeping, let me ask later. What are you doing now?"

   "I was woken up by Jiaojiao's call. Okay, I won't talk to you for now. Director Zheng will call me and I'll see what's going on."


  The phone hung up, Yang Mi rubbed her eyes and directly dialed the phone number for Zheng Xiaolong.

   "Hello, Mimi."

   "Hey, Director Zheng, I'm sorry, I was on a lunch break just now. I saw you calling me, what's the matter?"

"Yes, the casting for "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is almost over. How about coming back when it's convenient for you? Before entering the preparation stage here, let's meet and have a meal with the management, director team, and cast team. "

   "Well, okay."

  Yang Mi calculated the time:

   "Then this Saturday, how about it? I'll go back on Saturday and meet with everyone."

"no problem."

  Zheng Xiaolong readily agreed:

   "See you on Saturday."

  (end of this chapter)

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