MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 485 483. Poor Sour But Enthusiastic

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  Chapter 485 483. Poor but passionate

  In fact, people who often shop on Taobao know the anxiety of waiting best.

  You see something you like very much or you need it urgently on Taobao, and you place an order quickly, only to see that the logistics information of "Baby has been shipped" does not move.

   Or "Baby has arrived at XX for transit", the arrival time was yesterday morning, but there is still no status update after 5 pm, I don't know if it can be delivered today...

   That burning sensation is annoying.

  Xu Xin felt the same way.

  I met a very fresh "sock shoe", but it was out of stock in China.

   I wanted to ask the old man, but the old man was still taking a nap there.

   Do you think it's bad?

   And just when he was thinking of asking the old man where he got these shoes and getting a pair for himself, a phone call came and he had to go out.

   Knowing the news of his return to Yanjing, the people from "A Bite of Tongue" will get together for a progress meeting.

   Summarize all the research data during this period, so that the chief director can grasp the general direction.

   This matter is a business, but it is much more important than his pair of shoes.

  So, Xu Xin rushed all the way to Shuangwei, and got together with several directors.

  In his concept, everyone should have at most a notepad or a PPT for the research materials.

  But when he went to the office in the office building specially set up for "A Bite of the Tongue", he saw the more than twenty books on the conference table...

  People suddenly became numb.

   Is this taking me for Hokage?

  So many things are stacked up to my waist.

  How can I finish reading?

   You have to read it if you can’t finish it.

   You can’t finish reading here, you have to read it when you take it home.

  It’s all the hard work of the team members. If you open a book at random, there are some folklore of snacks, or characteristic stories, and the meaning behind it, etc.

  During his busy months with movies, the people in "Bite of the Tongue" didn't relax at all.

   And now that everyone has done their job well, it's up to him, the chief director, to come out and make decisions.

  The meeting will be held first, and each research group will report the progress.

   and the found food theme concepts, accompanied by pictures and text descriptions and explanations.

   This meeting lasted until 6 pm.

   After 6 o'clock, the meeting came to an end.

   But it will continue tomorrow morning.

  He will be opening the 4th College Student Film Festival tomorrow night, and will be interviewed by the College Student Film Festival in the afternoon.

  With Liu Yifei.

  So I still have free time in the morning.

   As for these materials, he wants to read as much as possible first.

  At present, the first stage of the research, which is the rough screening of these food categories, has ended. As a director, he wants to give everyone a direction on what is worth shooting and what is not worth shooting in the fastest time.

  And this kind of direction is not to shoot whatever food has a long history.

  Old, and new, to achieve a balance in this documentary.

   Let the feelings and history be remembered and inherited.

  It is also necessary to let everyone feel the innovation, and the earth-shaking changes that day.

  At this moment, the helmsmen have set sail and merged into the sea.

   It's time for the captain to take the helm and lead them to their new destination.


7 o'clock.

  Su Meng appeared downstairs in Shuangwei on time.

  She has the Volvo key. When she got downstairs, she went to the basement to drive the car to the door, and then went upstairs to find Brother Xu.

   When I found Xu Xin, he was reading with a notebook, and from time to time he was operating the computer in front of him.

   "Brother Xu, I'm coming."


  Xu Xin looked at the screen and responded:

"have you eaten?"

   “Eating when I got your call.”

"Okay... Then you put these notebooks first... Well, just follow this order, put the one close to my hand on the top, and put the one farthest away from me at the bottom, and put them all together. Don't make a mistake in the order. I'll finish this and we will just go."


  Su Meng responded and began to tidy up.

  After quickly putting all these materials into a handbag, she quietly sat aside.

   Time passed again.

   It was past 8 o'clock.

   "...Let's go."

   Seeing that there was really too much to finish, Xu Xin sighed.

   Forget it, take your time.

   It should be too late to finish these materials within a week.


   All the way back home with Su Meng.

  When I opened the door, the house was pitch black.

   Not a single person.

  There are only a few upside-down stainless steel basins on the dining table.

   Picked up a basin at random, and when he saw the toppings inside, he knew... the old man left after he had prepared his own food.

   As for what to do, he didn't worry about it. When he walked to the kitchen, as expected, there were still hand-cut noodles on the chopping board in the kitchen.

   "Mengmeng, boil the water below. Call me when you're done."

   "Okay...Brother Xu, which outfit do you want to wear tomorrow? Have you chosen it yet? I'll iron it for you."

   "Ask your sister about this. Call me when the meal is ready."

  He went directly into the study with the materials, and when the door of the study opened, Su Meng had already walked in with a dinner plate.

   "Brother Xu, it's time to eat."

   "Hmm... ok. Have you eaten yet? Have some more?"

   "Don't eat, I'll call and ask my sister about the clothes."


  Su Meng walked out of the room and walked all the way to the living room on the second floor. After leaving the study, she called Yang Mi.

  She didn't dare to disturb Brother Xu's work.

   "Hey, sister, let me ask, which outfit will Brother Xu wear when he attends the film festival tomorrow?"

  Brother Xu's food, clothing, housing and transportation are all taken care of by Sister Mi, it's not that she is incompetent as a little assistant.

  According to Sister Jiaojiao, Sister Mi doesn't like others to interfere.

  So sometimes Su Meng thinks it's outrageous.

  Brother Xu seems to be a very good person no matter what he does or other aspects.

   Only this aspect of life...

   To say something disrespectful, why is it like a waste.

  Everything is "ask your sister, ask your sister, or ask your sister"...

  Of course, she just thought about this in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it.

"Well, first ask Kiki what kind of dress she is preparing. If she is light-colored, then choose dark blue for him. If she chooses a look, choose him the one in the rightmost cabinet in the cloakroom." A few sets of black and gray grids... what about others?"

   "Brother Xu is at work, and today I brought back a lot of "Bite of the Tongue" materials from the company."

   "Uh... okay."

  Yang Mi, who originally said that someone would go to Europe to buy shoes for him, thought about it.

never mind.

  Let’s talk about it another day.

   "Take good care of him, I'm dead."

"Mmm Good."

  Su Meng hung up the phone, and tiptoed towards the cloakroom.


  The venue for this year's College Student Film Festival is in the South Campus of Communication University.

  Because the university is now on holiday, there are many venues inside that can be used as "theatres" for people to watch and browse movies.

In all fairness, when Xu Xin entered the Communication University, looking at that...compared to other Yanjing College Student Film Festivals, or the Golden Rooster and Golden Horse Awards, which are different from the simple and simple brands of grand film festivals, he immediately... I can't even say I like it.

   But at least I feel that this film exhibition has become more interesting.

  Because he saw some details.

  For example, both sides of the tree-lined road are covered with black and white tape that feels like film.

   About three or five steps away, these tapes will have an extra "→" arrow to indicate the direction.

   Another example is the sign in front of the trash can, which reads:

   "Please put out the cigarette **** and throw it here—↓——^_^"

   Some of the details, while rough at first glance, are interesting.

  It was made by hand bit by bit.

  Xu Xin looked around...

  These black and white indicating lines extend to the end of the road.

   Even, as a director, he stretched out his imagination and could "see" the sweaty figures of those staff members squatting on the ground to stick tape on a hot day.


  Maybe it's because of going back to school?

  Or he always feels that as a practitioner, pure love is more attractive to him than commercialization.

   "The 4th College Student Film Festival...Hey, Xu Xin, this photo of yours is fine."

  Liu Yifei pointed to the one-to-one replica of Xu Xin's life-sized human figure next to this plaque and smiled.

  Xu Xin, who was looking at the "Organizer", turned his head and saw Liu Yifei pointing at the corner, so he walked over.

   Then I saw more than a dozen men and women including myself, Feng Xiaogang, Guan Hu, Li Ming, Liu Yifei, etc., standing on the side of the road.

   And what Liu Yifei pointed to was a photo of herself wearing a suit and looking like she was walking.

   And when he was walking, it seemed that there was still wind, and his tie was blown by the wind.


  He blushed.

  Bitch did you cut out this photo?

   This is the promotional photo of Shuangwei taken by him and Yang Mi back then.

   According to the requirements of the photographer.

   Authentic posing.

  Thinking with your fingers on your forehead, or raising your head high in front of the camera...

  Anyway, no matter how handsome you come.

   But when the photos came out, looking at his contrived virtue, his toes wanted to dig out three rooms and one living room.

   Shame to death.

   At this time, Liu Yifei's voice sounded again:

   "Hmm... so handsome."


   Liu Yifei should be boasting about Feng Xiaogang next to her.

  Well, girl, your aesthetic is really great.

   Just don't look at me.

   When I don't exist.

  Xu Xin resisted to pick out the pair of "contemptuous" eyes in the photo, and said directly:

   "Let's go, we're going to be late."

  The two of them still have an on-site interview to be recorded today.

  Hearing this, Liu Yifei turned her head, and Xu Xin had already walked past her.

  Her eyes instinctively chased the opponent's figure...Suddenly she was taken aback.

  Because she saw the reddened ears of the man who had walked out of her three-step range.

Oh yes.

  Mimi seems to have said that he is a social terror.


   Now, Sister Shenxian smiled even more happily.

  But he didn't continue to joke, and followed him to walk forward in the direction of the sign.

  The figures of the four in front and the two in the back passed one body card after another.

  Suddenly, Xu Xin paused.

   Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Zhang Ziyi's waiting card.

  He stopped, and Liu Yifei also stopped.

   After turning his head in the direction he was looking, he said:

   "Speaking of which, I haven't heard from her for a long time."


  Xu Xin nodded:

"What she needs most now is time, so that time can dilute the fraudulent donations, the beach door, the splashed ink door, etc. She even has to beg the media not to give her it's normal that you can't hear about her. "

   "Then will she appear this time? ... Logically speaking, people in the current entertainment industry don't seem to want to have anything to do with her, right? Why did the film festival invite her?"


   Xu Xin didn't answer her directly to this question, but said suddenly:

   "Does this prove that they are more pure?"

   As he spoke, he turned his head to look at the slightly deserted way he came from and the very simple environment of the facility.

  To tell the truth, it is really shabby.

   Now it seems that his 100,000 yuan reward should be a lot of money for them.

  Hearing this, Liu Yifei also turned his head and took a look.

   said with some emotion:

   "Let's not mention whether it's pure or not, why do I have a sense of déjà vu that they won't be able to do it."

  She seemed to really express her feelings. After saying this, she added another sentence:

   "Apart from us, will the twenty or so big names really come here?... come to this... place?"


  For a while, Xu Xin didn't know how to answer.

   In all fairness, he fell in love with the atmosphere here from the first time he entered the campus and saw their crude signage.

  He has never been to international film festivals such as Cannes, Venice, and Golden Bear.

  Limited experience is also... Although it is not appropriate to pay attention to people behind the scenes, he really feels that the few awards that are just sharing pork have filled him up. His understanding of the film festival.

   Originally, his idea for this film exhibition was actually very simple.

   First, it was the film "Trade", which just needed to be changed into a short film.

  Secondly, at that juncture, they found themselves through Sun Ting, and with a mere reward of 100,000 yuan, they wanted to find themselves to make an opening short film.

   After all, after experiencing the turmoil of being closed for a year, they urgently wanted to use limited funds to find a somewhat famous director to make a name for themselves.

   It can be said to be a coincidence.

  Because no matter whether they give him 100,000 yuan or not, he will start preparing for Liu Yifei's transformation.

   After taking the job, he didn't pay much attention to the film exhibition.

After all, as a film gathering in Yanjing, compared with the Yanjing College Student Film Festival, which is officially recognized and held every time, it is full of stars. Like a stepmother's child.

  Why is it called a film festival?

  It's very simple, because it is a folk film organization that is not officially recognized.

  So, others are "section", it can only be "exhibition".

   To put it a bit exaggeratedly, if it wants to show a movie with the dragon logo, it has to go to someone else to get the copyright.

   And it is still impossible to get the right to order and show in advance like the European side.

  Because those movies are for theaters, why give them to you?

  And if it wants to release those folk movies that have not been approved by the review, it has to organize its own people to review.

   Then play.

  Otherwise, I will encounter a situation like "Glorious Wrath" again, and only know that I am going to be unlucky after the show is over.

   Then let alone their screening format that imitates the Big Three.

  The venue environment is simple, the projection equipment is rough, and maybe even the judges are a group of college students who get together to express their opinions.

   Moreover, when Su Meng communicated with them about the interview, they asked a silly and naive question:

   "Can director Xu and Liu Yifei accept open-air interviews?... We want to use the two as an attraction point to attract more people to our film exhibition. If we go to the auditorium, we are afraid that we will not be able to sit down."

  Su Meng was dumbfounded at the time.

  Let’s not mention the ultraviolet rays that female stars are exposed to outdoors…

  She asked back:

   "Don't you know that such large open-air gatherings need to be reported to the relevant departments?"

   Lo and behold, they were unprofessional.

  Even though it has been held for four times, the aura of grassroots team has not been removed from him.

  But it was this unprofessional lack of sourness, and this seemingly hard-working, but still extremely simple venue atmosphere, that made Xu Xin feel a kind of hard work.

   If you have no money, then do your best to use the limited funds to get things done.

  From the beginning all the way through the layout details, Xu Xin noticed that kind of serious effort.

   To be honest, I was very moved.

  Thinking of this, he suddenly said:

   "Did you notice their sponsor list just now?"

   "You mean that long list under that sign?"



   Liu Yifei shook his head slightly:

   "Didn't pay much attention, what's wrong?"

"I roughly took a look. The first place in the front is the Communication University, and then the Yanjing University Student Union... I won't mention these. I remember seeing a few companies. What... what printing company, what else Daily chemical company... Oh yes, and the name of the Jiada supermarket we passed by when we drove here just now..."

"you mean…"

  Liu Yifei thought for a while, her eyes became strange:

   "These are the sponsors of this film festival? It can't be so miserable, right?"

"if not?"

  He points to everything here:

"Look at this virtue, do they seem to be able to hire some big names? ... Don't forget, the service fee for both of us this time is not a penny. It's all in the 100,000 yuan of the "Deal" .”


  Looking at everything around her, although Liu Yifei admitted that she could feel the intentions of these people.

  But she has a truth in her heart and doesn't know whether to tell it or not... Forget it, let's say it.

   "So poor!"


  Xu Xin sighed with emotion:

   "So your suspicion is not unreasonable. I really doubt whether they can continue to hold it...a film exhibition without official recognition and financial support. Sending love to this, reasonable, very miserable..."

   "But respectable too, right?"

   Liu Yifei suddenly said this.

   There was no reason, she felt that she fell in love with the temperament of this film exhibition immediately.

   It's like she wants to be a pure actress.

   No matter what coffee position, money, status and so on. I just want to burn myself out in the role and give the audience the most beautiful touch of brilliance.

  This film exhibition is also exuding a similar atmosphere at this moment.

   It doesn’t matter whether it’s about having fun while suffering, or it’s about chasing that illusory movie dream.

   This is how much you love movies, so that in this environment, you will continue to hold together for warmth, relying on the power not brought by money to contribute your love to movies?

  Thinking of this, she suddenly had an impulse...

   "How about I donate some money to them."


  Xu Xin looked at her quite unexpectedly.


   "No, of course it's not sympathy! How could it be sympathy?"

  The woman who is as beautiful as a fairy can't help but let out an angry coquettish voice:

   "It's admiration, and I also want to contribute my own strength. Well... if it is summed up..."

   She thought for a while and found the best definition and interpretation:

   "It should be a tribute to the love in their hearts."


  Xu Xin was speechless for a while.

   Just looking at her beautiful smile that accompanied those words.

  This sister... is very good at sublimating the theme.


   "What are those three melons in your pocket showing off?"

  He said something "disgusting", and then walked forward:

   "Let's go, let's see the situation first."

  Liu Yifei was stunned for a moment, his face a little speechless:

   "Hey, you were in high school when I made my first million."

   Xu Xin said without turning his head:

   "I'm sorry, when I was in junior high school, the New Year's money already broke one hundred."


  Your grandma is a big dog with one leg...

  A tooth wearing a pure black dress today... No, Sister Tianxian stomped her feet fiercely.


  What human nature!


  Walking along the signboard of Communication University, the two finally saw the signboard of the screening unit.

  Obviously, the films that came to participate in the film festival this time were shown in some "screening halls" in this building.

  He is not familiar with Communication University, so he is really curious at the moment.

   Reasonable... The hardware facilities of Communication University should not be too bad, right?

   "Let's go, let's take a look around first. How about going to the auditorium for an interview when the time comes?"


  Liu Yifei responded, and Wu Qiqi handed over two masks.

  The two put them on separately, and Xu Xin said to Su Meng:

   "By the way, the interview will be over in a while, Mengmeng, you invite the person in charge to have a meal together at noon, and say that I want to know about the film exhibition."

   "Okay, Brother Xu."

  Su Meng nodded in agreement.

  The four of them entered the building together, and in front of them was a "movie catalog" that looked like a blackboard newspaper.

   It turned out to be handwritten.

  To be honest, the more you come here, the stronger the "poor and sour" atmosphere.

   But Xu Xin can understand it when he thinks about it carefully.

   It is estimated that the auditorium should be much better.

  Because whether it is the guests on the last day or some activities, they are all put there.

   Those who come here to watch movies are all movie fans who are interested in film exhibitions.

  I don't care much about the quality of these non-hardware facilities...or I can't help it.

   Let's make do.

   "Well, let me see... 8:30, the screening is... "Flying in the Wind", director: Li Xing. Duration - 35:08"

   Seeing this catalog, Xu Xin looked at the Patek Philippe worth more than one million yuan in his hand.


have to.

   The first game just ended.

   "Ah this..."

   Xu Xin was speechless, thinking that the time was too short.

   But at this moment, two young men with work permits on their chests walked over.

  Seeing the masked man in a suit and leather shoes, and the masked woman with long hair wearing a black skirt and wearing a black skirt, the two of them were taken aback for a moment.

   Then, a person walked over quickly and enthusiastically:

   "Hello, are you two movie fans who came to the film festival? What movie do you want to see? I still don't know how to get to the screening room. I am a volunteer of the film festival, and I can guide you... huh?"

  When he saw the man in the suit and mask pull down the mask, the guy with the glasses was dumbfounded:

   "Xu Gou...ah no...Xu Xu!?"




  Listening to him changing the address three times in a second, the three girls all twitched their mouths.

   And Xu Xin glanced at the buddy next to him who just took a blackboard eraser and chalk and changed the screening time of "Flying in the Wind" from 8:30 to 15:30 in the afternoon.

   While making complaints about this slightly sloppy way of changing video information, he said to this buddy wearing glasses:

   "Little are showing your **** feet."

  (end of this chapter)

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