MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 486 484. Beginning with Love

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  Chapter 486 484. Begins with love

  This dude wearing glasses almost found a crack in the ground and got into it.

  Yes, he likes Yang Mi.

   But he doesn't have any bad feelings towards Xu Xin.

  He likes Yang Mi not because of her works, but purely because of Yang Mi's beauty.

  As for Xu Xin who is married to Yang Mi...Frankly speaking, he quite likes watching "The Unspeakable Secret" and "The Wind".

   Not to mention fans, but at least not annoying.

   But there is something, that is, a good girl can't stand Lang Duo.

  Having been with Yang Mi's group of fans for a long time, it's natural to see something wrong with Xu Xin's eyes.


   You married Yang Mi!

   Xu dog!

  But if you want to say disgust, there is definitely no.

   It's like... a joke between friends?

I guess so.

   But the problem is that it's a joke, I shouted it in person!

  This is a guest at the film festival!

  In case you get angry...

   As for the chicken feet or not, it doesn't really matter.

  He eats eggs, not chicken feet.

  So now his face is red with embarrassment.

   And Xu Xin wasn't actually angry.

   Maybe the CPU is used to it? When others call him Xu Gou, he thinks it is a compliment to himself.

  Hey, I married the big honey you like.

  Hey, I kiss her every day.

  Hey, you guys can't kiss!

Eh! mad at you!

  So, the harder someone calls him a dog, the more stable his hands will be.

   Otherwise, if he really didn't like this name, Yang Mi wouldn't laugh when someone called Xu Gou.

  So, after complaining, he took the initiative to ask:

   "Is this episode over?"

   "Uh... it's finished... that, Director Xu, I'm sorry, I just..."


  Seeing him wanting to explain, Xu Xin smiled and waved his hand:

   "Anyway, I'm the one who married Yang Mi, not you."




  The buddy's face turned red again...

   This time I should be angry.

   However, this is just a small episode. Xu Xin's interview starts at 10 o'clock, and there is still an hour left.

   Seeing that the first movie had already been screened, he continued to look down.

  The name of the second movie on the catalog is "Yogurt: "Coffee, Coke, Cereal"", which starts at 9:10 and lasts 15 minutes and 50 seconds.

   Seeing this, he scanned around again, and found that the catalogs of these videos are actually very short.

  The longest one is "Road Wide" directed by a director named Bai Yue, which is 51 minutes long.

   "Why is the time so short? Are there no digital movies?"

   he asked curiously.

   Then he glanced at the name of this blushing buddy——Zhang Linkuan.

  Hearing this, Zhang Linkuan sneaked his eyes away from Liu Yifei, who had not taken off his mask, and shook his head slightly:

   "This year... is basically like this. Since we just resumed, so..."

   "Oh~ Got it."

  Xu Xin nodded to express his understanding.

   It appears that the aftermath of "Glorious Wrath" hasn't died down yet.

   In fact, it is normal to think about it.

  Itself is a folk film exhibition, if famous film directors participate, there will be no substantive improvement.

  Even in terms of its own attention, it can’t even compare with the most pheasant film festival, but at least has an official endorsement.

  It is a miracle that such a small film exhibition dared to make "Glorious Wrath" the best film, and it survived to the rebroadcast.

   But its resurrection does not mean that filmmakers should flock to it.

  That's not realistic.

  A non-governmental organization with a bad record, came and couldn't pay much...

   Except for those hopeless filmmakers, or amateurs who love movies, why do other people come here?

   Maybe even the round-trip air ticket will not be reimbursed.

Why bother?

  Similarly, because they have just been resurrected, they must be cautious about some works that they want to show here.

   Otherwise, the newly resurrected person may have been cold before he walked out of the spring.

  After running through these reasons quickly in his mind, Xu Xin had a clear idea.

   I didn’t ask too many questions, but said directly:

   "Which floor is "Yogurt: "Coffee, Coke, Cereal"" on, can I go and see it?"

  Zhang Linkuan nodded quickly:

"Ok, Ok."

   While speaking, he looked at the Casio electronic watch on his wrist that fit his student status:

   "It will start soon, Brother Lin, I will take Director Xu up."

   "Uh... ok."

  The student who wrote the blackboard newspaper who had been silent all this time responded.

   "Go, take a look."

  Following Zhang Linkuan, the four went upstairs together.

  The screening of "Yogurt: "Coffee, Coke, Cereal"" was held in a classroom.

  There is also a photo of three boys standing together in the school and smiling at the camera at the door.

   There is a line of words below, which is the name of this stinky and long movie.

  The light in the classroom is very dark, and even the viewing window on the side of the door is covered.

  Zhang Linkuan opened the door:

   "Director Xu, please."

   "It's okay, we can go in by ourselves. Thank you for your hard work."

  Xu Xin put on the mask again.

  After the four people walked in, they immediately caught the attention of "all audiences".

   It is said that it is all, but in fact there are only a dozen people.

   There are men and women, and they are still sitting loosely.

   Most of them are concentrated in the front row.

   After Xu Xin entered the door, he immediately looked in the direction of the blackboard.

  When he saw the screen used for the projection, he immediately went numb.

  A pair of stands spliced ​​together with bamboo poles. On the stand is a curtain that is about two-thirds the size of a blackboard in a university classroom.

  Xu Xin looked at the texture of the is probably the same material as the sheet.

   Finally, I know why these dozen or so people are sitting in the front row.

   It is estimated that when it is projected on a projector for a while, it will not be seen clearly at a distance.


   He sighed inwardly.

  This sigh is the poorness of this film exhibition.

  But he nodded slightly.

   Nod in salute.

  This is a tribute to the hard work of the staff behind the entire film show.

  So, the four of them also found a place in the front row.

  After being seated, several viewers actually looked at Xu Xin and Liu Yifei and felt something was wrong.

   After all, the attire of the two of them... is obviously out of place.

   But now it's time for the movie to show.

  The crew member sitting in front of the laptop controlling the projector started showing the movie.

  The screen switches instantly, and a fixed camera screen of an alarm clock appears.

   There was also a "tick tick" sound from the speaker.

  The alarm clock screen is on the right, and on the left is a blurred...under the background that looks like a dormitory, a line of words slowly appears:

   "Producer - Zhuang Xihai"

   "It's kind of like that."

   Seeing this, Liu Yifei whispered to him.

   After the voice fell, the bell of "Dinglingling" rang, and the alarm clock screen instantly switched to the window of a school.

   Then he made a quick turn and came to the door of the teaching building.

  Two students ran out quickly.

   Then, amidst the rapid music of electric guitars, the narration fades in:

   "Warcraft, CS, Super Mario... Coffee swore to marry a computer for the rest of his life..."

  Xu Xin understood immediately.

  The so-called coffee, cola, cereal or yogurt should all be "person's names".

  He couldn't help showing a smile.

  Let’s just say it’s a joke.

  This kind of name is a bit similar to everyone's screen names when I and Yang Mi first dated.

  What kind of "bitter coffee", "Coca-Cola", "yogurt is very sweet" and the like, now think about how shameful and shameful it is.

   But put it on the student side, thinking of his opening line.

  Warcraft aside, the two games CS and Super Mario are actually very old.

   It is said that the current foreign CS is said to be released until two o'clock, while the domestic CS seems to have slipped from the altar after 1.6.

  The Internet cafes are no longer full, and there are always people shouting "White room, password 000, it is forbidden to rescue hostages, the Master!"

   You put your heart into it.

  He looked at a series of editing techniques used in the screen, and switched to the classroom, where the guy who didn't know if it was the male protagonist was drinking yogurt, and thought secretly.


   Or...youth theme?

   And the next second, as expected, as the teacher found the chalk stub thrown out by someone sleeping in class... a CS live game screen appeared.

  The people in the game throw mines, with the classic "Falle thick" sound effect, through editing techniques to blur, and then connect chalk and grenades...

   Cut very rough.

  But indeed, Xu Xin can feel more and more serious treatment from inside.

   Looking at this smooth editing, he can even think of a scene where a few people are burying their heads in front of a computer and getting stuck in frame cutting.


  He smacked his mouth again.

  The rest of the time will be rather boring.

  This movie...has nothing to do with it.

  It is nothing more than a period of adolescence.

  What coffee mother got cancer, and finally came a reversal, it was early stage.

   Yogurt was accidentally hit on the head by a can of Coke bought by Coke in a routine similar to imitating Ning Hao, or "Two Smoking Barrels"...

  The movie uses a lot of instant black editing techniques, which makes the plot look messy and trivial.

   And the script is quite weak, full of traces of sitting everywhere.

  Coffee just likes to stay up late and must drink coffee.

  Yogurt is anytime, anywhere with yogurt in hand…

Etc., etc.

  The eyes of people who watch the whole short film for 15 minutes are very tired.

   Because of this instant black and white editing technique, it is too easy to cause visual fatigue.

   And the quality of the shooting is also very average...

   Anyway, after 15 minutes, the movie ends with a yogurt monologue reversed.

  The light turns on.

   "The movie is over, please leave in an orderly manner, thank you."

  After the staff finished speaking, a few buddies immediately came to this side, as if they wanted to see how the girls in masks looked.

   But Xu Xin has already stood up:

"Let's go?"

  Liu Yifei nodded silently, and followed Xu Xin and the others out of the classroom.

   Came all the way downstairs and walked out of the teaching building, feeling relieved.

  Xu Xin asked Liu Yifei:

"how do you feel?"


  Liu Yifei thought about it and gave her own evaluation:

"This director has tried his best... But this is not a movie, it's just a short film, and... it should be non-technical, I'm afraid he can't even master the most basic editing skills. It's okay at the beginning, a bit like a digital movie, but the latter The feeling of blacking out and speeding up from time to time is too uncomfortable."

  After expressing her point of view, she asked Xu Xin in turn:

   "How do you feel?"

   "My feeling is... I can feel the seriousness inside. After all, if you stretch the fast-forward clip, you should have at least 25 minutes of material. But other aspects are also a mess."

  He was telling the truth.

  However, after finishing these words, he added another sentence:

   "'s a movie."


   Liu Yifei was taken aback.

   Is this still a movie?

   At most, it is a short film, and it is still the short film made by the most amateur.

   But Xu Xin smiled at her and said:

   "It tells at least one story, doesn't it? Early movies, it's not as good as this. So, in my case, it's a kid who's taken seriously. Not to mention plot, acting... all, at least..."

  He said firmly:

   "It's a movie."


  Liu Yifei suddenly understood what he meant.


   "Ha~ That's right, it is indeed a movie."


  Xu Xin responded, checked the time, and said directly:

   "Let's go to the auditorium, it's time for the interview."


   All the way to the auditorium of Communication University, as Xu Xin said, in terms of the layout, it is much more luxurious than the screening unit.

   But also limited.

   When the four of them arrived, someone had already come out to greet them because of Su Meng's advance contact.

   "Director Xu, Mr. Liu, hello, both of you. I'm Song Wen, the founder of the College Student Film Festival. Welcome to come."

  The person who came was a short-haired man who looked to be in his early 30s.

   Eyes full of enthusiasm.

   After shaking hands with the two of them, he moved in and asked with a smile:

   "I just heard that the two of you went to a screening first, did you watch a film selected for the screening?"


  Xu Xin responded.

  While following him to the back door of the auditorium, he said:

   "I was delayed for fifteen minutes and made Mr. Song wait for a long time."

   "Hey, where is it?"

  Song Wen quickly shook his head, obviously flattered by the polite title of "teacher":

   "It's too late for us to be grateful for Director Xu's support... Director Xu, your film will start at 2:30 p.m., and it will be played in the auditorium as an opening short film."

   Speaking of this, he paused, with a hint of gratitude in his tone:

   "I watched the finished film several times...Thank you two for your support to our college student film exhibition!"

  The tone of his sentence is actually quite complicated.

   As for the reason, Xu Xin can more or less guess.

   In fact, it is nothing more than two points.

  One is the lineup.

   The lineup of myself + Liu Yifei, one hundred thousand yuan is enough?

Just kidding.

  The combined remuneration multiplied by ten is considered to save face.

   Not to mention, the total is only 100,000 yuan, the crew eats horse chews, eats and drinks, and the quality of the film is added...

  Director Xu didn't pay back the money, Song Wen didn't believe it even if he was beaten to death.

   On the other hand, is it the reason why you and Liu Yifei came to the scene?

  If I and Liu Yifei didn't come... then I'll go to the empty audience in the yogurt coffee video just now...

  Whether it will continue next year or not is still unknown.

  Xu Xin smiled and shook his head:

   "Should be. Eat the king's salary, loyalty to the king. So what is our itinerary for today?"

  Song Wen hurriedly explained:

   "The two of you will have an interview in a while. After the interview...if you are free, I dare to invite you to a meal. Then the short film will be shown in the afternoon..."

   Speaking of this, he paused and said with a smile:

   "It's not good to continue to waste the time of the two of you. We are already very grateful for this."

  There is a sense of humbleness everywhere in these words...

   Instead, Xu Xin felt uncomfortable.

  But he didn't say much, and when he followed Song Wen all the way to the backstage, it was almost time.

  Standing at the passage leading from the background to the front, Xu Xin glanced out through the gap in the curtain.

  The auditorium was actually half full.

   After thinking about it, he asked Song Wen:

   "How many people can this auditorium hold?"

   "Fifteen hundred people!"

  Song Wen also looked at those people and said excitedly:

"Actually...there were not many people at the screening in the morning. Everyone is here!...Because Director Xu and Mr. Liu came, except for some young directors, the rest of the audience were basically audiences! Hundreds of people !"

   As he spoke, he turned to look at Director Xu.

  Seeing that Director Xu's face was not at all excited, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and stammered:

   " much?"

  When he was in school, dozens of people in the classroom applauded him, and he blushed and had a thick neck.

   These hundreds of people...

   "Do we have questions... just... the ones with answers."

   he asked suddenly.


  The corner of Liu Yifei's mouth twitched.

  Song Wen was also a little confused.

  What's wrong with Director Xu?

   Just wondering, I heard Sister Shenxian say:

   "It's okay, I'm here. If you're nervous, just look at me, and I'll answer for you."


  Song Wen was even more confused.

What's the meaning?


  Are you kidding me?

  An Ouchi manager of the Olympic Games can manage tens of thousands of people, and organize such a wonderful Olympic opening ceremony, as well as the World Expo.

  Facing hundreds of people now... Are you nervous?

  ? ? ? ?

  But when Xu Xin heard this, his heart warmed up.


   It is still reliable in society, my fairy sister.


   "What's inside... I'll smoke a cigarette to calm down."

  He quickly waved to Su Meng, and the two walked out quickly.


  Song Wen couldn't help but asked Liu Yifei:

   "Teacher Liu, Director Xu is..."

  Liu Yifei shrugged:

   "He's thin-skinned, boy..."


  Why are these words so strange coming out of your mouth?

  Song Wen who didn't know what "the one who is close to ink" was speechless.

  This director a little different from Sister Immortal.


   "Brother Xu."


   "You... if you are nervous, can I squeeze it for you?"

  Hearing Su Meng's words, Xu Xin shook his head.

   It's about to start, he plans to smoke a cigarette and go in.

  A cigarette... It should be almost adjusted.


   A puff of smoke was blown out, and he suddenly asked:

   "Mengmeng, how did you feel watching that short video just now?"


  Su Meng showed a thoughtful look.

   It took about two or three seconds for her to be dull before she said:

   "It feels... quite interesting. It's like watching a shoddy stage play. It's very fresh~"

   As she spoke, she quickly shook her head again:

"Of course, it's definitely not comparable to Brother Xu. But... I think it's already very powerful. Although I stayed with Brother Xu in "The Hawthorn Tree" for several months, if I was asked to make a movie, what kind of camera would it be? Where to shoot, or after shooting, you have to learn editing software, edit by yourself... and dubbing, etc., I find it very difficult and complicated."


  Xu Xin did not respond.

  Because he was thinking along the other party's train of thought.

  In fairness, the short film about yogurt coffee just now, let alone put it on the Golden Rooster, Hundred Flowers and other film festivals. It is basically impossible to put it in a little pheasant award.

  Not to mention anything else, even "Postpartum Care of Sows" was filmed, produced, and edited by a professional crew.

  How can this kind of thing, which looks like a layman's own tinkering, be on the "Tale of Elegance"?

  But Mengmeng's words gave him another kind of thinking.

  For ordinary people, making movies is difficult.

  What is the difficulty?

   First of all, there must be a script.

   This step is easy to do, you can write it yourself or buy it directly, and spend a little money at most.

   But what next?

  With the script, how to shoot?

  You're going to start imagining things in your head, right?

  What is the hero and what is the heroine?

How do you set up the scene of this scene, what kind of atmosphere do you want to create, and even when you shoot the actors, how do you find the shooting angle that can rhyme with this scene, and what kind of expressions the actors make? satisfy…

  This requires imagination and aesthetic standards.

   Even with these, you still need to find a group of professional people to help you.

  Without regard to money, these people are all done, you still have to edit and make a soundtrack...

   This is a really, really big and cumbersome project.

  From the most basic script to the complex and delicate post-production...

  Let’s not mention big directors, they have plenty of resources.

  What about the little director?


   How are they going to do it?

  No one taught them, they can only explore a little bit by themselves, so what provides them with such a strong motivation?

  Thinking of this, he couldn't help but muttered:

   "Do you love it?"

   "...Ah? Brother Xu, what did you say?"

   Su Meng didn't hear clearly, so she asked a question.

   But Xu Xin shook his head:


  A bright smile suddenly appeared on his face, and there was a sense of intimacy in his meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land.

  The future and fate of the college student film festival is irrelevant.

  What questions the host will ask today, and how he can answer them fluently in front of everyone... It doesn't matter.

  At this moment, he suddenly found that he came here...or, after entering Communication University, he finally found the root of the throbbing in his heart.

   Don't think about film shows, don't think about any.

  He suddenly... wants to talk to those "colleagues" who are sitting in the audience today, just like himself, who stepped into this hot land because of their love.

  Do not show off, do not flatter.

   Simply talk to them.


   They are just like themselves.

  It starts with love.

  Thinking of this, he suddenly untied the watch strap, and handed the one million Patek Philippe to Su Meng.

   "Brother Xu, Sister Mi specially asked you to match this watch, saying that it looks good with it..."

"Need not."

  Xu Xin put the watch in her hand, and then began to untie the tie.

  After quickly taking out the tie and handing it to her, the whole person changed from that very formal appearance to a somewhat casual one after unbuttoning one shirt.

  At this time, he said:

   “Today is not for these.”


  Su Meng was a little speechless, but she obediently put away her tie and watch.

Just kidding.

   More than one million.

  If it hits a little bit... I simply degrade myself into slavery, and sell myself to pay back the money.

  (end of this chapter)

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