MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 517 515. Red Imitation

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   Chapter 517 515. Red imitation

  Xu Xin woke up, it was almost 7 o'clock in the evening.

  The aftereffects of the hangover made him look a little sluggish.

   Moreover, these few hours could not metabolize all the alcohol, he went straight to the bathroom when he got up, and vomited a lot, which was considered comfortable.

   When he came out, he saw Su Meng and Assistant Shen waiting for him at the door of the men's room.

   "Brother Xu, you're awake."


  Xu Xin responded, and greeted Assistant Shen with a smile:

   "Brother Shen. Where's Director Zhang?"

   "I'm still waiting for you in the office."

  Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded and turned to look at Su Meng:

   "Is everything packed?"

   "It's packed, it's in the car."

   "Okay, let's book the flight, we'll leave in a while, and try to get home before your sister goes to bed."


  Su Meng immediately took out the phone, while Xu Xin walked to the second floor.

   "Brother Shen."


   "We haven't been in touch for a long time, and I still miss you. I may call you if I have something to do during this period, and tell you my heart."

   What he said in a joking tone made Assistant Shen stop.

   full of doubts.

   I don't understand Director Xu's motive.

  But he didn't refuse, but nodded with a smile:

   "Haha, that would be great."

   "Ha~ By the way, where is Sister Pang?"

   "Also on the second floor."

   "That's it... Then Brother Shen don't send me off for a while, let Sister Pang send me off. Just take care of the old man."

   "Hmm... OK."

   Assistant Shen nodded in agreement.

   When the two arrived on the second floor, apart from Zhang Yimou, there were actually four or five other people in the office.

   are all members of the Jinling crew.

  But I didn't see Zhang Weiping.

   That will do.

   Zhang Yimou heard footsteps, turned his head and found that it was Xu Xin, and said angrily:

   "Are you awake? Come to study?"

   "...Huh? What?"

  Xu Xin looked confused.

  Like no idea what he's talking about.

   Zhang Yimou did not pursue the matter, but said:

   "We just happened to be talking about movies..."

   "Don't, I'm leaving now. I dreamed about the two little guys, and I thought so hard."

  Xu Xin didn't have the slightest intention of "being taught with an open mind" in the afternoon.

  As if he had never said anything about "I want to learn", he shook his head and refused:

   "I'm just here to say hello to you. Mengmeng is booking a route. I'm leaving now... Sister Pang, can you give me a ride?"

   "Let Xiao Shen send you off..."

  Just as Zhang Yimou finished speaking, Xu Xin shook his head again:

   "Don't, Brother Shen should stay and take care of you. I'll take Sister Pang's car and go."


  Pang Liwei subconsciously looked at Assistant Shen.

  Seeing that the other party also nodded slightly, he seemed to realize something, and stood up:

   "Alright, then I'll send Xiao Xu off."

   "Then... well. Then you go, go back early, isn't there a distance between Guangzhou and Chikan?"

  Hearing what Zhang Yimou said, Xu Xin responded with a smile:

   "Hmm. So... I'm leaving?"

   "Let's go."

   "Director Zhao, Director Chen, Director Li...everyone, then I won't treat you all to dinner, haha~"

   Several people also understood the reason just now, and nodded with a smile.

   "Well... then I'm leaving, you pay attention to your body. Especially your stomach, eat on time..."


  Zhang Yimou waved his hand.

   Feeling like I can’t take care of myself yet?

  Watched Xu Xin and Pang Liwei leave together.

   Waiting for the sound to be lost in the corridor outside, Zhao Xiaoding lit a cigarette with a smile:

   "Tsk tsk, Xiao Xu still cares about people."

   "Who said it wasn't."

   "Haha, Xiao Xu is very careful."

  Amidst the discussion among a group of people, Zhang Yimou also smiled.


   "Xiao Xu..."


   "I heard Yimou are at noon..."

   "Well, I persuaded Director Zhang to agree to add an advertisement."

   Guessing what Pang Liwei wanted to say, Xu Xin said it outright.

   Then the conversation changed:

   "Sister Pang, Zhang Weiping and I, who do you trust more?"


  Pang Liwei gave the answer without hesitation.

   "It must be you."

"Ha ha."

  Xu Xin is happy.

   "That's fine... I have some things arranged, you can rest assured."


  Hearing this, Pang Liwei was not only not relieved, but hesitated for a while, and continued:

"Xiao Xu, although I don't know what you think, I know that you are looking for a good deal. But... I can only tell you that Zhang Weiping is different from others. Others accept it when they see it, but he likes it. Pushing forward. Do you understand? He promised you to be good now, but as long as things are done...he will still..."

   "Will you push the old man to have extra sex?"


  Pang Liwei nodded:

   "You don't know him! But we've worked together for so many years, I know him so well..."

   "Sister Pang."

   Interrupting Pang Liwei slightly, Xu Xin said with a smile:

   "It's better this way."


  Pang Liwei was speechless for a moment.

  But Xu Xin asked again similar words to the question just now.

   Same tone, same intonation.

   "Sister Pang, do you believe me?"


  Pang Liwei hesitated for two seconds, then nodded:


"Letter is fine. I won't let Brother Shen send me off today, just because of this sentence. Since you believe me, Sister Pang, you can call me often if you have nothing to do... After all, I can't be here every day and stay by the old man's side .”

"you mean…"

   "Nothing interesting."

  Xu Xin shook his head, his eyes were calm:

   "I just want to know more about our group... After all, I am also a big internal manager. The more I know about what happened up and down, the sooner I can deal with it more appropriately. Are you right?"


   Vaguely, Pang Liwei seemed to understand something.

   But more doubts arose.

  But... She understood the essence of what Xu Xin said.

   "Okay. I'm afraid to disturb you..."

   "Haha, don't bother me. You can call anytime, I'll be there anytime, don't worry. Then you and Brother Shen cooperate, try not to miss any news."

   "...Okay, got it."

   "Well, can I smoke a cigarette?"



  The window is half open, and the smoke is lingering.

  In the evening wind of Jinling City, Xu Xin leaned on the seat, put the smoke outside and flicked the ash.

  Unfortunately, this cigarette has just been smoked, and there is not much ash left.

  There are only sporadic snow-white flakes.


   Sooner or later it will be exposed as a black ash, thrown out on the road, run over and flattened by countless rolling traffic.

  The glass of the instigator was half open, and only a few people saw his face.

   No one will know that he threw the cigarette butt.


  No words all the way.

   Nearly 12 o'clock, he finally reached Chikan.

   Today is the last day of June.

   And when he stepped into the house, it was just after 12 o'clock.

   Rounding off, he was away on a business trip for a month.

   Do you think the little young woman can get around him?

   It would be nice to let you in. Want to sleep together?

  No doors.

  The windows are locked for you.

   He twisted the door of the master bedroom twice, but when he found that it had not been turned, he was embarrassed.

have to.

   Sleeping guest sleep.

  Go back to the guest bedroom, wash your face and brush your teeth.

   As soon as she came out, she found that the young woman had actually buried herself in the bed.

   There was a big living person in the room!


  Xu Xin met her eyes in a foolish way.

  Just as she was about to speak, a leg of the young woman suddenly stretched out from under the quilt...


  Xu Xin gasped.


  Foot plate with pink pad pattern...

   "Hee hee~ Does it look good?"

  Hearing these words that seemed to be provoking the soul, before Xu Xin could answer, Yang Mi was taken aback suddenly...

   Pointing to him, covering his mouth and laughing:

   "Hee hee~"


   Xu Xin lowered his head subconsciously.

   After looking at it, he raised his back proudly:

   "Quickly kneel down!"

Then what…

  The little young woman with narrowed eyes like a fox nodded her head treacherously, covered her mouth with one hand and smiled, and suddenly lifted the quilt with the other hand.

  Then Xu Xin saw a pair of underpants that looked exactly like the old grandma...

  That's what she wears when she visits relatives.

  Grandma and this pink meat pad and white silk...

  That weird feeling made Xu Xin sick enough...

   Introducing bitches...

  He was about to swear, when suddenly:

   "Puff puff puff... puff puff puff..."

  Maybe because she was afraid of making too much noise, she had been covering her mouth for joy from just now.

   And the laughter now is many times louder than before, and the jet of air flows out along the cracks between the fingers, and the movement is like farting.

  Wearing the grandmother's underpants, she smiled and pointed at Xu Xin...

   "Puff puff puff..."


  Xu Xin looked down again.

  Well, young man, you are also very realistic.

  It only takes a few seconds to go from holding your head up to being downcast...

   As expected of me.

  Response can be really fast.

   Shaking his head helplessly, he tossed the towel to the side, and burrowed directly into the bed.

  Yang Mi arched into his arms skillfully, and then writhed in the bed for a while.

  The white silk with the pink meat pad pattern became a crumpled ball and was thrown on Xu Xin's face.

   Then she stopped moving.

  Xu Xin poked his hand, with a strange expression on his face:

   "Only one?"

   "For the effect of the show, just one piece. I don't think it's in the way if I wear two. Smell it, does it smell good?"

   "Bah, it stinks."

   "Nonsense, how could the little fairy's socks be smelly!"

   "A little fairy in granny bloomers, isn't it?"

"Goose, Goose, Goose, Goose…"

  She laughed again:

   "Who told you not to come back early! You were fine when you came back yesterday, but you just came today."

   "Blame me?"

  Although he knew he couldn't do anything, Xu Xin still hugged her tightly, sniffing the fragrance from her neck and asked:

   "Then why are you locking the door?"

   "The temperature here is high these two days, the child is not used to it, and he can't sleep well. I'm afraid you will wake up too much when you come back."

   Her ears were itchy after being blown by her husband. She shrank her neck and said:

   "Let's go on the 2nd, and then go back to Beijing directly after finishing work on the 3rd?"

   "... no more filming?"

"My role is over for the time being. Liang Chaowei's hands are still not good enough to shoot the filming. Then the actors in the crew have other scenes to shoot in the past few months. Liang Chaowei is going to film "The Great Magician". The roles of Tian and I are both in the Northeast.

  So I have nothing to do in the past few months, and I can wait until the snow falls in the northeast. Just in time... guess late July? "Wulin Biography" is about to start, I have to work on that. I'll go straight to the Northeast after I'm done, and I'll come to an end here for the time being. "

   "Well, okay. It's really too hot here... I'm not used to it."

   "Well. How is Director Zhang?"

  As soon as she finished speaking, she immediately felt her lover's body stiffen.

   "I... tell you something."

  Xu Xin's tone was hesitant.

   Sensing that something was wrong with him, Yang Mi froze for a moment, then suddenly turned around and hugged his waist, and pressed her whole body against her lover's chest.



  Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry:


   Seeing this, Yang Mi felt at ease:

   "Then tell me, no matter what you do, I will forgive you."

   "After I made that phone call to Sister Bingbing last night, I suddenly had a goal in my heart."


   "We are talking about..."

  He roughly recounted the content of the conversation between himself and Liang Bingning, and then said:

"Also, I learned something from Director Zhao today. There is a **** shop in these advertising contracts. The contract for the old man says 200,000, but in fact... it is 4.5 million. This is what Director Zhao personally agreed with I said it. But there are only 200,000 in black and white... So what I can be sure of is that Zhang Weiping must be evading taxes."

   "You want to free Director Zhang from him, and then punish him?"

  Yang Mi shook her head immediately after speaking.

  Because she was speaking in the arms of her lover, her voice was still a bit muffled:

"Not right, at least not now. You haven't finished the child's household registration, don't touch him. Be patient, don't rush. You can't overestimate this person's bottom line. After all, it is possible that Director Zhang is just in his eyes. It's a money-making tool, and he won't talk about affection when the time comes..."

   "I know. That's not what I said."

"what is that?"

"I have already obtained the contract he showed the old man. These contracts are included in the total investment of the "Jinling" crew, and the old man has the right to know, because the crew has to use them to file taxes. Sister Pang can get them at that time. As far as the original document and tax receipt... If I want to treat her, after the advertisement goes in, I can take the original document and tax receipt and treat him whenever I want. But..."

   Speaking of this, Xu Xin paused before continuing:

   "I want more."


  This time, Yang Mi was finally willing to get out of his arms.


   "What is more?"

  But Xu Xin didn't answer directly, but just asked a...inexplicable question:

   "You said... in the eyes of the sun, if the moon is too bright, is it also a sin?"


"Sister Bingbing also persuaded me to come, what to say... being a hero may not have a good end. And... I thought about it, in fact, this is the risk of this matter. If I not only poked it out, but also Brought a gust of wind...blowing the whole circle...what do you think will happen?"

   After speaking, before Yang Mi could answer, he stopped lying on his side.

   Putting his hands behind his head, looking at the ceiling in the halo of desk lights, his eyes are extremely bright:

   "But I suddenly want to end this era."


"Mr. Tian told me that the second wave of coal bosses is coming. They may make this circle more utilitarian, more... mercenary. What the factory can do is to serve those in the heart when everyone is pursuing fame and fortune. He who still dreams, builds a lighthouse."


   "He said that China Films went from Xiying Studio to the world. Anyone can seek profit, but our factory can't... I think it is more straightforward, he thinks it is a shame to the "ancestors."


"I like the idea so much that I will be determined to light the flames on this lighthouse no matter what. After all... if there is no lighthouse, those ships will lose their way at sea. It is a terrible thing .”


"But the factory is only a part of the road I want to go... I went to graduate school, and then I wanted to take a doctoral degree. After the doctoral degree, I still want to stay in school, want to be a teacher, and use the school as a springboard to go up. On the one hand, In order for our family to become a family, on the one hand, we also want to transform the environment into a more comfortable place for me to stay."


"I want to learn from Yu Shaobao, but I am afraid that I will end up like Yu Shaobao. But if I find out about this and don't do it... I don't think I am qualified to be Yu Shaobao again. Think about it Look... don't mention anything else, ten years, ten years later. In 2020. At that time... all of us born in the 1980s will be running for four..."


"Actors born in the 1990s are also in their third year, and children born in the 2000s are beginning to appear on the big screen. If they grow up in a circle full of money and utilitarianism... Actors do not pursue acting skills, and directors do not pursue stories , but every day it revolves around who gets paid the most, who gets the most money, who earns the most...who has the most terrible is that?"


"You know, this time I was chatting with the wheel, and I asked him, I said what is your favorite song in recent years?...I thought he would say "Nocturne", "In the Name of the Father" and so on These masterpieces. But guess what he told me? He told me a song... at least I haven't heard it before, called "Red Imitation."

  Hearing this, Yang Mi hummed subconsciously:

   "La la la la la la ~..."

   That's the prelude to "Red Imitation".

  Invincible nice prelude.

  Xu Xin nodded:

   "Yes, it's this song. Because I haven't heard it before, the four of us were drinking tea at that time, and he sat in front of the piano and played it to me..."


  Yang Mi was dumbfounded.

"Uh... yes, I put a Steinway in Xu Miao's tea room... No, it's not me, it's Lao Lang, who put a Steinway in my brother's tea room without permission! It's big, it takes up space! You go down Go back and talk to him!"

  Seeing that Yang Mi's eyes were wrong, he quickly changed his words.


  Yang Mi looked dumbfounded.

   "Okay... you continue."

"Well, he wrote a lot of songs. Sometimes he doesn't even remember what songs he wrote. The most exaggerated thing is that he doesn't say what he can say... He remembers all his songs... Pooh! What are you bragging about? His dog brain..."

   "Oh, oh, you can do it, let's get down to business. Don't talk about him endlessly."

"Well... okay. Anyway, he just played, and sang while playing. After singing about half of the song, he told me: Hey, Ah Xin, my favorite line, listen carefully~... and then roughly the meaning of the lyrics That is: there is only one sun in the universe, why does he have so many shadows similar to him.”

  “I often think~there is only one sun in the universe~why do I have so many shadows~so similar~…this paragraph?”

   “…cow ratio.”

  Hearing her humming this song, Xu Xin couldn't help giving her a thumbs up.


  Yang Mi looked proud, and Xu Xin continued:

   "Then he started singing something... Friends who like to imitate..."

"Worship is a good thing ~ Appreciation is a virtue ~ but friends who walk behind ~ I am worried ~ people will not see you ~... I like his song so much, so I can sing it. And I tell you, this Duan is actually okay, he sang the following song like this~cough cough..."

  After 12 o'clock, Yang Mi started singing and dancing rap.

  "I tell you~Being yourself is better than being too close~The biggest enemy is that~your inner self~"

   "I can't go back~"

   "Because it's not a green leaf~"

   "If it's just embellishment~"

   "May I be a bright moon!"

   "The grass is waiting for the wind to blow~"

   "Don't rely on your back~"

   "If it will be very dark~"

   "I will ask Chang'e to fly to the moon~..."

   After a piece of "Red Imitation" was sung by Yang Mi's trainee who had practiced for three and a half years, Xu Xin nodded.

"That's right, it's this song... The wheel told me that this is the work he is most satisfied with in recent years... The old king also said that the era of the four heavenly kings was ended by Ren Xianqi and his group. And the end Theirs is the wheel. Although the wheel does not admit it, our brothers also think so. Wang Lihong, Tao Zhe and the like... In front of the wheel, they can only be regarded as green leaves."

"I think so."

  Yang Mi nodded, letting her husband diverge from the topic.

   Anyway, in the end, he will definitely be able to express what he wants to express clearly.

"Think about it, he is so popular, but what he wants is to make the Chinese music scene more and more diverse. And seeing so many people imitating him, he sang to tell everyone: Don't keep imitating me, go out of your own style. Otherwise, if you walk behind me, I am afraid that others will not see you... He is very good, even the best musician of this era, isn't he?"


   "Where is the old wolf? The top three in the piano industry. The top and top artist, isn't it?"


   "Where's the old king?"


  Yang Mi thought for a while, and asked tentatively:

   "How much money?"

   "That's right. There is a lot of money, even if it is not his now, it will be his sooner or later, right?"


"I'm friends with the three of them... It's an exaggeration to say that the first is too exaggerated, let's just say the top three. The three people who are friends with the top three in each class can't be too bad, right? Of course, I'm not saying I'm bad ...But, after all, there are still so many domestic directors waiting for me to surpass. From box office to trophies... they are all waiting for me, aren't they? Sigh..."

  Looking at the ceiling, Xu Xin murmured:

"Either don't do it, if you want to do it, just do the best. But if I'm good...Is it useful? Even if I get to the first place in the country, what's the use? How much can I set an example? Keep pulling the upper limit High, pull high, pull high... To put it a bit exaggerated, what if the pull is too high and others feel desperate?"


"If someone sets an example, someone must respond to the call and learn from advanced objects. But doing too passive. Instead of doing this, I might as well be a lower limit...There must be predecessors planting, so that future generations can enjoy the shade .Now that I have seen these things... Do I just let it go? The vicious soil can only breed diseases and insects, and the fragile seedlings cannot withstand this kind of root rot!"


   "So, there are many Zhang Weipings here... I really can't get in front of them one by one to slap them in the face. They have to gather together, what if there is a one-hit-ten Master Ye..."

   "Master Ye...Ye...Ye Wen? What about Zhen Zidan?...Hey, is this also a meme?"

  Yang Mi couldn't laugh or cry.

  But Xu Xin nodded:

"So, I want to do this, but I can't do it blatantly. I have to hide myself...Be a promoter behind it...It's too easy to get Zhang Weiping. But get a group of Zhang Weiping...Ride the wind, ride the waves , Fengyun Jihui, there is no one less...Are you right?"


  Hearing this, Yang Mi already understood what her lover meant.

  He has decided.

   So, he didn't even ask "Do you support me?"

   Because there is no need.

   Also because no matter what, I will support him.


   "Be careful."

   She said:

   "Sneak into the village."


  Xu Xin nodded vigorously:

   "Don't shoot!"

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion