MTL - I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad-Chapter 518 516. Chief opinion

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  Chapter 518 516. Chief opinion

  Xu Xin and the "Bite of the Tongue" team designed a lot of first drafts of copywriting, among which there is a sentence that he particularly likes.

   is called: "Next, leave it to time."

  He thinks this sentence is very good, applicable to many occasions.

   including now.

   Having nothing to say all night, the little young woman mercifully let him go back to her room to sleep after chatting.

   Not only that, when Xu Xin asked "When did you buy these socks", she also promised with a smile that she would pass them on to him in two days... No, look.

   Wear it for him to see.

   Then in the morning he was woken up by a loud noise.

   In a daze, I feel like there is something like a big mouse, which keeps circling around me.

  Open your eyes and see...


  My precious girl just lay on the head of the bed, staring blankly at herself.

  Stand...Stand up?

  He was stunned.

   Subconsciously shouted:

   "Yang Mi! Yang Mi! Come on!! My daughter..."

   Before he finished speaking, maybe the noise was too loud for the little guy.

  The child retracted his head with a "whoosh", and then Xu Xin heard the sound of "dong dong dong" from the room again, and the little guy crawled to the door nimbly.

   And the sound of slippers came from outside the door.

not good!

  Opening the door will hit the child!

  The moment this thought sounded, Xu Xin jumped up from the bed in a jerk, went to the door and picked up his daughter.

   Sure enough, the door opened in the next second.

  If he was one step late, he would have to hit him.

   "What's up what's up!"

  Yang Mi, who was also in shock, looked at the father and daughter:

"What's the matter?"


  Xu Xin came back to her senses... She didn't choose to tell the story of her almost bumping into the child just now.

  No need.

   If because of this incident, I get angry again in the morning, it will be even more worthless.

   So he just hugged his daughter:

   "My daughter! Stand up!"


  The corner of the young woman's mouth twitched.

   "Crazy you! You scared me!"

  She was speechless:

   "It will be done in two days, and she has already started to walk consciously when I hold her up... But don't teach her! It's good for the child to crawl more!"


  Xu Xin subconsciously touched his daughter's knee.

  For fear of giving birth to cocoons.

   "Is this... too fast?"

"Three turns, six sittings and nine crawling, what is fast? And little girls develop much faster than little boys at this stage... If you have time, teach your idiot son. He is swimming backstroke! The hair on the back of his head is long I can't come out."

   Grabbing the girl who stretched out her hand, she cast a disgusted look at Xu Xin, the shopkeeper who threw away her hands.

   "Hurry up, come down for breakfast."

   "Hmmm... good."

  The daughter was taken away by her mother from her annoying father.

  But the smile on Xu Xin's face couldn't stop.

  Every stage of a child's growth will make him ecstatic.

   Quickly washed his face, brushed his teeth, cleaned up his personal hygiene, and when he ran downstairs quickly, he saw his son "backstroke" on the climbing mat at a glance.

  The so-called backstroke means that Yang Yang can't crawl yet. If he wants to move, he can only lie down and kick the ground with his legs.

   This results in a particularly small amount of hair on the back of his head.

  Like a Mediterranean Sea.

   It's as funny as it gets.

   But the two little guys are healthy, and this is what he is most gratified about.

   Whether it is growth or weight, it is between good and excellent.

  There is nothing more comfortable than having a child grow up healthy and healthy.

  High and low eat two more bowls of rice today.

   And at the dinner table, the old couple began to "urge marriage" again through the topic of children.

  What "when do you two take wedding photos or something"...

   Xu Xin and Yang Mi looked embarrassed.

  However, the old couple did force the accuracy out.

   After the filming of "Wulin Biography", I went to take a group of wedding photos. Then start to go through the process, such as wedding dresses, restaurants, etc...

   And when we talked about this, we started talking about "Wulin Biography".

  Xu Xin has never paid much attention to this book.

   I don't know where it has progressed.

   then asked:

   "Did you get the script?"

"got it."

  Yang Mi said while feeding the child:

"I's okay. At first I thought it was speculation, but after reading the script, I found that although the things in it are very blunt and a bit rote, they should be based on some current real estate chaos... a bit preachy Taste. But it's not heavy, it's okay."

"real estate?"

"Yes... But to be honest, I don't have much confidence in this script. I can only say that it's okay... The script can give a passing score line, and the last few prophetic points are not bad. But more To put it bluntly, I actually went there just to have fun with everyone. Some parts of his script are a bit rough in my opinion, whether it can be controlled is another thing... How about you take a look?"

"I do not watch."

  Xu Xin shook his head like a rattle.

  Although the copyright of this movie belongs to Lifeng, it's okay if he doesn't watch it. If you read it, and then make suggestions for revision, the nature will be different.

  Shang Jing was a little embarrassed.

  He didn't want to get into this trouble.

  The total investment is only 20 million yuan. If something happens because of my meddling, it will really be a crime.

   "How about the scene?"

"He came to discuss with me... Maybe he meant to use me to steal the box office, but I refused. Wushuang is like this... It's pretty good. She is not a big protagonist herself, why bother? She is with Xiao Liu in the script , had a perfect curtain call. I like it very much~ no more, no less, no fight or grab, the most insecure child found a warm home in the most stupid child... Hey, it’s very good.”

  Her expression looked beaming when she said this.

  The fate between her and Wushuang always feels in her heart that it is the best fate in the world.

  Because, "Wulin Biography" can also be regarded as a witness of her love.

  Even if she is just a fiction, it may give her a perfect ending... Whenever she thinks that Wushuang can live happily with Xiaoliu in a certain world, that kind of consummation will bring her a full sense of happiness.


  Yang Mi has completely entered the rest period, plus her period, so she feels a little bit about letting herself go.

  He didn't even bring the baby with him, and when the husband came back, he should have worked hard.

   Lying on the sofa with legs crossed, a fruit plate in one hand and a mobile phone in the other, frantically swiping Weibo to watch gossip.

  Heavenly king Lao Tzu is here, don’t even want my mother to move her butt.

  Xu Xin didn't care either.

  The main reason is that Nuan Nuan can "move freely", and all kinds of funny jokes come out frequently, making him happy like a fool.

   Unlike his stupid son, when he saw his sister lying on top of his father, he would just rub the back of his head and push his head against him.

  I took the baby all day, and at noon on the 2nd, the family arrived in Xi'an.

   Nothing happened along the way, but after returning to Qujiang Garden, Yang Mi looked at the pegboard on the wall and the toy guns hanging on the pegboard...she was stunned.

   "This... won't be the one you played last time... right?"


  Xu Xin had a look of reason:

   "What's wrong?"


  Yang Mi didn't speak, just counting.

  One, two, three...fifteen...sixteen...seventeen...

   "Seventeen guns...? What are you going to do? Form a special force?"

"No ah."

  Xu Xin looked calm:

"Dual wielding of weapons is not very common in modern warfare? I crack! One Gatling! Crack! One MP5! Crack! One M4... That's three. You don't understand, this gun has fewer bullets, if Without bullets, you can only enter the sword with empty hands... so I bought more unconsciously."



   "What is this called?!"

   "Satisfied, the old wolf still teased me, saying let me install a hidden weapon room like the one in the movie. Just a wall, press a combination lock, enter the password, the door will automatically open, and the weapon arsenal will open..."


  Yang Mi was dumbfounded.

   Then I saw my own father walked up to these "weapons", looked at them one by one, and skillfully picked up an AK soft bullet gun.

  Using a particularly standard standing firing action, after putting the gun on his shoulder, he aimed at the calm antique vase in the room.


  Just as Yang Mi was about to speak, Yang Dalin seemed to know he couldn't do this, so he aimed in the direction of the door.

   Pull the trigger...

   Nothing happened.


  He looked at his son-in-law suspiciously.

  Xu Xin was delighted:

   "Hey, Uncle, this one has to be like this... Do this again... Okay, try it, it is fired in bursts, but it's enjoyable... Wait a minute, I'll change the drum for you. This magazine is meaningless~"



   The mother and father just watched the father and father begin their romantic time belonging to men.

   "chug chug chug..."

   "Oh, interesting."

   Having received praise from his father-in-law, Xu Xin was even more proud:

"You're trying this, Gatling! It's so exciting! It's just that the battery is dead... Wait for them to come back at night, let's have a hostage attack. Let me tell you, it's very interesting. There will also be negotiations , I used to be a kidnapper, and I released Jay Chou's hostages only after 1,500 signatures..."

   "That Xiao Zhou has a sense of justice."

   "No, we awarded him a first-class merit..."




  The old couple don't know what to think.

   But Yang Mi understood.

  Grandma's heartless bastard, you're having a good time, aren't you?

   Also rescued the hostages?

   Have you played kidnapping yet?


  Since you are having such a good time...then just wait.

   Waiting for my relatives to leave.

   You have to unscrew the screw to release the buckle!


   After settling down in the villa, the two headed to Xiying Studio.

  Actually, it’s morning now, and Jay Chou and the others are in the villa next door.

   But don’t ask Yang Mi how she knew, anyway, at almost 2 o’clock in the middle of the night, Jay Chou and Wang Sicong were still “in the game”.

  Xu Xin didn't shout. After arriving at Xiying Studio, the two went to find Zhu Huailiang.

  Wada always has lunch at noon, so there is no rush.

  Arrived in the editing room, Zhu Huailiang was still sitting on that ergonomic chair, as if... never left.

   To be honest, it’s really scary, as if no matter how the outside world changes, his place is eternal.

   But for the director, this kind of editor... unexpectedly makes people feel at ease.

   However, when he saw the McGee milk tea cup on the table, he still said:

   "Old Zhu...this milk tea is quite sweet, please drink less."

   "I drink no sugar."



  Yang Mi actually wanted to say that creamers and the like are not good for your health...but after thinking about it, she still didn't say it.

   Even if you say it, you may not necessarily listen to it.

  And Zhu Huailiang has rough-cut another version in the past two days. After jumping out, the curtain of the projector over there came down.

  The couple stopped talking and sat next to each other. The three of them stared at the film on the screen together and began to watch.

  This rough cut version of "The Hawthorn Tree" is 50 minutes.

A brief summary of the main line of the story is: Jingqiu went to the countryside to compile textbooks → met the third child → developed a love affair → returned to the city before confessing her love → unfolded Jingqiu’s experience → met the third child in the city → secretly fell in love → the old Three sick → death ending.

  The reason why it is called a rough cut version is because the special scenes of each film are quite blunt and unnatural.

  But the biggest feature is that the colors of all the videos have been rendered.

  All the textures of the picture that Xu Xin wanted have been presented.

  The color is full when it should be full, and pale when it should be pale. As long as Xu Xin is satisfied with this item, then the next step is fine editing, filling the whole story with small fragments.

  After watching it in 50 minutes, Yang Mi and Xu Xin had different thoughts in their hearts.

  Xu Xin is choosing the rhythm of the whole film.

   Zhu Huailiang’s rough cut of this version is to intersperse all the main lines of the film. But as a director, he knows how many scenes he has shot, and these shots are already in the skeleton presented by Zhu Huailiang before shooting.

  What he has to do is still to extract, use his own feelings about the whole script, novel, story, and actors to screen, and after finding the key points, tell the editor what he wants and which part to focus on.

  He was thinking about this.

  Yang Mi is more intuitive.

  She didn't shoot "The Hawthorn Tree", but as an actor, she doesn't need to see the skeleton of the whole story.

  Just comment on the acting skills.

  She discovers…

  Liu Yifei's progress is really not small.

  Because from the beginning of watching, she has been thinking about how she should act if she let herself handle this scene.

  Can you handle it better?

  Looking at the 50-minute performance...Through the replay of the story, she most it was 30%.

  The limit is reached.

   Up to 30% of the shots, she may handle them better than Liu Yifei.

   Brackets: Regardless of temperament and image, it is purely based on acting skills.

  The remaining 70% were interpreted by Liu Yifei... almost vividly.

  Pure, simple, pure...

   That kind of pure love.

  She interpreted it to the extreme!


  It seems... I can't slack off.

  It's a bit dangerous, and there is a sense of déjà vu that if you don't work hard, you will be overtaken.

   As for the whole movie...

   Now it looks pretty normal.

  Some places are even inexplicable...



  What kind of stuff did you shoot!

   You took a picture of this in the past two months? ...You might as well let me turn the screws at home.

   She didn't even notice that her current state was called that kind of upper brain, and secretly spat in disgust.


  Having been busy all morning in the editing room, at noon, the two arrived at the small cafeteria in the factory on time. In the box, Tian Shuanghe, Qi Lei, and some other department heads also arrived.

  A total of about ten people including the couple.

  Actually, this meal was not Xu Xin greeting Tian Shuanghe, saying that he came and wanted to have a meal with the leader.

   It was Qi Lei who informed him that Mr. Tian arranged for the two of you to have dinner in the small cafeteria at noon.

  As soon as Xu Xin entered the room and found that there were no other actors except himself, he actually understood the meaning.

  The establishment of this talent center is not only from Xiying Studio, but also people from Yindu.

  Although there are fewer directors, there are really many actors.

  Not to mention anything else, Liang Bingning has already arrived.

   But at noon, she had dinner with the cast members.

   There is another group of people who are in charge of hospitality.

  Among the people at this table, only Xu Xin and Yang Mi are "directors" and "actors", and the others are heads of various departments in the factory.

  Tian Shuanghe personally set up the game, the other actors and directors didn't call out at all, let Qi Lei call out to the couple, the meaning is quite clear.

  Think of this meal and other people's meals as status and be done.

   After Xu Xin took his seat, Tian Shuanghe's first words were:

   "Mimi seems to be a little clear recently. The water and soil in the south don't support people. I have to go home these two days to make up for it."

   "Thank you Mr. Tian for your concern, hehe~"

  She is still insensitive to these official words, but as long as she is polite, no matter what she doesn't understand, she can ask her husband later.

  After Tian Shuanghe expressed concern, he stopped talking, but turned to Xu Xin and said:

"The people from the film festival have arrived. In the morning, Xiao Qi arranged for someone to take a tour, and also said that you will arrive at noon. You can meet in the afternoon. I just went to the city yesterday for a meeting about the film festival. Well…"

   Speaking of this, he nodded slightly to Xu Xin:

   "There's a lot to do."

  As soon as these words came out, Xu Xin felt at ease.

  There is a lot to do, which means that as long as the promotion is successful, it will get full support.

   Next, it's time to enter the drafting of the articles of association.

  As long as they enter this stage, it will be a great attraction for Song Wen and the others.

   It is also their dream to replace "exhibition" with "festival".


"Xiao Xu, the Talent Center will launch a "Xiying X Project" to show the outside world our determination to support young directors. The current quota is 10 million a year to support young directors. This X Project Project Office , Xiao Qi will be in charge. He will do it for two years, and then you will do it. After the film festival is merged, you will decide the quota."

  Hearing this, Xu Xin understood the meaning and nodded quickly:

   "That's really wronging Brother Qi."

  Qi Lei smiled and shook his head:

   "What are you talking about~"


  When the two were chatting and laughing, an idea came to Yang Mi's mind.

Ten million?

  Will it be too little?

  Support the director? …The meaning should be to use the money to attract the director to use the script to attract investment, right?

  Then this money is not enough...

   But she didn't say anything.

  Following the rhythm of the meal.

   Today is not a holiday, and I still work in the afternoon. As a civil servant, I definitely can't drink at noon.

  So although everyone is sitting in the box, it is more like eating a simple meal.

  After several dishes were finished, Yang Mi ate half more steamed buns under Tian Shuanghe's persuasion.

  A total of two and a half bowls were soaked.

  Xu Xin is a bowl and a half.

  The half bowl was left over from Yang Mi's meal...

   Can give him enough to choke.

   After eating, disband on the spot.

   Qi Lei and Song Wen made an appointment at 2:30 am to work, and they came to the office to sit down and have a chat.

   Xu Xin was fine during this journey.

  The two of them did not leave, but came to rest in Xu Xin's small office.

  As the director of translation and dubbing, his department is a pure Qingshui yamen, and there is nothing in the office.

   But it can be seen that someone often cleans him up.

   Neither the table nor the chairs can see any dust.

  Sitting on an unfamiliar office chair, Yang Mi quickly drew her attention back after experiencing the fun of being a "civil servant", looking at her husband who was smoking on the sofa:

   "Hey, isn't 10 million too little? At most two films will be gone, doesn't it seem stingy?"

   "Otherwise, why do you think I said I wronged Brother Qi?"


  Yang Mi was stunned:

"What's the meaning?"

   "We are a state-owned factory, and we have to go through a process for approval of funds. Compared with private enterprises, the amount of 10 million yuan is certainly small, but from the perspective of a state-owned factory, it is actually within a reasonable range.

  The film festival will be launched in at least two years, and Mr. Tian means that when the film festival is launched, this "X plan" will be over. At that time, the person in charge of the support plan will be me.

  The amount of money I will set at that time will be the three fires for me as a new official to take office.

  In the eyes of others, Qi Lei only strives for 10 million, but I can be much higher than him. This is a display of my energy and my wrist. But Qi Lei became the mediocre one in this matter, the credit is all on me, understand? "


  Yang Mi's mouth twitched.


   "It's so winding?"

"Just get used to it. Here... there is only steady progress, not instant fame. Otherwise, how do you think the term "three fires" comes from when a new official takes office? Sometimes, even if you see the disadvantages, you can't move for the time being. Because you have to Consider the pros and cons clearly. People who want to take all the benefits..."

   Speaking of this, he shook his head:

   "It's not a long walk."

  The voice fell, and the phone rang.

  Glancing at the caller, Xu Xin answered the call:

   "Hello, Miss Bingbing."

   "Did you get off the plane?"

   Liang Bingning's voice full of laughter sounded.

  Xu Xin responded:

   "It's off. I just finished eating and I'm planning to go to the factory. Are you here?"

  Hearing this, Yang Mi blinked slightly.

   "It's here, I had a meal with the actors at noon. Then come to my office and find me when you arrive?"


  Turning to look at Yang Mi, Xu Xin said:

   "I'll ask Yang Mi to find you. I've made an appointment with Brother Qi this afternoon, so we need to meet up."

   "That's fine too. Shall we have dinner together tonight?"

   "Let's talk again, I don't know how the chat is going."

   "Yeah, that's good, you two will come later, let Mimi contact me."

"OK, all right."

   After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi belatedly understood why her brother was lying.

  It should be... I don’t want Sister Bingbing to know that Boss Tian called for lunch at noon, and it’s just me and my brother without her, right?

  Thinking of this, she complained speechlessly:

   "What am I going to do... pretending to be confused?"

"just go."

  Xu Xin looked indifferent:

   "Human, that's how it is. It's rare to be confused."

   "Yes, yes, Xu Zuo's opinion."

   Hearing this title, he chuckled lightly:


   Debt repayment will start tomorrow, thank you for your support. Must pay off in March, currently owed: 9 more



  (end of this chapter)

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