MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 101 Furnace Master 6

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When Sang Jiuchi woke up, the previous iron rings were put on his wrists and ankles. He didn't know what the iron rings were made of. Sang Jiuchi didn't feel cold to the touch, but was the same temperature as his skin.

Under the hoop, the soft fluff had firmly separated the hoop and wrist skin.

In the room, wisps of elegant green smoke were burning, and the fragrance was refreshing, which immediately soothed Sang Jiuchi's head, which was a little uncomfortable because of the drunkenness.

"woke up?"

A cold voice came from the corner.

Sang Jiuchi raised his head, and in the rustling sound of his footsteps, Fan Lu came out from behind the curtain with a bird cage in his hand.

The birdcage was small and small, and it looked like it was used to hold the Oriole thrush, but he looked more closely and found that the birdcage was covered with white fluff, and the swings and soft couch were in the same position as the birdcage in his cave.

After the hangover, Sang Jiuchi had a headache. He stared blankly at Fan Lu, and a few outrageous images suddenly appeared in his mind.

Thinking of what he did when he was drunk, Sang Jiuchi's cheeks flushed, and his crow-like eyelashes trembled, trying to hide the shame in his eyes.

Fan Lu walked slowly to the bed, and threw the emerald green feather feather coat hanging on the hanger to Sang Jiuchi: "Put this on."

Sang Jiuchi used the topic to divert his embarrassment while wearing it, "Did you go there before?"

Fan Lu: "The healing is gone, that group of demonic energy is a bit powerful."

Sang Jiuchi absentmindedly said "Oh", his eyes fluttering on Fan Lu's body secretly, "By the way, I have brought your vestments and portraits for you, and you can stay with me after that."

Sang Jiuchi put on the robe and pointed to the wardrobe in the corner, "And your portrait, it's a little damaged, I put it away, if you want me to find it for you."

Fan Lu: "No need."

Sang Jiuchi raised his eyes.

Fan Lu said again: "The real person is right in front of you, what kind of portrait do you need? Are you right, Master?"

Fan Lu sat on the chair of the round table, and seemed to find the feeling after brewing for a while.

His eyes became provocative and surly, and his eyes looked at Sang Jiuchi wantonly, "I didn't even know that the master can still be so enthusiastic, I am really impressed. The master brought all my things for the purpose of planning. Did you promise to do double cultivation with me?"

Sang Jiuchi stopped, "No. I went to Liyuanju that day."

He thought about the words before slowly opening his mouth, "I rescued you at that time and accepted you as a disciple, thinking that I could protect you just by relying on my reputation. But I didn't expect that you were being treated like this when asked by Tianzong. , I accept that you have protected you, it is my fault. You will live here from today, and no one dares to make trouble here except me, and this place is full of spiritual power and is most suitable for cultivation."

Fan Lu seemed to have thought of something, "You said that no one dared to do something wrong, what happened to that Jiang Tong? Master really prefers the third junior brother, and even when he became me, he did not forget to love the third junior brother and brought him to the Teaching around me makes me envious."

Fan Lu said, his face stained with anger. He suddenly stood up and walked to Sang Jiuchi.

Fan Lu was only half a head taller than Sang Jiuchi, but Fan Lu stood in front of Sang Jiuchi, but it seemed like a towering peak, enveloping Sang Jiuchi in its entirety. Majestic and majestic, with an unstoppable sense of oppression.

Sang Jiuchi secretly swallowed his saliva, took two steps back, and lowered his head to suppress his beating heart.

Is this forced love? It's a bit exciting.

A broad and slightly rough finger suddenly pinched Sang Jiuchi's chin and raised his head. Sang Jiuchi was forced to look up at the man with the fighting spirit in front of him, his eyes twinkling, and his eyes were filled with anticipation.

Fan Lu was stunned for a moment, his expression almost tensed.

Soon, he coughed lightly, his fingers moved slightly, and Sang Jiuchi's two arms were lifted uncontrollably under the shackles.

It wasn't until the body was pulled into an extreme curve that the pulling force stopped.

Just when Sang Jiuchi thought that everything was over, several slender canes suddenly emerged from the shackles.

The rattan stretched in the air, and immediately got into Sang Jiuchi's cuff.

Sang Jiuchi finally couldn't hold his expression anymore, he bit his lip hard, his expression was very painful, and his eyes began to glow red.

"You, even if you do this, I won't give in." Sang Jiuchi looked at Fan Lu with those watery peach blossom eyes, he wanted to glare at Fan Lu, look at him and seduce him.

Fan Lu sat down peacefully, resting his left elbow on the table, and looking at Sang Jiuchi with his cheek on the back of his hand.

The emerald green quills and feathers swayed without wind, constantly twisting into irregular shapes.

Sang Jiuchi's body stretched out the most beautiful arc, and the slender neck like a swan was raised back, with a fragmented beauty, fragile as if it would be broken when touched, which is more likely to evoke the abuser's abusive mentality.

Fan Lu looked at Sang Jiuchi: "Master, do you like me?"

Sang Jiuchi turned his head and could vaguely see his beautiful collarbone, "You and I are master and apprentice, what nonsense are you talking about."

Fan Lu: "Then why do you hang the portraits of you and me on the wall and put your fingers on my mouth."

He paused, his voice a little picky, "And that rose, why does it look like the previous rose to me?"

Fan Lu's voice was faintly hoarse and deep, as if the demon was luring mortals into its trap, "Why is the rose I threw in your cave before gone missing? Can you see it, Master?"

Sang Jiuchi blushed. On the one hand, he had to resist the rattan, and on the other hand, he had to devote part of his energy to paying attention to Fan Lu's dialogue.

Originally, it was just right to defend against the rattan, but when the energy was dispersed, the pressure caused by the rattan suddenly increased.

Sang Jiuchi squeezed a few words out of his mouth: "I haven't seen it!"

Fan Lu sneered: "Master is really duplicitous. You don't cry when you don't see the coffin, right?"

I saw Fan Lu's hand waved lightly in mid-air, and a water mirror appeared in front of Sang Jiuchi.

Different from the small water mirror in the cave before, this water mirror is a floor-to-ceiling mirror, which illuminates the whole body of Sang Jiuchi from beginning to end.

Sang Jiuchi looked up at the water mirror, and immediately widened his eyes after seeing the scene inside, his whole body shaking like a sieve a few times.

He and Fan Lu have not yet exchanged, which means that what he sees in the water mirror is Fan Lu.

What he is like in reality, what is Fan Lu in the water mirror.

Sang Jiuchi stared at Fan Lu in the mirror, and his heart was beating uncontrollably.

In the previous five worlds, Sang Jiuchi and his lover have tried various things. He has seen all the expressions of his lover, but only the lover who has never seen such an expression.

He only watched for a while before tears flowed uncontrollably.

As for Fan Lu in the mirror, tears slowly flowed out of the corners of his eyes, and he even copied Sang Jiuchi's butterfly-like eyelashes exactly the same.

Fragile to the extreme.

Sang Jiuchi's body suddenly tensed, and he fell heavily and slumped weakly on the ground.

Fan Lu sneered: "Master also said that he has no unreasonable thoughts about me?"

He stood up from the table and walked behind Sang Jiuchi, his arm stretched out from behind him and pinched Sang Jiuchi's chin, forcing Sang Jiuchi to look at the water mirror in front of him.

In the water mirror, "Sang Jiuchi" sneered and pinched "Fan Lu"'s chin.

Sang Jiuchi stared blankly at the completely opposite water mirror, and leaned all his strength on Fan Lu.

Seeing that "Fan Lu" in the mirror was also leaning softly against "Sang Jiuchi", the beautiful eyelashes like a fan of Sang Jiuchi fluttered desperately like a butterfly.

Sang Jiuchi bowed his head, tactically hiding his flickering excited eyes.

This situation, how to say it, is so subtle.

Fan Lu closed it as soon as he saw it, and with a wave of his long sleeves, the huge water mirror disappeared.

After helping Sang Jiuchi to sit on the soft couch, Fan Lu entered the topic, "I saw Qiu Mian when I came, and he is already fine."

Sang Jiuchi's consciousness was still a little loose. After a long time, he realized what Fan Lu said, and said in a trembling voice, "Thank you."

"Qiu Mian is also my senior brother, and the master is in my hands now, I should go to visit him instead of the master." Fan Lu's eyes became slightly serious, "Jiang Tong said they were the monster they saw in Wutong Town, I was yesterday. I took a look and found no trace of the monster. I inquired, there was a silkworm farmer in Wutong Town who suddenly disappeared four days ago."

Sang Jiuchi: "That's right, I exposed myself in front of the monks but didn't kill me. If I were the monster, I would quickly run away."

Fan Lu: "After 10,000 years, the monster appears again, it will not be so simple, and it will not be only this monster. You must be careful when you go out to experience."

Sang Jiuchi's heart moved slightly, "Experience?"

Fan Lu knew that Sang Jiuchi didn't know anything, and he gave him a light look: "You were a high-ranking master before, so naturally you don't know anything. The secret realm of the battlefield of the slaughtering of fairy and demons once every 20 years is about to open, all Cultivators below the spiritual transformation stage can participate. There are only five cultivators for each sect, but don’t worry, I will recommend you to go.”

Sang Jiuchi: "What's in that secret realm?"

Fanlu: "The battlefield of the slaughter of the demons is the battlefield left over when the four major cultivation species fought against the demons ten thousand years ago. According to legend, there is a heaven-level magic weapon that can slaughter the demons. I want you to find it and bring it to me. ."

Sang Jiuchi looked at Fan Lu, then at himself, and still raised his own doubts, "Why do you doubt that you want to exchange the two of us? If you want, why don't you go in and get it yourself? Besides, I am Shui Linggen, you are Lei Linggen, and the spells I cast are completely different from yours. Although it is seen that you and I are interchangeable now, once the spell is cast, it will be revealed?"

"And I am in the tribulation period, how can I enter that secret realm?"

Fan Lu: "Don't worry about this master. The spell I cast on you can correct the memory of others. Even if you cast a water spell, others will think it is a thunder spell. As for your cultivation, the four shackles on your body It is possible to artificially control the cultivation base, for example.”

Fan Lu made a cumbersome trick with his fingers, and the next second, Sang Jiuchi, who had no cultivation, felt a spiritual energy flowing in his body.

However, this spiritual energy is a little thin, and it can only be regarded as a foundation-building cultivation.

"Before entering the secret realm, I will give you the secret of controlling the shackles. Master, with your strength, that secret realm is like a child's play to you. I believe you can definitely find what I want."

Fan Lu squeezed Sang Jiuchi's wrist, and the silver shackle reflected a dazzling white light in the air. Above the shackles, wheat-colored fingers pressed against the white wrist.

The wheat-colored hand is very large, and the white wrist looks very slender in his hand, not even holding it.

Fan Lu's eyes dimmed slightly, and his fingers slowly slid along the cyan blood vessels under his wrist, "Fortunately, Shizun has cultivated immortality, if your beauty falls into the mortal world, you will definitely be possessed by those rich and powerful sons, maybe It will also lead to war between the two countries.”

With a slender wrist, Fan Lu's thick fingertips slipped into his palm in a short while.

Sang Jiuchi has been cultivating immortals for more than 600 years. For more than 600 years, he has not eaten human food, and he has not even used Bigu Pill. He only needs to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon every day, and he has created such a floating body.

Sang Jiuchi's hands were white and tender like tofu, and the five fingers moved slightly, and the two of them turned into a posture of interlocking fingers.

Fan Lu rubbed the back of Sang Jiuchi's hand with his thumb, his voice was low and hoarse, full of charm: "Master, you have been cultivating immortals since you were born, and now you have lived for more than 600 years, even if you have this cultivation level So what? You are not as good as the most common and vulgar mortals, they still know the world, and in your long years, only the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is your companion."

"Have you heard the story of the meeting of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl on the Magpie Bridge? Do you know what is written in the painting books of the mortal world? In the shallower, there is "The Story of the West Chamber", and in the deeper, there is "The Plum in the Golden Vase", which makes mortals crazy Infatuated love, Master is not curious?"

Sang Jiuchi looked up at Fan Lu, and saw Fan Lu was also looking at himself, "Master, I won't force you. One day, you will lower your noble head and kneel in front of me and beg me to accompany you. Double repair."

Fan Lu was about to let go of Sang Jiuchi, but found that Sang Jiuchi was holding him hard.

Fan Lu looked over suspiciously, and when he looked at Sang Jiuchi, Sang Jiuchi had already looked away.

The tightly clasped hands suddenly loosened, and Sang Jiuchi stood up, "Let's go to Wutong Town again, I always feel that there is something there."

Fan Lu: "Okay."

The two of them had just left the house, when they saw Jiang Tong with an ugly face in the courtyard.

Jiang Tong just woke up from a faint, and rushed over with a hastily cast a dusting spell. When he saw "Master" and "Fan Lu" coming out at the same time, Jiang Tong's already ugly face became even more ugly.

It's all blue sky and daylight, and the two of them came out, obviously spending the night inside.

Jiang Tong glanced back a few times behind the two of them, hesitating to say anything, but in the end he didn't say anything because of the majesty of "Master", "Master, you felt a terrifying murderous aura last night. ?"

Sang Jiuchi just opened his mouth, and suddenly remembered that Fan Lu was the "Master".

Looking at Fan Lu, he heard Fan Lu casually say: "Oh, that, I was practicing last night."

Jiang Tong: "…"

Practice, practice?

Do you need to work so hard when doing double repairs?

Jiang Tong blushed, "Master, you are going..."

Fan Lu: "Go to Wutong Town."

Jiang Tong raised his eyes, "Master is going to investigate the monster. I know where she appeared, and I can go with you."

Sang Jiuchi thought of something, tugged at Fan Lu's sleeve, and said with a voice transmission: "Take him with you. Jiang Tong is the root of the mutant light, that monster has been dormant in Wutong Town for so long, and there is no movement, only Jiang Tong is seen. It's like a cat smelling fishy. Maybe you can take Jiang Tong and find clues about that monster."

Fan Lu's voice transmission: "Okay."

Jiang Tong looked at the small movements of "Fan Lu" and wished he could chop off his hand.

The three of them sat on the paper kite and started heading towards Wutong Town.

On the paper kite, Jiang Tong, who was standing at the back, viciously said to Sang Jiuchi, "Quickly take off the things that are wrapped around you, you will be embarrassed!"

Sang Jiuchi was stunned for a moment, then looked down, only to find a few tiny rattan sticks protruding from the cuffs.

His face flushed, he quickly pulled out the rattan, and threw it into the storage bag hastily.

Jiang Tong then said, "And your clothes! Won't you tidy up your clothes? A flower peacock."

Sang Jiuchi probably knew what he looked like. He tidied up his clothes without a trace, gave Jiang Tong a cold look, and said, "Master likes a flower peacock like me."

Jiang Tong was exhausted.

Several people landed outside Wutong Town in the blink of an eye, and when Sang Jiuchi looked up, he saw a huge sycamore tree going straight into the sky, almost submerging into the cloud.

There is a huge plane tree in Wutong Town, and Wutong Town is also named after it. Legend has it that tens of thousands of years ago, a phoenix, a demon cultivator, rose up on the plane tree, and the place where the phoenix ascended was the shelter, and towns gradually developed around the bare plane tree.

Compared with other towns, this town is already very big, and the people in the town are mostly ordinary people. Although the cultivation world can be practiced, not everyone can. Only one percent of the people in the plane can pass the assessment and enter the threshold of cultivation.

Others without spiritual roots or with shallow spiritual roots are still just the most common mortal bodies, with a lifespan of a hundred years.

Many mortals choose to live at the foot of the mountain where there are monks. On the one hand, they can be sheltered by the monks, and on the other hand, they can occasionally receive gifts from the monks.

Like this Wutong Town, it is a typical town where monks and mortals live together. In the town, not only ordinary mortal businesses, but also some monks' business, selling some talismans and so on.

There are often monks in the town, so the landing of the three people did not attract everyone's attention, and everyone was still busy with their own affairs.

When he landed, Fan Lu tapped Sang Jiuchi without a trace.

Jiang Tong has a good memory, and quickly led them to the ruined temple where they saw the woman before.

This is already the edge of the town, and there are few people around. The temple has long been deserted and dilapidated.

Several people walked into the ruined temple, Jiang Tong didn't notice anything, but Sang Jiuchi and Fan Lu were slightly startled and looked at each other.

The moment they stepped in, it was as if they stepped into the water, and a layer of ripples appeared in the air.

Sang Jiuchi and Fan Lu immediately became vigilant.

Jiang Tong didn't notice anything, he strode in, pointed at the goddess statue standing in the middle, turned and said to the two of them, "This goddess statue is still here, that day, brother Qiu Mian and I were chasing a demon cultivator who was doing bad things. After entering this ruined temple, the demon cultivator turned his head and disappeared. Instead, there was a woman kneeling under the goddess statue."

The statue of the goddess was holding a sycamore leaf in one hand and pinching it into a lotus shape in the other, standing slightly leaning forward in a flowing feather coat.

Her eyes were slightly closed, and the corner of her mouth had a smile that remained unchanged.

"Senior brother Qiu Mian and I were worried that the woman would get hurt, and told her to leave quickly. In the end, that woman was the most terrifying character, and she suddenly wanted to take me to be Mrs. Yazhai, but I refused, and that monster would Suddenly, wings grew from the back, and the face that was still able to be seen turned into a terrifying appearance, baring its fangs at us."

Sang Jiuchi and Fan Lu looked at each other and silently looked at the goddess statue.

Just as Jiang Tong turned his head to speak, the goddess who was supposed to be a stone statue slowly opened his slightly closed eyes.

Under the eyes were hollow stone balls, which seemed hollow, but the eyes seemed to be staring at Jiang Tong under her feet.

She seemed to only see Jiang Tong in her eyes, not the two of them.

The statue of the goddess moved silently. Jiang Tong said that when the monster stretched its wings, a pair of dark fleshy wings came out from behind the statue. Although the stone was pierced, there was no sound.

Jiang Tong said that when the monster showed its ferocious teeth, the original smiling and gentle face of the goddess began to slowly change into a ferocious face. Sticking out a slender tongue.

Sang Jiuchi and Fan Lu: "..."

Sang Jiuchi looked at Jiang Tong quietly and reassured: "Jiang Tong, don't look back, come slowly."

Jiang Tong subconsciously turned his head.

The next moment, he let out a wailing cry, and crawled back with his hands and feet.

The goddess statue finally made a sound, only to hear the goddess statue "Jie Jie" laughing a few times, and the broken stone "puchi puchi" fell from her body.

"Little thing, I was worrying about where to find you, but I didn't expect you to come to the door by yourself." A sharp and harsh voice sounded, not like a woman's voice, but like the harsh sound of metal scratching on wood.

Jiang Tong's face turned pale, and now he doesn't care whether he looks good or not, he crawled behind Sang Jiuchi, who was closest to him, with his hands and feet.

The stones around the statue of the goddess finally fell off, revealing the true colors hidden inside.

The whole body is dark, with black fleshy wings, two meters high, and the face is hideous.

She didn't seem to be able to see Sang Jiuchi and Fan Lu, so she was about to go towards Jiang Tong. Just as she was about to fly in front of Sang Jiuchi, a pair of lightning-fast hands suddenly sprang from the side and pushed the monster to the ground.

The author has something to say: Sang Jiuchi: Exciting.