MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 102 Furnace Master 7(1)

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The ground was so dusty that a one-meter-wide pit was smashed abruptly.

The female monster was pinned to the ground and let out a painful roar.

Her tongue sticks out long, making a terrifying "hiss" sound like a venomous snake.

She seemed to realize that there were two other people in the ruined temple. When she saw who was holding her back, the monster's body trembled uncontrollably, and her pupils contracted violently in horror.

Fan Lu didn't even blink an eye, and directly removed the two arms and thighs of the monster, and then threw it aside.

The monster that was showing off its power just now became a fish waiting to die in an instant.

Jiang Tong dared to climb out from behind Sang Jiuchi, his eyes that were red with fear were now full of anger, he rushed over angrily, and immediately took out his whip and swung it twice: "You deserve it, do you do it yourself? Waiting for us to pry your mouth open? Are you tricking or not, are you talking?!"

The monster stared at the dog-like little thing in front of him, his face full of suffocation: "You didn't ask, what did you ask me to recruit?"

Jiang Tong's half-lifted hand froze in the air, he glanced innocently at "Master" and "Fan Lu", and slowly retreated to "Fan Lu".

I don't know why, but when I saw "Master"'s unarmed hand just now, he was startled. He was full of slaughter, as if he had just returned from the battlefield, with countless blood on his hands.

In contrast, this second senior brother with a cold face and an expression was more cordial.

Fan Lu looked at Sang Jiuchi, and Sang Jiuchi said, "The first question, what are you? A monster?"

Monster: "No, I am a phoenix."

Jiang Tong looked up and down the monsters that didn't look like Phoenix, "But you are full of monster breaths. You hurt my senior brother that day, and your magic aura almost killed him."

The viscous liquid dripped from Phoenix's sharp teeth. She shook her head that was still able to move and defended herself: "No, I'm not a monster. I became like this because I fell into a crack and climbed out from there. After that, I became like this. I am a phoenix, I like light and fire, and you happen to be the spiritual root of light, and your spiritual root can help me get rid of the devil in my body. "

She tried to move her body, "If you follow me obediently that day, nothing will happen after that."

Jiang Tong looked at the woman vigilantly, and turned his eyes to look at "Master".

Fan Lu: "What kind of crack did you fall into?"

Phoenix recalled carefully, "Behind the demon emperor's palace deep in the jungle, there is a back mountain, and there is a waterfall under the back mountain. I fell into the waterfall and entered a crevice. It was full of the breath of demons. , I tried my best to get out of it."

Fan Lu: "Since you were injured in your Demon Emperor's area, why didn't you just ask him to save you?"

This plane has four directions of cultivation, demon cultivation, demon cultivation, immortal cultivation, and ghost cultivation.

The demon world is governed by the demon emperor. The current demon emperor is a snake demon who has practiced for thousands of years. The Demon Xiu respects the Demon Emperor, the Immortal Xiu takes the Immortal Lord as the leader, and the Ghost Xiu's commander is the Ghost King.

Hearing the name of the Demon Emperor, Fenghuang's face showed obvious resentment: "Our Phoenix Clan and Snake Clan have always been at odds with each other. It would be good if he didn't kill me, and he would save me? Our Phoenix Clan was originally from the Demon Realm. Royal family, if it weren't for that thousand-year-old snake demon who led a rebellion a hundred years ago, how could we have been reduced to the end of the wandering."

Sang Jiuchi: "Do you have any other clansmen?"

Speaking of this, the Phoenix's expression showed a bit of forbearance, "No more, after we escaped from the demon world, we all died one after another, and now I am the only one left in the entire Phoenix clan."

Jiang Tong asked the question he most wanted to know, "You said I could save you, how do you plan to let me save you?"

Phoenix's face was black, but a few people could still see the red glow slowly emerging on her face from above, "Actually, it's very simple, just double-cultivation, it's also beneficial to you."

The fundamentally loose string "Kaba" in Jiang Tong's head snapped off.

Double repair, double repair.

Jiang Tong remembered the two people who hugged intimately last night and the awe-inspiring murderous aura, his face flushed and his ears equatorial: "It's impossible for you to dream."

Fenghuang sighed, "I also know that my life is not long, but I have something to ask for. Although the demon world is sorry for me, I can't bear the demon clan to become sinners in the world. That snake demon has ulterior motives and raised such a place in the back mountain. The devil's cave is destined to cause a catastrophe. I hope you can help the demon clan to overcome the difficulties together and save the world of self-cultivation from the demon emperor."

Phoenix continued: "I know that everything has a cause and effect. I ask you for help, and I will never treat you badly. I know you, you are the Immortal Master of Immortal Cultivation, and I know that you have entered the Tribulation Transcendence Period for a hundred years. The progress of cultivation is slow now. We Phoenix live on the plane tree, but the height of the plane tree in Wutong Town is less than one-tenth of the height of the sacred plane tree of our Phoenix tribe."

"The phoenix tree is blessed by our ancestors of the Phoenix clan, and at the top of the phoenix **** tree there is a demon pill that can improve one's cultivation. As long as you can kill the demon emperor, I would like to give the most treasured demon pill of the Phoenix clan to You, help you soar."

Sang Jiuchi: "…"

NPC posted a quest?

Fan Lu silently glanced at Sang Jiuchi, "Okay."

Phoenix's cloudy eyes shone with hope, "Okay, then we two make an oath."

After Fan Lu and Phoenix made an oath, Phoenix lost all of his strength in an instant. Her originally two-meter-high body gradually shrank into a ball, her turbid eyes became more scattered, and the wide black fleshy wings withered into a cicada's wing.

However, after a short while, the phoenix that was still alive and kicking just now was air-dried and turned into a mummified corpse. When the wind blew, it immediately turned into powder, scattered in the air, and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, Jiang Tong couldn't help widening his eyes, and he felt a trace of guilt in his heart. He didn't dare to look at the master, so he could only ask "Fan Lu" through voice transmission: "If I saved her just now, wouldn't she have to die?"

Sang Jiuchi glanced at the spoiled child, and said, "Don't think too much, this world is where the weak eat the strong. If it wasn't for your senior brother, you would have been caught by her and forced to go to double cultivation. Would you like to?"

Jiang Tong hurriedly shook his head: "My Shuangxiu must be with the person I love, how can I, how can I be with a stranger, of course not."

Sang Jiuchi asked again through voice transmission: "She did anything to catch you, and even injured Qiu Mian. If it wasn't for the master's means, Qiu Mian would have died long ago, and who would sympathize with poor Qiu Mian?"

Jiang Tong was relieved, "You are right."

His black grape-like eyes glanced at Sang Jiuchi and Fan Lu several times before he secretly rubbed his voice transmission and asked, "I ask you, you and Master are both cultivating, but... but because you really like it?"

Sang Jiuchi raised his eyebrows. Anyway, in the eyes of outsiders, he is looking at Fan Lu's face. Everything he does now will be on Fan Lu's body in the future, and he doesn't need to care about shame.

Sang Jiuchi's thick eyelashes converged slightly, covering the expression in his eyes. After a long time, he said, "Look at what this is."

As he said, he stretched out the bracelet on his wrist and showed Jiang Tong a look. Jiang Tong stared at his wrist for a while, the shock in his eyes was about to squeeze out of his eyes, "The shackles?"

Sang Jiuchi sighed: "I have admired Shizun since I was an adult. Shizun was moved by my sincerity and moved with me. He not only moved his sincere affection for me, but was also afraid of losing me. In order to make me Always stay by his side, even at the expense of keeping me in chains."

Jiang Tong secretly glanced at the cold master standing not far away, and then looked at "Fan Lu", but he didn't know what to say for a while.

Imprisonment is wrong, but looking at the expression of "Fan Slaughter", he seems to be enjoying it again.

Is this the fit after double cultivation?

Fan Luren has a strong and tall figure, and is gloomy and cold. He obviously seems to be the one who is attacking, but he is willing to be below in order to get the master.

Is this what is called feeling for love?

"Master" was still searching for clues in the ruined temple, while "Fan Lu" seemed to be standing idle, but he kept clenching his fingers and looking around vigilantly, obviously protecting the law for "Master".

Master and apprentice fall in love, how rebellious.

But these two people tacitly made people jealous, as if they were born to be a pair, and no one could intervene between them.

Fan Lu searched for a while in the ruined temple, and found a pitch-black ball under the stone statue. The ball was about the size of an adult's fist, with one point at one end and one oval at the other. It looked like an egg.

He studied it for a while and didn't know what it was, so he put a layer of restraint on the outside and threw it into the storage bag.

It was already afternoon when the three of them finished their work, but Fan Lu was in no hurry to go back, "Since we're down the mountain, buy something and ask Tianzong back."

The last time Jiang Tong followed Qiu Mian down the mountain, he wanted to buy something, but he met Phoenix before he even entered the town. Now when I heard "Master" speak, I immediately rushed towards the town happily.

Sang Jiuchi also wanted to visit this town. He was born in nothingness and went through several planes before and after. This is the first time he has seen this ancient plane of self-cultivation. Everything here is full of strangeness and curiosity to him.

Sang Jiuchi and Jiang Tong went shopping in the town, Fan Lu threw a bag of spirit stones to Sang Jiuchi, but they left without them.

Two people entered the town one after the other, one with a desire to buy, the other with curiosity.

Jiang Tong had already bought a bunch of things, but when he turned his head, he found that Sang Jiuchi was empty-handed, and he couldn't help frowning: "When the secret realm opens in a few days, I heard that there are many opportunities on the battlefield of the slaughter of the immortals and demons, and some cultivators can even be in it. Completing the advanced level, but behind the high opportunities are also full of crises. I estimate that you will meet the master this year, and the master will definitely give you a place, you can quickly buy something useful and bring it with you."

Jiang Tong took him into a shop and said, "You can't have less talismans, and you can't have any spiritual pills. You need to buy some other magic tools and the like, just in case you need them. What, hurry up and collect some goods."

Sang Jiuchi looked at Jiang Tong's storage bag. There were three storage bags hanging from Jiang Tong's waist. The joy of harvest.

Sang Jiuchi was speechless: "Are you planning to buy this street out? Where did you get so much money?"

Jiang Tong dismissed it, "My parents left it to me, what is this, I still have a Lingshi Mountain."

Sang Jiuchi glanced at the talisman magic weapons in the store, and bought a few that seemed to work and put them away. He walked aimlessly on the street, and Jiang Tong, a shopping madman with a face full of excitement, was completely two extremes.

Suddenly, he saw a shop on the street: "Book Collection"

Selling books?

In his perception, people in the realm of cultivation are sometimes really boring, so bored that they can write some love stories about ghosts, monsters, and ghosts. I don't know if there is such a thing here.

He walked into the store in a flash, and there were actually quite a few buyers inside.

There are many shelves in the store, and each shelf is full of books.

There are the Four Books and Five Classics of the mortal world, the Analects of the Mean, and some entry-level rules for the realm of self-cultivation.

Some monks were not selected by the sect, and some monks did not like the constraints of the sect. If they wanted to practice, they could only ask through these introductory books. Sang Jiuchi watched for a while, and finally came to the column of bookshelves surrounded by the most people.

Most of the people standing on this bookshelf are female monks, each holding a small booklet in their hands, reading it with relish, and smiling happily on their faces.

Sang Jiuchi leaned over and saw a dazzling array of books on the shelves.

"The Love of Immortals", "Jiang Tong's Life as a Group Pet", "If I'm Asking Tianzong"...

"Master Bai Yueguang", "Master and Lover"...

Each shelf is arranged in various categories, according to the different characters.

Sang Jiuchi picked up the book "Master and His Disciple" and turned to the first page.

The text is a bit obscure, and the protagonists turned out to be fictitious masters and big apprentices. However, Sang Jiuchi just glanced at it and saw that the prototype was the original owner Sang Jiuchi and his apprentice Qiu Mian. In the article, the master couldn't love the elegant and noble son, and he was imprisoned by the suppression of his cultivation. stand up.

Although it is an imaginative story, the author has opened his mind, but he does not dare to write too presumptuously. All the words are forbearing, as ethereal as the "Book of Songs".

Sang Jiuchi put down the book and picked up the book "Master Bai Yueguang".

The prototype of the protagonist of the story is still Sang Jiuchi, this time the characters are replaced by Sang Jiuchi and Jiang Tong.

The text is still obscure and dignified, as light as an orthodox book, there is no ups and downs in the plot, just a few small stories of daily illusions are written casually.

Sang Jiuchi tasted like chewing wax. He put it down and picked it up. He read a lot of books back and forth, all of which were of this kind of urine, but buyers read it with relish. Just when Sang Jiuchi was reading, several people paid for it. a lot.

Sang Jiuchi searched for a long time, but did not find the storybook of Sang Jiuchi and Fan Lu.

He walked to the counter and looked at the store owner: "Does the shopkeeper have a script based on Sang Jiuchi and Fan Lu?"

The shopkeeper looked at the unfamiliar young man in front of him after he settled the bill, and waved his hand, "Xianshi, there is really no such thing. If Xianshi wants to see the book based on Xianshi Sang, the cover title is usually called Shizun or something."

Sang Jiuchi: "Why is there no story based on them?"

The store owner: "You said that Fan Lu was the second apprentice of Immortal Master Sang, right? One is that this person lives in the Asking Heaven Sect, we have never seen him at all, and the other is his origin. Even we know that he is an apprentice and a demon. Xiu has some origins. How can such an unclean person deserve to be with Immortal Sang? Even if it is an adaptation, there is no story based on the two of them. Although everyone likes the love story of Immortal Mirage, they are also picky eaters, no Any cat or dog will do."

Sang Jiuchi was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

With Fan Lu's face on his face, he didn't laugh with an aura of not being angry and arrogant. Now that Sang Jiuchi smiled, that aura suddenly disappeared, replaced by a warm feeling of intimacy, "Seller, you are all in this book. Where did you come in and sell it?"

The store owner was in a trance for a while, and quickly replied: "If someone writes it, it will be sold here. We only charge the agency fee."

Sang Jiuchi: "Then if I write it, can I sell it here?"

Store owner: "Of course, we only charge agency fees. It turns out that the immortal master is actually a writer. Did you bring your book?"

Sang Jiuchi: "No hurry, I'll bring it to you in a few days."

The store owner: "Okay, I'm the only one on this street who sells the book. If the immortal master has it, just bring it, and I will put it for you."

After Sang Jiuchi negotiated with the store owner, he didn't stay any longer and turned to leave.

When he left, he found that Jiang Tong had also come over. There were three storage bags on the left and right sides of his waist, and now his six storage bags were all full.

After the two of them bought things, they returned to Wen Tianzong. Fan Lu hadn't come back yet. As soon as Sang Jiuchi entered, he locked himself in the room and took a pen to write.

At night, the lights flickered, he stayed up all night, and by the next day, a thin storybook was finished.

There is a huge row on the cover of the blue words: "Forbidden Faith".

Below the first row, there is a slightly smaller row of words: Part 1.

The font is flying like a phoenix, with the arrogance of looking down at all beings.

Open the first page, and the font inside is very recognizable and beautiful small script. After reading the content from beginning to end, Sang Jiuchi nodded with satisfaction, and summoned Zhiyuan to fly to Wutong Town again.

Sang Jiuchi didn't want to leave his name on the book, and the author only wrote an "anonymous" in the store.

In the back hall, the store owner opened the title page and frowned slightly: "The prototype of this book is from Immortal Master Sang and his second apprentice? Immortal Master, with all due respect, it's not that no one has sold their book before, but it's on display. In a month, only ten copies were sold before and after, and they were all bought by the person himself. I see that your writing is sophisticated. If you want to write seriously, you might as well write something else. You can make more money by writing than writing this. Waste of energy and loss of agency fees."

Sang Jiuchi: "It's okay, it's the first time I've written it, and it's just for fun. It's just for sale. If it doesn't sell, the agent is mine, so don't bother the shopkeeper."

The shopkeeper hesitated for a while, until he saw Sang Jiuchi took out 10 high-grade spirit stones from the storage bag, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly nodded in agreement, "Since the immortal master said so, then I will show it for you. Try it. How many books did you bring?"

Sang Jiuchi: "Five hundred copies."

The store owner looked embarrassed: "Is it a bit too much? Or else I will try 50 copies first, and then make up when it's gone? The agency fee is charged on a monthly basis, and you can replenish it at any time during this month."

Sang Jiuchi didn't talk too much with the store owner: "Okay."

Sang Jiuchi kept his mother book by his side, and left 50 story books to the store before leaving.

Fan Lu didn't come back until the next night. After he came back, he asked Sang Jiuchi a few words and left in a hurry, not knowing what he was doing.

A few days later, Qiu Mian, who had been in a coma, finally woke up. The first thing he said when he opened his eyes was to ask about Jiang Tong's condition. After making sure that Jiang Tong was fine, Qiu Mian was relieved to heal.

Qiu Mian is also among the five people in the secret realm. Originally, the elders did not intend to let Qiu Mian go, but there is a great opportunity in the secret realm. Since Qiu Mian entered the spirit transformation stage, his cultivation has stagnated. His last straw, so Qiu Mian had to go to the secret realm no matter what.

The elders couldn't resist Qiu Mian, so they had to agree.

Before the secret realm opened, Sang Jiuchi went to Wutong Town again.

He had just walked into the library, when the store owner saw who was coming, he happily welcomed him into the back hall, "Master Immortal, you are here!"

"Your book is on fire, you know?! After you left that day, I put up the book and sold only five copies on the first day, and then on the second day, they were all sold out. Since then After that, many people came to look for this book, and I didn't know how to contact the Immortal Master, so I was anxious."

Sang Jiuchi: "How much do you think is appropriate to replenish this time?"

The store owner was a little embarrassed when he remembered the "fifty books" he told Sang Jiuchi at the beginning, and he said embarrassedly: "I have already left 500 people with deposits here, and among these 500 people, they have brought them to the same door. It's a thousand copies. Considering that there are still more to buy later, you should replenish about 3,000 copies. "

Sang Jiuchi nodded: "Okay, no problem."

The store owner was hesitant to speak, but when he saw that the immortal master was so good at talking, he summoned up his courage and said, "Also, readers who have seen the first part come over and ask when the second part will be released."

Sang Jiuchi: "About five days later, I only have five hundred copies of the first book. I'll give you these first, and give you the rest after five days. Do you still need an agency fee for the second book?"

The shopkeeper waved his hands again and again, the immortal master's book brought him a lot of customers, and he sold some other books along the way. He thanked Sang Jiuchi for being too late, how could he be so embarrassed to ask him for money, "No need, it's enough. Yes. I still have a question I want to ask the Immortal Master."

Sang Jiuchi: "You ask."

Store owner: "How many books are there in this story? How did you come up with this description method? I have been selling books for so many years, and I have never seen such an ups and downs storyline and lingering love. If you mistake pearls for fish eyes, please don't blame the immortal master."

Sang Jiuchi pondered for a moment: "Let's write it down and see, the specific ones are still unclear."

Sang Jiuchi came out of the back hall, and happened to see a few people looking for books on the shelf of the book. After seeing it, the store owner asked skillfully, "How many of you are looking for "Forbidden Faith"?"

Several people glanced over, and one of them replied: "Yes, my junior sister said the story is really good. I borrowed it from her, but she didn't want to give it to me, so I didn't come here to look for it."

The other said, "I'm here to find the second part."

The store owner glanced at Sang Jiuchi, and saw that Sang Jiuchi had already left Shi Shiran, and had no intention of claiming the script, so he had to reply, "Don't worry, Immortal Master, there will be a second volume in a few days, as for the second volume. We have just replenished 500 copies of the first one, but these 500 copies can only be reserved for the customers who pre-ordered."

"But there will be new ones coming in in a few days. Everyone has them and can see them."

A cultivator among the few people also came to look for the second part. She looked at the cultivator who had just asked the second part, "Daoist friend, how many times have you read the first part? I have read it five times."

Just now that person hurriedly pricked up his ears, "I read it back and forth four times! I could still read the previous script, but after reading this script, I can't read anything. It's too exciting. Now, the second apprentice loves the land so humble and loves him so much."

Another female cultivator nodded heavily, her eyes sparkling, "Yeah, I really feel sorry for the second apprentice. But the master is also very good, and has been secretly helping the second apprentice. Damn, at the end of the first part, the second apprentice turned out to be the second apprentice. Imprisoned in a bird cage, I really want to know what happened behind, and the author stopped here."

Others who didn't buy the book raised their ears and listened secretly, "You two fellow Daoists, you've read it four or five times, can you lend us the book to look at?"

The two female nuns quickly covered their storage bags, and one of them sternly refused: "That's not good, this is my bedtime reading, how can I show it to you."

"Is this book really that good?"

The female cultivator nodded heavily: "It's really beautiful, it's completely different from the previous book. This book has all the emotions written in it, so sincere that it seems that the author is himself, the writing is beautiful, the plot is compact, the plot is ups and downs, and there is nothing at all. Where the crotch is pulled, this is the most worthwhile book I've ever bought."

The more the nun said, the more curious he became: "What exactly is this book about?"

Female nun: "Tell me about a forbidden love between master and apprentice."

The male cultivator frowned, "Isn't there a lot of master-disciple love?"

Female cultivator: "This is different, this master-disciple love has broken through the shackles of identity, status, and origin. It is about a highly respected master who rescued the child of the devil from the demon sect, and then in order to protect the child Take him as his apprentice and protect him. However, the master went to retreat to practice later, and the second apprentice was discriminated against in the sect because of his background. The later story is more exciting, so I won't give you any spoilers, and you will buy the book after you buy it. See for yourself and you'll understand."

The male cultivators frowned when they heard the story, "Why does this sound like Immortal Master Sang's second apprentice."

Female nun: "Yes, it's the two of them."

Male cultivator, "Do you have any expectations for these two?"

The female cultivator was a little annoyed and angry: "I'm too lazy to tell you more, I like to see it or not. I hope you will see it after reading it."

Two female nuns who did not know each other became friends over a book and left together.

After Sang Jiuchi returned to Ask Tianzong, he spent one night writing the second book.

Then he quickly printed out 3,000 copies of the first part and 3,000 copies of the second part, and sent them to the store.

The next day was when the secret realm opened.

This secret realm is located in the Wentian Sect. Naturally, the Wentian Sect is the host, and the Sect Master will usually preside over such important times.

But everyone has long been accustomed to the elusiveness of the cultivation madman Sang Jiuchi, and did not care about his disappearance.

All things, as always, are presided over by the Great Elder.

In recent years, the immortal cultivator has developed and grown, and the distinction between immortal cultivator and demon cultivator is not a case of evil, but only a different way of cultivation.

However, because the spiritual energy of the plane of cultivation is getting thinner and thinner, several major cultivation systems have begun to roll up inward. Demon cultivation and ghost cultivation can also cultivate in other ways, but immortal cultivation and demon cultivation are both human cultivation and what they need. Cultivation resources are very close.

In recent years, more and more monks have spiritual roots. The monks who have cultivated for a long time stand at the top of the pyramid to seize the spiritual energy and resources, but they have not yet soared. Low-level monks can only rely on thin aura to practice.

In order to **** the few remaining resources, Xian Xiu and Demon Xiu are the most serious confrontation.

If possible, Wen Tianzong doesn't want to open this secret realm to magic cultivators. But there is no way, this secret realm has been said since the ancestors left, all monks have the right to participate, and must not be taken as their own.

The Slaughter Field Rift is only open every 20 years, for a month. There are various ancient magic circles in it, some of which are murderous, and some also bring great opportunities.

In addition to completing tasks, all monks enter the secret realm, and the rest of the time is to use all the time to cultivate.

Because it is a battlefield of fairy and demon slaughter, there are many monks who died thousands of years ago. After the monks die, the aura stays in the secret realm, so the aura in the secret realm is several times that of the outside.

Entering this secret realm means danger, but it also means leapfrogging.

Every sect has smashed its head just to compete for a place in the secret realm, and Wen Tianzong is no exception.

But Ask Tianzong not only depends on their strength, but also on their aptitude. Jiang Tong and Qiu Mian are all well-received, the only controversial one is "Fan Slaughter".

They really couldn't understand how a "Fan Slaughter" who was about to be abandoned suddenly gained the favor of the master and obtained the qualification to enter the secret realm.

But they took the majesty of the Immortal Lord, and they dared to be angry and dare not speak. Among the five people, besides Qiu Mian and Jiang Tong, there were two others. These two were the disciples of the first and second elders.

One is Cailian and the other is Mingshui.

Originally, the fifth place was supposed to be the disciple of the third elder, and they even made an appointment to practice Dharma guardian together, but because of the airborne family of "Fan Lu", the agreement of the three was completely disrupted.

Before entering the secret realm, the two of them looked at "Fan Lu" with very bad eyes.

The elder called the five people in front of him and instructed: "We ask that Tianzong has always been the leader of the right path, so we must set an example of the leader of the right path. No matter how you fight in the sect, it is our own business that closes the door. But now it's different, we are facing people outside. After the five of you enter, you must not fight inward, you have to stay together, remember? Also, the secret realm is extremely dangerous, so every time we enter, we will also Form alliances with other sects."

"The sign of an alliance is the color of the wristband on your wrist. Your wristbands are white, and the same as you is our alliance. When encountering an alliance, we must support each other, but we must not have the intention of harming others, and must be defensive. Although it is an alliance, but people are separated from each other, no one knows what will happen inside, the most important thing is the five of you."

The five people looked around in the crowded monks and found that several sects had white cloth strips wrapped around their wrists. And some sects are wrapped in other colors of cloth, it seems that using wristbands as a sign of alliance is already a customary habit.

The first elder continued: "Every year, many people die in this secret realm, and this time is definitely no exception. I know that the opportunities inside are very important to you, but life is more important, don't lose your life because of a petty profit, I hope to go There were five people when we arrived, and five people when we came back."

The first elder was sincere in his words, and he finally set his sights on "Fan Lu".

The first elder looked at him with a complicated expression, "Fan Lu, among the five of you, I am the one who worries me the most. You have a devilish aura on your body, but you also have the spiritual energy of an immortal. Once you are separated from them, immortals will be very worried. You may be mistaken for a demon cultivator, and a demon cultivator can easily mistake you for an immortal cultivator. After you enter, you must follow Qiu Mian closely. Before you leave, your master specifically told me to take good care of you, don’t be greedy for cultivation, be safe First, do you hear me?"

Sang Jiuchi nodded, "Disciple obeys the teaching."

Afterwards, the other four agreed, but Cailian and Mingshui still harbored ghosts.

When the hour came, there was a few shocks in the air, and then a pitch-black vortex suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The Great Elder lit the incense burner representing time, and following his order, the five monks headed by Wen Tianzong flew into the secret realm in unison.

Because Qiu Mian had just recovered from a serious injury, he was not flying very fast. Jiang Tong had the lowest cultivation level among the others. Sang Jiuchi wanted to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. Among the five, Cai Lian and Ming Shui flew to the front.

They were also the first monks to land, and the five started to look around as soon as they landed.

The two often practiced together in Qiu Mian on weekdays. Qiu Mian was a sect master, and he always behaved like a master in everything. Although Cai Lian and Ming Shui hated "Fan Slaughter", they still followed Qiu Mian's lead.

As soon as the two landed, they approached Qiu Mian: "Senior brother, where are we going next?"

Qiu Mian looked around at the countless figures of monks flying around.

This is a swampy land. The place where they settled is right next to a pool. The surrounding green plants and weeds are growing very well. They are more than one meter high. If they grow longer, they can even bury people in it.

They came with a quest this time, and they needed to enter the secret realm to dig a sufficient amount of spirit grass-fantasy.

This kind of spirit grass has hallucinogenic effects. Cultivators often encounter inner demons when they advance. Once they encounter inner demons, they are very likely to go crazy, or even fall in severe cases.

In order to be able to fight the demons in advance, the monks discovered the illusion.

The cultivators found that illusions could enable cultivators to see the demons in advance. As long as they could use the illusions to solve the problem of the demons before the calamity, they could avoid being disturbed by the demons when they advanced.

But the medicinal herbs like Fantasy Dream are very rare, and only available in the Slaughtering Secret Realm.

So every time they enter the secret realm, the task is to pick up the illusion, but every time they pick it, the illusion also disappears.

In the beginning, the blockbusters of the fantasy were long in the secret realm. As the number of pickings increased, the number of fantasy became less and less.

When the secret realm was opened last time, all the cultivators had collected only 3,000 fantasy dreams.

Probably less this time.

Qiu Mian took a look around and took out the compass from the storage bag. This compass was given to him by the first elder. The compass could sense the place with the strongest spiritual energy.

Several people looked down, the compass turned back and forth in the air several times, and finally pointed to a place.

Qiu Mian looked at it and found that it was the deep jungle not far away.

Before Qiu Mian could speak, Cai Lian and Ming Shui looked at each other and rushed towards the dense forest.

Sang Jiuchi said later, "I advise you, don't move in the end."

Hearing his tone, Jiang Tong suddenly remembered the scene when he was in the broken temple in Wutong Town, and was so frightened that he quickly stopped.

He lives with "Fan Lu" these days, and he knows Fan Lu's ability.

Since he doesn't let himself move, there must be a reason. He has already been embarrassed in front of "Fan Lu" once, but he doesn't want to be embarrassed a second time.

Jiang Tong stood up, Qiu Mian laughed dumbly, and looked at Sang Jiuchi for unknown reasons: "Junior Brother Fanlu, an inch of time is worth an inch of gold. While everyone is still familiar with the environment, we'd better hurry up and seize the best spiritual energy. Resources. But why do you say you can't move, can you give a reason?"

Sang Jiuchi pointed to the swamp in front of him, "There is something in it."

Qiu Mian was stunned for a moment, and used his spiritual energy to probe inside, but found nothing alive inside.

He looked at Sang Jiuchi with anxiety in his eyes. He entered this plane so hard after he recovered from a serious injury, not to play house games with him. He stayed too long in the initial stage of divine transformation, so he had to improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

Qiu Mian: "Junior Brother Fanlu, stop playing. Let's go, others won't give you the best place for aura."

Seeing that Qiu Mian was unwilling, Cailian and Ming Shui also immediately stood beside Qiu Mian, "That's right, in the early Yuan Ying stage, can you still see better than Qiu Mian's brother Qiu Mian in the God Transformation stage? Don't stay here. Scare people, if you don't go, we will go. Junior Brother Jiang Tong, let's go."

Jiang Tong hesitated, but still did not dare to move.

For some reason, he knew that the cultivation of "Fan Slaughter" was not as high as Qiu Mian's, but he believed in "Fan Slaughter" even more.

"Fan Lu" always has the kind of calmness in dealing with things, even when he encountered a monster in a ruined temple, "Fan Lu" did not blink his eyelids. On the other hand, brother Qiu Mian, although he saved him, Qiu Mian At that time, my brother was just as terrified as himself.

If Senior Brother Qiu Mian hadn't panicked too much, he wouldn't even have been hurt.

Jiang Tong thought for a moment, then murmured, "How about

Read The Duke's Passion