MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 125 Ghosts do the fake Major General 14

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Competitors' personal score statistics don't need to be as troublesome as team score statistics. Before entering the dark forest, players will wear an exclusive statistics watch on their wrists, which will carefully record all the scores.

Following the commander's speech, the names of all the contestants were displayed on the big screen. A total of more than 600 contestants were densely listed on the big screen. If the screen was not as big as a wall, people would even I can't find my name anymore.

Now every name is followed by the same number: 0.

The official will come, they will never announce the results directly, but start from 0 like this, and the names of all the contestants are randomly arranged.

Then, as the numbers jump, a bar-shaped progress bar will be pulled out behind the player's name.

The player's name also starts to move up and down with the length of the progress bar.

Whenever this time, it is the most exciting time of the game.

The name keeps jumping up and down on the big screen, and eventually it is eliminated. The screen will immediately adjust the size of the screen according to the result of the elimination.

Especially when the last dozen or so people competed, seeing the same progress bar keep moving up and down, not only the contestants, but also the audience's hearts were mentioned in their throats.

In this competition, everyone knew in their hearts that Sang Jiuchi would be the well-deserved number one.

Just that one-handed aperture block, killed tens of thousands of Zerg, and there are many 3S and 2S Zerg.

He must be number one, no doubt about that. But what everyone is thinking now is not that Sang Jiuchi won the first place, but how many points Sang Jiuchi got!

The commander swallowed, his excited eyes betrayed his excitement.

Not only the players and spectators, but even the officials wanted to know how many points Sang Jiuchi got.

The results of the contestants are only counted at the terminal optical brain, and even they do not know the specific results until the last moment.

You know, when Yin Li killed the Zerg in the entire dark forest by himself, when the results were announced at the time, his lines were the best, and the line in second place was like an ant lying on a tree. .

But according to statistics, the highest level of Zerg in the dark forest at that time was only 2S level.

People rubbed their little hands excitedly, waiting for the screen to start scrolling.

As the commander's trembling index finger pressed the start switch, the still large screen began to change.

The numbers behind the contestants began to jump from "0".

With the beating of the numbers, lines of different colors appear.

On the screen full of names, a ranking jump has already begun.

At the beginning, everyone's progress was the same. When the first number stopped, the following players rushed to it one by one.

Then, the second number stops and the third stops.

As more and more numbers came to a stop, the other players' numbers started to pick up.

Among the more than 600 names, everyone quickly found the name of Sang Jiuchi.

He is now No. 200.

Almost everyone, including the players themselves, was watching Sang Jiuchi's ranking and points changes seriously.

Because of the late registration time for Sang Jiuchi, the initial position is very low. Although he has just reached 200 now, he is rushing upwards at a very amazing speed.

190, 150, 120, 80…

But in just one minute, he ran from 200th to tenth place.

The audience looked at the people in front of him, who were all dark horses in this game. And at the top of the list at the moment, it is the diamond dark horse at that time - Song Miao.

Song Miao is now far ahead with 20,000 points, and it is still growing.

Everyone held their breath and silently watched Sang Jiuchi's results.

Soon, the growth rate of the people in front of him started to slow down.

As the lines on the screen flipped, Sang Jiuchi had rushed to the fifth place.

The speed of the few people in front of him, except Song Miao, has dropped significantly.

But for Sang Jiuchi, the numbers behind him have shown no signs of slowing down, growing steadily.

The place was silent.

Even the barrage in the live broadcast room was quiet.

Without the excitement of the team game, at this moment, everyone is holding their breath.

Soon, Sang Jiuchi crossed the three and rushed to the second position.

The colors of the lines are random, Song Miao's is gray, Sang Jiuchi is red.

As Song Miao's last number beat hard, Song Miao's points also stopped.

Thirty-seven thousand points.

During the competition, Huang Xiao gave Song Miao the right to get his points. At that time, Song Miao had already obtained 23,000 points through Huang Xiao. When Sang Jiuchi and Yin Li killed the monster and the other contestants left in a hurry, Huang Xiao did not choose to leave, but stayed in the dark forest to kill the remaining Zerg.

When beheading, he happened to encounter the last S-rank Zerg and the remaining D- or C-level Zerg with different levels.

So Song Miao's points increased a lot again.

As the number of Song Miao's points stopped, the red line jumped up and finally jumped to the first position.

At this point, it was already Sang Jiuchi's victory.

However, the red line showed no sign of stopping.

Not only did it not stop, but its growth rate began to accelerate.

As the numbers jump faster and faster, the dazzling red line is also rapidly stretching.

Soon, the red line was pulled to the very edge of the screen.

The picture on the screen shrunk, and the red line of Sang Jiuchi reappeared in the middle of the screen.

With the reduction of the screen ratio, the points that Song Miao could still see in his eyes immediately turned into a small ant.

In this situation, Song Miao laughed dumbly, and whispered in a voice that only he and Huang Xiao could hear: "Look at this picture, does it look like a concrete comparison of the strengths of me and Sang Jiuchi? In front of Sang Jiuchi , I'm as small as that little ant."

Huang Xiao pursed his lips and said nothing.

He looked at Song Miao with a complicated expression, unable to grasp the tone of the other party's tone.

If it was changed to the previous one, Song Miao's next sentence would be to refuse to admit defeat.

But now he is facing Sang Jiuchi, who is his god-level idol.

Sure enough, in the next second, Song Miao's face burst into excitement, "You know, he is too powerful! He is the most powerful person in this universe, even more powerful than Yin Li!"

Huang Xiao: "…"

Sure enough, it was a wise choice not to stand in line just now.

While the two were talking, the red lines were about to rush out of the big screen again.

This was already the achievement of Yin Li back then.

It was so exciting when Yin Li's results were announced.

He stopped there, but Sang Jiuchi continued.

On the big screen, the picture shrinks again.

This time, the terminal is no longer polite, and directly reduces the screen to a third of the position.

Although the picture is reduced, the name of Sang Jiuchi and the thickness of the lines are proportionally enlarged, and it has not become unclear because of the reduction.

It's just that the contestants below Sang Jiuchi have completely lost their names, and their names and lines have become black dots.

The red line extends to the edge of the screen again, without even a hint of slowing.

The screen zooms again, this time to a tenth of its original size.

This time, the other players were completely invisible, and the traces belonging to them on the screen had completely disappeared. In the entire screen, only the lines of Sang Jiuchi were still stretched.

Finally, the red line slowed down just as it was about to dash off the screen.

The speed of jumping frantically to the invisible numbers also began to slow down. Now, people can finally see the numbers on them.


The players were dazed for a while. Fang Kai pointed to the numbers on the screen and looked at Li Aiguo for help: "Brother, I don't know how to count, please help me count, how many digits are there?"

Li Aiguo had already stretched out his finger, holding his index finger to imaginary dots on the numbers, counting from the single digits one by one.

At the venue, when the numbers stopped, everyone's movements were almost the same, and they all picked up their fingers and counted them.

Even the off-screen audience is no exception.

The commander had to maintain his own phenomenon, so he could only use his eyes to locate and count silently.

A hundred million... a billion trillion trillion!

Six trillion points!

What is the concept of six trillion points?

Song Miao is the second place far ahead of others, and only has 37,000 points.

As for Yin Li, when Yin Li became famous in the first battle, his points were only 100 million points.

Is this definitely the player's game points, not the bank card number?

Bank card numbers are not that long.

But with so many Zerg, this score is unexpected and reasonable.

Just as everyone was about to shout, someone suddenly shouted excitedly, "Look, it's moving again!"

Everyone looked up at the big screen and saw a black line extending behind the red line.

The black lines began to dash forward rapidly, and behind Sang Jiuchi's points, there was an additional red display number symbol "+0"

With the extension of the black line, the newly appeared number began to jump at an abnormally high frequency, so fast that people could only see the number of digits increasing, but could not see the content displayed by the number.

Including the Commander, everyone present was stunned, and even the audience off the screen was stunned on the spot.

Two lines appeared, something unheard of and unseen since the game was launched.

No one knows why this happens, and the only one who can explain this phenomenon is the highest artificial intelligence - the light brain.

The red line originally took up a long part of the big screen, and the black line behind it quickly extended to the edge of the screen.

With a zoom of the screen, everyone suddenly burst into an uproar.

This time, the big screen was scaled a bit harshly, and the screen was directly scaled to one-twentieth of the original size. The red line that shocked everyone just now is now pitifully stacked on the left side of the screen.

It looks short and small.

If it weren't for that huge number still following, people would even think it was Song Miao's 37,000 just now.

The optical brain is not stupid enough to zoom in and out. Since it directly zooms the picture to such a small size, it means that the black lines can really extend that long.

Sure enough, without the limitations of the boundary, the black line sprinted forward in an unstoppable posture.

When it was close to the edge, the screen zoomed again.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the red lines that were as small as a grain of millet.

What the **** is going on?

What the **** is that black line?

After this light brain can't be fixed by Sang Jiuchi, it's a bug, right? !

This time, the black line still sprints forward, and does not stop the movement until it reaches the edge of the screen.

The number in the back has been fixed to a number that can't be adjusted.

Seeing the numbers that are several more digits than the numbers, everyone's faces are not excited, but rather confused.

Just when everyone was wondering, a cold female electric sound came to mind.

"Respected human beings, you must have had a lot of doubts about the strange scene just now. Now let me tell you why."

"In this whistleblower competition, Sang Jiuchi showed the qualities that a guide should have with his amazing talent and perseverance, and also set a good example for all fighters."

"Before Sentinel Yin Li appeared, Sang Jiuchi killed tens of thousands of Zerg. These are of course the points he deserved, there is no doubt about that."

"But then the sentinel Yinli appeared, and he was not among the contestants. As a major general, he was in the logistics rescue force. After he appeared, he quickly combined with the guide Sang Jiuchi, evolved into the legendary beast and attacked. black monster."

"There is a rule in our whistleblower competition that once a player throws a distress signal or the logistics staff find that the player is on the verge of death, the player's performance will end there."

"However, after repeated calculations with the brain, we found that Sang Jiuchi was not on the verge of death at that time. First, he made full preparations when he rounded up the black monsters, even if Yin Li didn't make a move, He was also able to win. Second, although Sentinel Yin Li shot, his damage to the monster was only 1%, and it was not the direct cause of the death of the monster."

"The death of the monster comes from the unremitting efforts of Sang Jiuchi players. Therefore, we can't use simple logistical personnel to call the end of a hard-working player."

"Since it was Sentinel Yin Li who made the shot without authorization, and his blow to the monster was 1%. Therefore, we decided unanimously to cancel the 1% score of Sang Jiuchi's black monster."

As the sound of the light brain fell, the picture that had stopped changing jumped again.

This time, instead of extending forward, it retreated by one percent of the length, and the string of dizzying numbers immediately shrank to 99 percent of the original.

"Respected human beings, please look at the big screen. The red line is Sang Jiuchi's score before the appearance of Sentinel Yinli, which is 100%. The black line is the score of Sang Jiuchi's killing black monsters after Yinli came. We have already A reduction of one percent was made. The sum of these two results is the final result of Sang Jiuchi."

The light brain's voice fell, and a plus sign appeared between the two huge numbers, followed by an equal sign.

After the equal sign, followed by a brand new number.

A bigger behemoth.

Seeing this series of numbers, the audience was dumbfounded.

[Damn, I don’t count anymore, I decided it’s not difficult for myself. After more than a trillion, I won't count, I know it's good enough. 】

[It's amazing, it's amazing, and it actually shocked Guangnao to come out in person. Difficult numbers are also really difficult. I counted them, and there were exactly 20 digits, let alone 20 digits. I couldn't count the thirteen just now. 】

[A face covered in circles.jpg. 】

[So, the black line is the power of that monster? Awesome, Chi God, the black monster's own points turned out to be three million times the sum of all the Zerg. Good guy, what kind of ancient monster is this? 】

[Didn't you hear that monster say that he is a god? It might be a god-level monster. 】

[This ugly thing is still a god? He shouldn't put gold on his face. God loves the world. When did he love us, he still wants to release so many Zerg from the back to destroy us directly. If he is really god-level, then he is also an evil god, the kind that should have died a long time ago! 】

[No, I really want to talk about gods. I think Chi Shen and Major General Yin Li are more like gods. They protect us, and they are our patron saints. 】

【Opposite! I really want to worship God, I might as well worship both of them. 】

The barrage kept talking, and the scene was noisy.

However, their noise is not because of excitement, the huge number has quenched the enthusiasm, leading them to open the door to a new world.

A sentinel stretched out his fingers and counted, and halfway through the count, he stomped his fingers and pulled back to count from the single digit.

After counting back and forth several times, the sentinel stomped angrily, "Damn, when my child is born, I will make him learn mathematics!"

The sentinels were scratching their heads and looking embarrassed, and the guides didn't get there.

Huang Xiao scratched his head and looked at Song Miao, "Do you know how to read twenty digits?"

Song Miao's brain was running fast, trying to find out the skills that the junior high school teacher taught them.

After thinking about it seriously, Song Miao proudly raised his head, "Got it."

Huang Xiao looked at Song Miao in surprise, "Song Miao, you are awesome, tell me how to read it."

Hearing the other party's compliment, Song Miao blushed, "It's actually very simple, it's a matter of common sense. The counting units are in the back row, and we usually end up counting to 100 million. After 100 million, there are 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Ten megabytes, hundred megabytes, gigabytes, capital, ten capitals, hundred capitals, thousand capitals.”

"So this rounded approximation reads two thousand capitals."

Song Miao's voice was not loud, but his voice was very clear in this venue.

For a time, everyone secretly revealed the expression of "that's it".

Even the dazed commander breathed a sigh of relief.

The huge whistle-blowing competition turned into a math quiz in the end. Is this the power of the Chi God? Although the person was not present, his majesty shocked everyone.

For a second, he secretly felt sorry for Major General Yin Li.

Although Major General Yin Li was also smart, he would definitely be rubbed against the ground by the opponent compared to Sang Jiuchi.

Poor Major General Yin Li, I'm afraid I won't be able to play Mr. Sang Jiuchi in this life, and the wife management has made a reservation.

When everyone was scratching their ears at the math problem thrown by Sang Jiuchi, Sang Jiuchi had woken up in the distance.

The bed beside him was a little sunken, Sang Jiuchi reached out and touched it, and found that there was still a trace of residual warmth on it that had not completely dissipated.

In his mind, F001's pleasant voice rang out, "Ding! Congratulations to the host, the countdown task is completed! It's too thrilling, my host! If I didn't have time to strengthen your body to 3S yesterday, we'd be shit. 】

Sang Jiuchi rolled his eyes, and when he came together in the morning, he heard the system's ominous words, which was really unpleasant.

[It won't be over, I won't do things I'm not sure about, all the time is just right. 】

F001: [How do you know that Yin Li's body is in the dean's office? 】

Sang Jiuchi sighed: [Actually, it's not hard to guess, since I appeared in the school, the dean has never appeared. If it wasn't for something, it was deliberately avoiding me. Why is he avoiding me? Who would hide from an inexperienced D-class guide like me? 】

[Unless he knew that I was the task person, he was afraid that he would reveal his secrets in front of me, so he simply avoided seeing it. 】

[Then I was thinking about who the other party is. Since Fake Yin Li is the **** of wisdom, there are only two options left. One is the God of Power and the other is the God of Love and Desire. 】

[God of Quan, we met face to face on the first plane, he is always selfish, but he won't worry about being seen through by me. Then there is only the cowardly and stubborn God of Love and Desire you speak of. 】

[I was wrong at first, because the God of War is my lover, so when I saw Yin Li's soul, I preconceived that he appeared in the school because he felt me. But actually, he existed at this school before I came. 】

[After the soul goes out of the body and loses its memory, it will unconsciously become obsessed with a place. I will not deny this. It is very possible for students to become obsessed with the school, but if it is Yin Li, it is impossible. But that is Yin Li's soul. His obsession may be on the old father of Yin Fu, or on the battlefield with the Zerg. School. 】

[Since it's not because of obsession, then there is only one possible reason for him to appear here. His body is here, and he unconsciously appeared near the school under the traction of his body. 】

[Combining all the above reasoning, it is natural to guess that the body is probably in the God of Love and Desire, which is the dean's office. 】

F001 suddenly realized, [So it is. 】

Sang Jiuchi will directly say the conclusion every time, but not all the generals can guess the whole reasoning process based on the conclusion alone.

Sang Jiuchi took a nap and felt a lot more relaxed.

After his body was strengthened by the 3S level, the mottled traces that were still there last night all faded away overnight, and now his whole body is white with porcelain.

After stretching, Sang Jiuchi put on a towel and stood up, ready to wash up.

Just as he stood up, his expression suddenly froze.

Bowing his head slightly, he saw something slowly slipping down his calf along his leg, and finally landed on his ankle and submerged into his heel.

Sang Jiuchi blushed and raised his legs to go to the bathroom.

Just as he was halfway there, he saw that the bathroom was gently pushed, and Yin Li walked out in a fog, wiping his hair.

He dressed casually, Sang Jiuchi glanced casually, and saw the heavy waist that he couldn't hide even with the bath towel around him.

Sang Jiuchi was so frightened that he immediately shrank his waist, his shoulders tensed involuntarily.

Yin Li was a wild and crazy beast. He looked up and down at Sang Jiuchi, and when he saw the details of the opponent's ankle, his eyes suddenly darkened, as if a sleeping beast suddenly opened his sharp eyes.

Sang Jiuchi's shoulders tightened even more.

It's not that he is hypocritical, but that the **** of war in this life is really different from every previous life.

Sang Jiuchi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, because he can be beastized, so he can regionally beastize any part of his body as he wants.

Leopard is a cat, he had nothing to do in the previous plane, and he had seen the animal world.

It introduced the characteristics of cats in a witty and humorous way. At that time, he also half-jokingly told his lover that it is good that humans are not long.

This kind of thing is really used to set up flags.

Aren't felines generally small? This dog thing not only retains the length, width and hardness, but also inherits the characteristics.

It's cool, but it's really terrible.

Yin Li slowly approached Sang Jiuchi step by step, wildness flashing in his dark pupils, "Sorry, I didn't clean it up for you yesterday, do you need me to clean it up for you again?"

Again? for what?

Thank you for inviting me? !

Not knowing what the other party planned to greet him with, Sang Jiuchi quickly waved his hand, "No, blame me, fell asleep."

As he waved his hands, the bath towel slipped slightly, revealing his slender white neck and looming collarbone.

Yin Li's eyes have turned into golden vertical pupils, and Sang Jiuchi's slender figure is reflected in his golden pupils, and there is nothing else.

Yin Li just looked at Sang Jiuchi without blinking, as if he wanted to imprint Sang Jiuchi in his eyes forever.

"I was very scared before." Yin Li restrained his wildness and tried his best to speak in a calm and restrained voice, "In the dark forest, I just recovered my memory not long ago. When my soul was swept in by that vortex, I heard a Electric sound, it said to take me back to my body."

"But at that time I didn't feel any joy, instead I was a little apprehensive." Yin Li smiled bitterly, his golden pupils had turned back to dark black, "I am a dignified double 3S-level sentinel who is not even afraid of death, so I can I was apprehensive at the time."

"What I am afraid of is nothing else, but that when I return to my body, I will lose the memory of the previous period and the experience of acquaintance with you, just like when I left the body."

Yin Li grabbed Sang Jiuchi's hand and sent it to his chest, "At that moment, my place hurts a lot."

"But fortunately, after I woke up, I still remembered you, the encounter with you, the bits and pieces of you and you during the ghost time, and all the memories got into my mind. At that time, the soul just merged and brought me some sequelae. , makes my brain dizzy and foggy. The extra memory in my mind is like a dream, which makes me feel unreal. In order to prove that it is not a dream, I will come to you immediately after returning to my body. ."

"Fortunately, I saw you in the dark forest. It wasn't until I held you in my arms last night and had you that I really knew that everything was not a dream. The memories of you in my mind are all It's real, right?"

In Yin Li's sincere eyes, Sang Jiuchi nodded heavily, "Yes, that's not a dream, it's not a fantasy, everything is real."

Yin Li chuckled lightly, he grabbed Sang Jiuchi's hand with one hand and pressed it on his chest, while the other hand stroked Sang Jiuchi's cheek, letting the other party's eyes shine into his own, word by word : "So, at that time, I wanted you to propose to you in the starry flower sea, and what you promised was also true, right?"

Sang Jiuchi recalled the scene when Yin Li proposed to him with Huang Xiao's face on his face that night, his expression softened, "It's true too."

I don't know when, the gentle pink lingered around the two of them.

Yin Li lowered his head and gently kissed the other's lips, his hand slipped down Sang Jiuchi's fair skin, and held the other's waist, everything was so natural.

By the time Sang Jiuchi reacted, everything was a foregone conclusion.

Thinking of something, a trace of fear flashed in Sang Jiuchi's eyes. Yin Li hurriedly kissed the other person's soft cheek lightly and reassured, "I was wrong yesterday and gave you a bad experience. Give me another chance this time, okay? Trust me, I will do it well this time."

Yin Li's kissing Sang Jiuchi was extremely gentle, as if he was touching the most fragile and precious piece of porcelain in the world.

Sang Jiuchi gritted his teeth and said, "Okay."

All things come naturally.

When Sang Jiuchi woke up again, it was already dark outside.

Yin Li casually wore a white shirt and sat on the sofa not far away. His whole body was buried in the sofa, and the button of his shirt was not buttoned on top.

The two buttons above were loosened, revealing the other's tight and strong but unobtrusive muscles.

The moonlight fell down, just illuminating half of Yin Li's body under the moonlight and hiding half in the shadows.

He just sat there quietly, his golden pupils fixed on himself, deep and hot, like a giant dragon staring at his treasure.

The fighting spirit that has not dissipated is still lingering around him, and he looks very comfortable, but the surging warlike heart that has not dissipated has not yet dissipated.

The goblet was filled with red wine, Yin Li languidly leaned on the sofa, folded his legs at will, shook the red wine glass erratically, and then drank it all.

Beside the sofa, the wine in the decanter is half empty.

Sang Jiuchi looked at Yin Li, and found that his cheeks were flushed, and his eyes had a slight sense of confusion.

The fighting spirit is drunk, and the abdominal muscles can be vaguely seen in the shirt whose hem is casually spread out.

Very colourful.

Sang Jiuchi blinked, not knowing whether to wake up completely or continue to pretend to be asleep.

However, even if Yin Li was drunk, his keen observation skills would not be attenuated in the slightest.

In the darkness, Yin Li's hoarse and repressed voice came from the dark, "Awake?"

Sang Jiuchi's plan to pretend to be asleep fell through, and he was not struggling: "Just woke up."

"I know," Yin Li lowered his voice and chuckled, "I know. I've been watching you drinking since just now, waiting for you to wake up."

Sang Jiuchi wanted to laugh, "Watching me drink?"

Yin Li's voice is very **** at the moment, and it also has an attractive male hormone breath: "Yeah, who made you look delicious, if it wasn't for the fear of the taste of the food and disturbing your rest, I even decided to have a delicious meal."

Yin Li aggravated the last words "a good meal", which instantly gave Sang Jiuchi other interpretations.

Sang Jiuchi's face suddenly turned red.

The first few planes are his own to tease his lover. Every time he has memories, his lover loses his memory to tease him. Now this plane lover has recovered all the memories of the previous planes, so everything has changed? ?

A sultry lover, the charm value has increased several degrees in an instant.

Yin Li looked at Sang Jiuchi with deep eyes and asked, "How do you feel this time? Are you still afraid?"

Sang Jiuchi recalled for a moment, and felt that his cheeks were hot, and he must have turned red.

Seeing that Sang Jiuchi didn't speak, Yin Li continued: "The sound is very similar to the Persian cat in spring, no, it sounds much better than them. Listening to the sound, it shouldn't be uncomfortable, right? Are you satisfied with my service this time? You After I fell asleep, I cleaned it for you, and this time I made sure to clean it."

As Yin Li said, the two long legs that overlapped at random changed positions up and down.

Following his movement, the shirt swayed, revealing the tight waistline of the mermaid.

His mermaid waist was tensed up tightly, as if infinite power could burst out.

Sang Jiuchi was extremely embarrassed to be questioned, "Not only is it not uncomfortable, but it is also quite comfortable."

Today's Yin Li didn't know what was going on, but suddenly it was as if he was enlightened.

He peeped at Yin Li's perfect figure, and felt his mouth dry.

Yin Li smiled and poured the red wine from the decanter into the red wine glass.

Holding up the red wine glass, he paced to Sang Jiuchi and handed the wine glass over, "Want to drink?"

There was bewitching in his voice, as if it was the Siren, the siren, who had lured passersby into the quagmire.

Sang Jiuchi sat on the head of the bed, looked up at this strong man with a perfect figure, and nodded subconsciously: "I want to drink."

The loyal dog's attack has changed into a strong attack, which is too deadly! Hit him!

Yin Li leaned over and brought the red wine to Sang Jiuchi's mouth.

His fingers were pinched on Sang Jiuchi's chin, and his thumb moved along his chin, and soon reached Sang Jiuchi's slightly swollen and soft lower lip.

Without waiting for Sang Jiuchi to make any move, Yin Li used a little force to pry open Sang Jiuchi's lips.

Not only can he see the other party's white and neat teeth, but he can even vaguely see the other party's blushing tongue.

Yin Li's eyes suddenly turned into golden pupils. He couldn't help but put the red wine to Sang Jiuchi's lips, "Come on, open your mouth."

The bright red and mellow red wine rolled down the wine glass into the same bright red mouth, the wine tasted deep, and it was entangled around the two of them.

Yin Li's eyes became more and more blurred, and he didn't know if the red wine had too much stamina, or he was intoxicated by something else.

Sang Jiuchi drank the red wine, Yin Li put the empty wine glass on the bedside table, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Is it delicious? What does it taste like?"

Sang Jiuchi was already a little confused: "Delicious, very mellow red wine taste."

At the same time he answered, Yin Li's face was already leaning up.

When Sang Jiuchi finished answering, Yin Li smiled lightly, "Really? I want to try it too."

Sang Jiuchi tilted his head suspiciously, "Didn't you just drink—"

The voice stopped abruptly, Sang Jiuchi's eyes widened suddenly, and what caught his eye was Yin Li's pair of golden vertical pupils that were close at hand.

The clock on the wall was ticking, and just as the minute hand was about to go three times, Yin Li licked the corner of his lips, "But it's delicious, not only smells like wine, but also peach blossoms."

Sang Jiuchi wrapped himself in the quilt, blushing silently.

Yin Li laughed and stood up with support, "The time is just right now, can you accompany me to a place, okay?"

Sang Jiuchi raised his head, "Where are you going?"

Yin Li smiled: "Go to Yin's house and let parents see their legendary daughter-in-law."

Sang Jiuchi: ? ? !

Now? !

The author has something to say: Sang Jiuchi: Damn! (Blushing and wrapping the quilt)

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