MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 126 Ghosts do the fake Major General 15

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When Sang Jiuchi was sleeping, Yin Li helped Sang Jiuchi prepare new clothes.

Under the service of Yin Li, Sang Jiuchi changed into a delicate white modified military uniform, and stepped onto the aircraft with Yin Li's help.

This is Yin Li's safe house in the imperial capital, which is used for short-term escape. In the back of the safe house, in order to be able to transfer, also placed an aircraft.

This aircraft is not small, and if it is placed on the technological plane, it should be about the size of a private luxury aircraft.

The structure inside the aircraft is also exquisite, there is no overly luxurious decoration, but the simple-looking decorations are all real guys.

The outer shell is made of the hardest meteorite iron in the interstellar space, and the aircraft is full of high technology.

The seats are made of leather. In the rest area of ​​the aircraft, there are sofas, coffee tables, bookcases, bar counters, beds, toilets and bathrooms.

After entering the aircraft, Yin Li handed Sang Jiuchi a tube of liquid that looked like a popsicle.

The inside is light green and looks a lot like diluted vegetable juice.

Sang Jiuchi took the "Lollipop": "?"

Yin Li smiled and said, "This is a nutrient solution. You haven't eaten since yesterday, plus high-intensity exercise. Drink this to replenish your strength."

Sang Jiuchi glanced lazily at Yin Li, bit the plastic mouth with that small white tiger tooth, and took a sip.

At first, I just tasted it tentatively. Instead of the expected bitter taste, it has a sweet milky taste.

Sang Jiuchi squeezed the plastic underneath and gulped down the "popsicle" in a few gulps.

When he looked up and took the last sip, the juice accidentally flowed out a little from the corner of his mouth, Sang Jiuchi stuck out his tongue at will, and licked the last drop of "popsicle" into his mouth.

After he finished drinking, he turned to look at Yin Li, but found that the other party's eyes had turned golden.

His eyes are sharp and sharp.

Sang Jiuchi couldn't help but shrank back behind the chair. After two days of observation, he found that Yin Li's eyes were like physiological monitors.

Every time he was at his peak, his eyes would turn golden involuntarily.

Sang Jiuchi frowned.

This dog thing, just drink a nutrient solution!

Yin Li took two deep breaths to suppress the restlessness in his heart, and the golden vertical pupils slowly turned black.

Sang Jiuchi secretly looked at him out of the corner of his eyes, and saw that he took out another tube of liquid from the drawer next to the sofa. This liquid was a light blue color.

Directly tore a hole, Yin Li raised his head and drank the liquid. The Adam's apple rolled up and down regularly in his straightened slender neck, and he didn't look like he was drinking nutrient solution, but he was drinking something else.

Sang Jiuchi didn't dare to ask, so he had to say, "Is this also a nutrient solution?"

The original owner was differentiated from older ordinary people, and the original owner did not know about the nutrient solution.

As for him, during this period of time, he has learned all the mental power manipulation skills of Sentinel, but he has not learned common sense.

This can't fix him.

After Yin Li finished drinking, he threw the plastic skin into the trash can, "This is a sober liquid. Drunk driving is not allowed. I drank alcohol just now."

Sang Jiuchi was curious, "How long does the effect of this sobering liquid take effect?"

Yin Li: "Generally speaking, all the ethanol in the blood can be converted and decomposed after one minute."

Sang Jiuchi: "A good law-abiding citizen, I praise you, it's awesome!"

Suddenly being praised by such a straightforward compliment, Yin Li's face suddenly turned red. He coughed lightly and turned his head to the side.

Sang Jiuchi was a little surprised. Now the Yin Li, the wildness has faded, and it seems to have turned into the cute and sensible appearance before.

But last night and today, he wasn't like that.

"You have a dual personality?" Sang Jiuchi joked, "Why do you think your personality has changed a bit?"

Yin Li was stunned for a moment, "No, the sentinel is easily affected by the atavistic gene when he is a beast, and he will also be a beast psychologically. If the atavism is too serious, the sentinel will even lose his mind and completely turn into a beast. ."

"Like the rampant giant ape we encountered in the dark forest at that time, it was because the atavistic genes were too strong and suppressed other genes."

"Compared to other sentinels, my mental self-control is not bad. I have never had a guide, but I am a double 3S level sentinel. With me joining, it will be a great help for the human side. Others Everyone thought that I was a genius blessed by God, so I would not be affected by atavistic genes, but this is not the case."

"When I was very young, I used to almost kill my relatives because of beastization. Other Sentinels only had their atavistic genes in their teens, but my atavistic genes were very active since I was a child.

"Since then, I have been training against atavistic genes for several years. I will lock myself in a special gravity training room, and I will adjust the gravity pressure to the highest level, so as to suppress the beastized self. In the beginning, the beast-like me would frantically attack the walls of the gravity training room, breaking the switch on several occasions. Without knowing it, I almost opened the door of the gravity laboratory and attacked the people outside. "

"Every time I wake up and see the surrounding gully walls and switches, I'm a little scared. I'm not afraid of myself after the beast, I'm just afraid of killing innocent people."

"Afterwards, I placed the switch of the gravity laboratory outside the door, and set the time to go in. This time my beastly body can't do anything, no matter how hard it resists. Under the pressure of gravity, the power of the beastly body will be attenuated. When the lycanthrope is weak, that's when my consciousness and atavistic genes tug at each other."

"This training lasted for seven years, and I finally managed to completely suppress the atavistic genes with perseverance and become the 'double 3S-level combat machine that does not need a guide at all'."

While speaking, a minute passed.

Yin Li tested it on the alcohol tester, determined that the alcohol content had dropped to 0mg/100ml, and then came to the driving platform.

He set the destination, pressed the autopilot, and walked back to Sang Jiuchi with his slender legs.

"Everyone thinks that I'm a talent, but they don't know that I'm actually acquired and working very hard." Sitting back on the sofa, Yin Li casually stretched his long legs, and looked sideways at Sang Jiuchi, "In normal times, in order to suppress the return to the ancestors. Gene, I have to maintain a high concentration of mental power almost all the time. In order to maintain a stable output of mental power, my emotional fluctuations have also been minimized by me. Even my parents say that I am a person like ice. "

"Only facing you, I am lost." Yin Li frowned and sighed, poking his chest with his index finger, "As soon as I saw you, I jumped very fast here. The violent fluctuations in emotions caused the mental power to start to become unbalanced, Then the atavistic genes took the opportunity to occupy the high ground.”

A trace of apology flashed in Yin Li's eyes, "I'm sorry, I've made myself look like a beast these two days. This may be backlash. Because of excessive suppression, I was severely retaliated by atavistic genes."

Sang Jiuchi's thick eyelashes trembled slightly, and his eyes flickered.

Do you want to tell him that he is quite addicted to his beast energy?

"Excessive suppression will inevitably lead to a day when the embankment bursts. My father has seen through this day, and has been looking for a guide who can help me. Although I refused, he still secretly kept helping me to find a guide."

Yin Li looked at Sang Jiuchi and pondered for two seconds, "When I see my father, he will definitely favor you, because you are someone who can help his son. But I want to tell you that I express my love to you. I want to propose to you, and never mix any other impurities."

"It's not because you're a 3S-level wizard, or because you and I have a 100% match in mental power." Yin Li's deep eyes surging with dark waves, "I proposed to you just because I love you. "

"I have always disliked the system of this world. Sentinels and guides are tied together through spiritual matching. But I don't think it's bad because I don't like it. Many sentinels with high matching degree around me are very loving. It's just that I'm not used to it. , In my heart, the other half must be chosen by myself, not assigned to me by my brain."

Hearing this, Sang Jiuchi muttered silently, "The two of us are still 100% matched."

These words were neither high nor low, and just happened to reach Yin Li's ears.

Yin Li's cheeks flushed, and two familiar words came out from between his teeth, "It's really fragrant."

As Sang Jiuchi spoke, he found that his sore body was recovering quickly.

It was like taking a sulphur bath all over his body, his whole body relaxed and his strength slowly returned to the cage.

It must be the nutrient solution.

As soon as his body relaxed, drowsiness struck. Yin Li looked at Sang Jiuchi's sleepiness and pointed to a room in the distance, "It's still 20 minutes before you get home, you should go to sleep."

Sang Jiuchi yawned and stood up, "Okay, what about you. The spaceship is on autopilot, and its mobility should be very intelligent, right? Would you like to take a break?"

"No," Yin Li didn't move. "You're still on board. Even the most sophisticated instruments have bugs. I'm not sleepy yet, and I'm in charge of the manual replacement part."

Sang Jiuchi didn't go any further, and went to the room to rest.

Afraid that the coat would be wrinkled, Sang Jiuchi took off the coat and hung it on the hanger before resting. [F001, wake me up in 20 minutes. 】

F001: [Okay, Master Host. 】

After squinting for a while, Sang Jiuchi was woken up on time by F001.

After getting dressed and walking out, he saw a man sitting on the sofa reading a book at a glance.

Yin Li is only 22 years old this year, but his whole body is filled with a sense of maturity that does not match his own age.

His hair was neatly combed back, and he was wearing a crisp black military uniform without a single fold.

Too many wars brought too much life insight to the young man in front of him, which made him restrain the vigor he should have had at a young age, and replaced it with a more manly introverted and profound.

When reading a book, his expression was always light, and his gentle eyes wandered left and right on the book.

As if hearing the sound, Yin Li raised his head.

At that moment, the eyes that were plain as water just now turned into a turbulent waterfall.

His lifeless expression suddenly came alive.

Sang Jiuchi stood not far away, stunned.

In his eyes, just now, the black and white Yin Li was suddenly dyed with bright and moving colors. Behind him, large groups of white secluded mists continued to open up. Against the background of the epiphyllum, the handsome young man's face was particularly dazzling.

Yin Li was alive at this moment.

When Sang Jiuchi arrived now, he suddenly understood another meaning contained in Yin Li's words just now.

Mental instability can lead to a runaway of atavistic genes, and this runaway will not only lose his mind, but also allow him to harm innocent humans uncontrollably.

No matter which plane the lover is, they have a big enough mind in their hearts.

God loves the world as the sun shines on the earth.

The arrival of emotions will make him run wild. In order to combat this situation, he chooses a path that is enough to make others desperate.

Turn yourself into an emotionless dead man, won't you?

Not only did Yin Li use perseverance, he also turned himself into a walking dead.

The world calls him a "killing machine", how do they know that Yin Li has really turned himself into a machine, a machine that uses his own flesh and blood to protect the safety of mankind, a machine that all mankind can trust National backbone.

Doesn't he want an emotional release?

No, it's not that he doesn't want to, but that he doesn't dare.

Is this the first half of his lover's life in this world?

Although he is still alive, he is dead.

Sang Jiuchi's eyes were suddenly a little sour, and his eyes gradually blurred.

In the blur, he relied on the little sight he had and strode toward Yin Li Meteor.

Seeing that Sang Jiuchi was about to cry, Yin Li was startled, he quickly stood up, and just took two steps forward in a hurry, he was directly hugged by Sang Jiuchi.

The two bodies fell back on the sofa, Yin Li gently patted Sang Jiuchi's back comfortably, and asked softly, "What's the matter? Did you have a nightmare just now?"

Sang Jiuchi raised a pair of red eyes and looked at Yin Li with a sad face, "Yin Li."

Yin Li straightened his body, put Sang Jiuchi in a comfortable position, and still patted the opponent's back comfortably.

Hearing Sang Jiuchi calling him, Yin Li replied warmly with a trailing voice, "Well~"

"From today onwards, you are no longer alone." Sang Jiuchi put himself into Yin Li's arms, wrapped his slender arms around Yin Li's neck, and rubbed his head on Yin Li's neck several times before he lay down on the other side. He continued with a slightly moist voice in his ear, "Can you understand what I mean?"

"I'm the most powerful 3S-level guide in the entire universe. With me, the atavistic gene doesn't dare to come out. So don't worry about the atavistic gene anymore, laugh when you want to laugh, cry when you want to cry, you You can vent your emotions wantonly, even if you swear it doesn't matter, just don't be a living dead again."

"That's not what I want to see."

The warm breath rolled up to the earlobe, Sang Jiuchi kept talking, not even noticing that Yin Li's ears were turning red.

His hands clapped down slowly and came to Sang Jiuchi's waist, "Then what do you want to see?"

Sang Jiuchi took a deep breath, "You can show your emotions as you want, that's what I want to see."

Where Sang Jiuchi couldn't see, Yin Li's eyes had turned golden.

He looked sideways and saw Sang Jiuchi's slender and white swan neck. Sang Jiuchi's skin was extremely white and translucent, and the light blue blood vessels could be clearly seen through the fair skin.

"Do whatever you want? You can do anything?" Yin Li's voice also became hoarse, and his chest began to rise and fall greatly, as if he was suppressing something.

Sang Jiuchi nodded heavily, "Yes, don't suppress your feelings, you can do whatever you want."

When he spoke these words, his body was immediately turned over by a huge force.

The scene in front of him spun, and when Sang Jiuchi came back to his senses, he found that his body had sunk deeply into the comfortable sofa.

Yin Li grabbed his waist with one hand and his ankle with the other.

Yin Li bent down and half-kneeled in front of Sang Jiuchi, and pulled his ankles away again.

He leaned forward, his terrifying fighting intent approached Sang Jiuchi, and his golden vertical pupils were looking at him with scorching heat, "Although it's not appropriate to do this when you are so sad, but you said it? I can do it. Do whatever you want, really?"

Yin Li changed his indifferent expression like a dead man just now, and now he is more dangerous than in the safe room just now.

The muscles of the whole body collapsed tightly, and the cheetah in the grassland was preparing to hunt down its prey.

Hunt, ready to go.

Male hormones diffused out of him like sharp arrows, easily piercing through Sang Jiuchi's defense and reaching the bottom of his heart.

Sang Jiuchi swallowed heavily.

Rough fingertips slid across his ankles, Sang Jiuchi didn't speak, and Yin Li didn't move.

Sang Jiuchi looked at Yin Li's hand holding his ankle, Yin Li's complexion was more like a healthy wheat color. His five fingers are slender and well-defined, each of which is just the right length, like sections of slender bamboo.

Very beautiful, even with an indescribable sexy.

Sang Jiuchi suddenly remembered a very hot discussion post he saw in the Interstellar Forum.

It lists many of the most attractive aspects of sentinel guides. There are only about one or two sentinels whose names are named, but when Yinli is listed, people on the forum have listed a lot.

Some say Yin Li's eyes, some say Yin Li's ability.

Below each attraction point, followed by the top posts of many people.

When writing about Yin Li's fingers, someone even wrote, "That's a pair of hands that can hook people."

Sang Jiuchi looked at Yin Li's hand with some intoxication. At this moment, the hand that everyone said was hooked was rubbing against his ankle.

He seems to be wiping at will, but also deliberately.

The numbness of the electric current spreads rapidly along the place of his fingers, and everywhere he goes is shocking.

Sang Jiuchi bit her lip, her eyes were wet, and her face was full of forbearance.

But the wetness this time was completely different from before.

Damn, Yin Li didn't even move, he was already swayed.

Yin Li seemed to be very patient, he still remained calm, even though his whole body had collapsed into the best hunting state like a cheetah in the grasslands, he was still able to handle it with ease.

"Can I be shocked?" Yin Li asked again patiently.

The fingers slowly moved towards the hands, rubbing with the calloused fingers, causing the thread in Sang Jiuchi's brain to tremble non-stop.

Yin Li moved the hand holding Sang Jiuchi's waist up and grabbed his chin, and with just a little force, he rescued Sang Jiuchi's lips from under his teeth.

The lower lip has been bitten out a shallow tooth mark.

"Don't bite," Yin Li's voice complained a bit, "Look, the bite marks are all out, and it's about to bleed."

The rough finger pulps rubbed slightly at the place where the teeth marks were bitten, "Tell me, does it hurt?"

Sang Jiuchi couldn't bear it any longer. He turned his mouth flexibly, swallowed Yin Li's fingers fiercely, and looked at Yin Li with a pair of wet eyes, vaguely saying, "Yes, you can."

After getting Sang Jiuchi's answer, Yin Li raised the corners of his lips, revealing a smile that could be called evil.

The next second, he kissed Sang Jiuchi heavily.

Just as the two of them were getting better and better, and it was hard to part with each other, a low, light cough suddenly rang out in the aircraft.

Sang Jiuchi froze all over, he immediately left Yin Li's attack circle, turned his head to look at the sound, and saw a strong and sturdy old man standing at the door with a cane.

His eyes were golden, and the piercing gaze was venting from his eyes.

The old man was wearing a well-tailored dark green military uniform, with many heavy medals of honor hanging on the left chest of the military uniform.

Although the other party is a little old, but through the flesh, you can still see a somewhat similar appearance to Yin Li.

Sang Jiuchi is not a hooligan. Someone is here now, and that person is Yin Li's father. No matter how good the atmosphere is, it doesn't matter.

He instantly softened.

Yin Li was a little disappointed, his golden eyes glanced at the door of the aircraft, and said impatiently, "Father, don't you watch the time?"

General Yin was about to explode with anger. His golden pupils stared at Yin Li, and the crutch in his hand trembled and raised it at Yin Li, "Get up for me!"

The sound was as high as a bell, resounding through the entire aircraft.

Sang Jiuchi was flickered by the sudden sound, and his body couldn't help but "squeak".

General Yin's eyes softened immediately, and his voice also slowed down, "What kind of decency are you, come here quickly. You also said that when I didn't watch, your aircraft had been parked in the yard for ten minutes. If I don't Come here, are you planning to let the entire General's Mansion listen to the live broadcast!"

General Yin angrily hammered the ground with his cane, and the solid ground immediately dented and went to a small pit.

Yin Li stood in front of Sang Jiuchi and arranged his clothes for Sang Jiuchi, "Impossible, I have a shield on the outside of my aircraft, and others can't hear the sound inside."

General Yin: "That won't work either!"

This may be the most embarrassing meeting Sang Jiuchi has ever met. After finishing his clothes, he bravely got up from the sofa and greeted a little embarrassedly, "Hello, General Yin, I'm Sang Jiuchi."

To be honest, Sang Jiuchi was still a little nervous.

After so many planes, he has understood the meaning of his family.

General Yin Lao was his lover's close relative on this plane, and he originally wanted to leave a good impression on him.

I just didn't expect it to be such an opening, a large-scale social death scene.

Old General Yin, who had been glaring at Yin Li, looked at Sang Jiuchi, but his voice suddenly softened, "You are Jiuchi, come to Dad."

Sang Jiuchi looked up suspiciously, he looked at the smiling old General Yin, and then at Yin Li beside him, a big question mark appeared on his forehead.

Suddenly, he remembered that Yin Li had said that General Yin would love Wu Jiwu.

He was so kind to himself, probably because he could save Yin Li, right?

Seeing Yin Li nodding affirmatively, Sang Jiuchi breathed a sigh of relief, strode up straight, and walked in front of Old General Yin.

General Yin looked at Sang Jiuchi up and down, his golden pupils were satisfied, and then he was slightly disappointed.


Sang Jiuchi looked at Old General Yin suspiciously, and heard the other sigh, "He's a good boy, but how could he like this stinky boy, he's not worthy of you at all."

Sang Jiuchi: "???"

Yin Li: "???"

This is different from what Yin Li said just now. Hey, didn't Yin Li say that Mr. Yin has been looking for a guide for him. Will he like him because of Yin Li?

You should be the one from Jiwu, right?

Sang Jiuchi looked at Yin Li, but found that Yin Li was also confused.

Mr. Yin glared at Yin Li, "You two, come with me."

The two followed Mr. Yin to get off the aircraft, and the aircraft had automatically closed its cabin.

The General's Mansion is not a luxurious route. The brick-red quaint walls reveal the precipitation of the years. This building is like the presence of the Yin family in the empire.

In the compound, there are sentries patrolling back and forth from time to time. The Sentinels were trained so seriously that they could carry out their patrol work without squinting even when they saw the three of them.

This is the most powerful and brave Indian army in the empire, and they will bear the brunt of every battle with the Zerg.

However, although the Yin family army has made countless contributions, they know the way of keeping a low profile and keeping a low profile. The emperor relied on them, respected and feared them, but never had any intention to kill.

Walking into the scarlet quaint gate, through the hall and stairs, the two quickly followed General Yin to the study.

The attendant had already prepared warm black tea and fruit refreshments. Under the instruction of General Yin Lao, the attendant left the study and closed the door by the way.

After the three of them were seated, General Yin sighed, and the pair of golden pupils had turned back to black at some point.

"I always thought you were dead, Yin Li."

General Yin was old and had children. He also had two children before, but they both died in battle, which is why the empire trusted them very much.

Hearing this sentence, Yin Li and Sang Jiuchi were stunned for a while.

Yin Li asked, "Have you found it? When did you find it?"

General Yin snorted coldly, "When else could it be? I found out a month ago, that fake thinks that he has all your memories and habits and can hide it from the sky, so he doesn't take this old man in his eyes! "

As General Yin said, the pair of black pupils turned golden again.

"Since he dares to replace you in such a grand manner, he must be sure that you will not appear. I am worried that you are in their hands, so I will quietly cooperate with him to play the trick."

"I want to see who sent him, why he looks exactly like you, and why he has all your memories, even the physique of double 3S level."

"I thought about several candidates at the time, and even thought about whether it was sent by the Zerg. But the other party did nothing, and went to school after getting acquainted at home for a while."

"I didn't know what abacus he was playing, so I sent someone to follow him, and finally found out that his target turned out to be Sang Jiuchi."

General Yin looked at Sang Jiuchi and said, "Child, when you differentiated into a D-level guide, and your spiritual match with Yin Li reached 100%, we didn't ask, you must have been very chilled at the time, right?"

Sang Jiuchi was not the original owner. He traced back the original owner's mood at the time, and finally shook his head, "No, I just wanted to change back to an ordinary person, and didn't want to be a guide at all."

Mr. Yin sighed, "I think this stinky boy Yin Li should have told you that I have been looking for a suitable guide for him, right?"

Sang Jiuchi nodded.

Mr. Yin said, "I was just a stopgap measure."

Not only Sang Jiuchi this time, but Yin Li's eyes widened, "What?"

It turned out to be a stopgap measure? In those years, the old man of Yin Yin always said that it was an expedient measure? Expedient what?

General Yin: "There are some things you don't know, and I don't want you to be mentally fluctuated, so I didn't tell you on purpose. Although the emperor trusted us, he still wanted to check and balance us. When you didn't know, the emperor mentioned it to me twice, Wants to marry one of his guide princesses to you."

Yin Li: "?!"

I really don't know.

General Yin: "Marriage with the emperor can greatly reduce the emperor's wariness of us, but I know that it is impossible for you to agree to it. What are you thinking, do you think I don't know? If you didn't choose it yourself, in this If you are forced to do things, you can lift this empire up."

Under the gaze of Sang Jiuchi, Yin Li scratched his head awkwardly.

General Yin: "So I made an excuse, saying that it's not that you don't want to get married, it's just that if the other party is not 100% matched, your strong mental strength will harm the guide. If you find this excuse, you can't talk about it, I have to do the show. A full set, so from then on, I began to look for guides for you every day."

"I thought it was beautiful at the time. 100% spiritual match, there have been few in thousands of years, how could it be possible for you to meet this stinky boy. In the end, don't say it, I was directly slapped in the face, Jiuchi's A 100% match came up."

"Yin Li has mentioned to me the mental matching test that hates the light brain more than once. At that time, Yin Li was on the battlefield, and I was not sure what he meant. I wanted to wait for him to come back and discuss this matter. But Yin Li 100 The % spiritual match is too eye-catching, in order not to affect your future life, we chose to ignore your existence and protect you secretly."

Sang Jiuchi was stunned for a moment, "Secretly..."

General Yin smiled, "Although Fang Kai is only D-rank, he is very reassuring. He is on the surface, and I have inserted several people in the dark."

Sang Jiuchi was slightly stunned.

Fang Kai turned out to be the old General Yin who placed him beside him to protect him. With his physique, it was almost the same as protecting him himself.

Seeing through Sang Jiuchi's mentality, General Yin smiled awkwardly, "It's mainly considering that you were only D-rank at the time, and Fang Kai was more able to protect you personally."

"Love is a two-way thing. I thought about it at the time. If either of the two of you is unwilling, I will ask Yin Li to ask for relief." General Yin paused, "This is not a saint, the main thing is It's the punishment mechanism, it's not as powerful as Yin Li's strength when he was a child, and there is no risk in letting Yin Li go."

"After that, you had a near-missing academy career. Just when I counted that Yin Li was about to come back, the news came from the front line that he was in a Zerg ambush and was seriously injured and disappeared."

"Just when I was going to go out in person, that guy appeared, and you should all know what happened next." General Yin looked at Sang Jiuchi, "My son He De He Neng can actually be with you, you Is it poverty alleviation?"

Sang Jiuchi looked at Yin Li embarrassedly.

Yin Li's expression was very subtle at the moment, and he was still in shock.

It turned out that in my old father's mind, he was the one who didn't deserve it!

Sang Jiuchi couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

General Yin looked at Sang Jiuchi: "I've already told you all the reasons and consequences, so who can tell me what happened next? How did Yin Li recover, how did you suddenly become a 3S rank, and What the **** is that monster in the dark forest?"

Yin Li was under attack, and his outlook on life had begun to reconstruct. He didn't want to say a word, leaving space for the two of them, "Where's my mother?"

General Yin: "I heard you say you want to bring Jiuchi, so I went to prepare dinner long ago."

Yin Li was shocked: "Isn't our family only drinking nutrient solution?"

General Yin: "Your mother also loves you. She is afraid that delicious food will cause your psychological fluctuations. She can only accompany you with nutrient solution these years."

Yin Li: "…"

It seems that the outlook on life has not been reconstructed.

Sang Jiuchi saw Yin Li's pitiful appearance, he laughed, and regardless of General Yin's watching, he stretched out his hand and took Yin Li's hand in front of him.

He didn't speak, just played with Yin Li's fingers calmly.

Although Old General Yin spoke in this semi-arranged old father's tone, he could hear the strong parental love inside.

Regarding the situation that Yin Li would go mad after being a beast at that time, if anyone suffered more than Yin Li, it was his parents.

They couldn't replace their young children who suffered this kind of torture. They could only watch the children survive again and again with perseverance, constantly torturing themselves in the pain.

Listening to Yin Li's words, in their home, they have always depended on drinking nutrient solution for a living, just to keep Yin Li's emotions in an extremely stable state. How could such parents who consider every detail not love their children.

Don't look at the old General Yin who has been arranging Yin Li, but he has been watching Yin Li carefully when he is arranging.

While General Yin was observing Yin Li, Sang Jiuchi was also observing General Yin.

When he saw the expression of a normal person on Yin Li's face, the eyes of the battle-hardened old man in front of him were all red.

He is a real strongman, and the long cold war has made him lose the ability to express his feelings directly in words, but he can choose to express his concerns in another way.

That is action.

This is the simplicity of an old father. In order to allow Yin Li to charge without hesitation, this old father may have used his life's acting skills, on the one hand, and the empire pretending to be a guide.

This performance is ten years.

In the corridor, hurried footsteps came from far and near.

As the footsteps approached, the closed study door was pushed open.

A woman with gray hair was standing at the door, her eyes were wet, unlike General Yin, she rushed over after seeing the two and hugged them.

Read The Duke's Passion