MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 128 Pope 1

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"Even if it's the royal family, it's just a mortal, right?" Sang Jiuchi's expression gradually became arrogant, his arrogance was not a mere formality like the curly-haired boy in front of him. On the contrary, Sang Jiuchi's expression was very indifferent, but there was a bit of arrogance in his eyes.

He looked at the prince like a predator looking down at an ant at the bottom of the food chain.

"How can mortals compete with the gods. If you make a promise with the messenger of the gods and don't keep them, do you want to accept the punishment of the gods?"

Sang Jiuchi spoke lightly, and glanced at Hull from the corner of his eyes.

Compared to the immature prince, Hull seemed much calmer and calmer. Sang Jiuchi didn't even see any special expression on his face, just looked at Sang Jiuchi with a scrutiny in his eyes.

Sang Jiuchi withdrew his gaze secretly, and looked down at the prince in front of him without blinking.

The prince who was still bossy just now has changed his face. He couldn't help but put away the expression on his face, and there was a bit of fear in the depths of his eyes.

Seeing the prince's expression, Sang Jiuchi thought to himself, as expected.

Regardless of whether there is such a thing as a **** in this plane, human beings have awe for gods from ancient times to the present. In the evolution of thousands of years of history, unexplainable phenomena have become the "gods of the first generation". ".

People's so-called fear of gods is more because of ignorance.

Even if some planes do not have such ghosts and gods at all, in their hearts, they will still naturally feel awe of the imaginary "gods".

This plane also inevitably fears the creature "God".

The prince raised the whip and dropped it heavily.

When the sound of breaking the air came, the whip flashed in front of him, and Sang Jiuchi didn't blink.

This time, the whip did not land on Sang Jiuchi, but fell on the water before his eyes. The calm icy lake water stirred violently, as if the prince was in a panic at the moment.

He threw the whip heavily on the ground and said to Hull, "Game over, put him down."

In the darkness, the sound of "stepping" sounded as silver-white metal armor boots stepped on the ground.

Sang Jiuchi raised his head and saw Hull walking out of the darkness, two extremely long straight model legs taking elegant steps, walking towards him step by step.

Hull was buried directly in the cold ice pool, and the water did not reach his waist in an instant.

Walking in front of Sang Jiuchi, Hull gave Sang Jiuchi a cold look, and neatly untied the restraints on him.

The prince's way of tying was very inauthentic. He used a very long rope, which not only tied his wrists, but also tied Sang Jiuchi's waist firmly to the cross.

Hull started the solution from both sides of the wrist. When the solution reached Sang Jiuchi's waist, Sang Jiuchi stumbled and almost fell into the water.

Hull's eyes were quick and his hands were fast. He subconsciously stretched out his hand and held Sang Jiuchi's waist in an instant, so as to avoid Sang Jiuchi's dejected appearance.

Because of inertia, Sang Jiuchi fell on Hull, and the cold armor instantly spread to his skin through the tattered clothes.

Sang Jiuchi froze for a moment, "Thank you."

Hull straightened Sang Jiuchi coldly, without a trace of turbulence in his eyes, "The duty lies."

After taking the last rope off Sang Jiuchi and putting it on the cross, Hull turned his head and returned to the shore.

The prince frowned and couldn't help but said angrily: "Hell, you can just let him go after you let it go. A liar like him should let him freeze."

Hull bowed his head slightly, looking at his nose and heart, "You didn't order me to release water just now, Your Royal Highness."

The prince was speechless for a moment, and stopped talking.

Sang Jiuchi's heart moved slightly, and his eyes secretly looked at Hull again.

Hull seems to be nearly 1.95 meters tall, and the armor that usually makes people appear short-legged can still see his long legs when he wears it.

The armor he wore was cold silver, as cold as his current temperament.

Sang Jiuchi was about to walk to the shore, when F001's voice suddenly sounded in his mind: [The memory collection is successful, and now the world memory will be transmitted. 】

In the next second, countless memories flooded into Sang Jiuchi's mind.

There are still two memories, one is for the original owner, and the other is for the memory of the world.

After reading the two memories, Sang Jiuchi couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows.

The original owner lived in the Holy See since childhood, followed by the Pope, and was influenced by the most intense Holy See culture. At the age of twenty-two, he became a red-clothed archbishop who was sighing with admiration. His power and status were second only to the Pope.

According to the setting of this plane, there is nothing magical about this plane, and the Holy See is only the existence of religious belief.

The country they are in is called the Siman Empire, which is a powerful country in this area.

On this western continent, there are two other countries as powerful as the Siman Empire, one is called the Alpha Empire and the other is called the North Tower Empire.

The three countries have restrained each other on this continent, and they have been in peace with each other for the New Year. However, the borders of the three countries have become more and more blurred in recent years, and small wars between the three countries have continued.

Just a year ago, in the common border area of ​​the three countries, there was a brutal case of horse thieves looting a border town.

A group of masked horse thieves looted the town of the Siman Empire and brutally killed dozens of people in the town. Survivors say the horse thieves were heading towards the Alpha Empire and the North Tower Empire.

The relationship between the Alpha Empire and the North Tower Empire has also deteriorated. The Alpha Empire said that the people of the North Tower Empire framed themselves, and the people of the North Tower Empire turned around and accused the Alpha people.

This horse thief incident finally became the trigger for the outbreak of the war, and the Three Kingdoms War kicked off.

Hale and the prince hated themselves so much because of one other thing.

In an empire, the king should be the resident of the country.

However, in the country of Siman, where the Holy See's culture is very rich, the Pope, the supreme power controller of the Holy See, can compete with the king.

The Pope does not preside over state affairs, but he can influence state affairs.

In many things, the pope can even hold the king down through his own power.

The people are also divided into two factions, one is theists, who devoutly support the Holy See, the other is atheists, and the court system is their philosophy.

The prince in front of him is called Prince Ino, the third prince of the empire, and the prince who is most capable of inheriting the throne.

Hull's identity is the head of the Royal Knights. He once had a sister, and his sister was Prince Ino's lover.

The reason for using the word "once" is because his sister is dead.

His sister is a loyal supporter of the court system. In order to prove that the gods preached by the Holy See are all scams, she disguised as a believer and infiltrated the Holy See to find evidence.

Unexpectedly, however, his sister died three days after she came to the Holy See.

Her body was covered with whiplashes, and she suffered horrific abuse before dying. Her body was found in a dry well, and the night before she died, she was seen entering the original owner's room.

Just when the original owner denied it and the doubts became confusing, the coroner found a cloth strip in her mouth. The handwriting on the cloth strip had become a little blurred because of the saliva, but the words inside could still be read clearly.

The murderer Sang Jiuchi.

The handwriting was confirmed by Hull, and it was indeed his sister's handwriting.

The confusing case immediately turned around, but on the Holy See side, the original owner refused to admit that he killed Hull's sister, but he had no evidence to exonerate himself.

In the original owner's memory, Hull's sister did look for him that night, but only came to ask him about his breakfast tomorrow, and then left after asking.

The original owner insisted that Sister Hull left within two minutes of entering.

But strangely, people only saw her entering the original owner's room, but did not see her leaving the room.

Not to mention two minutes, the guards didn't see her come out even for half an hour.

Just when the human and physical evidence were all against the original owner, the Pope used his own power to protect the original owner in the name of the God of Light.

Just when people lamented that the original owner was on the loose, Prince Ino used aggressive methods to get along with a way to kill the original owner.

Under his constant provocation, the original owner said the most regrettable sentence in his life, that is, "I am a devout follower of the God of Light, my body and soul belong to the God of Light, and I will never insult the God of Light. In the matter of reputation, the God of Light will always bless me, and wish me good luck."

It was these words that made Prince Ino seize the loophole.

Prince Ino said on the spot, "Since the God of Light can protect you from bad luck, let's see whether it is the believers of the God of Light who are strong, or whether the knights of our empire are resolute. One hundred whips, if you can survive, I will Acknowledging the existence of the God of Light, otherwise you are still a liar who survived by lying."

The original owner couldn't stand the slander of the God of Light, and under the constant impetus of Prince Ino, he agreed to this absurd idea as soon as his brain became hot.

That's what happened now.

In the memory of the world, the original owner also suffered a hundred lashes. However, when he was sent back, he was covered in bruises and wounds. After three years of raising, he finally recovered, but his health was not as good as before, and he often lingered on the sick bed.

A few years later, the Pope died of old age, and before his death, the Pope passed to the original owner.

At this time, Prince Ino had already ascended the throne as an emperor, and Hull had become the most prestigious general in the empire. He was also named a duke with a different surname by King Ino, and he was rewarded with fiefs and castles.

The war that lasted for several years has gradually subsided, and the Sman Empire has finally become the ultimate victor, standing at the highest apex of power.

Just when the original owner thought that the case from a few years ago had already been settled, Prince Ino and the Duke of Hull launched a violent revenge. They wanted to revenge not only the original owner, but also the entire Holy See religious system.

Soon, the original owner was charged with demagoguery and was sentenced to death at the stake.

As for the Holy See, it was completely wiped out by the iron cavalry of the empire, and countless believers and bishops were killed, but in just half a year, there was no Holy See in this continent, and no one dared to serve the God of Light.

History is written by successful people. A few years later, the three words Sang Jiuchi have become sinners through the ages. In everyone's cognition, it was he who led the Holy See on a road of no return in an attempt to shake the imperial power, which led to the pursuit of the emperor.

Sang Jiuchi looked at the memory very quickly. He absorbed all the memories, and the real world passed in less than a second.

He waded to the shore in this icy water, and looked at his legs and feet helplessly.

He has been soaking in the water for a day and a night, and his skin has long been white and wrinkled, and there is even a tingling sensation when his bare feet step on the hard ground.

He was originally wearing a red robe, and now the robe has long since been torn apart by the whip.

Going out like this will definitely reflect his identity as a red-clothed archbishop.

Sang Jiuchi looked at the only two people present, "Do you have any clothes?"

His eyes were looking at Ino, but Hull always felt that his eyes were watching him.

Ino seemed to have heard a joke, and laughed twice, "Are you stupid, even if I had, I wouldn't give clothes to your enemy."

Sang Jiuchi didn't think he could give himself the clothes, and his feet hurt a little while standing. Anyway, there are only three people here, and the other party is still two "enemies". He doesn't need to care about his image at all. Case.

The soles of the feet have been soaked and white, the floor is paved with marble, and the part where the feet step on the marble has turned a touch of pink.

Hull stood up straight, but the corner of his eyes secretly observed the bizarre red-clothed archbishop.

Sang Jiuchi has an oriental face. According to legend, he was rescued by the Pope at the hands of a human trafficker. The moment he was rescued, he was named Sang Jiuchi and took him with him.

Sang Jiuchi's facial features are very soft, unlike Westerners with deep eyes and clear bones, he has a face that is not aggressive, and every detail of his facial features tells the gentleness and elegance of the owner of the body.

Sang Jiuchi had long black hair. He sat down with his knees crossed, and those black hair spread out obediently behind him, like a luxurious cloak, and like a huge black chrysanthemum.

Out of the corner of his eye, he slid along Sang Jiuchi's facial features onto his feet.

Because of being soaked in the cold ice water, Sang Jiuchi's whole body turned white from the freezing, and only the soles of his feet were a touch of pink.

So red, it must be painful, right? How can his toes be so round and delicate, is this really a man's foot?

Hull frowned suddenly, shaking off the strange and strange thoughts that suddenly appeared in his mind.

He actually thought that killing his sister and enemy looked good, he must be crazy!

Ino sat on the seat with one hand on his cheek, and looked down at Sang Jiuchi in front of him with a triumphant look, "Why, is this to kneel down for us?"

Sang Jiuchi rubbed his hands, raised his head slightly, and his eyes were clear.

There is no trace of impurities in his brown pupils, like a smooth polished amber, revealing the purest inner substance.

"Prince Ino, you said that our competition is about the piety of the believers of the God of Light and the fortitude of the royal knights. Since I have passed the competition, is it your turn?"

Ino raised his eyebrows: "Okay, I'll call a knight now and have you whipped 100 times too."

Sang Jiuchi raised his index finger and shook it left and right, "No no no, those are your rules, not mine. Since the rules of the game for testing the believers of the God of Light are set by you, the rules for testing the royal knights should be determined by me. Come on, that's fair."

Ino didn't say agree or disagree, just sneered, "Tell me, what rules will be made?"

Sang Jiuchi: "I want to choose one of the royal knights and bring it back to the temple. Give me seven days, if he changes from supporting the palace to supporting the Holy See, then even if I win, your so-called chivalry is nothing more than that. If he I have insisted on my own heart, that is, if you win, I will recognize the extraordinary qualities of your royal knights in front of all the believers in the imperial capital."

Only seven days? Sang Jiuchi looks down on himself too much. The royal knights are all powerful soldiers carefully selected for the court. Their chivalry spirit makes them dedicate all their loyalty to the court.

Not to mention seven days, even seventy days, Sang Jiuchi would not be able to transform them.

And the prizes of this bet are very tempting. I don’t know that the Holy See and the palace have not given each other over the years, and no one looks down on the other. If Sang Jiuchi openly recognizes the Royal Knights in front of all the believers, it is equivalent to disguised recognition. Palace system.

This also represents the bowing of the papal system to the court system.

You must know that it has not been many years, the Holy See has always been high, but it has never bowed its head to the palace.

Ino has seen the fruits of victory three days later, and he is no longer alert to Sang Jiuchi's proposal, "Okay, it's a deal, you will go to the palace with me now, and I will show you all the royal knights."

Sang Jiuchi shook his head: "No need, isn't there a ready-made one here?"

This time, it was not only Ino, but even Hull, who had always been expressionless, was stunned and looked at Sang Jiuchi blankly.

He looked at Sang Jiuchi, only to realize that Sang Jiuchi was also looking at himself.

He just sat cross-legged on the ground, and had to stretch his slender and white neck to the extreme in order to be able to look at himself.

From his own point of view, he could easily see Sang Jiuchi's elegant and handsome facial features and delicate chin, as well as his slender neck and thin bones.

Sang Jiuchi's neck is also outrageous to see. His Adam's apple is so small that it is almost invisible. It is not as rough as these rough people, but reveals the unique softness of the East.


Hull suddenly sighed in his mind.

The next second, he froze suddenly, if it wasn't for his expressionless face, he would have been able to find his shock.

Hull's eyes moved slightly upwards, his eyes fixed on the cross in front of him, and he stopped looking at Sang Jiuchi, as if he didn't care about anything at all.

But in his heart, he can't wait to slap himself hard right now.

He actually thinks the murderer is beautiful! How could he be worthy of his tragically killed sister? !

Thinking of his sister's tragic death, Hull suddenly calmed down. His slightly flustered eyes were covered with ice again and turned into an ice sculpture again.

He also wants to avenge his sister. Now all the evidence points to Sang Jiuchi, but if there is a chance, he must investigate again. As a red-clothed archbishop in the Holy See, Sang Jiuchi lived in the temple.

When they were investigating, the reason why people outside the Holy See should not defile the sacred area where the gods were located only gave them a few hours to investigate the incident.

If I can follow Sang Jiuchi into the temple this time, I can be one step closer to the truth. Whether he has wronged Sang Jiuchi or whether he is lying will soon become clear.

Hull looked at Ino and nodded at him.

Ino immediately laughed loudly, "Sang Jiuchi, if you chose Hull in revenge for the two of us whipping you just now, it would be a big mistake. He is the riding soul of our royal knights, even if In the depths of hell, he never bowed his head. Whether you coerce, lure or sugar-coated cannonballs, it doesn't help him."

"If you want to take the opportunity to kill people, I will definitely use all my knights to smash the Holy See!" Ino's sharp eyes looked down at Sang Jiuchi, with malice and killing intent in his eyes.

Sang Jiuchi was on the contrary, no matter how fierce Ino was, he always kept his most refined and indifferent expression, without even blinking his eyelids, "Don't worry, I won't hurt him, I promise to make him complete in seven days. Appearing in front of you whole and healthy."

"I only have one request." Sang Jiuchi glanced at Hull's angular chin. "In seven days, I hope that the Knights of Hull can obey my orders. Of course, I will not let you do anything against the spirit of chivalry and morality. thing, okay?"

In Sang Jiuchi's bright eyes, Hull nodded, "Okay."

Sang Jiuchi smiled lightly, "Since you all agreed, let's start now?"

Of course Ino wanted to end this bet as soon as possible, and he also wanted to quickly see Sang Jiuchi boasting of the royal knight in front of everyone. Of course, the sooner the start time, the better.

As for Hull, I also want to go to the Holy See as soon as possible. The later you go, the more likely the evidence will disappear.

Seeing the two nodded in unison, a relaxed smile appeared on Sang Jiuchi's soft face.

I saw that he stretched out his two arms in the direction of Hull and said, "Then, my knight, I am inconvenient to move now, you should carry me and leave here."

Hull and Ino looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes.

Hull was a little reluctant, after all, the other party was the biggest suspect in killing his sister, but he just agreed to obey Sang Jiuchi's request.

Sang Jiuchi's request did not violate their knightly morality, and he had no reason to refuse.

The air in the already cramped water prison became more dignified, and finally the sound of Hull's footsteps broke the calm.

The boots stepped on the ground and made a crisp "tap" sound. Hel walked in front of Sang Jiuchi, squatted down, one arm passed behind Sang Jiuchi's shoulders, and the other hand passed through his thigh , hugged Sang Jiuchi in his arms in a princess hug.

The moment he picked it up, Hel was stunned for a moment.

Is this guy in his arms really a man? He is so light.

Hull subconsciously pinched Sang Jiuchi's skin, but with a slight squeeze, he touched the other's bones hidden under the skin.

Hull frowned immediately.

Why is she so thin? Sang Jiuchi is 1.83 meters tall, but she is so light. Is it because the Holy See does not give people food? !

Just as Hull's heart turned back and forth, Sang Jiuchi stretched out his arm naturally and put his hand on Hull's neck.

Although Hale was wearing armor, his neck was still exposed.

The cold silky touch touched the back of his neck, which was obviously cold, but the place where his neck touched Sang Jiuchi unexpectedly became hot.

The fiery feeling was centered on Sang Jiuchi's fingers and spread rapidly around.

Everywhere you go, a prairie fire.

Even the skin hidden in the armor was not spared.

Sang Jiuchi pressed his hand slightly, resting his chin on Hull's cold metal shoulder, "Let's go, take me back to the Holy See."

The warm breath blew on his earlobes, and Hull immediately felt that his ears were on fire.

In his chest, something started to hit violently.

He secretly took a deep breath and suppressed all his emotions before nodding at Ino and slowly walked out of the water prison with Sang Jiuchi in his arms.

In the cold water prison, only Ino was left.

Yinuo's face was a little ugly. Did Sang Jiuchi's posture just now plan to use a beauty trick?

Damn, Hull is a jerk. He counts everything, and he doesn't count Sang Jiuchi to the extent that he is shameless in order to win. Can Hull withstand the temptation of that **** Sang Jiuchi?

Ino just thought about it for a while, and then quickly calmed down.

How could he forget that Hull is not a person who can be attracted to beauty at all. Back then, he exchanged so many beauties for Hull's loyalty, and Hull didn't even look at it. Hel didn't want to show his loyalty until he was with Hel's sister.

Why he had to get Hull, he didn't know. It seems that someone in the dark told me that the one who has acquired Hel will win the world, and it also seems to be his instinctive desire for generals.

Sang Jiuchi's temptation is better than tempting a cow.

Thinking that Sang Jiuchi's tricks were useless, Ino immediately showed a happy sinister expression on his face. He looked at the whip that fell to the ground in disgust, and stomped out of the dungeon.

This dungeon is not in the palace, but at the torture institution not far from the palace.

The Pope's previous behavior of favoring Sang Jiuchi has long aroused the dissatisfaction of many congregants. Now that Sang Jiuchi has a murder scandal, it is even more overwhelming.

Although the Pope is at the top of his power, he cannot act arbitrarily.

His prestige for saving Sang Jiuchi this time has been questioned, and it is inconvenient to intervene too much in the next thing, so he can only watch Sang Jiuchi agree to the bet with Prince Ino.

The only thing he could do for Sang Jiuchi in the end was to arrange a carriage for him so that he could return to the Holy See safely.

As soon as Hull left the dungeon with Sang Jiuchi in his arms, he immediately saw the carriage parked on the side of the road not far from the door. The carriage was not luxurious, it could only be said to be atmospheric, but the golden sign of the Holy See on the side of the carriage was particularly eye-catching. .

Seeing that it was Hull who carried Sang Jiuchi out, not only the coachman of the Holy See, but also the soldiers standing guard around him were stunned.

Isn't Sang Jiuchi Hull's sister-killing enemy?

What's the situation? ! Is Sang Jiuchi really not a murderer?

Under the shocked and questioning gazes of everyone, Hel got on the carriage with Sang Jiuchi in his arms, his expression was cold throughout the whole process, and he didn't even blink a few times.

Originally thought that it was Hull who carried Sang Jiuchi up and then got down, but he didn't expect Hull to go up and never get down again. With the neigh of the carriage, the carriage drove away, leaving only a questioning soldier.

Just when the soldiers were puzzled, Prince Ino also came out of it. Seeing everyone's puzzled expressions, Prince Ino thought for a while and said, "Knight Hull is going to stay in the Holy See for a few days to investigate this death case."

It was an investigation.

The crowd immediately came to a realization.

Just when people were moved by the forbearance of Knight Hull, Hull was indeed forbearing.

I don't know if it was because of being whipped by Prince Ino since last night, Sang Jiuchi fell asleep in his arms as soon as he got in the car.

The carriage is large, and the seats are heavily padded. When Sang Jiuchi fell asleep, he could put him on the seat, but the problem was that even if Sang Jiuchi fell asleep, the hand around his neck did not relax.

His hands seemed to have their own lives, and people had already fallen asleep until their chests were evenly heaving up and down, and their hands could still be locked into dead locks.

Hull had no choice but to carefully help Sang Jiuchi adjust a suitable posture and hug him all the way.

Outside, there was a rhythmic "tap and tap" sound of horses stepping on the ground. Looking out through the car window, they had gradually moved away from the palace. They were now on a flat road. After crossing this road, they could reach the Holy See. .

The Holy See was also built within the imperial capital, but the Imperial Palace was some distance away.

The palace gradually disappeared, and there seemed to be nothing else on both sides of the road except the trees swept back quickly.

Helbai took his eyes back from the outside boredly, and leaned over to look at Sang Jiuchi in his arms.

He was born tall, and now he was wearing heavy armor, which made him look even more burly.

Sang Jiuchi is not short, and at a height of about 1.8 meters, he can still stand out in the crowd. But the person who is more than 1.8 meters tall is now a small mass lying in his arms.

His sleeping position is a bit like a child's, with his legs curled up to his stomach. If these two arms are not holding him at the moment, they will hug his own legs.

Hull looked at Sang Jiuchi's bare feet.

The whitish and wrinkled feet that were blistered are now much better, and have basically returned to their normal color, and the wrinkles have also subsided.

The feet that are good-looking before, look even better when they are normal.

The five toes were like five round and clear pearls. The sunlight outside the window shone down on Sang Jiuchi's body, making his whole body glow with a layer of holy light.

Hull swallowed his saliva, and he took advantage of Sang Jiuchi's wide hand to hold Sang Jiuchi's delicate feet while he was asleep.

The cold touch suddenly fell on his hand, and Hull tried it out, and found that his feet still had some uneven feeling, which should be gravel and sand when he stood barefoot on the ground.

He remembered Sang Jiuchi's somewhat restrained expression after he left the water pool. I'm afraid Sang Jiuchi is not a Princess Pea, right? I'm used to being pampered in the Holy See, and I can't stand anything rude.

Hull carefully cleaned the dust on his feet, and then felt it with his hands again, making sure that the other's feet were free of stones and sand, and this time he took his hands away from his feet.

He turned his head and glanced at Sang Jiuchi's face, who was sleeping soundly.

There was a tired look between his brows and eyes, but his expression was very calm.

Sang Jiuchi's peaceful sleeping face was very infectious. Looking at his face, Hull's heart that had been tense for a long time also relaxed a little.

Is such a gentle and elegant person really the murderer of his sister?

When his sister had an accident, he was on a mission outside, and when he came back, he saw that they had salvaged the body and put it in the morgue.

She didn't have a piece of good flesh on her body, and there were marks of whipping all over her body. That's not all, that person even took away her clean body.

The younger sister's expression was also very painful, and such a cute face turned into such a terrifying look.

Before she died, she experienced such horrific abuse, but she was not by her side.

Before his mother died, he swore to take good care of his sister, but he never expected that her sister would leave the world in such a way!

Hull's eyes gradually became infected with killing. He looked at Sang Jiuchi with those **** eyes, and when he saw the quiet sleeping face of the other party, he suppressed his arrogance a little.

Now all the certifications and physical evidence point to Sang Jiuchi, but only to it.

So far, there is no definite direct evidence to prove that the murderer is Sang Jiuchi.

Just a day ago, he still wanted to drag the whole world to bury him for his sister's death. The moment he saw his sister's body, sadness, sadness, guilt, and anger all mixed together, making him lose his mind. , I can't wait to avenge the poor sister immediately.

At this time, once a suspect appeared in front of me, even if it was only a slight suspicion, I would rather kill a hundred by mistake and never let one go.

But now after a day of precipitation, all his emotions have been calmly suppressed, and some doubts in this case have been exposed.

The biggest doubt is Sang Jiuchi's confession.

Sang Jiuchi has been growing up in the temple, and he will not be unaware that there will always be cultists guarding outside his room.

Since he knew there were people outside, how could he tell a lie that could be seen at a glance, like "leave in two minutes"?

This is so stupid.

There is also a cloth strip in my sister's mouth. The cloth strip is written with a pen. Although the writing is a little blurred because of the handwriting in her mouth, you can still see that the lines are very smooth.

He knows his sister, who has been spoiled by him since childhood, and she is definitely not the kind of person who can handle things calmly until death.

The words "Murderer Sang Jiuchi" written on the banner, what do these words mean? It means that the sister already knew she was going to be killed.

Under such tight conditions, her writing must have been messy, and she could write as few as possible.

If it were him, he would only write the words "Sang Jiuchi".

The more Hull thought about it, the more wrong it became. If the murderer wasn't Sang Jiuchi, who was the murderer?

When he thought that the murderer might not be Sang Jiuchi, he was terrified for a while. At that time, he had already been swept away by hatred. If the Pope hadn't tried desperately to stop him, Sang Jiuchi would have now become his own dead soul.

That case is over. What if it was later proved that Sang Jiuchi was really innocent?

The moment he knew that he had killed innocent people by mistake, all his beliefs and beliefs had completely collapsed.

He will either become desolate and blame himself and break the jar, or he will become Prince Ino's permanent lackey, because at that time, the self who killed innocent people has become a grasshopper on a rope with Prince Ino.

No matter what the outcome is, what awaits you is despair.

Hale was already in a cold sweat from being frightened.

"What's wrong with you?" Suddenly, a slightly hoarse and gentle voice sounded, and Hull leaned over to see that Sang Jiuchi had woken up at some point.

Sang Jiuchi's hazy eyes were very soft. He looked up at himself, and after a while, he whispered, "I am not the murderer of your sister."

As soon as Hull's heart moved, he heard Sang Jiuchi continue.

"Because of my dignity, I didn't say it before. But now it's only you and me. I want to tell you that I will never be the murderer of your sister. Because I not only can't be **** women, but I can't be **** women. Get up. If you don't believe me, I can prove it to you."

Hull: "??!"

prove? !

how to prove? !