MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 129 Pope 2

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Hel's wheat-colored cheeks flushed, and quickly returned to his usual indifference.

He sat upright with his body rigid, his eyes fixed on the stool on the other side, and said indifferently, "I will personally check whether you are the murderer or not."

"Bishop Jiuchi, please respect yourself. You are the high-ranking red-clothed archbishop of the Holy See, and I am the royal knight of the court. Even if you are not the real murderer of my sister, we are not friends who can talk about such private topics."

Believing in the false **** of light, using this to control the minds of the people, and vainly trying to control the empire, these are all crimes of the Holy See. Even if Sang Jiuchi wasn't the real murderer, he was also a liar who was deceived by the Holy See.

There are no gods in the world at all, it is just a trick of the Holy See's ignorant people. He has always been disgusted with the Holy See, and the people in the Holy See are no exception.

As a red-clothed archbishop whose power is second only to the Pope, Sang Jiuchi has definitely done a lot to deceive people.

The gentle and elegant appearance may be just an illusion, who knows if it is the gold and jade that is ruined.

Hale thought so, but there was a subtle tingling in his heart. It's not very painful, it's a bit like a small needle stuck in the flesh.

The faint pain can be ignored, he peeked at Sang Jiuchi in his arms from the corner of his eyes.

Sang Jiuchi had already glanced to one side, his long ink-colored hair covered half of his face, and his thick eyelashes covered his eyes.

Hull could only vaguely see Sang Jiuchi's overly moist side eyes.

His shoulders suddenly stiffened, and there was a burst of regret in his heart.

Is Sang Jiuchi crying? Angry at yourself?

He didn't say anything too outrageous. Did Sang Jiuchi grow up beside the Pope and never heard any bad words, so ordinary cold words would be a big blow to him?

Then pay attention to your words later.

Hale coughed lightly. He wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere, but as a taciturn big straight man, he didn't know what to say.

Just when Hull was in a dilemma, the carriage outside suddenly clacked, and the two of them heard the coachman shouting from outside, "His Royal Highness, Mr. Knight, there is a bumpy road ahead, please take a seat."

As soon as the driver's voice fell, the carriage made another "crack".

Hull thought about it, there is indeed a bumpy road on this road, but he usually rides a horse, so he doesn't feel anything special.

Although he didn't care much, Hull still adjusted Sang Jiuchi to a stable posture.

Sang Jiuchi's body is very slender, and his skin is very fair. This kind of white is not the kind of white that lacks color like Western beauties, but more like the water white that moonlight sprinkles on the water.

Crystal clear.

The red robe on his body had been beaten to pieces, and it was easy to see Sang Jiuchi's skin from the broken place.

Even if he doesn't like the Holy See, Hull knows the culture of the Holy See.

The Holy See has always paid attention to cherishing the body. In their view, once you become a believer, your body and soul will belong to the God of Light.

Their whole bodies should be tightly wrapped, with the exception of their faces and hands, they should not be exposed at all.

Once exposed, it is a symbol of uncleanness.

Believers are already like this, not to mention a high-ranking cardinal.

After this case, Sang Jiuchi has lost the hearts of the Holy See. If he appears in the Holy See again at this time, someone will definitely fall into trouble, and the situation of Sang Jiuchi in the Holy See will definitely be more difficult.

Hale thought and untied the cloak behind him.

It was a special cloak made by the Royal Knights. The huge ancient red cloak was embroidered with a soaring giant eagle and a shield.

Hull put the cloak on Sang Jiuchi, which immediately attracted Sang Jiuchi's resistance.

He had no choice but to say, "I know you don't like royal symbols. If you want to go out like this, you can throw your cloak aside."

Sang Jiuchi, who was originally very resistant, was slightly startled, but he quickly stopped his movements and let Hull put the cloak on him.

The cloak is double-sided, only the outside is embroidered with a pattern, and the inside is a large single red. Hull turned the red side up so that the royal emblem would not be visible.

Hull had just wrapped Sang Jiuchi when a sudden bump came.

The wooden wheels are not cushioned, and landing on rough ground is like stepping on a steel nail that will explode.

Inadvertently obvious bumps when riding a horse, but it feels very obvious when sitting in a carriage.

Hull is okay, he is a knight and has received extremely rigorous training since he was a child. This bump is nothing to him.

He stabilized his body and looked down at Sang Jiuchi in his arms.

Sang Jiuchi was obviously not very good. He frowned and his expression was very forbearing. Along with the bumps, his slightly frail body was constantly shaking. As it swayed, the body hit the icy armor uncontrollably.

The skin that has just been repaired is very delicate, and it seems that it is not good to go to Sang Jiuchi so hard.

Hull thought for a while, then hugged Sang Jiuchi's waist with one hand, "Hold me tight."

Sang Jiuchi hugged Hull subconsciously, and before he could react, his body turned from lying down to upright.

Hull dragged Sang Jiuchi's thigh with one hand and held Sang Jiuchi upright in his arms like a child, which reduced his collision with the armor.

Sang Jiuchi sat firmly on Hull's hand, his hand was hanging in the air, and on the rough ground, it was as stable as Mount Tai.

This arm strength.

Sang Jiuchi nodded silently in his heart.

There was only a short section of rough road, and after a few minutes, the carriage returned to its smoothness.

Sang Jiuchi said, "Let me down, my feet don't seem to hurt anymore."

Hull put Sang Jiuchi on the carriage, the gravity on his body lightened for a moment, and some unexplainable disappointment surged in his heart. The sense of disappointment only lingered in his heart for a while, and he was quickly pressed to the bottom of his heart.

Sang Jiuchi regained his freedom, and tidied up the cloak that Hull had wrapped around him.

Hull was surprised to find that Sang Jiuchi's hand seemed to have some magic power. A simple cloak without any style turned into a shape that was almost the same as the red robe under his simple manipulation. Sang Jiuchi put it on. Cloak, took out the hat of the red robe inside.

Then, he stepped on the soft blanket, made sure the wrinkled skin under his feet had healed, and sat across from Hull.

At this moment, Sang Jiuchi changed his weakness and elegance, and glanced at Hull coldly, "Knight Hull, do you still remember the agreement we made just now? You will become my exclusive knight these days, obey me. The command."

"Do you know why I chose you?"

Asshole, the lover of this plane has been domesticated into a machine, and he doesn't seem to listen to what he has to say.

He had seduced him so many times from the water prison to just now, but he was not touched at all.

Knight, the plane of lover turned out to be a knight.

Sang Jiuchi instantly remembered the first plane, and his lover kneeled in front of him piously, swearing that he would always be his exclusive knight, but now he actually went to be a knight for others?

Can he endure this?

He could endure everything else, but he couldn't bear it at all.

He showed weakness and explained that he didn't even bird himself.

Bad knights are punished by their masters. Since he doesn't eat soft food, he will give him a hard taste.

Sang Jiuchi's eyes hidden under the thick eyelashes flashed with anger, especially when he heard Hull Guan Yino say "my master".

You'll soon realise who your master really is.

Hull hasn't reacted from Sang Jiuchi's sudden change of character, "Why did you choose me?"

Sang Jiuchi raised his head and looked at Hale arrogantly, "I will take you to the temple and give you the right to act freely. In seven days, you have enough time and energy to investigate the truth, how about that?"

Hull's eyes suddenly lit up, "Okay, thank you Bishop Jiuchi."

Sang Jiuchi: "You don't have to thank me, I still have a bet on you."

Hull closed his eyes, "I am very grateful for your generosity, but only for the second time, I can repay you in other ways, but I will never declare myself to be your believer without conscience. . My allegiance is to the majestic Empire, not the Holy See and the God of Light."

Sang Jiuchi folded his legs at will, with his arms resting on the back of the bench, he leaned lazily and looked at Hull, "Hull, seven days. Your belief will no longer be an empire, nor The Holy See, but me. I will make you allegiance only to me, do you believe it?"

Hull's eyes flashed with surprise. At this moment, Sang Jiuchi seemed to have lost his weak shell. He was still the same person, but his aura suddenly climbed, and he became an existence that should not be taken lightly.

"I don't believe it, I once swore under the king's holy sword that I would always be loyal to the empire and the royal family." Hel's eyes gradually became sharper under Sang Jiuchi's oppressive gaze, and he slammed into Sang Jiuchi's gaze, With determination in his eyes, "I will never be loyal to you alone."

"Then let's wait and see." Sang Jiuchi sneered, "Back to the point, I can give you the greatest right to be active in the Holy See. In return, what can you do for me?"

Hull hesitated, "I can keep you safe."

Sang Jiuchi: "There are countless attendants and guards in the Holy See, all of them are strong, no worse than your knights."

Hull thought about it seriously: "Your prestige is damaged now, I can teach you those who have dirty hands and feet."

Sang Jiuchi raised his eyelids lazily: "Don't forget, why did I lose my prestige. It was because I was framed that I temporarily lost the congregation. Once I return to the Holy See safely now, I am a murderer. The crime is self-defeating. I am also a red-clothed archbishop, and my prestige will come back soon. And you will teach me a lesson?"

Sang Jiuchi suddenly laughed, "It's ridiculous. You are the talons of the court. If I use you to deal with the congregation, it will only make me unjust."

Hull racked his brains, but in the end he didn't think of any of his roles.

He lowered his head dejectedly, Sang Jiuchi was right, he really couldn't help the other party, but he really needed the right of free passage.

Hull raised his head and glanced at Sang Jiuchi. The other party's arms had been taken off the top of the back of the chair, and he looked at him coldly with his arms around his chest.

Suddenly, Hull felt an invisible pressure coming from the elegant man in front of him.

Only then did Hull realize that he had no leverage to negotiate with Sang Jiuchi, but the other party held his life tightly.

Finally, Hale asked tentatively, "What do you think I can do for you?"

Sang Jiuchi's always cold face brought up a small smile, "You can make me happy, do you know why I chose you? I was whipped a hundred times in vain by Prince Ino, who is a high-ranking prince, even if you lend me a I dare not fight back with a hundred courage. You are different, you are just a knight."

"The humiliation I suffered on Prince Ino will be repaid from you. In these seven days, will I revenge and educate you? What I want you to do is to accept all my punishments unconditionally. If you can do When you arrive, I will let you move freely, and if you can't, get off the carriage now!"

A look of disgust flashed in Hale's eyes.

He has long heard that the people of the Holy See are generous on the surface, but they will report it behind the scenes. Now it seems that the rumors are true.

He should have thought long ago, how could Sang Jiuchi bet so foolishly with no chance of winning, but kindly asked him to come over and give him the right to act freely.

It was all for revenge.

It's just a bit of flesh and blood, the knight's will is as hard as steel, and he will never yield.

Hull's eyes hardened a little bit, "Okay, I promise you, no matter what you do to me, I will obediently accept it and never backhand."

Sang Jiuchi got the answer he wanted and finally smiled with satisfaction.

At that moment, the mountains and rivers that had been frozen for thousands of years melted in an instant.

Hull was dumbfounded for two seconds, then he seemed to realize something, and quickly withdrew his gaze, staring down at his metal shoes, a little flustered in his eyes.

Sang Jiuchi ignored Hull. He turned his head to look out the window. The Holy See, which was dominated by white and gold, gradually appeared in his sight.

The construction of the Holy See is very tall. It is different from the luxury that the palace exudes from the inside out. Although the building with strong religion is extravagant, it is more of an unattainable aura.

Although this carriage looks low-key, it is the Pope's seat. The Pope sent this carriage to pick up Sang Jiuchi, which shows that he attaches great importance to him.

If Sang Jiuchi can come back alive, this matter has not defeated him, he will have a bright future.

Although some people were looking forward to his death, they would not be stupid enough to come over and hit the rocks with eggs after Sang Jiuchi bottomed out.

A thick red carpet had been spread outside the Holy See. Sang Jiuchi stepped barefoot on the soft carpet, and looked up at the Holy See, which occupied the general discourse power of the empire.

The Pope just let people roll out the red carpet, but he did not come out to greet him. However, the other believers who had returned safely from Sang Jiuchi acted as an afterthought and appeared at the end of the red carpet one by one.

There are his followers and his competitors.

Sang Jiuchi is the red-clothed archbishop, but there is not only one red-clothed archbishop.

In the Holy See, there is only one Pope, and his identity and rights are like the king in the palace, and he has almost all the right to speak in the Holy See.

There are also three red-clothed archbishops under the Pope. Among the three red-clothed archbishops, one is personally appointed by the Pope, and the other two are promoted step by step from the bottom twelve bishops through the election of the believers.

The three cardinal archbishops are candidates for the Pope. In the future, when the Pope abdicates, one of the three of them will be selected to inherit the Pope.

The original owner was the red-clothed archbishop appointed by the Pope, because unlike the other two ways of becoming a cardinal-clothed archbishop, the original owner was often ostracized by the other two.

The reason why the suspect can be identified so quickly in this case is thanks to the two red-clothed archbishops behind the scenes.

They put the soldiers in, and their people claimed that Hull's sister did not leave the original owner's room. The two of them even joined forces to put pressure on the Pope, forcing the Pope to see Sang Jiuchi being taken away by Prince Ino but could not do anything. .

At this moment, he was standing on the carpet unscathed, and the two of them stood at the end of the carpet together, showing him a very sincere smile.

As expected of a red-clothed archbishop who has struggled step by step from the strict hierarchy of the Holy See, a professional expert.

Sang Jiuchi stepped off the red carpet and casually stretched out his hand towards Hull beside him.

Hull was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood. He hesitated for two seconds, and stretched out his arm to support Sang Jiuchi's hand under the warning gaze cast by Sang Jiuchi.

Under the astonished gazes of the other congregants, Sang Jiuchi stepped forward step by step on the carpet with a smile on his face.

The two red-clothed archbishops looked at each other and saw disappointment in each other's eyes.

That was the stride of a winner, and even this thing couldn't beat him.

Sang Jiuchi finally walked in front of the two red-clothed archbishops. The two red-clothed archbishops were a man and a woman. The man was in his thirties. His name was Justin. It took more than twenty years.

Another woman, Maria, was only twenty-five years old. It is said that she was inspired by the God of Light to join the Holy See. Her chanting ability is so powerful that it inspires faith in people's hearts, and followers even believe that she can speak directly to the God of Light through meditation and chanting.

According to her own words, she is not only a believer of the God of Light, but also the fiancee of the God of Light. She often dedicates her body to the God of Light in her dreams, so she can inspire others with the power of God of Light through chanting. .

It is precisely because of her special status that there are many followers who support her. From her joining the Holy See to taking the position of the Cardinal Archbishop, it took only seven short years.

Sang Jiuchi walked to the end of the red carpet and stood in front of everyone, "Everyone, well."

Justin and Maria swept back and forth on Sang Jiuchi and Hull, but in the end Maria couldn't hold back and asked, "Why is the Hull Knight here?"

Did he still shout about killing Sang Jiuchi yesterday? Why is he following Sang Jiuchi so obediently now, without the slightest murderous aura? Could it be that Sang Jiuchi is not really the murderer, he was wronged?

"As you can see, it turns out that I was wronged. In order to express guilt, Prince Ino asked Hull Knight to send me back and become my exclusive knight for seven days." Sang Jiuchi smiled lightly, "In other words, he is The spoils of my humiliation. Would you like to take a gamble with me and let your most precious things become my spoils?"

Justin and Maria's faces changed slightly, and they quickly shook their heads, "Dear Archbishop Jiuchi, you are really joking. In our opinion, you have always been innocent, and the God of Light will not let his followers suffer any grievances. Thank you to the great God of Light."

The two of them made a standard Holy See gesture salute towards the temple. Sang Jiuchi just smiled politely, and just pulled Hull towards the temple without saying anything more.

Maria's face was a little ugly, "Archbishop Jiuchi, are you going to bring this knight to the temple? Have you forgotten that we don't allow non-believers to appear here."

Hale's eyes sank suddenly.

Sure enough, even Sang Jiuchi, it is not easy to bring himself into the temple. With these two red-clothed archbishops stopping him, Sang Jiuchi might not be able to fulfill his promise.

Sang Jiuchi raised his eyebrows, "So what? As I said just now, his current status is my trophy. Why can't I enter the temple for my personal trophy?"

Sang Jiuchi said without saying anything, and brought Hale directly into the temple under the stunned eyes of Maria and Justin.

Damn, this is simply a stealing concept!

Isn't the booty not human? !

The temple is the most sacred and noble place in the entire Holy See, where the statue of the **** of light is enshrined, and only the most devout and clean believers can live here.

Generally speaking, although the red-clothed archbishop who is selected step by step from the following has the right to inherit the position of the pope, they all acquiesce that they are not pure enough.

Only believers who grew up in the Holy See can be called the cleanest virgins, and the original owner is such an existence.

He was rescued by the Pope when he was a baby, and the Pope took him with him afterward.

When the original owner was five years old, he moved into the temple, and since then his duty has been to pray for the God of Light every day.

He needs to change into a plain white robe and sit in holy water and recite the scriptures. The reading of the scriptures lasts four hours, once every Saturday.

This work has been done since he was five years old and has continued until now. In addition to being the archbishop in red, Sang Jiuchi is also known as the "Holy Son".

In addition to Sang Jiuchi in the temple, there are also believers who specialize in serving Sang Jiuchi and cleaning. These believers are all carefully selected. They must be clean virgins. They must not have any wounds on their bodies, let alone tattoos, ear studs and other things that hurt the body.

Hel's younger sister was chosen to be the maid here.

Entering the gate of the temple, after bypassing a winding marble corridor, you can see a wide square area, and Hull saw the tall statue of the God of Light head-on.

Legend has it that the God of Light has no gender, TA can be male or female, and even become animals or plants, TA is not bound by the body, TA is the incarnation of light. TA brings light to the world and dispels darkness for people.

And the statue in front of him has now been carved into the appearance of a strong man.

The man had a strong physique and a handsome face, and behind his head hung a golden sun wheel, and in his hand held a torch that dispelled darkness.

What burns in the torch is a real flame. This flame is ignited by a special combustible material. After filling, it can continue to burn for half a month.

The job of the attendants is to clean up the body of the statue every day and add fuel to the torch in time to ensure that the torch will not go out for a long time.

In front of the huge statue, there is also a pool with crystal-clear water. There are four taps at the four corners of the pool. A steady stream of spring water flows into the pool through the taps, allowing the pool to complete the circulation of living water. .

This should be the holy pool.

Hull looked at the pool, and he didn't see the transpiring mist, indicating that the water in this pool should be cold water.

I heard that the Holy Son needs to recite sutras in holy water every few days. Is it true that Sang Jiuchi recites sutras in such cold water?

He pursed his lips slightly and frowned. It's no wonder that Sang Jiuchi is so thin and weak. This kind of pool water must be fine for a strong man like him, but Sang Jiuchi is already thin, and there is bone blood under the skin. If it is frozen for several hours, even if it is blessed by the God of Light. will cause damage to the body.

Sang Jiuchi's body is so cold, probably because it has been eroded by the water cold.

When he came here, Sang Jiuchi had let go of Hull, and said lightly, "I just said that you were my trophy was just an expedient measure."

Although he is strong, he still cannot bear to destroy his lover a little bit. Physical strength is called passion, but psychological strength is avoided.

Hull was slightly taken aback, and quickly realized that it was Sang Jiuchi explaining to himself.

He shook his head hesitantly, "It doesn't matter, I know I can't get in if you don't say that, thank you."

Sang Jiuchi was a little surprised, "Aren't you angry?"

Hull frowned, "Why are you angry, you are right, I was the trophy you won from Prince Ino."

Victory and defeat are common affairs of the military, and a man can bend and stretch, and he will not be depressed for a word or two of humiliation from the enemy and the victor.

And it's very strange. For some reason, he doesn't seem to be disgusted by anything Sang Jiuchi said, and he was even a little excited when he heard the words that he was his trophy.

Sang Jiuchi rubbed his chin with one hand and looked up and down Hull.

After a while, his eyes flashed with fighting intent, the corners of his lips twitched, and the ends of his eyes were sharp.

OK, great.

Hull is defending himself as an enemy. He is very hard-hearted towards the enemy, and he doesn't care about the enemy's humiliation at all.

I was even worried that he would be humiliated.

Damn, I want to turn my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon illuminates the ditch!

Why is the lover of this plane so elm-shaped? Did you get fooled while riding a horse? !

"You, come to the room with me." Sang Jiuchi raised his head and spoke arrogantly.

Sang Jiuchi's room was at the end of the corridor not far behind the statue. The two walked one after the other, and Hull looked down at Sang Jiuchi who was walking in front of him.

The other party's fair feet stepped on the polished stone surface. Although the corridor was cleaned very well, it was still a little cold in the end.

Sang Jiuchi's foot has been soaked in the ice water for so long. I don't know if it still hurts. He has just recovered, so don't freeze.

Hull couldn't control his mind full of thoughts. He wanted to pull back his thoughts, but his thoughts ran farther, and his eyes moved up from Sang Jiuchi's ankles.

Sang Jiuchi's trousers hidden under the robe were a little torn. Although his cloak was dexterously changed into a red robe, it wasn't a real red robe after all, and the fabric was already in a hurry when it reached his legs.

As Sang Jiuchi walked, his skirt swayed left and right like a wicker blown by the wind, and in the gap between the wicker and the wicker, white catkins were exposed.

When the white catkins were blown by the wind, they all drifted with the wind, and all flew into Hull's eyes as if they had long legs.

Hale swallowed, trying to look away, trying to ignore the burning sensation in his cheek.

Just when Hull was thinking about it, Sang Jiuchi pushed open the closed door.

When Hull followed Sang Jiuchi in, he couldn't help but observe the room from the corner of his eye. It was a very clean and atmospheric room.

The room was very empty, and the sunlight slanted in from the window, hitting the white suspended particles and turning into beautiful strips of light.

Next to the window is a huge European-style bed with a prototype white gauze bed curtain hanging from the top of the bed. Now the bed curtain has been pulled to one side, revealing the big bed under the bed curtain.

The golden bed was covered with a soft white quilt and looked very comfortable.

A huge soft carpet covers the ground completely, and it is expensive to build at first glance.

On one side of the bed, is a round coffee table and several delicate chairs. At the end of the chair, is a wardrobe.

On the other side, there is a soft velvet sofa, red flannel full of noble luxury.

In the corner of the wall, there is also a desk. Behind the desk is a huge bookshelf. The bookshelf is full of exquisite books, not only classics, but also many other popular science reference books.

As soon as Sang Jiuchi entered the room, he sat directly on the sofa.

The footsteps behind him disappeared, and when Sang Jiuchi looked over, he found that Hull was standing in the corridor outside the door and did not come in.

Sang Jiuchi rubbed his eyebrows, "Why don't you come in, afraid I'll eat you?"

Hull pointed to his armor, "No, my feet are dirty, it's not very convenient."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, I don't dislike it," Sang Jiuchi beckoned, "Come in."

Hull hesitated for a while before stepping into the room under the beckoning of Sang Jiuchi.

The moment he stepped into the room, he heard Sang Jiuchi say, "Close the door."

Hale hesitated slightly, but still closed the door obediently.

He did not forget the condition of the equivalent exchange. Sang Jiuchi had brought himself into the temple as agreed, and he had to let Sang Jiuchi handle it.

After closing the door of the room, Hull resignedly walked to Sang Jiuchi.

The icy armor stepped on the soft carpet, not even making a sound.

It was only a few steps away from Sang Jiuchi that Hull stopped.

Sang Jiuchi looked up at the tall and strong man in front of him, and suddenly became interested.

Finally arrived at their home ground, the game can start.

Sang Jiuchi: "I have brought you in according to the agreement. Now is the time when you will fulfill your promise. Then let me see how far your chivalry can make you fulfill your promise."

"The shrine is a place dedicated to the holy God of Light. The God of Light loves peace, and so do TA's believers. No weapons, including armor and swords, are allowed in this shrine."

"Take off the armor and put the sword aside."

Hull obediently abides by the agreement, and the armor will be put on commoners. Soldiers and knights often take off their armor, which is nothing.

Without any hesitation, Hale has swiftly removed his heavy armor.

The armor weighed 50 pounds. After placing the armor and saber neatly aside, Sang Jiuchi finally saw Hull's true figure.

He has a head of golden hair, which is long and straight. This hair not only did not make Hull become feminine, but made him a little more extravagant.

The lover of this plane is more burly and powerful than other planes. His handsome facial features reveal the unique perseverance of knights. Through the collar of the lace-up shirt, the vigorous chest muscles of the other side can be clearly seen.

His upper body is strong and powerful, but his waist is extremely thin. Below the thin waist, his slender buttocks outline a beautiful oval curve.

Next are two straight and slender legs.

Sang Jiuchi smiled lightly, "Sure enough, you are very obedient. Put the armor and saber in the closet for the time being, and put them on when you leave."

Hull nodded, obediently picked up the armor and saber on the ground, and walked to the wardrobe.

The moment he opened the wardrobe, Hale was stunned for a moment.

In his imagination, the high-ranking Sang Jiuchi wardrobe should be filled with all kinds of luxurious clothes, but the wardrobe in front of him was not.

There were only two red robes hanging inside, and beside the robes, there were several pure white robes and two changing pajamas.

Apart from that, there are no other clothes, the huge wardrobe, with a few sparse clothes hanging in it, looks very cold.

But this is not what Hull should care about. He is just a "captive" now, or a "captive" who made an agreement with the winner.

According to Sang Jiuchi's request, he put the armor and accessories at the bottom of the wardrobe, and after they were neatly arranged, he closed the wardrobe and returned to Sang Jiuchi reluctantly.

Sang Jiuchi folded his legs and put his fingers on his legs, "As expected of the most outstanding knight in the royal family, if you can't do what I want, will it affect your chivalry?"

Hull thought about it seriously, and said the truth: "Yes, it will make me doubt my self-knowledge. But I will not break my promise. Once I make a promise, I will follow through. Prince Ino beat you. One hundred whips, if you are innocent, this is a disaster for you, it is indeed our fault first."

"So no matter how you torture me, it's justifiable, and I'll take it seriously. If you want to whip me now, I won't have any refutation."


Hull and Ino are us?


Sang Jiuchi burst into a foul language in his heart, and he laughed angrily: "Then I killed you?"

Hull lowered his eyes, and even raised his chest and sent it to Sang Jiuchi, "It's your choice, but I hope Your Excellency will give me a few days. After I investigate the real murderer who killed my sister and avenge my sister, I will At your disposal."

Sang Jiuchi laughed angrily.

He suddenly leaned over, pinched Hull's chin, and forced the other party to look at him, "For your ridiculous chivalry, would you rather die? You want to die, but I don't want to kill you. You are so interesting, kill you. You are too boring."

"Since you're not afraid of death, other things must be absolutely fine."

He changed the hand holding Hull's chin to grabbing the other person's long blond hair, and with a little force he pulled the other person in front of him, "If that's the case, lick it clean for me."

"I don't think it will be difficult for the Hull Knight, right?"

Hull's calm gaze finally fluctuated. He looked at Sang Jiuchi in surprise, and saw that Sang Jiuchi had loosened his hair and sank back into the sofa.

Hull was a little flustered, he must have misunderstood?

Sang Jiuchi put down his folded legs and pointed his toes out, "Let it come out."

Read The Duke's Passion