MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 86 Over-the-top red superstar 17

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Fearing that it was his own delusion, Yun Yan slapped his leg again.

The needle-like numbness came again.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Yan tried to pinch his own thigh, this time the numbness was even worse than before!

Yun Yan stared blankly at these two thighs that had already lost their function, and began to tremble uncontrollably from the scalp to the waist.

At first there was a slight tremor, then slowly, the shaking began to increase, and finally the whole body twitched like a spasm.

While trembling frantically, he raised his head and laughed with a grim expression.

He fell back on the bed heavily, and he looked up at the lamp above his head with madness and surprise in his eyes.

Doctors once said that the paralysis of his leg was due to damage to the spinal nerves, and there was a 1 in 100,000,000 chance that his performance would return to normal.

But he knew that the doctor's so-called 1 in 100,000,000 possibility was just an illusion for him.

His spinal nerve damage was catastrophic, he had traveled abroad, and the answer from foreign experts was more definite. If you want to stand up, unless a miracle happens.

Now, that's the miracle.

As long as there is pain, there is hope.

But how could he suddenly feel it? What has he done these days out of the ordinary?

Suddenly, Yun Yan's eyes widened. He covered his embarrassed face with both hands. Between his fingertips, two lines of tears slowly slipped from the bottom of his eyes and dripped onto the white bed sheet.

Why hasn't he done something different these two days? Sang Jiuchi has been massaging himself for the past two days!

Although he would fall asleep in the middle every time, but every time he woke up the next day with a refreshing feeling, he could know that Sang Jiuchi must have done a lot for himself during the massage.

Every time he fell asleep comfortably, couldn't he feel the numb electric current on his back?

Maybe it was this massage that stimulated the spinal nerves, or maybe it was the desire to do something with Sang Jiuchi that made his cells start to express the desire to survive.

But no matter what the reason is, it must all be related to Sang Jiuchi's massage.

After he fell asleep, what did Sang Jiuchi do?

He wanted to know too much.

Will Sang Jiuchi still play against him today?

Today, he must not fall asleep. No matter how sleepy he is, he has to force himself to stay awake. He needs to know what Sang Jiuchi did to make his legs feel stimulated.

Yun Yan tried to control his legs with consciousness, but soon he was disappointed again.

There was a slight feeling in the legs, but there was still no way to control it.

But even so, it gave him renewed hope.

Yun Yan wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, there was no other trace except for the red eyes.

He rubbed his eyes and tried to sit up.

But the moment he sat up, he saw the jade item that should not have appeared in his hand.

Yun Yan: "…"

So, how did this thing come about?

He licked his lips in embarrassment, then froze again. He licked a wound at the corner of his mouth.

The wound on his lips was hard to scab over, and he could even taste a faint smell of blood when he licked it.

Is this what he bit himself after falling asleep?

Yun Yan struggled for a long time before finally hiding the jade in the hidden compartment of the bed.

After washing and getting dressed, he once again looked at the books neatly placed on the table.

The image of Sang Jiuchi tensing up his toes and tensing his muscles suddenly entered his mind without warning. In his mind, Yun Yan even rotated the image 180 degrees and saw the front of Sang Jiuchi.

Seeing Sang Jiuchi's expression, Yun Yan was slightly stunned.

In front of Sang Jiuchi, his suppressed and reddened expression just appeared yesterday.

Yun Yan: "…"

He suddenly thought of what he had done these days.

When Sang Jiuchi was forbearing, he pushed the pepper powder away to play tricks on him, picked up the things he lost from the trash can, and even knew that he was uncomfortable and let him pick up things on tiptoe, just to satisfy some of his own desires that were not humane to outsiders. …

Yun Yan blushed in shame.

Damn, when did you get so disgusting?

When Yun Yan walked out of the room, he smelled the smell of rice.

When he walked to the dining table, he saw the rice porridge and breakfast in the heat preservation pot. This morning, the apartment was extraordinarily quiet, as if he was alone.

He only saw the food on the table, but not the cook.

After calling a few times in the empty room, Yun Yan maneuvered his wheelchair to Sang Jiuchi's room after receiving no response. Sang Jiuchi's room door was left open, Yun Yan shouted across the door without getting a response, so he tried his leg to open the door.

The room was already clean and empty.

Did Sang Jiuchi go out?

Call and ask him.

The phone was in Yun Yan's own room, just when Yun Yan was about to turn around and leave, out of the corner of his eye, there was a trash can at the foot of the desk.

In the trash can, a large ball of paper lay quietly inside, just like the one he took out from the trash can outside yesterday.

Yun Yan's heart moved, and he controlled the wheelchair and walked over.

Bending over to pick up the paper **** from the trash can and put them on the desk, Yun Yan's fingers trembled slightly as he opened the outer packaging one by one like unwrapping dolls.

Soon, another exquisite jade appeared in front of him.

A little bigger than the one from yesterday.

Yun Yan pursed his lips and looked at the jade article under his eyelids, once it was reborn and it was ripe again. This time, he skillfully placed the jade article on his lap, and then rolled the paper again, and threw it into the original shape. in the trash can.

Just when he was satisfied and ready to leave, Yun Yan stopped again.

Sang Jiuchi planned to go out with the smallest number in the daytime yesterday, but now that he threw away the number two, will he go out with the number three again?

Thinking of Sang Jiuchi's expression of forbearance being exposed in front of people, Yun Yan's original good mood was sullen again.

He kicked the table with his wheelchair irritably, and the drawer, which was closed well, moved out more than ten centimeters with his impact.

It was these ten centimeters that allowed Yun Yan to vaguely see what was hidden in the drawer.

Ten jade wares are neatly placed in the drawer from large to small, plus these two in his hand, there are exactly twelve.

As many as sent.

Yun Yan's heart that was so high was slowly letting go.

Fortunately, Sang Jiuchi didn't do anything stupid.

Pushing the drawer in again carefully, Yun Yan thought for a while, then picked up the **** in the trash can and held it in his hand.

He went back to the room and placed the No. 2 jade in the dark compartment. Then he got his mobile phone and opened WeChat, and found the message Sang Jiuchi sent him more than half an hour ago.

Madam: "Husband, I'm going to school to find a teacher for a show. Breakfast is at the dining table. You can eat it by yourself when you get up. I won't be able to go home until the afternoon. You don't have to wait for me to eat at noon."

Returning in the afternoon, Yun Yan skillfully threw the paper ball into the trash can in the hall.

The part-time workers usually arrive at ten in the morning. When Sang Jiuchi came back in the afternoon, the garbage had already been collected. He should not have found that he took the garbage he didn't want.

But this little guy is really incredible, changing two models a day, each time is a one-off.

An unbelievable expression appeared on Yun Yan's face.

After eating the breakfast carefully prepared by Sang Jiuchi, Yun Yan came to the hospital.

This hospital is a private hospital. The director is a well-known neurologist in the country. He briefly talked to the director about his situation on the phone. Yun Yan appeared in the VIP consultation room of the hospital for half an hour.

The dean first used the stimulation of squeezing to inquire about Yunyan's pain degree, and then used a percussion hammer to test Yunyan's knee **** reaction.

Finally, out of a rigorous attitude, he tested Yun Yan's neural response map with an instrument.

After being busy for a long time, the dean finally got the final test report.

In Yun Yan's anxiety, the dean said a word: "A miracle."

"The one who told you 'one in a billion' before may just comfort you, but I can now tell you responsibly that your spinal nerves are being regenerated at a very fast rate."

"That said, if the speed doesn't stop, your legs will be back to normal pretty quickly."

"It's just your thighs now. I hope you can come every day these days. No, I can come to the door. I'll track your nerve recovery during this time."

"It used to be one in a billion, and now it is one in a thousand."

"Miracle, this is really a medical miracle, what have you done recently?!"

On the way back, Yun Yan's mind was still echoing the doctor's words.

One in a thousand, he can really stand up!

Yun Yan picked up the phone excitedly and wanted to send a message to Sang Jiuchi. But with the phone in his hand, he was stunned again.

What's going on? The fingers are constantly typing on the chat window, and then quickly deleted.

After deleting back and forth many times, Yun Yan finally sent a message: "What time do you go home?"

He couldn't say anything emotional, he hesitated for a long time, but in the end he only managed to say this.

A few minutes later, Yun Yan received a reply from Sang Jiuchi: "Four o'clock in the afternoon, what's wrong, husband."

Yun Yan: "I'm fine today, wait for you to eat together, what do you want to eat, I'll go buy it now."

Sang Jiuchi: "What do you like to eat?"

Yun Yan: "I can do it, there is nothing taboo."

Sang Jiuchi: "Then buy some fresh brisket. I'll make red wine brisket soup tonight."

Yun Yan, "Okay, what else?"

Sang Jiuchi: "How can there be less red wine in the red wine beef brisket soup?"

Yun Yan's eyes were stained with a smile: "I have it at home."

Sang Jiuchi: "Okay, I also want to make a wild bamboo fungus and wolfberry soup. I don't know if there is any fresh wild bamboo fungus."

Yun Yan turned to look at the driver: "Do you know where the best wild bamboosun is sold?"

The driver thought for a while, "In another fungus market in Nanshi, I saw fresh wild bamboo fungus two days ago."

Yun Yan: "Okay, go there, Sang Jiuchi will make me wild bamboo fungus soup in the evening. Where can I sell the fresh veal brisket?"

Driver: "The cold fresh market will sell it, but the best brisket is the boutique fresh meat restaurant in Xishi."

Yun Yan: "Then go to the boutique fresh meat restaurant. Sang Jiuchi said that he will make me red wine beef brisket at night. Go to Nanshi first, then go to Xishi."


He is a driver, and it is not necessary to show affection.

Depend on.

Yun Yan quickly replied to Sang Jiuchi: "I have fresh wild bamboosun, I will buy it now and wait for you to come back."

A few seconds later, Sang Jiuchi replied, "Well, my husband is so nice."

Yun Yan hung up the phone happily.

When he was about to arrive at the West Market, the driver asked, "Boss, how many pounds do you want? I'll buy it for you."

Yun Yan thought for a while, "No, I'll buy it myself."


He found out that something was wrong with President Yun recently.

It's not a bad thing. In the past, except for meetings, Mr. Yun could stay in the office for ten days and a half. Every day was a workaholic mode, and he seemed to want to exhaust himself at work.

The boss doesn’t get off work, and the employees don’t dare to leave early, and they have to lose the high salary given by the boss.

The current boss not only has less time to go to the company, but also leaves work on time every day and goes home on time.

For those two days, I didn't even go to the company at all.

Moreover, since the boss has been paralyzed, he has rarely appeared in the crowd, and it is even more impossible to set foot in a market like this.

The boss now not only has a lot less gloom on his face, but also takes the initiative to enter the vegetable market.

When did he start getting better? It seems that he moved to this house from Sang Jiuchi.

Is this the power of love?

The driver was still worried after seeing the boss getting out of the car, so he secretly got out of the car and followed behind the boss.

He saw the boss walking clumsily to the wild bamboo sun booth to inquire about the price, and the selection of wild bamboo sun was nervous and careful. Those who didn't know it thought he was talking about a big project of more than one billion yuan.

Although it was clumsy, the boss still bought enough fresh and enough wild bamboosun to make sure that there was nothing wrong with the boss, and the driver secretly returned to the car.

Two hours later, Yun Yan bought all the ingredients. When he got home, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and he collided with Sang Jiuchi who came back.

The driver was carrying the beef brisket in one hand and wild bamboosun in the other, and Sang Jiuchi took two ingredients and stuffed them into Yunyan's hands.

Under the shocked eyes of the driver, Sang Jiuchi pushed Yun Yan to the gate with a familiarity, and while walking, he heard Sang Jiuchi ask the boss in a warm voice: "Today's ingredients look so fresh, husband, are you really will buy."

Yun Yan's voice was deliberately cold: "Really? When I came back, I passed the vegetable market and bought whatever I wanted, as long as it was fresh."


Boss you lie! In order to buy the freshest ingredients, you obviously spent an afternoon strolling from the west to the south of the city!

He suddenly made an astonishing discovery. When facing Sang Jiuchi, the boss was unusually obedient. Not only did he honestly take the ingredients handed over by Sang Jiuchi, but his expression became vivid.

Even if his voice is deliberately cold, what the **** is your excited and boastful expression?

Like a little daughter-in-law waiting for her husband to praise her.

The boss is doing this for love?

After making up for the picture of the boss doing it, the driver was shocked and scared away.

After dinner, it was still the routine time for the show.

Yun Yan no longer had the previous rejection and shyness, and set a good time with Sang Jiuchi. He took a bath early this morning, took off his clothes, and lay quietly on the bed.

Sang Jiuchi's massage was still skillful and professional. Today, Yun Yan no longer simply passively answered, but tried to chat with each other while Sang Jiuchi was pressing.

"How was the match at school today?"

Sang Jiuchi replied while pressing, "The acting teacher said I'm okay."

More than that, the performance teacher's eyeballs almost fell out.

Yun Yan hesitated for a moment: "Then how confident are you in the audition the day after tomorrow?"

Sang Jiuchi: "90%."

Leave 10% for humility.

Yun Yan heard his Jiucheng and laughed.

But soon, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Sang Jiuchi's hand slowly moved down his back and began to press his thigh.

Yesterday he only felt a little bit at the base of his thighs, but today both of his thighs have a tingling sensation.

With the numbness, pressing is different.

Through the numbness, he can clearly feel where Sang Jiuchi's fingers are, and he can even feel the shape of Sang Jiuchi's fingers through the strength of the numbness.

The only thing he can feel now is his thighs. As Sang Jiuchi's hands got lower and lower, the power that Yun Yan could feel disappeared again.

Then, he again felt the same faint electric current as the previous two days.

It was in this faint sense of electric current that he slowly fell asleep.

But today, when the electric current appeared on the back again, drowsiness struck again.

This time, he forced his brain to desperately recall the project of the previous few days, somehow restraining the feeling of drowsiness.

The stimulation of the current has been acting on his back, as if he thought he was asleep, he could feel Sang Jiuchi gradually relax.

In the faint sense of stimulation, he noticed one thing.

Although the texture is the same as the skin, it is not Sang Jiuchi's hand that produces the irritation, but a skin-like thing.

Is this the thing that makes me back to normal?

So Sang Jiuchi has been secretly treating himself for a few days? He wanted to look back and see what Sang Jiuchi was treating himself with, but he couldn't.

He is pretending to be asleep.

In this tangled hardship, Yun Yan endured an hour.

Sang Jiuchi massaged himself tirelessly for an hour before he stopped.

While pretending to be asleep, he felt that Sang Jiuchi turned him into a face-up position.

Just when Yun Yan thought everything was over, his warm and soft fingertips touched his eyelashes abruptly.

Yun Yan almost opened his eyes in fright.

Could it be that pretending to be asleep was discovered?

He tried to keep himself in the most stable sleeping position, and the finger stroked his eyes for a while, then began to move down slowly.

No part of his face was spared, the bridge of his nose, the tip of his nose, his cheeks, his earlobes, and even his mouth.

Everywhere the finger goes, it can be dyed with a raging fire.

Yun Yan suspects that his face is already blushing, so red that as long as Sang Jiuchi is not stupid, he can find him pretending to be asleep.

But Sang Jiuchi didn't seem to notice at all.

He was just carefully tracing every place with his fingers.

Starting from the corner of his lips, in the darkness, Yun Yan couldn't see anything. Without vision, the senses of touch, hearing, and smell become more sensitive.

He could clearly feel Sang Jiuchi's slowly increasing strength swimming on his lips, and Sang Jiuchi's fingers even lingered on the wound at the corner of his mouth for a long time.

Yun Yan held his breath, he could feel his heart beating violently.

I don't know how long this torture lasted before Sang Jiuchi took his finger away from the corner of his mouth.

Just when Yun Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the next second, a soft and tender touch covered his lips.

This is Sang Jiuchi's lips?

After realizing what it was, Yun Yan's head exploded, and he opened his eyes subconsciously.

I don't know when the lights in the room were turned off, and Yun Yan, who had long adapted to the darkness, opened his eyes and saw the scene in front of him.

Sang Jiuchi's face, Zhang Li, with her eyes closed slightly, was close at hand, and that bright face like a Hong Zhong shook his heart.

Yun Yan was stunned for two seconds.

He saw Sang Jiuchi's crow feather-like thick black eyelashes trembling a few times, and he seemed to be about to open his eyes.

The next second, Yun Yan subconsciously closed his eyes.

The moment he closed his eyes, all his attention was focused on his lips again, and along with the kiss, Sang Jiuchi's hands began to describe his facial features.

He began to move down from his cheeks, his fingers caressing his chin lightly, as if unintentionally, but on purpose.

Sang Jiuchi is kissing him, why would Sang Jiuchi kiss him?

Don't you like someone to kiss each other?

Could it be that Sang Jiuchi likes him? !

Yun Yan was shocked by his own guess, isn't Sang Jiuchi Yun Yi's boyfriend? Wasn't he because of love and hatred that he even sacrificed his own marriage in order to get revenge on Yun Yi?

How did he come to like him?

The lips are gone, and so are the hands.

In the darkness, Yun Yan heard Sang Jiuchi lying down slowly and said something into his ear: "Good night, my love."

The door to the room opened and closed.

Soon after, the sound of opening and closing the door came from the next room.

After that, the apartment was quiet.

Yun Yan slowly opened his eyes in the dark, tasting the last sentence for a long time and couldn't come back to his senses.

Good night my love.

Sang Jiuchi called him "lover".

Not "Yunyan", not "gold master", not "husband".

but "lovers".

Hearing these two words, something seemed to come out of my chest and mind.

He seemed to have forgotten some memory, that memory should be very beautiful and moving, but no matter how he recalled it, he could never grasp it.

He didn't stop recalling until his brain started to ache.

In the dark, he didn't turn on the light, he controlled the wheelchair into the bathroom and turned on the bathroom light.

In the mirror, his whole body was pink, and his face and neck were all red.

No wonder Sang Jiuchi didn't notice his abnormality, it turned out that the lights had been turned off long ago.

In the mirror, the corners of his mouth were red, swollen and watery, with a sense of coquettishness.

Looking at it, Yun Yan suddenly frowned.

After all, it was born to a father. He and Yun Yan are actually six or seven points alike, but he is older and more mature, stronger and taller.

His facial features are more angular, in contrast, Yun Yi is like a child who has not grown up, although his body is tall but extremely thin, like a bamboo pole. For the image of the artist, she put on a slightly white makeup, like a creampie.

The two people's completely different temperaments will not make people feel that they are similar at all, but their facial features are really similar to six or seven points.

Could it be that Sang Jiuchi regarded himself as Yun Yi's stand-in?

Rely, **** it.

Lying back on the bed with a heavy heart, Yun Yan stared at the dark ceiling above his head in a daze.

I slept until dawn yesterday, and I'm afraid I'm going to have insomnia again today.

What's so good about Yun Yi, Sang Jiuchi just chased after him. Saying that participating in the adventure game is to step on Yun Yi's position, in fact, is it to meet Yun Yi?

Since it was to meet Yun Yi, why did he rush back just to join in?

Did he suffer any grievances in the program group?

Yun Yan took out his mobile phone and sent Zhou Su a WeChat message: "Did Sang Jiuchi encounter anything in the program group where there are adventures and dramas?"

Zhou Su: "You finally remembered to take care of your little guy. He was targeted and isolated when he first joined the show."

Yun Yan: "By whom?"

Zhou Su: "Yun Yi started first."

Yun Yan clenched his fists angrily.

It was all targeted by Yun Yi like this, and he still thinks about him! He really wanted to lock Sang Jiuchi in the room and let him take a good look at himself and see clearly that he and that Yun Yi were not the same person at all!

Zhou Su: "But don't worry, Director Zhou and I are good brothers. He told me that Sang Jiuchi didn't suffer at all, and indirectly isolated Yun Yi."

Yun Yan was stunned: "What?"

Zhou Su: "In short, there are a lot of surprises. You must watch the show after it airs. It's very exciting."

Yun Yan: "...I want to see it now."

Zhou Su: "Huh?"

Yun Yan: "Help me acquire this show. I want the exclusive title. There is no need to add advertisements or help me with publicity. I only have one request. I want all the mastering tapes of Sang Jiuchi."

The three-day set was finally edited into two episodes, each of which was less than two hours. How could he know the real situation of Sang Jiuchi?

Zhou Su: "...Okay, I'll go talk to you."

OK, you have money, you are a boss.

Yun Yan hesitated for a moment: "I ask you, you are familiar with the entertainment industry, does Sang Jiuchi like Yun Yi very much?"

Zhou Su: "No, I don't think they have any real relationship."

Yun Yan came to the spirit: "How do you say?"

Zhou Su: "I have investigated Sang Jiuchi for you. He has a habit of cleanliness. After falling in love with Yun Yi, he has never even held hands. Love can lead to desires. If you don't even have desires, how can you talk about love?"

Yun Yan remembered that lingering kiss: "Never kissed before?"

Zhou Su: "Big brother, I've never held hands, let alone kissing."

Yun Yan felt comfortable, but then he became confused again.

Since you haven't kissed Yun Yi, why are you willing to kiss yourself?

Yun Yan thought of another question: "You said he has a habit of cleanliness. He has not encountered any unspoken rules in the entertainment industry for so many years?"

Zhou Su was silent for a moment, then replied: "As far as I know, no. He debuted when he was a child, and the agency protected him very well from the beginning. You should know that he became unpopular when he was an adult, and the reason why he is not popular is also related to The unspoken rules are related. The brokerage company wanted him to accept the unspoken rules, but he refused. On the contrary, Yun Yi accepted it readily, and the brokerage company began to slowly transfer all resources to Yun Yi. Sang Jiuchi’s films were all left by Yun Yi. Down, it won't be red over time."

Yun Yan was stunned again.

He knows that the entertainment industry has always been chaotic, especially someone like Sang Jiuchi who has been out for so many years and has no family background, may encounter more.

He likes Sang Jiuchi and never cared about what happened to Sang Jiuchi, so he didn't ask anyone to investigate his past.

But now when he learned the real Sang Jiuchi from Zhou Su's mouth, he suddenly became confused.

The innocent Sang Jiuchi, why did he suddenly buy that pile of jade toys?

In the dark, Yun Yan Xuankong used his fingers to measure the size of the toy.

A thought suddenly flashed by, he measured the size of the largest size based on memory, and recalled the size of his own largest size.

Instantly struck by lightning.

The next second, he stumbled and sent a WeChat message to Zhou Su: "Zhou Su, how old is your brother?"

After more than ten seconds, Zhou Su replied, "I am the only child."

Yun Yan: "I know you understand what I mean."

Zhou Su: "Is this considered workplace sexual harassment?"

Yun Yan said seriously: "No, it's a normal academic issue."

Zhou Su: "It's quite big, 19."

Yun Yan: " small."

Zhou Su: "Grass, I'm going to see a psychiatrist tomorrow. It hurts my heart. This is a work injury!"

Yun Yan smiled awkwardly, "Then do you know, uh, how old is Yun Yi?"

Zhou Su: "Ha, don't tell me, I really know."

Yun Yan raised his spirits, "How old is it?"

Zhou Su: "Boss Yan, why didn't I know you were so twisted before. You care so much about your brother's brother? Is this serious?"

Yun Yan: "It's still an academic discussion."

Zhou Su: "How do I know? He once served a rich woman with a big mouth, but the rich woman was not satisfied. After he came out, he spread around that Yun Yi was small and looked like a minor. He was only 18 years old, you understand? "

Yun Yan: "I understand in seconds! I'm fine, goodbye."

Yun Yan got what he wanted to know and threw his phone aside.

Start thinking about all your thoughts during this time.

It is undeniable that he and Yun Yi look alike. If Sang Jiuchi did not regard himself as Yun Yi's stand-in, could it be Yun Yi who was his stand-in?

Judging from the various signs after Sang Jiuchi met with him, it seemed that this was the case.

Only then did Yun Yan realize that Sang Jiuchi was flirting with him intentionally or unintentionally.

Promise to marry her and take the initiative to call herself "husband".

Buy a toy the same size as yourself, treat his spinal nerves, and secretly kiss him while he's asleep.

And there are so many meals every day.

Also, didn't the other party also say that he wanted to take a bath for himself?

Yun Yan thought of the last point and suddenly began to regret it.

Why did you reject it in the first place because of embarrassment? ! After rejecting it once, Sang Jiuchi never offered to help him take a bath again, obviously there was such a good opportunity.

Now Sang Jiuchi doesn't help him, maybe he will stand up by himself after a while, and then there is no reason for Sang Jiuchi to help him take a bath.


Once he started some kind of speculation that could satisfy all kinds of behaviors, Yun Yan's thinking couldn't stop.

He didn't know when Sang Jiuchi liked him, maybe he knew Sang Jiuchi a long time ago, otherwise how could he have a sense of deja vu to him? It's just that he didn't care at the time.

There is nothing more beautiful than the person I have a crush on who is also crushing on me. What is more valuable is that after so many years, the two have missed it, and finally got married.

With this full of beauty, Yun Yan slowly fell asleep.

Time passed quickly, Sang Jiuchi's audition was very successful, Yun Yan was not there, but Zhou Su's excited tone could tell his shock.

Another few days have passed, and the "Mysterious Adventure Game", which was recorded while filming, also began to be broadcast simultaneously on TV and the Internet.

Long before the broadcast, the program team had released the tidbits to build momentum, and the tidbits released had scenes of six people, and the screenshots were also in the Western Building.

Not to mention that there are top performers like Alen and Li Qian in this variety show, just watching this show group accepting Sang Jiuchi and Yun Yi at the same time has aroused the interest of a lot of people.

The ex-boyfriend who had just been making a lot of noise on Weibo just reunited unexpectedly in a variety show. What kind of large social death center is this?

In this regard, there are different views on the Internet.

[It is also said that Sang Jiuchi does not take advantage of Yunyi's popularity, the show guests should have known it long ago, right? Sang Jiuchi also posted it on it, just rubbing it. 】

[Yes, didn't Sang Jiuchi quit the circle? Why are you back on the show? 】

[Just wanted to ask him if he was embarrassed when he participated in the show. 】

[Brainless black is really disgusting. Did you see that Sang Jiuchi said that he quit the circle? It's just because the contract is not renewed after it expires, and there is a window in the middle. 】

[Do you know that Sang Jiuchi is rubbing against Yunyi's popularity? In the past, Yun Yi rubbed Sang Jiuchi so much heat, but now he has replaced it with Sang Jiuchi. What happened to him? Besides, Director Zhou thanked Sang Jiuchi on Weibo Special Aite. He went to save the scene because the previous guests temporarily left the scene. 】

[Which subfield did he save? Is he able to sing better than Alen or smarter than Yun Yi? Still more athletic than Brother Dance or more famous than Sister Qian? Still funnier than Han Xiao. With all due respect, he is the lowest among the six, and he can't save the game at all, just to brush his face. If he could save the field, I would kneel down and eat the keyboard and call him Dad. 】

[I'm following you, waiting for the day you eat the keyboard! 】

Amid numerous controversies, Mystery Adventure Games was launched.

On the day of the broadcast, the Public Security Bureau and the Cultural Relics Protection Bureau of X City, S Province, South China @Sang Jiuchi at the same time.

Subsequently, the Public Security Department and the Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics Protection of S province respectively forwarded the Weibo of their respective units.

X City Public Security Bureau: [Thanks to the enthusiastic masses @ Mr. Sang Jiuchi for cracking a historical tragedy that spanned a hundred years for our city. 】

Below the text, there is a pennant.

In the middle of the pennant are several large characters: "The hole is like watching fire", the upper right corner is "Gift to Mr. Sang Jiuchi", the lower left corner is two lines of small characters, one line is "X City Public Security Bureau", and the other line is the time "June 2021" 17".

Centennial tragedy?

What is the case? Is it related to the variety show's Thriller House? !

And the news from the X City Cultural Relics Protection Bureau is also shocking: [Thanks to Mr. Sang Jiuchi, who made the cultural relics that have written a great deal in the long river of history to reappear in the world, we will remember your contribution to the cultural relics community . 】

There is also a pennant below the text.

"Gift to Mr. Sang Jiuchi:"

"Defend history, you can't do it"

"X City Cultural Relics Protection Administration"

"June 17, 2021"

These two Weibo posts were posted one after the other, and they wouldn't believe it if they didn't discuss it well.

Director Zhou, the chief director, quickly forwarded these two Weibo, and added a sentence: [If you want to know the truth, please lock in "Mystery Exploration Game" at 8 o'clock tonight, thank you for your attention. 】

In just half an hour, these two Weibos were on the hot search list.

And the variety show that was popular before it was broadcast also successfully hit the road, and it became a hot search before it started.

#SangjiuchiJinqi# has occupied the top position of the hot search list, and it remains high.

The content of people's discussions on the Internet has long changed from "Whether Sang Jiuchi is worthy of participating in this show" to "What exactly did Sang Jiuchi do in this show".

The two official blogs aroused everyone's curiosity.

It was not until the show started at 8 p.m. that his popularity slowed down.

At first, it was just to watch the play and pick on the thorns, but now, being aroused, they just want to know what is going on inside.

Centennial tragedy! Historical Artifacts!

How did you get connected? What did Sang Jiuchi do to get the official media to come forward to support him?

Grass, so curious.

At eight o'clock in the evening, with the play of the opening song, the program arrived as scheduled.

The author has something to say: Zhou Su: I bet on the dignity of a man, I am not small!

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