MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 87 Over-the-top red superstar 18

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At eight o'clock in the evening, "Mystery Adventure Game" arrived as scheduled.

Since it was decided to win the second male role in "Children Chasing the Light", Sang Jiuchi massaged Yun Yan every day in the name of the opposite drama.

In such a long script, Sang Jiuchi only practiced the massage part. Over time, Yunyan also knew that Sang Jiuchi had found an excuse to treat himself.

Yunyan still pretended to be asleep every day, and Sang Jiuchi stopped that stimulating treatment a few days ago.

But the little love that he walked once a day "after falling asleep" has not stopped, and Yun Yan has gradually become accustomed to enjoying Sang Jiuchi's sneaky movements.

That is, in the past few days, my legs have improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At first, the feeling of numbness in the thigh was restored, and then the pain became clearer.

After that, the feeling of the calf and feet also began to recover, and the knee **** reaction was no problem.

Now he has started to do walking rehabilitation activities, his nerve damage is not very long, as long as he practices diligently, he can recover as before after half a month of practice. He started to practice after his calf regained consciousness. He has practiced for three days now. Although he still can't walk as fast as he can, he can walk with support.

The doctor regarded him as a medical miracle more than once, but he knew that this was a miracle brought to him by Sang Jiuchi.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Sang Jiuchi naturally put Yun Yan's leg on his own and started massaging his muscles, "Husband, you walked much better today than yesterday."

Yun Yan: "Yes, although it is still a little weak, but it feels better than yesterday."

TV has long been broadcast on the online platform that broadcasts simultaneously, and the online platform can see the real-time barrage, which makes it easier to get feedback from the audience.

Seeing that the variety show was about to start, the doorbell rang from outside.

Sang Jiuchi stopped the massage in his hand: "I'm going to open the door, it should be Brother Zhou."

On the premiere of the variety show tonight, Zhou Su shouted that he would come to his house to share the joy of becoming popular.

This is Sang Jiuchi's first public appearance in half a year, and it is also the beginning of Sang Jiuchi's rise to become a top-notch superstar.

Yun Yan made a light "um" and adjusted the position and font size of the bullet screen projected on the white screen.

A few greetings came from the door, and two minutes later, Zhou Su walked to the sofa with a bottle of red wine, and as soon as he got up, he said, "Yo, President Yan, it's quite pleasant."

Sang Jiuchi took three red wine glasses from the red bar and placed them in front of Zhou Su.

Yun Yan glanced at Zhou Su lightly, and before he could speak, Sang Jiuchi took his two legs to his legs again.

The massage followed immediately.

The face of Yun Yan, who was originally relatively Zhou Su, suddenly changed, from being careless to enjoying in an instant. After enjoying, he could even see his mouth turned into a cat shape, and faintly he could see the raised ears and a big fluttering tail.

Zhou Su: "…"

It is the first time that he has seen a beast for love.

With the sound of the show music, the show started.

Like other mission programs, the old routine is to pick up people by car, conduct interviews in the car, and issue mission cards.

The other five of the six set off on time, and the only substitute, Sang Jiuchi, set off a day late.

In the car, Sang Jiuchi also cued the love show next door.

The barrage scrolls right from the start.

Fans from all walks of life are calling. After all, Sang Jiuchi has been popular for so many years, and he also has a fan base. Although there are not many calls to him, it is not impossible.

What everyone is most looking forward to is the legendary century-old murders and cultural relics.

When Yun Yan saw Sang Jiuchi cue on the love show, his tone carried a doting indulgence he hadn't noticed: "Do you want to participate in "Happy Terminal"?"

Sang Jiuchi just smiled and didn't answer.

In the previous period, only ten minutes of the set were edited, which means that the games that actually passed the level later accounted for a large proportion.

[Sang Jiuchi is a tour guide, right? Yun Yi didn't do it, why should he be a tour guide? Can he do it? 】

[Maybe he really can, didn't even the official media praise him? 】

[Don't say that the official media praised him, I want to know what happened. Should be able to see this episode, right? Wouldn't the editor be orphaned to split it in two in the middle? 】

As the screen progressed, Sang Jiuchi entered the apartment, and the editor did not mix and edit here, because in one scene, he had been editing with the normal timeline.

So what the audience sees is what happened to them in time.

[Sang Jiuchi knows a bit more, he even knows the principle of crying in Xiyanglou. I just checked it out, and that's exactly what it is. 】

["We all went to nine years of compulsory education", hahaha, Yun Yi laughed to death, is Yun Yi a little master of golden sentences? There is no swearing at people. Sang Jiuchi took himself into the role of tour guide too much, and even explained such simple words to them clearly, he would offend people like this. 】

[Didn't Sang Jiuchi say that he is just doing his duty as a tour guide? Our tour guide will also explain everything clearly. 】

The alienated and hostile conversation soon ended with Sang Jiuchi's departure, and the screen switched to Sang Jiuchi's room.

Sang Jiuchi walked to the camera with a towel and began to cover the camera.

It's summer now, and Sang Jiuchi was only wearing a T-shirt. As his whole face was almost in front of the camera, his delicate and white skin appeared in front of everyone.

[I have to say, Sang Jiuchi is indeed the top class in the past, and his appearance is also top. 】

[Why do I think he looks better now than before? In the past, Sang Jiuchi was only good-looking, but now Sang Jiuchi always feels a lot more agile, with a sense of high-end Shen Yun. 】

[Nonsense, he was underage before, and now he is 21, it must be different. It smells like gunpowder, haha. 】

[Damn, finally there is a detective show that is not silly and sweet. After entering, this is the barrage? Has Sang Jiuchi been bought as a black fan? 】

Most of the jokes on the barrage are mixed with a few fair words.

The progress will not be stopped by the audience's barrage, and the next day will soon arrive.

The picture was directly given to Sang Jiuchi who was cooking.

[Not through this show, I didn’t even know that Sang Jiuchi could cook, and he still cooks in a good way. 】

[Thanks to my peers for foiling, the main reason is that the dancer's technique is too poor. 】

[I am a chef, if there is no editing or acceleration in the video, Sang Jiuchi's knife skills are really good. The ingredients and heat of egg fried rice are also excellent. 】

While the barrage was still being discussed, the screen had already gone outside following Sang Jiuchi's departure.

[Have you noticed that the camera was chasing Sang Jiuchi from the very beginning, as if he was the C position of the six. Did you give him too much time? 】

[But maybe there are plots about unsolved cases and cultural relics here, let’s take a look. 】

As a result, everyone was disappointed. Except for seeing a few old people playing Tai Chi and a crazy old man, there was no thrilling scene at all.

[Are you sure this is not a variety show to experience rural life but an adventure show? What is this adventure? 】

[The topics of these people are all related to Xiyanglou. Since the editor has cut it, there must be a reason, wait for the connection. 】

Zhou Su was very efficient in his work. He spent a little money to get the exclusive naming rights, drove away the former owner and became a new owner.

Yun Yan took a look at the final version after editing. He knew how exciting the plot was, and the current evaluation was only temporary.

It's just that he was worried that Sang Jiuchi would not be able to stand these comments.

He secretly observed Sang Jiuchi's expression and found that the other party didn't even blink.

Yun Yan was a little curious: "Aren't you angry when you see the content of these barrages?"

Sang Jiuchi: "Don't be angry, there is a dispute that I am popular."

Netizens on this plane are not good at fighting, they don't even speak swear words, it's too gentle.

Zhou Su looked at the two people who were enveloped in the pink breath, and took a sip of red wine into his mouth.

Dog food, really fragrant.

Why couldn't he think about it, that he thought of coming to these two people's homes to watch the premiere of the variety show.

This is a celebration of three people, it is obviously a pair of performances, and he is the only audience.

As the time progressed, the evaluation in the barrage began to gradually change.

[Excuse me, am I watching a food show? The food made by Sang Jiuchi looks delicious? 】

[At first I thought this was a simple adventure variety show, but later I found out that it was a food show dressed in adventure games. My mother has started to learn the food making process of Sang Jiu Chi. 】

[Sang Jiuchi took good care of the guests, right? I didn't know that the male **** of my childhood had so many life skills. Is there really no food show to invite him to participate? 】

After 40 minutes, the group finally began to explore.

[Damn, is Sang Jiuchi stealing a question? Is that how the puzzle is made? Are you a human? 】

[Hahaha, 666, how did Sang Jiuchi do it. If you can't do it, it doesn't mean that Sang Jiuchi can't do it. If he steals the question, how can he find a few key puzzles at once. This is strength. 】

[So exciting, I have never seen such a cool exploration game. The previous quest games were all difficult to decrypt after being frightened. This show takes us directly through the thought process and straight to the answer? No wonder the program team has to edit so many daily routines in the program, probably because the decryption time is not enough, hahaha. 】

[Have you noticed that these people seem to be not quite right? Brother Dance had a good relationship with those four people yesterday, why didn't he seem to talk when he was exploring at night? Those four people have been acting together, Brother Dance has been following Sang Jiuchi, and he is still hesitating, as if there is some secret, is there something that has not been edited? Why do I feel like I'm missing a paragraph? 】

[I can also see that Brother Dance is not from the entertainment industry, and his expression can't hide things at all. 】

[Three people are out in the second game, is it too fast? Come in for a few more minutes? Is this game still playable? 】

[I think I can play, one Sang Jiuchi is enough, he is so strong. 】

[Logical brain and analytical brain are invincible. If he didn't steal questions, he might really be a genius. 】

[The detective genius who was delayed by the entertainment industry? I am more curious about the situation of the century-old unsolved cases and cultural relics, and why they are not broadcast yet. 】

The screen showed that Yun Yi, Sang Jiuchi, and Song Dan were running towards the safe house during the countdown, and Sang Jiuchi was suddenly tripped by Yun Yi.

[Yun Yi, he seems to have tripped over Sang Jiuchi on purpose just now. 】

[No, it's impossible, Yun Yi is not rude to bully a person who is not popular, okay? 】

[Look at Yun Yi's expression, is he acting? Is it too much? 】

[Two cute monsters, as for being scared like this? 】

[He was scared to pee! What the hell, Yun Yi was actually scared to pee, what the **** is this? He won't have hallucinations, right? Look at his expression, how do you think he sees a real ghost? 】

The picture shows that Yun Yi is locked in a cage.

[Hey, didn’t these four people have a good relationship just now? Why are you laughing at Yun Yi now with the naked eye? 】

[I can see that these four people were obviously targeting Sang Jiuchi together just now, but Yun Yi finally changed his mind and ran to the safe house Sang Jiuchi found. They must feel that Yun Yi betrayed them. 】

[Don't talk nonsense without evidence, who are the four of them? As for the four of them targeting Sang Jiuchi together? 】

On the barrage, differences began to arise due to the obvious infighting, and in the screen, Sang Jiuchi operated like a tiger, and directly found the hidden studio by drawing a map.

He quickly found the hidden clues through the wallpaper, and everything was done so smoothly, as if he didn't come to investigate the case, but just to calculate a math problem that one plus one equals two.

If once or twice is a coincidence, then three or four times is strength.

The director team is not an idiot, it is impossible to get through the topic like this, which is entirely due to his own strength.

Sang Jiuchi might really be a hidden genius.

[Sang Jiuchi's hands are rulers and eyes are scales? How did he manage to draw precise proportions at a glance? 】

[Too awesome, if I have this skill, will my mechanical drawing class still worry about it? 】

[In just over an hour, I have discovered that Sang Jiuchi has the following skills: a little genius in logical analysis, a master cook, a human scale... I can't wait to see what surprises he will have. With this ability, he is a top talent in any field. Ah, can the entertainment industry keep Sang Jiuchi? 】

Originally thought that the skills Sang Jiuchi showed now were capped, but what happened next challenged everyone's cognition.

With the opening of the hidden studio, the photos hidden inside were found, and it was all over.

Just when everyone thought that the horror house had come to an end, when Sang Jiuchi went to rescue his companions, he suddenly said to the director team, "Call the police, and contact the Cultural Relics Protection Bureau."


Their long-awaited picture is finally here!

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, the picture suddenly went black.

In the dark picture, a line of words appeared: The following picture is a real shot, without any special effects skills. Some uncomfortable scenes have been specially handled. Special thanks to Mr. Sang Jiuchi for his contribution.

The small print faded, and the picture reappeared.

The others had already exited the room, and police officers in uniforms had arrived.

Soon, people from the Cultural Relics Protection Bureau also came here.

During the whole process, when everyone was confused, Sang Jiuchi stood with his hands behind his back, like a real tour guide, patiently explaining his guesses. Even after a century of murder, he knew what was buried in the ground, but he still looked as usual, giving him a great sense of security.

His slender fingers lightly traced the body of the earth on the paper, and that bizarre and absurd quest for chaotic power actually happened eighty years ago.

The audience had long forgotten about the other five, and all their attention was on Sang Jiuchi and the police. Sang Jiuchi threw out introductions and guesses, but it was just guesswork.

To verify the guess, the police are needed.

In the past, when the police handled cases, they seldom made public announcements. This was the first and possibly the only time they looked at a case in the purest and most intuitive way in a detective show, and it was still such a bizarre case.

[When I heard Sang Jiuchi say that the woman in the photo was dead, I was really frightened and my heart skipped a beat. 】

【Sang Jiuchi, YYDS! 】

【From today, you are my pool god! 】

I don't know who started first.

With one [Chi God] issued, countless [Chi God] followed.

There is no other content on the barrage, only the blockbuster [Chi God] is left.

On Weibo, this variety show has long been pushed to the top of the hot search list, and more and more viewers switch channels to open this show, and can no longer look away. The broadcast volume of this variety show has been pushed to a high level from the beginning, and it has increased exponentially later.

The fastest growing time was when Sang Jiuchi said "call the police".

And the appearance of the special police next pushed the variety show to a climax.

If it was possible to maliciously speculate that Sang Jiuchi stole the question before, what should I say now?

No program group will deceive the police to become famous, and the police are not fools. They will not be deceived once and then continue to be deceived, and they will also send additional personnel.

From the surprise in the chief director's eyes, it can be seen that Sang Jiuchi's appearance was completely unexpected.

Soon the walls were chiseled and the ground hollowed out.

Everything is as Sang Jiuchi said, there is still such a bizarre and ridiculous tomb hidden under the ground in this western-style building that has been abandoned for decades.

There are so many rare treasures buried in the tomb.

[I am already kneeling on the ground and gnawing on the keyboard. My mother asked me why, and I said that I was kneeling on a fairy. 】

[Chishen is really awesome, why didn't Sang Jiuchi go to investigate the case, the entertainment circle wronged him. 】

[No wonder at the beginning of the show, the process of Chishen going outside to collect clues turned out to be because the grandfather inside was the victim's family member, so pitiful, I don't know what happened to grandpa later? 】

[Program crew, I blame you wrong. 】

With the discovery of the tomb, this episode of the show is drawing to a close.

As the black screen appeared, a line of small white characters appeared on it:

Thank you for the security and happiness that the new era brings us.

Friendly reminder, superstition kills people, cherish science, stay away from superstition.

The small white characters disappeared, followed by another string of small white characters: The following is the shooting footage, and there are Easter eggs in it.

At the beginning of the picture, it was Director Zhou's helpless expression sitting next to a pile of props.

"Audience friends, you should have seen how Sang Jiuchi found a way to hide his studio. But in fact, we didn't expect this great **** among the guests invited by the show team. So the design idea of ​​the show team at the beginning was, Find the clue to the key first, then find the key, and find the location of the hidden studio through the clue next to the key."

Director Zhou appeared in person, and while explaining, he picked up the props and showed them to the audience.

The audience laughed when they saw Director Zhou's helpless and embarrassed expression.

[I just said why the third level is so perverted, it turns out that the show team is not perverted, it is Chi Shen Tai Niu. 】

[I laughed so hard. When I watched this kind of decryption program before, I always felt bad for the guests who were bullied too hard by the program team, but watching this program, I was worried that Chi Shen didn’t give the program team too much face. 】

[As expected of Chi Shen, Director Zhou has lost, so I feel bad for the show team. 】

[Seeing the show team being bullied is so cool, hahaha. 】

[Chi Shen didn't take the usual path from the first level, then Zhou Dao should have realized that something was wrong. I guess Director Zhou saw that Chi Shen decrypted the third level upside down, and there was only a little bit left in his heart. 】

[I'm looking forward to the next episode of how Chi God abuses the show group. 】

[I want to watch it again. I thought it was an adventure show that was abused and abused, but it turned out to be a tourist show. Chi Shen is indeed an eternal god, and I don’t care who he marries anymore. I just assumed that he was not married, and that God does not need to get married. 】

The barrage is still carnival, and it took only two hours for people to question and ridicule Sang Jiuchi from the beginning to the current frenzied kneeling and licking.

#SangjiuchiCase# has quickly reached the top of the hot search list.

After the director's helpless decryption, there is another behind-the-scenes footage.

This time it's a live shot.

There were only five people in the room, and it seemed that Sang Jiuchi had left after finishing the meal that morning.

Yun Yi held the porridge made by Sang Jiuchi, and discussed with Alen and the others how to isolate Sang Jiuchi. Among them, only the athlete Song Jump spoke to Sang Jiuchi.

[Damn, so this is the truth. No wonder I always felt like a paragraph was missing when I watched it, I have to go back and watch it again. 】

[Me too... But the dancer is doing well, I am your fan from today onwards. 】

[I just said that Yun Yi stumbled on Sang Jiuchi on purpose just now, is he trying to eliminate Sang Jiuchi? Fortunately, Brother Dance rescued Sang Jiuchi in time, otherwise we wouldn't be able to see the exciting part behind. 】

[Damn, Yun Yi deserves to pee his pants. They are also ex-boyfriends, the gap between the two is too great, Sang Jiuchi never said a single bad word about Yun Yi from the very beginning. On the other hand, Yun Yi, although he didn't say it himself, his manager and his fans took the lead in speaking ill of Sang Jiuchi. I don't believe it if Yun Yi doesn't know about it. It looks like he acquiesced. Yun Yi's good man is supposed to overturn. 】

The Yun Yi fans who had been dancing fell silent. They looked at the barrage they had posted in shame, and then looked at the way Yun Yi took the lead in isolating Sang Jiuchi, and their faces were burning with pain.

It turns out that the idol they have been chasing after is actually like this in reality.

The powder turned black.

The screen turned again, and the screen went black. Then came the text:

The program team has been paying close attention to the issue of the old man's brother's remains. Just two days before the program aired, we learned that ten remains have been found in their family bank through DNA testing.

The remains of the old man's brother were brought home by the old man's family and buried in the ground for safety.

After the black screen is over, it is the preview of the next issue.

In the next issue, there will be no investigation, only easy travel. In the preview, the audience glimpsed and saw Sang Jiuchi dancing.

In the midst of people's reluctance to part, this 140-minute variety show finally ended.

Just as the show ended, Zhou Su's cell phone suddenly rang.

The person on the phone didn't know what to say to Zhou Su, Zhou Su replied skillfully while looking at Sang Jiuchi.

When he hung up the phone, Zhou Su looked at Sang Jiuchi a little hesitantly.

Sang Jiuchi: "What's wrong?"

Zhou Su looked at Sang Jiuchi and then looked at Yun Yan, and finally said, "The chief director of "Happy Terminal" called me just now, their new season recording is about to start, I want to ask you Don't participate."

"Uh," Zhou Su was silent for a moment, "What am I asking, you will definitely not participate, I will answer them right away."

Yun Yan: "Wait a minute, why are you answering them now, maybe we want to think about it again."

Yun Yan glanced at Sang Jiuchi: "Do you want to participate in this show?"

Sang Jiuchi: "Of course I do. How about you?"

In Yun Yan's eyes there was doting, "I think so too."

Sang Jiuchi looked at Zhou Su who was dumbfounded: "I'm going to film in two months, is there enough time?"

Zhou Su's eyes lit up: "The time does not conflict. This variety show lasts for half a month and will start in two weeks. You will have two weeks to rest after the end. The director team promised me just now that they will give you a drink of your lover. Maximum privacy."

After Sang Jiuchi and Yun Yan looked at each other, Sang Jiuchi knocked on the table, "Okay, then we will participate, but I have a condition."

Zhou Su: "What?"

Sang Jiuchi: "I want Yun Yi and his girlfriend to also participate. I don't know if the show team can invite them."

Zhou Su: "…"

Yun Yan, why do you think Sang Jiuchi is a little angel, he is obviously a little devil.

Stepping on Yun Yi once was not enough, but he had to step on it a second time.

This is to use all his strength to kick Yun Yi from the sky into the mud ditch and never turn over again?

Zhou Su took out his phone and thought about it, then put it back, "I'll negotiate a good price for you, hang up the director first, and I'll call him tomorrow."

As soon as Zhou Su finished speaking, the phone rang again.

Seeing the caller ID, he hesitated for a few seconds before picking it up, "Hello."

Half a minute later, Zhou Su hung up the phone and looked at Sang Jiuchi with burning eyes, "It's a food show, I'm asking if you want to participate."

Sang Jiuchi: "...I don't want to be a variety show artist yet, forget it."

Zhou Su, "That's right, seeing too many variety shows will consume an actor's spirituality and make his character inherent. But fortunately, your expressions in this adventure game have always been very down-to-earth, without exaggerated expressions, it should be It won't have any impact on your acting career."

When Sang Jiuchi nodded, Zhou Su's third phone rang again.

Hanging up the phone, Zhou Su looked at Sang Jiuchi: "It's a director I know. Next, I plan to prepare for a detective drama, saying that your image matches the image of the second male lead, and I want to invite you to be the second male lead."

Sang Jiuchi: "The script can be sent to me. If the schedule does not conflict, I will consider one if it is appropriate..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhou Su's phone rang again.

This time, even Yun Yan, who didn't care much about it, looked at Zhou Su.

Zhou Su smiled awkwardly, "Am I not your agent? I left my phone number in the circle at the time, and of course they want to contact me when they find you."

Zhou Su quickly picked up the phone, and a few seconds later said politely to the person on the other side of the phone: "You can show us the script first, and we will consider participating in the show if it is suitable."

Hanging up the phone, Zhou Su said, "This time it's a food TV series, it's not a big production, but the director team is very professional. The last food TV series successfully made a little-known girl popular."

Sang Jiuchi: "Let them send all the scripts, but my focus is still on "The Star Chasing the Light". I need to think about the follow-up works after it. My goal is not only top-notch ."

Zhou Su: "I understand what you mean."

In the end, "Mysterious Adventure Game" did not invite Sang Jiuchi to participate. The first three episodes of this show are destined to be conferred by Sang Jiuchi, which is enough.

Zhou Su acted very authentically and paid them liquidated damages.

Because the mobile phones of the guests were confiscated along the way, they did not know that the program had been broadcast, and they did not know what the effect of the program would be after it was broadcast.

On the day they completed the last episode of the show and returned to China, it happened to be the second episode of the show.

After a week of fermentation, Yun Yi's personality almost collapsed. It was his manager who kept spending money to delete posts that didn't make things worse.

Yun Yi also knew as soon as he returned to the company that he had been arranged to participate in the next variety show, and he was still with his girlfriend.

This made Yun Yi very unhappy, so he went to his manager directly: "If I break up with her in a variety show in the future, how sweet I am in the variety show, I will turn back on me in the future. How can you think of it? Pick up this variety show for me? I won't sign the variety show, don't even think about it."

Agent: "Do you know who else will participate in this variety show?"

Yun Yi: "Who?"

Agent: "Sang Jiuchi and his ugly lover, wait and see your ghost appearance on the variety show you explored before. You have already been stepped on by Sang Jiuchi and become a stepping stone, this Variety shows are the only variety shows where you can turn over and step on Sang Jiuchi and stand up again."

"Now the audience has the mentality of licking the rich, and they like to watch the dreamy love stories of princes and princesses. You are the second young master of the Yun family, and your girlfriend is right in line with you. The love story of the two of you will definitely attract a wave of fans. Look at Sang Jiuchi, one is a poor boy artist who is about to become popular, and the other is a short white-collar worker from Pojiao."

"Well, whether it's popular or not, it all depends on your peers. Do you understand? The happier you are, the more Sang Jiuchi looks like a clown. You really fell for the variety show this time, but don't worry, when the love variety show starts, I will It will turn public opinion back on your side."

"Sang Jiuchi is just a clown who can't get popular. I believe in my vision. You are the real one. You don't have to sign this contract. Go back and take a good look at what's going on in the variety show. This time I won't. I criticized you, and after reading it, I don't think you will forgive yourself."

With the agent's words and the contract of the love show, Yun Yi returned to his separate apartment and opened the first issue of "Mysterious Adventure Game".

As soon as the barrage opened, messages from the blockbuster [Chishen] [See Chishen] [Chishen bless me to pass the exam] and so on flashed by.

Yun Yi knew for a long time that Sang Jiuchi's series of operations in the program group would definitely attract a wave of fans, but he didn't expect to attract so many fans.

He adjusted the barrage lacking in nature and started watching the show.

After all his ugliness and conspiracies were broadcasted by the program group, Yun Yi's slightly trembling hand almost couldn't hold the phone, his face was burning, and he was ashamed to find a hole-drilling rig.

Director Zhou, this duplicitous bastard, clearly promised himself that he would cut out the picture, why didn't he cut it?

No wonder the broker is so angry.

Yun Yi blushed and closed the first issue and opened the second issue.

At the beginning of the second issue, another blockbuster [Chi Shen] floated by.

This episode is much milder than the first episode. The first half is the process of raising money, but when Sang Jiuchi dances, there are more barrages. Yun Yi looked upset, and finally closed the barrage.

The second half is about Sang Jiuchi's departure from the team. The editing of this variety show was done before and after, and there was a connection in the middle. At the end of this episode, he accepted the tour guide card from the director's group and took over Sang Jiuchi.

In fact, in the next four horror houses, except for Sister Li Qian, all four of them became tour guides once, and all of them did a normal job.

But Yun Yi knew that he was the only one with the most contrast.

Because he followed closely behind Sang Jiuchi, and because he was Sang Jiuchi's ex-boyfriend.

The two people used to be so close, and it was inevitable that they would be compared.

After the announcement of the identity card, the end of the show is still the next preview.

It is a very shocking preview. It shows the picture of Alen fainting and crying, and the picture of Alen calling Sang Jiuchi later, and even the picture of Director Zhou talking with Sang Jiuchi.

In the last dozen or so seconds of fairy tales exposed, Sang Jiuchi's phrase "call the police" became another flashpoint.

Yun Yi was cheap and opened the barrage.

A bunch of barrages immediately appeared on the barrage.

[Is this the reason why Country C awarded a medal to Sang Jiuchi? ! So what did Chi God do this time? ! 】

[Chishen: Although I am not in the program group, the program group still has my legend. 】

【! ! Originally, I wasn't ready to watch the third issue, but when I saw this call, I was ready, and I would definitely follow the third issue! 】

All the pursuits are directed at Sang Jiuchi. He Yunyi is like a useless background board. He also contributed many wonderful moments in the subsequent explorations, and even the wisdom of the team. Many institutions are cracked by themselves. of.

But so what?

In front of him a towering peak had long been erected, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not surpass it.

Yun Yi has never felt such a strong pressure, because he was trampled under his feet by Sang Jiuchi in the first phase. The better Sang Jiuchi is, the more sinister and evil he is.

If Sang Jiuchi is allowed to develop further, he will be trampled to death by Sang Jiuchi sooner or later.

Since his debut, he has been a smart personality. He participated in this show to deepen his personality. Unexpectedly, it has become the nutrient for the success of others, and even the initial character design did not stand.

Looking at the love contract in his hand, Yun Yi gritted his teeth and signed his name on the back.

The agent was right, the only thing he is sure to beat Sang Jiuchi now is the marriage that Sang Jiuchi can't do well.

You step on me once and I can step back.

Since Sang Jiuchi exposed his weakness first, don't blame him for stepping on it!

Read The Duke's Passion