MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 96 Furnace Master 1

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Sang Jiuchi woke up slowly in the dark.

Thinking of the kiss that could only be understood and indescribable, Sang Jiuchi couldn't help blushing, and subconsciously touched his lips.

With the movement of raising her hand, Ding Ling's clanging metal crash sound came immediately.

Sang Jiuchi was slightly taken aback by the heavy pressure on the wrist, and looked down.

At this time, his eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, and a ray of moonlight entered through the gap of the gate embedded in the mountain, bringing a faint light to Sang Jiuchi.

A ring-shaped shackle was tied to each of his two wrists, and the white-silver metal radiated a cold white light in the moonlight.

Two thumb-sized slender chains extend downward from the ring-shaped shackles, and the chains are entrenched on the ground and meandering for several meters, connecting to the dark depths of this cave.

Sang Jiuchi moved his feet and found that the same silver-white metal shackles were also tied to his ankles.

I don't know if I was afraid of hurting the original owner, but the inner walls of the four ring shackles were covered with warm and soft fluff.

F001: [Ding! Congratulations to the host, the plane invasion was successful. This plane is an ancient comprehension plane, and the plane level is S-level. Next, the world memory transmission will be carried out. Does it strengthen the body? 】

Sang Jiuchi: [Strengthen. 】

Along with the pain brought by reinforcement, Sang Jiuchi also squeezed two memories into his mind at the same time.

One is the original owner's own, and the other is the plot of the world's memory.

This is a world of immortals and chivalrous cultivation that can fly all over the sky through cultivation. Hundreds of millions of years ago, Emperor Pangu created the world. After his death, his body turned into land and mountains, his blood into rivers, his eyes into the sun and moon in the sky, and his divine power It has also become an abundant spiritual power filling the world around.

Humans can practice cultivation by absorbing spiritual power, in order to be reborn.

The pinnacle of cultivation can even smash through the void and ascend to immortality.

In the tens of thousands of years, only three people have successfully ascended. In the nearly 10,000 years after the three people ascended, no one has reached the level of soaring.

There is still no suspense in the body that he has passed through, and it is still called Sang Jiuchi.

The original owner was the suzerain of the first Xianmen Wentian sect, and the leader of the cultivators of the righteous way, and was regarded as the immortal lord.

All the monks of the right way all follow his lead.

The original owner is a mutant single-line water spirit root, a genius in the world of self-cultivation.

He practiced since childhood, and at the age of 500, he entered the early stage of transcendence, which other monks could never match in their entire lives.

He was obsessed with cultivation all day long. Although he inherited the position of the sect master of the Tianzong, he ignored the affairs of the sect. All the big and small things of the sect were thrown to the elders of the various hills, and he became a hands-off shopkeeper himself.

The original owner rescued a boy from Mozong when he went down the mountain to practice at the age of 600. He saw that the child was talented and intelligent, and he was a rare single-line mutant Lei Linggen, so he accepted him as an inner disciple.

There are three closed disciples under the original master, and this child is the second child named Fan Lu.

The eldest disciple established himself on the mountain as early as a hundred years ago, and the second and third disciples started at about the same time.

Five years after the second disciple entered the school, the original owner accepted the child entrusted by the old man on his deathbed as his close disciple.

Because it was entrusted by an old friend on his deathbed, the original owner was very interested in this closed disciple, but he left the second disciple in the cold.

When he paid attention to the second disciple again, the original owner discovered that there was a lingering demonic energy in the second disciple.

Knowing that his foundation was unstable and he was like a demon, the original owner threw him into the refining volcano in order to refine the demonic energy in him and stabilize his heart and soul.

It's just that the second disciple not only didn't get rid of those demonic energy in the refining volcano, but instead realized it, and half of his feet stepped into the devil's way.

On that day, the original owner was in retreat in the cave, and the second apprentice stepped on the red lotus and came, and while the original owner was cultivating, he was injured and imprisoned.

And then there is this moment.

In the world plot, after the original owner was imprisoned by the second apprentice after being imprisoned, he became the second apprentice's furnace supplement. In order to escape from the second apprentice's claws, the original owner fought wits and courage with the second apprentice all day long, but in the end he was no match for the other, and was eventually killed by the second apprentice. The two apprentices sucked their essence and died.

The second apprentice jumped to become the number one in the world of self-cultivation by virtue of the original master's cultivation, and unstoppably seized the position of Demon Lord, becoming the Demon King with his hands full of slaughter.

The son of the plane of this world is his little apprentice. At the end of the world plot, the little apprentice took advantage of Brahma Slaughter Demon Venerable when he was weak and beheaded him, depriving him of his cultivation and turning it into his own.

The young apprentice's cultivation level instantly rose to the Great Perfection of the Tribulation Period, attracting nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-one calamities, and after the thunder, he ascended smoothly and became the first person in the real world of comprehension to ascend.

Sang Jiuchi raised his eyes and looked around by the faint moonlight. His eyesight has just been strengthened, and now he sees things much clearer and brighter than before.

This is the cave where the original owner retreated and practiced, and it is also the place with the strongest spiritual energy of Wen Tianzong. The walls around the cave can be seen from the light, and there is a hot spring not far from the cave.

He is now locked in a huge bird cage exquisitely made of black iron. The door of the cage is tightly sealed with restraint, and even he can't open it.

Looking deeper, it was a bed with a curtain drawn, and the place where the chain finally disappeared was behind the curtain.

In the silent darkness, Sang Jiuchi let out a long sigh.

He saw the memory of the original owner, the second disciple of Dogecoin, the rebel, who, by coincidence, turned out to be his lover.

Sang Jiuchi: [F001, release the task. 】

F001 didn't seem to hear it, and after a few seconds, he didn't respond to Sang Jiuchi.

Sang Jiuchi called again: [F001? 】

F001 seemed to be aware of this. He only heard the "hissing" electrical noise in his mind. After two seconds, F001 weakly replied: [Sir host, I am here. 】

Sang Jiuchi: [What happened to you? 】

After the "hissing" current sounded, he always felt that something was wrong. The last time F001 made this current sound was when the Lord God invaded the F001 system and issued a wrong mission.

F001: [I don't know, it may be because of the whirlpool just now. I have a severe headache now, and the signal is intermittent. 】

Sang Jiuchi's bad feeling in his heart became heavier.

F001: [Ding! The plane task is released below, please play the vicious master, forcing the two apprentices to fall into demons and become the world-destroying demon. This quest is a compulsory quest. After completing it, you can get 2 million plane points. If it fails, the host will be obliterated. 】

F001's voice fell, and this red and clear task appeared in his mind.

Five seconds later, F001 seemed to realize what he had posted, and suddenly screamed in Sang Jiuchi's mind, "Master host, I was invaded again just now! What did I just post? Do I deserve to die? 】

Sang Jiuchi thought for a few seconds: [Don't panic, there is still help. Do you still have tasks there? 】

F001 turned over his main brain, [My original plane mission is still there, and I will reveal the content a little bit, which is to save the world from the disaster of extinction. 】

Sang Jiuchi said casually: [Take it. 】

F001: […Are you sure not to think about it again? Or two missions together this time? In the last mission, it was said that your Demon Venerable is the world-destroying demon! Maybe the Demon Lord did the disaster that destroyed the world, so if these two take over, it's a conflict mission! 】

Sang Jiuchi: [Don't panic, with me here, how many mission points are there? 】

F001 turned over: [Because this plane is an S-level plane, the quest points have also been increased. After the task is completed, the point of this plane is 3 million points. 】

Sang Jiuchi: [Total 5 million, how many levels can you upgrade to? 】

F001: [! Can be upgraded to S rank 50%. 】

Sang Jiuchi: [Then…]

F001 interrupted Sang Jiuchi's voice: [Ding! The plane task is released below, please save the world from the disaster! 】

In the darkness, Sang Jiuchi laughed.

"Master, from the beginning, sometimes sighing, sometimes smiling, what are you thinking?"

Suddenly, an abrupt voice suddenly sounded in this closed cave. The voice was low and hoarse, with a hint of evil charm.

Sang Jiuchi's eyes were dull, and he looked in the direction of the voice.

I saw a slender and vigorous hand stretched out from the closed bed curtain, and the hand gently opened the bed curtain and walked out slowly from inside.

He walked lightly and slowly, but very fast.

However, after lifting his legs two or three times, he was already outside the birdcage where Sang Jiuchi was closed.

In the darkness, Sang Jiuchi could vaguely see the facial features of the man in front of him.

The cold and determined face was filled with handsome facial features, and the eyes of the other party flickered and jumped with interest and trepidation.

It was a little dark around, Sang Jiuchi couldn't really see the other party's clothes, and could only vaguely recognize that the other party was wearing a black robe with silver threads.

The body of the robe is wide, making the other party even more proud and tall.

A cultivator can stay young forever when he enters the foundation-building stage. The original owner is more than 600 years old, but he is talented and intelligent, and he entered the foundation-building stage at the age of 16.

But later, the original owner adjusted his appearance age to about 25 years old because his appearance was too young to convince the public.

As for Fan Lu, he is also very intelligent. At the age of 18, he entered the foundation-building period and stabilized his appearance.

Now that these years have passed, he is more than 600 years old, and Fan Lu is only 22 years old.

Fan Lu had only had Jindan cultivation base when he entered the refining volcano, but now that he has come out of the refining volcano, the leaked cultivation base has reached the Great Perfection of Nascent Soul.

There is not much description of Fan Lu's experience in the memory of the world, and Sang Jiuchi doesn't know what Fan Lu experienced when he was refining the volcano.

But looking at Fan Lu's current performance, it should have turned black.

Just why?

Sang Jiuchi swallowed and took two steps back. The iron chain immediately made a crisp sound of gold and iron.

Fan Lu chuckled lightly: "Why did the master retreat? Could it be that you are afraid of me?"

Sang Jiuchi was silent, looking at Fan Lu secretly, "Do you still know that I am your master?"

Under the sudden white light above the empty cave mansion, Sang Jiuchi closed his eyes subconsciously, and he could still feel the daylight outside through his eyelids.

Soon, the brightness outside seemed to adjust and it wasn't that bright.

Fan Lu's tone was a bit teasing, "Master is so dignified and cultivated in the tribulation period, how can he be so delicate and can't stand such a strong light."

Feeling that the light outside was no longer so dazzling, Sang Jiuchi slowly opened his closed eyes.

All the hazy and unreal just now became bright and clear in an instant, as if the breeze blew away the fog on the sea, revealing the crystal clear blue sea.

The person who could vaguely see the outline finally appeared in front of him without any cover, not the unsmiling and gloomy boy in the original owner's memory, nor the slaughter-covered demon king described in the book.

The man standing in front of him was dressed in a romantic figure, his handsome facial features were slightly younger, his hair was half tied into a bun, and the back half of his long black hair fell straight down to his waist. The flowing and soft hair made his originally slightly evil face become gentle. a few points.

The dark black eyes are bottomless, something is surging in the dark, and it seems to be calculating something.

On the opposite side is the Demon Venerable who made the world of comprehension tremble. He is clearly a young and elegant young man, and his gestures are full of elegance.

It was the first time he saw a lover with long hair and an ancient style, and Sang Jiuchi was a little lost.

Fan Lu said, "Is Master still satisfied with what you see?"

Sang Jiuchi coughed awkwardly: "Why are you satisfied or not, you are my apprentice, this is somewhat out of line."

Fan Lu grabbed a rattan chair from the void, sat down casually with his legs crossed, and pressed his fist with one hand to his face, "You still know that I'm your apprentice."

"I'm your apprentice, why did you ruthlessly push me into the Lianhuan volcano. You know that if I hadn't been firm-willed, I would have fallen to the Lianhuan at this moment."

Fan Lu's voice was cold, "But I also want to thank Master, if you didn't push hard, how could I have such an opportunity, let alone imprison the first person in the cultivation world here."

"Outsiders thought that Master, you are still concentrating on your cultivation, but you didn't know that you were banned and turned into a bird in a cage."

Sang Jiuchi tried to mobilize his spiritual power, but he didn't know whether it was because of the chains or the birdcage, but he couldn't use any mana at all.

Did the Nascent Soul period kill the Tribulation Period?

Who is he talking to?

The corners of Fan Lu's lips twitched, and a happy smile appeared on his handsome face, as if he liked Sang Jiuchi's helpless and tangled appearance.

He silently admired Sang Jiuchi's helplessness, and finally said with a smile, "Master, do you want to go out?"

Sang Jiuchi didn't struggle, and sat lazily on the swing beside the birdcage.

Fan Lu is a real turtle. The ground of the birdcage he built is covered with a thick layer of white feathers. There are also branches and branches hanging around the birdcage. Soft couch in gold velvet.

Fan Lu saw Sang Jiuchi sitting on a branch, his eyes jumped a few times, "I'm afraid Master doesn't know what you look like at the moment, right?"

He said, the wide black robe waved in mid-air, and a water mirror appeared in front of them out of thin air.

Sang Jiuchi looked up and saw the people in the water mirror also looking at him.

On the swing of vigorous branches with green buds, a long-haired man in emerald green feathered feathers sat on it.

The man's long silver hair hung softly on his waist, and his hair fluttered freely with the swing of the swing, elegant and agile.

The man in the crystal is still his own face, but this plane himself has a kind of immortal aura that wants to become an immortal. There is no trace of impurities in his body, his eyes are pitiful, and it seems that he will be able to fly to the fairyland in the next second.

Pure, clean and haunting.

And such an immortal who is out of the world, at this moment, a cold silver-white iron ring is wrapped around his white wrist.

The immortal who was supposed to be enshrined was forcibly torn down from the world and imprisoned. Not only did he lose his spiritual energy, he was also kept in a bird cage as a pet.

Nobility is stained with mud, and the gods fall into the mortal world.

Sang Jiuchi took two glances and looked away.

Fan Lu didn't force anything, just moved the water mirror to one side, continued to slowly observe the Sang Jiuchi in the cage, and asked again: "Master wants me to release the restriction?"

Sang Jiuchi frowned slightly, "What conditions do you have?"

Fan Lu: "Master, although I escaped from the death of the volcano, I also got a chance, but I also hurt the foundation and need to exercise for healing. But ordinary healing can't save me at all. I am Lei Linggen, Xun Xun. Its root is the mutant wood spirit root, and you are a single water spirit root. The five elements are mutually reinforcing, and the water grows the wood, only you can help me."

Sang Jiuchi looked at Fan Lu up and down: "You are injured, how is your injury? How do you want me to help you?"

Fan Lu: "Thank you for your concern, my injury occurs once a month, and it's not a problem at the moment. As for how you can help me—"

He paused for a while, "Master, would you like to condescend to be my cauldron and accompany me to practice the double cultivation method?"

Sang Jiuchi's face changed and changed, the words rolled around in his mouth, and finally he only said two words: "Rebel!"

Fan Lu seemed to have hit a point of laughter and laughed happily.

He smiled and stood up from the rattan chair, walked halfway around the cage, and stood in front of Sang Jiuchi across the birdcage, "Master, I have always respected teachers, so I don't force you, I Wait until you come to me yourself."

Sang Jiuchi looked at Fan Lu suspiciously, watching Fan Lu stretch out his hand and grab it in mid-air, then he grabbed a pink rose out of thin air.

The rose flowers are delicate and dazzling, and they are also dotted with a few crystal clear dew.

Fan Lu raised his eyebrows and looked at Sang Jiuchi, pinched the flower branch and asked, "Does Master know what this is?"

what is this? Not just a flower.

In the next second, Sang Jiuchi almost fell off the swing.

He clung to the ropes on both sides of the swing, stared at Fan Lu with a pair of shocked eyes, and his slightly trembling voice was filled with anger: "You, how dare you!"

Fan Lu's five fingers gently stroked the petals of the rose flower, his eyes fell on Sang Jiuchi's unpredictable face, and he said lightly: "How dare I, Master, tell me."

Sang Jiuchi's cheeks were flushed, he felt the surging breath in his body, and watched Fan Lu's gentle movements like stroking treasures, he was about to die of anger.

Dead pervert.

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