MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 97 Furnace Master 2

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Fan Lu stood tall and jade, with one hand behind him, holding the rose in the other, quietly looking at the immortal who was sitting on the swing of branches in the birdcage.

The immortal's pitiful eyes were smudged by the mist at the moment, and the end of his eyes was decorated with a beautiful and gorgeous crimson color.

Sang Jiuchi's cheeks were slightly red, and the exposed slender neck and collarbone were a touch of pink.

Fan Lu was restless in his heart.

Who in the world would know that such an aloof immortal could have such a beautiful beauty at this moment.

Fan Lu took a deep breath and calmly sat back on the rattan chair.

Staring greedily at the different-looking Master in the birdcage, Fan Lu bit the corner of his lips repressively, until he bit the corner of his lips and tasted the blood in his mouth before he came back to his senses.

Tears flowed from the corners of Sang Jiuchi's eyes in the bird cage.

Fan Lu was stunned for a moment, he lowered his head and found that the rose flower that was still watery just now was almost rubbed by himself.

Fan Lu laughed, his fingers clasped his hands to cast a spell on Sang Jiuchi, then turned his head and threw the broken rose to the side.

Sang Jiuchi, who was crying and sobbing: "..."

Throwing rubbish, you dare to laugh, it's outrageous, rebellious, hateful!

Fan Lu continued the random movement of clenching his fist and supporting his cheek with one hand just now. It seemed random, but he did not move, and his eyes stared at Sang Jiuchi in the bird cage without blinking.

It wasn't until Sang Jiuchi wiped away his tears and adjusted his mood that he returned to his former sympathetic immortal pose before he regretted saying, "Master still looks good just now."

Sang Jiuchi: "…"


Sang Jiuchi glared at him coldly, expressing that he didn't want to deal with this traitor.

Fan Lu was not angry either, his other hand picked at his fingernails at will, "Master, don't be angry."

Sang Jiuchi's chest heaved up and down: "What was that just now?"

Fan Lu: "It's just a little trick, you can transfer the senses of a certain part of a person to an object."

Sang Jiuchi took a deep breath: "Anything is fine?"

Fan Lu raised his eyebrows: "Almost anything."

Sang Jiuchi roared in his heart: [Is this the imaginary world of immortals? cow. 】

F001 hesitated: [Just now you clearly refused. 】

Sang Jiuchi: [Actually, it's not bad, just a little ashamed. 】

F001: [Uh. 】

Fan Lu only saw Sang Jiuchi lowered his head, thinking that the other party was embarrassed and angry because of his performance just now.

Did you play too much?

Fan Lu hesitated for a moment, then hesitantly said: "Master, how are you thinking? Would you like to be my cauldron?"

Sang Jiuchi suddenly raised his head, with a tough look in his eyes: "Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated, I will never submit."

Fan Lu chuckled: "Master is really tough, but it's interesting. We have time, and it will be a long time to come."

Sang Jiuchi pursed her lips.

What Fan Lu said was right, the original owner was a retreat maniac, and a retreat could range from a few years to a few decades. Moreover, the sect has long been accustomed to his cultivation mode, and no one dares to disturb him unless he leaves the customs by himself.

And this retreat, he has only been in for a month.

Sang Jiuchi and Fan Lu were facing each other inside and outside the bird cage. The air was terribly silent, and only the spring water gurgled in the entire claustrophobic space.

Suddenly, there were rapid footsteps outside the door.

The two of them looked at the closed gate of the cave, and soon heard a voice from outside: "Master! The big thing is bad, Master!"

Sang Jiuchi coughed lightly and said loudly, "Why are you so panicked?"

"Senior Uncle Qiu Mian, Uncle Qiu Mian was beaten and seriously injured, and he is about to die! I beg Shizun to come out and save his life!"

Qiu Mian was Sang Jiuchi's eldest disciple. He had already taken the top spot by himself as early as a hundred years ago, and his cultivation had already reached the stage of spiritual transformation. In this cultivation world, he did not say he could be domineering, but he had no problem protecting himself.

Moreover, Qiu Mian has always been a humble person, with no competition in the world, and will definitely not fight with others.

It wasn't in the original storyline.

But Sang Jiuchi soon understood that there was no such thing as Fan Lu's divine manipulation in the world plot.

When the original owner woke up, he was on the bed. He was imprisoned on the bed, and Brahma started immediately.

In order to prevent the original owner's voice from reaching the outside, Fan Lu also set up a barrier. Maybe the disciple who asked for help came when the barrier was set up.

"You go back, the deity will arrive later."

Sang Jiuchi looked at Fan Lu in shock, what Fan Lu said in his own voice just now.

Fan Lu gave Sang Jiuchi a wicked smile, and put his finger on his lips and made a "shush" gesture.

The disciple's surprised voice quickly sounded outside the door: "Thank you, Master! The disciple will go back and prepare!"

When the sound of flying swords breaking through the sky sounded outside, Fan Lu turned his head and looked at Sang Jiuchi in the birdcage: "Let's go."

Sang Jiuchi was suspicious: "Are you willing to let me go?"

Fan Lu smiled but didn't say a word. He pointed his finger at the restraint on the birdcage, and the birdcage opened with a sound.

The next moment, all the chains on Sang Jiuchi's hands and feet fell off, but the metal shackles on his wrists and ankles were not released.

Sang Jiuchi didn't expect to be able to get out of the bird cage so quickly, and when he got out of the cage, there was still an unreal feeling.

He looked at his clothes and was about to change into his vestments from the storage bag.

This flower peacock dress was changed for him by Fan Lu. The original owner's usual dressing style was all plain colors, and the most common three colors of black, white and gray were alternated.

He fumbled with his fingers in the storage bag on his waist and found that even the storage bag was missing.

"Let's go, Master." Fan Lu nodded on Sang Jiuchi's forehead and pulled Sang Jiuchi out.

Sang Jiuchi: "You help me get rid of the restriction on spiritual power. Without spiritual power, I can't even fly the imperial object."

The wide palm tightly held Sang Jiuchi's slender five fingers, Fan Lu looked back at Sang Jiuchi: "It's okay, I'll take you to fly."

As soon as he finished speaking, he opened the cave house and conjured a paper kite out of thin air.

This is the flying instrument used by the original owner. Under the guidance of Fan Lu, Sang Jiuchi stood on the paper kite, and the paper kite immediately screamed in the air, flapping its wings and flying away.

The flying paper kite is an advanced flying instrument. It looks like the enclave is very slow, but it is actually very fast.

But in the blink of an eye, Zhi Yuan had stopped on the top of a hill.

At this moment, there were people standing outside the top of the mountain, and when they saw Zhi Yuan landing, everyone gathered around them, bowed their heads and respectfully said, "Meet Master."

Sang Jiuchi held the air of a master, and replied lightly: "Get up, take me in quickly, how is Qiu Mian?"

Hearing Sang Jiuchi's voice, everyone look at me, I look at you, and the three elders looked up recklessly, with contempt and disapproval in their eyes, "Fan Lu, presumptuous, don't ask for it in front of Master. unreasonable!"

Although the others also objected, in the end they said nothing.

The first elder turned to look at Fan Lu in front of Sang Jiuchi, and said respectfully, "Master, Qiu Mian is inside."

Sang Jiuchi suddenly realized that this fellow Fan Lu, I don't know what spell he used, actually made them exchange in the eyes of outsiders.

Fan Lu's expression was indifferent, and he swept the crowd coldly, holding Sang Jiuchi's hand tightly in his hand, "He is my person, and no one can teach him except me."

The Great Elder's eyes flickered, and he responded in a panic, "This disciple understands."

Grabbing Sang Jiuchi's hand, Fan Lu entered under the leadership of his disciple, and the two of them were immediately suffocated by the strong stench inside as soon as they entered.

This is the smell of demonic poison.

Sang Jiuchi frowned, took three steps and two steps against the guest and pulled Fan Lu to the bed. Qiu Mian was dying on the bed, and he was already breathing more and less.

The originally healthy and powerful heart was beating more and more slowly, Qiu Mian's face was pale, and he was stabbed by a sharp weapon in the abdominal cavity.

Sang Jiuchi frowned: "Is it a demon?"

Ten thousand years ago, there was a darkest period in the world of self-cultivation. I don't know where the demons with wings and grinning appeared.

Those demons are neither human nor demon, unlike the species in this world. They are murderous and devour spiritual energy. Wherever he went, there was grief everywhere, the vegetation was deserted, and there was no spiritual energy.

In order to fight against the demons, the original tit-for-tat demon cultivator, immortal cultivator, ghost cultivator, and demon cultivator joined forces to finally kill the last demon clan under the sword.

However, the aura devoured by the demons could not be returned to the earth, and there was not much left of the originally abundant spiritual energy in the cultivation world after the invasion of the demons.

This is also the reason why no one will be able to ascend to the Immortal Realm in the next ten thousand years.

Sang Jiuchi wanted to get closer and take a closer look, when suddenly a figure came out from the side, and one pushed away the hands that the two held together.

The next moment, Fan Lu's arm was hugged, and a boy with a cute appearance and a lively expression said with tears in his eyes, "Master, you're finally here, hurry up and save Senior Brother Qiu Mian, he's all for me."

Sang Jiuchi: "…"

It's good to be angry, he is the master deity.

This is his close disciple, the son of an old friend, named Jiang Tong.

Fan Lu secretly gave Sang Jiuchi a deep look, and mercilessly pushed Jiang Tong who was holding him away, "Stay away from me."

Jiang Tong's expression was shocked. He looked at Fan Lu aggrievedly, then turned to look at Sang Jiuchi and glared fiercely.

Sang Jiuchi: "…"

If Jiang Tong later found out that he was the master and that the person he was holding was Fan Lu, would he be so angry that he cried?

Fan Lu put Jiang Tong aside and turned to look at Qiu Mian's injury.

Sang Jiuchi walked behind Fan Lu with a very solemn expression.

The demonic energy is not easy to remove, once the wound sticks to it, it is like a maggot attached to the bone, unless it is cut off.

But now that this demonic energy has invaded his heart, it is difficult for him to save the child.

Sang Jiuchi looked at Fan Lu secretly, and saw Fan Lu suddenly grabbed the black liquid after checking it.

He was startled, and subconsciously grabbed Fan Lu's hand, "Be careful, you will also be injured."

Fan Lu's figure froze slightly, his cold expression loosened and he hung up again, "You step back, I'm fine."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to the black liquid again. It was strange to say that the black liquid was indifferent no matter how others cleaned it up. Seeing Fan Lu's hand was like an ant that had found a home.

The black liquid that was flowing quietly immediately became agitated, and rushed towards Fan Lu's hand.

The black liquid was quickly transferred from Qiu Mian's body to Fan Lu's body. The pitch-black liquid was like a greedy ant, scrambling to wrap Fan Lu's hand, but could not get in.

Everyone held their breath, and didn't dare to let out a little air, for fear that their restlessness would affect the "Master"'s approach.

Soon, the air of thunder and lightning came out of Fan Lu's body, and the air was filled with the smell of burning. The originally restless black liquid began to slow down because of the lightning movement, until it remained motionless.

In the end, the black liquid slowly fell off Fan Lu's hand, and fell to the ground with a loud "bang".

It was a soft liquid just now, but now it has solidified into a black solid.

This is not over yet, Fan Lu finally bent down and placed a layer of restraint on the black solid, and then stood up tremblingly.

At this moment, Fan Lu's face was pale, and his body swayed weakly twice while walking.

Jiang Tong subconsciously rushed over and hugged Fan Lu, Fan Lu's eyes seemed to be equipped with locators, and he caught Sang Jiuchi with just one look.

He raised his arm slightly and pointed in the direction of Sang Jiuchi: "You, help me go back to my room to rest."

Sang Jiuchi immediately supported Fan Lu and led him out.

Halfway through, Fan Lu remembered something and looked back at Jiang Tong: "You said just now that Qiu Mian was injured because of you, what happened?"

Jiang Tong's face turned blue and purple, looking at Sang Jiuchi's hand supporting Fan Lu's arm, the expression on his face twisted together.

But then he returned to normal and said in a low voice, "Senior brother Qiu Mian and I went down the mountain to practice, and when we were halfway there, we saw a woman blocking our way. That woman...that woman..."

Jiang Tong's face flushed as he spoke, and tears seemed to flow from his eyes in the next moment.

The surrounding brothers and sisters looked distressed, but they didn't dare to act rashly when the master was in front of them.

Fan Lu was impatient: "The woman sees that you have a good life and wants to take you to practice?"

Jiang Tong's face turned even redder, and he nodded stiffly, "I would rather die, and Senior Qiu Mian will help me deal with it. Seeing that Senior Qiu Mian is about to drive her away, the woman's back suddenly grows. A pair of black fleshy wings. Then the woman's cultivation increased greatly, and Senior Brother Qiu Mian would not lose in the fight with that woman, but in order to cover my escape, I fell into the woman's conspiracy and became like this."

Fan Lu: "Where did you find that woman?"

Jiang Tong recalled carefully, "In Wutong Town."

Fan Lu didn't stay long after he knew the information he wanted. He just lost a lot of cultivation to heal Qiu Mian, and now he urgently needs to rest.

Sang Jiuchi also saw Fan Lu's weakness and quickly took him away.

Sang Jiuchi practiced in Dongfu, but he also had a living room in Qianshan.

Fan Lu sacrificed the paper kite, and the two disappeared in front of everyone after a while.

Watching Fan Lu and Sang Jiuchi leave, Jiang Tong couldn't hold back any longer, and his tears fell one by one like beans.

Jiang Tong is only eighteen years old this year, and when Master brought it back, he was still a babbling three-year-old baby. The whole body is pink and plump, and it can be said that he grew up under the favor of the whole sect.

Although Jiang Tong has grown up now, the elders still love him. And he is very beautiful, attracting the secret love of many disciples.

Seeing Jiang Tong cry, everyone stepped forward to comfort him.

Jiang Tong cried and said, "Master used to love me the most, but you can see it today. He only has Fan Lu in his eyes. It's not that I'm jealous, Master is arrogant, and I won't say much about who he prefers, but only Du Brahma is impossible. The devilish energy lingers around him, and I'm afraid that he will harm the master in the future. The master has always been pure and good, and I don't know what tricks that Brahma used to deceive the master!"

Several elders looked unhappy: "Don't worry, Tonger, we will never let that demon destroy the prestige of the master!"

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