MTL - I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells-Chapter 531 Unbreakable seal

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Shinji, who knew Feiduan's inner thoughts, immediately followed up: "That woman should be the strongest among those monsters. If you are not sure, then replace me."

As soon as Feiduan heard this, he immediately changed his attitude, "I'll send her to see Lord Heretic God right away!"

During this time, Shinji was not a marginal OB in vain, and he was also observing.

Especially observe this 'woman' who has never been seen before.

So many ninjas just got close to her and died, which shows how dangerous it is.

Therefore, only immortal bodies like him and Feiduan can deal with this guy.

If Feiduan refused to go, he would have to come.

Fortunately, Feiduan is better to fool around and be obedient.

Then Woody handed it over to Zuo as he just said.

Although the current left assistant may not be able to kill the other party, he is not at a disadvantage.

As for the jade algae, go wherever you like.

Shensi locked his target on Mr. Eni, and at the same time summoned Mo Xi to deal with Shanhu.

When Shensi strangely appeared in front of Mr. Di, Mr. Di had the urge to scold his mother!

Is this guy haunted?

Why do you see it wherever you go!

Mr. Di was very angry, but he had no choice but to bite the bullet and start to deal with Shensi.

Everyone is an old opponent, there is no temptation, it is a life-and-death fight!

"The Annihilation Curse Returns to the Ruins!"

"Virtual type this!"

After completing the domain construction of the [Unlimited Spell], Shinji was also able to use phantom as a small skill at will.

I saw two different energy columns slamming into each other fiercely, and they all wanted to dissolve and disintegrate each other.

In the end, Shensi's virtual form was stronger, forcibly erased the return to the ruins, and then exploded in a group of cannon fodder curse spirits!

At that moment, Shensi's system prompt sound was about to swipe the screen, which was very cool!

Although the quality is not good, but the quantity is large and full, there is no risk!

Shensi really wanted to leave Mr. Eni alone, and clear all these mobs first.

But he knew that if he let the other party run away again this time, then he would be really embarrassed.

"If you don't have anything new, don't even think about leaving alive today."

As he spoke, the aura of Shinji began to surge!

Crimson Blood Gymnastics · He Scale Vibration · Zai!

The familiar mysterious stripes immediately appeared on his face.

"Incantation, Extreme, Destiny is in me!"

"'Quick'! "

""Magic!"! "

""indestructible"! "

Layers of mantras enveloped him like stacks of buffs.

Hold the beheading sword in your hand and cut!

Shinji, who used all his strength, was simply unstoppable, and he was about to be chopped with a single slash.

Mr. Di did not dodge this time. He gritted his teeth and completed the attack in his hand.

Anyway, Mr. Di's current body is that of an ancient monster, ignoring almost all physical attacks, and he is simply the natural enemy of swordsmen and samurai.

So Mr. Di is not afraid of being cut at all, and it is not certain who will die next time.

Shinji also laughed. In the past, he was the only one who liked to play injury-for-injury, but now he didn't expect it to start.


Shensi's knife directly cut off Mr. Di in the middle, but Mr. Di's last attack was unable to touch Shensi's body at all, because the distance was stretched to infinity!

Mr. Enemy's Tong Kong shrank, and green light flashed from the wound.

Then he saw that Mr. En, who was cut in half, was immediately glued together again.

"It's useless, I can't deal with you, but you can't kill me either! The curse spirit is the real darling of this world."

Mr. enemy directly let go of harsh words.

"Really, I don't believe it."

"The field expands, the boundless space!"

Seeing that Shinji wanted to release the domain, Mr. Di immediately followed.

However, the speed at which He Shensi released the domain was too fast, and in 0.2 seconds, Mr. Di was directly pulled into his domain.

Inner world, nothingness, black hole...

These elements construct the realm [Infinite Space].

Mr. Di, who was still in action, immediately received all kinds of useless messages.

Then Shinji appeared and put a hand directly on Mr. En's head.

"Does it feel like everything has stopped, but it doesn't seem like it."

"I know, you think I can't kill you because this monster is immortal and can only be sealed."

"Then have you thought about it, if it is a permanent seal and can't come out again, then what's the difference between death?"

Mr. Di could perfectly hear what Shinji said, but he couldn't reply.

Even if he could reply, he would not easily believe what the enemy said.

"I know you won't believe it, but there are so many amazing things in this world, like this..."

Shinji took out the [Hand of Maitreya] and suddenly smiled very happily.

Mr. Enemy is numb...

After filtering out the useless information, he really felt the great crisis of life and death on the broken arm.

But he was speechless at all.

He could only watch Shensi untangle the Buddha beads wrapped around his palm, and then revealed a palm with a hole in it.

"This is the home I have prepared for you, eternal annihilation in this cursed wind Shensi immediately activated the [Hand of Maitreya], and the amazing suction instantly acted on the immobility. on Mr. Enemy.

If this thing is not used properly, it is easy to accidentally hurt.

But when there are only him and the enemy in the current field, it is equivalent to a fixed-point sniping, and the innocent will not be implicated!

At this moment, Mr. Di was screaming wildly in his heart, but he couldn't say a word.

Especially after the senses were stretched, the whole process of being sucked into the wind cave was really tormenting!


In the end, Mr. Di, who didn't know what trump cards were hidden, was swallowed by the wind cave.

Shensi immediately sealed the [Hand of Maitreya] with the beads again.

He is also not sure how many backhands Mr. Di has prepared, so instead of trying a little bit, let him disappear completely.

And using [Hand of Maitreya] to solve the enemy, the only thing that is not good is that you can't get the curse soul value and other rewards.

Because the other party did not die, but was permanently sealed.

Card wipe!

The domain was shattered, and Shinji returned to the battlefield.

He easily solved Mr. Enemy, which made him feel very good.

Not afraid of the strength of the curse spirit, but afraid of the great ambition of the curse spirit.

Without Mr. Di, the remaining curse spirits are nothing to fear.

Shensi prepared not to leave any of them, and cleaned them all up, so that the follow-up would be much simpler.

Maybe it can really control the chaos of the curse spirits within an extremely small range.

Maybe in a few decades, people will only be able to see the curse spirits from places like 'zoos' and 'historical museums'.

Just thinking about it makes me a little excited.

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