MTL - I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells-Chapter 532 It's the slack 3

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When Shinji appeared on the battlefield with Zuozuo and others, he immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Especially the people from the Konoha camp, don't forget that Zuo Shi is now S-level wanted traitor!

But just when many people doubted the purpose of their appearance, the actions of Shinji and others proved their position.

Either way, they are first and foremost human.

Of course, this is what other people think about the situation at the time.

Shinji's idea is very simple, just to dry the spell!

So after seeing that they directly started to find trouble with the curse spirit, the ninja coalition did not take action against them, but began to share the pressure for them in a tacit understanding.

Then Shensi directly connected [Boundless Space] to [Maitreya's Hand] to give the leader of the Curse Spirit Alliance to seconds!

The morale of the entire ninja coalition suddenly increased, and it was extremely exciting!

But the Spell Alliance was not affected much.

The only real person who is really sad is probably the real one.

Others, Shanhu wanted to change the boss for a long time, and Woody was going to be the boss himself. The 'Lady of Death' is just one-heartedly harvesting souls...

As for the remaining cannon fodder spell spirits, as long as these super-class spell spirits are not dead, they will continue to charge.

"What happened just now, has this guy Akagi Shinji become so strong?"

They were also a little surprised.

He thought he couldn't do it, but it was easily done by others. Doesn't that mean that the other party killed him in an instant? !

Even Tsunade was startled, but when she thought that there was still some debt between the two of them, she just pouted.

However, Terumi Mei's eyes were full of brilliance, and she wanted to shout loudly, "See, this is our misty shadow advisor!"

Oh, I am the water shadow.

That's fine.

At this moment, Obito, who disappeared for a while, finally returned to the battlefield with Kakashi.

And at this moment, the mask on Obito's face has been smashed, and a large hole has been broken in the left chest.

Right now, it is completely relying on the intercolumnar cells and the reincarnation eye to forcibly continue its life.

Looking at Kakashi again, he was also injured all over his body, and it seemed that he was going to be GG.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a five-to-five, and anyone can force a five-to-five.

After leaving the Kamui space, Obito was immediately transferred to the ten tails that had evolved to the second stage.

The loess led a large number of ninjas who were good at earth escape and finally buried it in the ground.

"Obito, the boring jokes should end."

Suddenly, a voice penetrated the entire battlefield.

Obito's hands that were forming a seal were forced to stop.

Five black sticks emerged from Obito's right arm in an instant. The black sticks also pierced Obito's right arm when they appeared, and the black sticks swallowed Obito's right arm into black.

When everyone heard the sound, they saw that another figure appeared on the head of the ten tails.

As soon as this figure appeared, he first controlled Obito, and then took back his own fan.

"Uchiha... Madara?!"

Obito's face suddenly turned very ugly. In order to complete his plan, he stopped being Madara's pawn, and did not hesitate to use Kakashi to destroy his heart.

After all, as long as he can become a ten-tailed man, he is just a heart, and he will be able to recover immediately.

But he never thought that Madara would appear at this juncture.

Looking at Madara's state, he suddenly remembered something.

Someone reincarnated Madara to the dirt!

It's that person!

Obito suddenly thought of the pharmacist pocket.

"Damn, I should have killed him in the first place!"

Obito can think of these things, and so can Shinji.

"You have been given a chance to live, why don't you cherish it?"

Shinji was a little puzzled, this should not be the choice that the smart guy should make.

Away from the battlefield, hiding in the far pocket really does not want to get involved in these things.

But the problem is that he was controlled by Hei Jue!

Don't forget, the inter-column cells in Obito were actually incorporated into a avatar of Bai Jue.

In other words, Obito's every move is under surveillance.

So when they resurrected Minato Namikaze with the technique of reincarnation of the dirty earth, and then extracted the nine-tailed chakra, Hei Jue stared at the pharmacist's pocket!

Then when the pharmacist left, he followed him, and then found an opportunity to directly possess him.

Hei Jue's possessing ability is enough to control the vast majority of people, and at this time, Dou naturally can't escape.

Under the threat of death, Dou Ying could only obey obediently.

That's why Madara Uchiha made his debut at this critical juncture!

As for whether there are other people who were reincarnated from the dirt, I don't know for the time being.

"You really worked hard to get rid of my control. Unfortunately, you can never escape."

"Because I gave you your second life, it's time for you to repay your kindness."

Madara said, while one-handed Knotyin tried to use the reincarnation technique, and at the same time manipulated Obito's Knotyin through the swallowing of the black stick to complete this technique and truly resurrect himself.

Obito resisted with all his might, but couldn't get rid of Madara's control at all.

At this moment, Shinji, who entered the range of the spell, patted his palm lightly.

Instantly swapped a curse spirit and Banana frowned slightly and wiped the curse spirit away.

Although it is far away, the control continues.

Seeing this, Shensi cut off Obito's two arms without saying a word!

After Obito snorted, he said, "Thanks, or I almost got his way."

I don't even have a hand, and I have a fart mark.

This can refer to the Orochimaru whose hands were captured by the **** of death.

Madara's Reincarnation Innate Technique also failed because of this.

"Can you hold on?"

"I can't die for the time being, but I don't have much time. I have to become a ten-tailed man. Shinji, help me."

Obito knew that his current state was not enough to support him to fight again.

So I put all my hope on Shinji.

And the bond value between the two of them has exceeded the thousand mark, which means that the bond task will no longer be triggered.

It stands to reason that this kind of useless thing is generally not done by Shinji.

But looking at the last bit of light left in Obito's eyes, he could only sigh and nodded slightly.

"Uchiha Madara, right, he's already a dead person, why don't you just stay in the underworld and be happy if you have to die again?"

"Arrogant junior, do you want to dance too?"

"I don't just think about dancing, but I also want to dance on your grave! Let me come down and lead me to death, and I've been crushed by the pillars for a lifetime and I can't raise my head~"

When Shensi's mouth is full of firepower, even the dead have to push the coffin board away, and they are furious!

No, Madara's temple is about to explode.

"Very well, no one has dared to speak to me like that in years."

Read The Duke's Passion