MTL - I’m Flirting with a Man in the Supernatural World-Chapter 11 Dark marriage (10)

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Luo Ziyang rushed in as promised, and the red light on Yin Xiaofeng's wedding dress dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As soon as Luo Ziyang came in and saw the situation inside, his face was horrified, and he rushed forward to hold Wang Xue's limbs.

Rarely, Wang Xue fainted after only struggling a few times, which made Luo Ziyang who was about to fight desperately confused.

Chu Huai threw away Wang Xue's hair in his hand, took a breath, and finally felt relieved.

Sure enough, fighting between women and scratching their hair are really tried and tested.

"She shouldn't be a ghost, right?"

Luo Ziyang swallowed hard.

"You think she's weak?" Chu Huai said angrily.

Luo Ziyang touched his nose embarrassedly.

Chu Huai explained: "Wang Xue bumped into a ghost in the toilet that day. Brother Jin and I resolved the crisis as soon as we entered. Later, I realized that this was a reminder from the mission."

"What hint?" Luo Ziyang was surprised.

"Gender," Chu Huai paused, "it was Brother Jin who really saved Wang Xue, not me, I just happened to grab the shroud, Brother Jin is a man, and Wang Xue is a woman, a man and a woman get together , and you will be safe."

That's why he dared to play with Wang Xue like this, because with Luo Ziyang around, it was impossible for Wang Xue to do anything to him.

Luo Ziyang thought of a possibility, and blurted out: "In other words, as long as Li Bin rushes in to save Wang Xue, Wang Xue will be fine at all!"

"Yes." Chu Huai sighed.

"So that's why the boss told me not to leave!"

Luo Ziyang figured it out in an instant.

Chu Huai nodded.

He didn't know when Jin Tianyi figured out this node, but he must have been earlier than himself.

I accidentally slept with Jin Tianyi every night, but became the safest one. I only encountered old man Yin doing bad things, but no ghosts.

That day he left Jin Tianyi and Wang Xue to go to Ma's house. Wang Xue might have intended to attack him, but was discovered by him, so he postponed the plan.

There are many restrictions on ghosts in this world. "Wang Xue" must lurk in the crowd to find opportunities to kill, and must wear shrouds. As Jin Tianyi guessed, shrouds are the host of ghosts. Wearing a shroud, one will have the ability to kill.

So there is no so-called "safe place" at all. When Li Bin had a disagreement with him and Wang Xue chose to stay, Yin Mansion became a dangerous place. If Wang Xue chose to go with them to Cao Mansion, in contrast, Cao Mansion The risk factor will increase.

Moreover, thinking of this level, he has every reason to suspect that the ghost in the latrine was directing and acting on its own. At that time, no one wore Ma Zhicheng's shroud. It is impossible for Ma Zhicheng to kill Wang Xue. He was probably just threatening Wang Xue...

As for the purpose...

Chu Huai's eyes froze, the possibility made him feel terrified.

Ma Zhicheng wanted to...force Wang Xue to feel resentment, and thus was deceived, so he took the initiative to put on Yin Xiaofeng's wedding dress.

As for how Wang Xue found Yin Xiaofeng's wedding dress...

It doesn't matter anymore.

The world of horror seems to be taking advantage of each of their weaknesses, knowing each and every one of them.

The ghost seems to have known early on that Li Bin would make the choice to die.

How did he know?

The world of horror revealed the "crime" of each of them to the ghosts?

"How did you think the reminder would be this?" Luo Ziyang cast his eyes on the ground in admiration.

Chu Huai came back to his senses with a strange expression on his face.

He can't always tell because he's a man.

His gender was an extremely crucial part of the mission from the start.

At first, he thought it was the balance mechanism of the horror world, because he was weak, so he turned into a master of women's clothing, but later he realized that he was superficial.

Why exactly three men and three women? In order to make up three pairs, Horror World even went so far as to change him from male to female. Isn't this hint obvious enough?

If that wasn't obvious enough, why are Wang Xue and Li Bin a couple?

After all, the main story line is... a dark marriage.

Can three people get married?

Under normal circumstances in ancient times, could two men and two women get married?

In this dungeon, the world defaults to his gender as female.

So figured this out, and the way to survive... naturally surfaced.

Luo Ziyang suddenly covered his mouth, his eyes showing horror.

"Zhao Xin...she killed her?" He pointed at Wang Xue.

"...Your reflex arc is really long."

Ghosts can only kill when they reveal their shrouds. Zhao Xin and Wang Xue slept together, probably because they saw Wang Xue undressing.

"Father Yin and mother Yin were also killed by her! So you asked me if I saw the footprints!" Luo Ziyang slapped his head, "I'm so stupid!"

He was ashamed of thinking that Chu Jiao was retarded at the time.

"So she was yelling, "Stop the thief!" She slept with Zhao Xin that night. She killed Zhao Xin first, and then yelled to lead us over when the time was almost up!"

Chu Huai nodded: "That's why Zhao Xin lost her tongue, because she spoke ill of Yin Xiaofeng during the day."

Luo Ziyang only felt his scalp go numb, who would have thought that the ghosts had been lurking beside them for so long...

"No wonder she always wears a coat..." Luo Ziyang murmured.

Seeing that the explanation was almost finished, Chu Huai stood up and said, "Brother Luo, let's quickly take off her wedding dress."

"Why? Is this wedding dress still useful? Will she wake up later?" Luo Ziyang was puzzled.

Chu Huai couldn't explain clearly for a while, so he first grabbed Wang Xue's arm and undressed her.

Luo Ziyang immediately came over to help.

Halfway through their work, a woman's miserable scream suddenly came from outside.

Chu Huai paused.

"Mrs. Cao!" The two looked at each other.

Yin Xiaofeng was with them, so the one who attacked could only be... Ma Zhicheng.

And Ma Zhicheng's shroud is in...

Chu Huai lowered his eyes, and after a long time, he turned his head to look at Luo Ziyang: "Brother Luo, I'm going out, give me the wedding dress."

At this time, the wedding dress on Wang Xue's body had been completely stripped off, and corpse spots gradually appeared on her body.

Chu Huai took the wedding dress from Luo Ziyang and walked outside.

"Chu Jiao, will you really be fine if you hold it?" Luo Ziyang worried.

With Wang Xue's lessons learned, his worries are not groundless.

Chu Huai shook his head: "No, I don't have any resentment in my heart, she can't get on me."

"Chu Jiao, are you really a newcomer?" Luo Ziyang hesitated for a while, and finally asked the question he had been wanting to ask.

"Yes." Chu Huai turned to look at him, smiling innocently, her skirt was swaying, and she stood tall and graceful.

"You..." Luo Ziyang hesitated to speak, "How many tails do you have?"

Chu Huai raised his eyebrows and asked, "How many do you have?"

Luo Ziyang hesitated, gritted his teeth and said, "Qi Tiao, what about you?"

Chu Huai spread his hands and smiled slyly, revealing a beautiful little canine tooth: "Did I say exchange? Guess."

Luo Ziyang: "..."

However, what Chu Jiao said was tantamount to indirectly admitting that she had concealed something before.

"When the boss sleeps with you, I'll ask the boss." Luo Ziyang panicked behind him.

Chu Huai looked back at him with a half-smile, not paying attention.

Jin Tianyi slept with him?

How can it be.

After dawdling for a long time, Chu Huai finally went to open the door, but the door suddenly opened from the outside, and Jin Tianyi suddenly appeared in front of him.

Chu Huai was taken aback.

Jin Tianyi stared at him, with emotions in his eyes that he couldn't understand.

Jin Tianyi's eyes are very beautiful, and there is always a faint light flickering around.

If his eyes were purple, it would be like Elizabeth Taylor's eyes in "Cleopatra", but unfortunately they are black.

Chu Huai shook his head, threw out this strange thought, and flung himself into Jin Tianyi's arms with a pale face.

"Brother Jin," Chu Huai rubbed Jin Tianyi's chin with his forehead, clasped his shoulder blades behind his hands, and glanced in the direction of the bed, "Brother Jin, Wang Xue is a ghost. I'm so scared. Fortunately, Brother Luo is protecting me." I."

Luo Ziyang: "..." Well, he finally understood that this was a couple's interest, so he foolishly thought that Chu Jiao was really timid and delicate.

Jin Tianyi frowned, and when he was about to speak, Chu Huai had already pre-empted him, and said aggrievedly: "I was wrong, I shouldn't have ignored your words and ran around to make you worry."

His voice was soft and coquettish.

"So don't be angry, okay, I'm fine."

Chu Huai doesn't know what kind of woman Jin Tianyi likes, he can only pretend according to his own taste, and his taste has always been... quite heavy, but it seems that Jin Tianyi and him are in the same boat.

"There's nothing I can do about you." Jin Tianyi sighed softly, and hugged him back.

Chu Huai snorted secretly.

Luo Ziyang's eyes lit up, and he immediately admitted his mistake: "Boss, I was wrong too, I shouldn't have left Chu Jiao without listening to you..."

"Well," Jin Tianyi glanced at him lightly, "I hope you can get through this dungeon alive."

Luo Ziyang: "!!" Mom is a critic, why is there such a big difference in treatment between people? !

"Boss," Luo Ziyang sneered, "If I threw myself into my arms, would you gently say to them, 'There's nothing I can do about you'? Would you protect them?"

He propped his chin, looked serious, and seemed to be thinking about feasibility.

Chu Huai was startled.

Jin Tianyi looked at him with a half-smile.

Luo Ziyang didn't seem to realize that the rain was coming, so he added his bargaining chips with a sullen face: "The kind who sell their asses, lie flat and do their work, and will never counterattack. I am ok with women's clothing, bds.m, and uniforms."

"Why don't you call the master first?" He suggested solemnly.

Chu Huai, who was hugged by Jin Tianyi, widened his eyes and sighed.

Ashamed ashamed.

He hugged Jin Tianyi silently, fighting for his business ability, he felt a sense of crisis for the first time.

"This is my first time." Luo Ziyang smiled shyly.

He was just joking and joking around, talking about the train running so fast that he couldn't stop.

Jin Tianyi smiled at him, threw out the black shroud on his wrist, and grabbed Luo Ziyang's head.

Chu Huai: "..."

"Ahhh!" Luo Ziyang screamed and ran around.

"I'm going to be possessed by a ghost! It's over, it's over!"

"Huh?" He finally took off the black shroud covering his head, "I'm alright?"

Wang Xue's corpse: "..." You guys had so much fun playing next to a corpse.

The shroud was brought back by Jin Tianyi, Chu Huai was relieved but also a little puzzled.

He has already thought of a way out, and now the two shrouds are in their hands, there are no ghosts who can kill in the dungeon, but will it really go so smoothly...?

Read The Duke's Passion