MTL - I’m Flirting with a Man in the Supernatural World-Chapter 12 Dark marriage (11)

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Chu Huai found an excuse to dismiss Luo Ziyang, and locked himself and Jin Tianyi in the room.

Jin Tianyi sat on the bed with his long legs crossed, squinting at him slightly, his eyes were sharp.

Chu Huai gave him a gentle smile, approached him pretending to be stupid, bent his knees and squatted in front of Jin Tianyi, and put his slender hands on the buttons of his clothes.

Jin Tianyi was slightly surprised, and then his eyes flashed.

Also, how could it be possible to hide it from him.

He used to wear a shroud under his coat, but now he took off the shroud and nothing underneath. As long as Chu Huai took off his coat, he could be sure that it was "he" who killed Mrs. Cao.

Jin Tianyi smiled: "Jiaojiao, now is not the time."

Chu Huai: "..."

Chu Huai blushed and ignored him.

With a faint smile on his face, Jin Tianyi let him do the same.

The buttons were unbuttoned one by one, Chu Huai's fingers had a strange sense of beauty, and his movements were as gentle as unwrapping a gift belt.

Chu Huai originally just wanted to confirm his conjecture, but now looking at the "gift" in front of him, he felt a little complicated.

The man has a thin body, a narrow waist, well-proportioned and beautiful abdominal muscles, and smooth lines.

The atmosphere was a little delicate for a while.

Jin Tianyi was waiting for how Chu Huai would end up.

After a long time, Chu Huai suddenly stood up and commented sullenly, "They are quite...cute."

"I just wanted to see if you had it."

"So you just stripped my clothes?" Jin Tianyi raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Are you satisfied?"

Chu Huaizhen blushed: ""

He belatedly realized that in fact, it seemed that he didn't need to take off his clothes. He only needed to find a chance to reach in and touch Jin Tianyi when he was holding Jin Tianyi just now. Now...

So stupid.

Mainly this conversation is too embarrassing.

Jin Tianyi didn't make things difficult for him, he buttoned up the buttons himself, and pulled Chu Huai out.

"Jiaojiao," he turned his head to look at him, "you can only pick off my clothes from now on."

Chu Huai: "...OK."

Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door: "Jin, Brother Jin, Mrs. Cao is dead!"

It was Li Bin's voice, his whole throat was shaking.

Chu Huai glanced at Jin Tianyi, pretending not to know.

Mrs. Cao would die no matter what, this is cause and effect, he just never expected that Jin Tianyi would do the opposite, lure a ghost to his body, and kill Mrs. Cao.

He guessed that Jin Tianyi also got Ma Zhicheng's blessing because of this.

So when he put the black shroud on Luo Ziyang's head, Luo Ziyang was fine.

The four people who were still alive came to the mourning hall together, and Mrs. Cao's body lay quietly on the ground.

There were two dried up tear stains on both sides of her nose, her canthus was about to burst, and her eyes were so wide that they were about to roll out.

"Madam Cao is dead...I knew it! We shouldn't have come back..." Li Bin murmured.

He suddenly thought of something, looked around, with fear in his eyes: "Where is Wang Xue...?"

"Dead." Jin Tianyi said calmly.

When Li Bin heard these two words, he suddenly forgot to breathe.

Like a deflated ball, he slumped limply on the ground.

"Wang Xue... is dead." He murmured silently in despair, and scenes from the past flashed before his eyes.

Only then did he realize that Wang Xue was so important to him...

The people who have been together for so many years will be gone if they say nothing, obviously...Obviously as long as they go through this dungeon, they can return to reality...

It was a human life, but Jin Tianyi said it so easily, without any disturbance in his eyes.

"How can you be so indifferent?!" Li Bin asked Jin Tianyi sharply.

"She is Wang Xue, and she has been with me for seven years! Seven years! Do you understand!" He looked a little crazy.

Jin Tianyi looked at him with a strange look.

Luo Ziyang sneered, took out a matchbox, lit a cigarette, and told the truth: "It's important to you, but to us, it might just be like a dead dog."

He was also amazed by his sudden literary talent, and added: "Only those who are alive are meaningful, and those who are dead are not even considered human beings."

Li Bin sat on the ground blankly as if struck by lightning for a moment, shedding tears in pain.

Chu Huai lowered his eyes and remained silent.

The death of Mrs. Cao, like the death of Yin's father and mother, did not cause any commotion.

There were still ripples when the stones entered the water, and their bodies lay still intact, but there was no trace of being alive again.

Twelve midnight is approaching.

There was no lamp lit in the Dacao Mansion, and the four of them sat quietly in the darkness, waiting for the last moment to come.

Li Bin looked sick.

Chu Huai... was inexplicably sleepy, so sleepy that he couldn't even open his eyelids.

He felt something was wrong, he tilted his head and asked Jin Tianyi, "How much longer?"

Jin Tianyi glanced at his watch: "Ten minutes."

The time error of the mechanical watch he wears will not exceed one second within 24 hours.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Chu Huai shook his head with difficulty, watching the Jin Tianyi in front of him change from one to three, and finally... fell asleep.

Luo Ziyang on the side stared wide-eyed: "Isn't it? You can fall asleep here!"

Jin Tianyi called Chu Huai several times, but couldn't wake up, his eyes suddenly sank.

He reached out to Luo Ziyang: "Give me the sleeping pill."

Luo Ziyang looked dazed, but still quickly took out sleeping pills from his pocket and handed them to Jin Tianyi.

He often suffers from insomnia, so he brings the medicine with him. If he takes a small dose, he can wake up easily if there is any movement, but he will feel weak in limbs and mentally fatigued.

Jin Tianyi unscrewed the lid, quickly poured out a dozen or so pills, and swallowed them all at once.

"Boss!" Luo Ziyang panicked.

Jin Tianyi didn't have time to explain to him, so he just said: "If I don't wake up in ten minutes, you can put on this black shroud, find a place to hide, and when the ghost marriage is over, you can leave safely, do you understand? ?”

He handed the shroud to Luo Ziyang.

"Understood," Luo Ziyang paused, a little confused, "but..."

Jin Tianyi had already fallen asleep on the table.

Hearing Jin Tianyi's words, Li Bin fixed his eyes on the black shroud in Luo Ziyang's hand, his eyes flickering constantly.

Fragments appeared in Chu Huai's memory, why is he here?

The surroundings were very dark, pitch black, and he felt like he was in a tunnel.

In the end what happened?

Chu Huai frowned.

He tried to stay calm, squatted down slowly, wiped the ground with his hands, and explored around little by little. Finally, he touched the existence that was as hard as a wall.

The junction of the ground and the wall is a straight line, so... this is not a tunnel, if it is, he will see the light of the tunnel exit in the front and rear.

In other words, he is now in a completely enclosed space.

Chu Huai gradually felt chest tightness, the oxygen here was thin, and there was still a faint smell.

The smell was inexplicably familiar, but it was too weak, and Chu Huai couldn't tell what it was.

Alarm bells rang in his heart. If this continues, the moment the oxygen is exhausted will be the moment when he will die.

Chu Huai covered his mouth and nose, and started to walk around.

He cannot sit still.

After walking a few steps back, his eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, and between opening and closing, he saw a ghost with a pale face!

That grimace turned its eyes outward, foamed at the mouth, and there was a **** mole on the corner of its mouth!

In an instant, the ghost disappeared, and Chu Huai was still in shock.

Cao Rong.

He silently read the man's name, feeling extremely confident in his heart.

Cao Rong has turned into a ghost, and... is beside him.

Why, why is this happening?

Is it because Jin Tianyi killed Cao Rong's beloved mother, which gave birth to Cao Rong's resentment?

Unexpectedly, Cao Rong, a dude, would turn into a ghost for Mrs. Cao.

But Mrs. Cao will die no matter what, that is to say, this is a doomed situation!

What he was worried about finally happened.

It turns out that the biggest hidden danger is not Ma Zhicheng and Yin Xiaofeng at all, but...Cao Rong.

He was careless, he should have realized that he was the one the ghost really wanted to kill.

The ghost attacked Luo Ziyang and Li Bin just by chance, because they were... men.

And because Jin Tianyi fulfilled Ma Zhicheng's wish, he won Ma Zhicheng's blessing and would not become the target of ghosts.

So after Wang Xue and Zhao Xin died, he became the only... woman in the team.

Only he can become... the bride.

As long as he dies, the way of life will immediately become the way of death, there is no other solution, and the only one who can leave this world at that time is probably Jin Tianyi.

He must get out of here!

With the ghost behind, Chu Huai thought about it, and walked forward tentatively for a while. The corridor was very long and dark enough to make people despair.

After walking for about ten minutes, he saw dense black trees with a little light coming from nowhere.

Those trees were bare, without a single branch, they were so pitch black that they merged with the night, and Chu Huai almost ran into them.

They are very soft, and a gust of wind blew down a few of them, but then a shocking thing happened, and those fallen trees stood up again like tumblers.

The terrain under his feet began to get higher, and Chu Huai avoided the trees and walked forward.

He walked for a while, and suddenly his feet were empty, and he suddenly fell into a huge pit.

The walls of the pit were brown, a bit like the color of a yellow man's skin, and the bottom of the pit was extremely black.

At this moment, the stench in the air was already very strong, and Chu Huai just felt breathless.

He just fell in, and was unexpectedly uninjured, and the walls of the pit were extremely soft.

He raised his head, calculated the height, gritted his teeth, and began to climb up the pit wall. Then he was surprised to find that the friction force of the pit wall was extremely strong, and he climbed out easily.

Chu Huai looked back at the dark trees, and was hesitating for a while, when the shadows of the trees whirled, that hideous grimace appeared again, he moved extremely fast, and he was about to reach Chu Huai in the blink of an eye, Chu Huai Pupils dilated, run forward immediately!

A strange thing happened. The ghost moved faster than him. Ten minutes passed, but he still hadn't caught him. However, as soon as Chu Huai turned his head, he could see that ghostly face clinging to his back, showing his face towards him. Sharp fangs!

Two crescent-shaped shimmers of light suddenly appeared not far ahead, like an oasis in the desert, undoubtedly a symbol of hope at this moment.

The twilight flowed, as if inviting Chu Huai to go over. Chu Huai's ecstasy when he first saw the twilight had faded, and he...suddenly stopped running.

Underfoot is...a soft, lip-like touch.

He took a step back.

The ground in front of him suddenly cracked a huge gap, and through the two crescent-shaped shimmers, he saw... sharp teeth!

And a wriggling tongue tinged with foam.

Chu Huai took a few more steps back, and he suddenly turned around and smiled at the grimaces following behind him. In a split second, ghost hands pierced his body.

He's... safe and sound.

The grimace disappeared.

It dawned on him.

I am on... Cao Rong's body.

This Cao Rong's coffin.

The stench is...the stench of corpses.

The dark trees should be... leg hair, Chu Huai even wanted to laugh.

And that huge hole is...the belly button.

So the crescent-shaped shimmer came from Cao Rong's eyes.

Cao Rong died of epilepsy, a breakdown of the central nervous system, and his body was out of control, so after he transformed into a ghost, the horror world restrained him...he couldn't move.

He could only fabricate false illusions, force himself to run forward, step into the trap step by step, and be eaten by him in the end.

It is safe to run backwards.

The bottom of the feet was wet, foam was spreading from Cao Rong's mouth, Chu Huai hurriedly ran back, but Cao Rong's body suddenly twitched, Chu Huai slipped and fell down!

He was about to get up, but Cao Rong's tongue extended rapidly, and finally...wrapped around his ankle.

Chu Huai's pupils suddenly dilated, and a huge pulling force suddenly appeared on that tongue!

He firmly grasped Cao Rong's flesh with his fingers, and kept crawling forward, sawing Cao Rong, but the pulling force was too great, he was no different from hitting a stone with an egg.

Chu Huai gradually lost his support, and seeing Cao Rong's mouth was at his feet, he closed his eyes.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At the last moment, he finally figured out a way to get out of the coffin.

This is...his dream.

In the dream, he is God.

There is only one God.

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Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction