MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 219 Ask Sea God: "I kill Tang San, will you stop me?

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  Chapter 219 asks Sea God: "I kill Tang San, will you stop me?"

   Otherwise, how could it be possible to successfully revive Tang San with the two title Douluo of Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

   Sea God and Shura God secretly helped Tang San create all kinds of necessary conditions.

  For those who don’t know, seeing the two gods secretly helping Tang San will feel very excited.

  But if you think about it carefully, Nima is too dark. The two major gods, a first-level **** and a **** position, are so unruly.

   On the contrary, it was Rakshasa God and Angel God who left the God Realm after passing the throne to Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue.

   As a result, those who obey the rules are defined as villains.

   Those who do not follow the rules are just.

  Okay, that's a long shot.

  Back to the topic.

  Mo Bai doesn't know the true face of the Sea God, or the Sea God doesn't know that he will stay and continue to help Tang San secretly after passing the throne to Tang San.

  After Mo Bai heard the Sea God's words, he knew that the seat of the Sea God had not been passed on to Tang San.

  So Mo Bai asked: "If this is the case, if I kill Tang San, will the sea **** intervene? I know one thing, the gods of the gods are generally not allowed to interfere with the affairs of the lower realm."

   Mo Bai asked directly.

  What he wanted was Seagod's attitude, it didn't matter whether he killed Tang San here or not.

   "Are you going to kill my inheritor?"

   Sea God snorted coldly when he heard Mo Bai's words.

   What Mo Bai said later was obviously using the rules of the God Realm to suppress him. Being so tempted by a junior, Sea God was naturally annoyed.

   "Not yet, just asking!"

   Mobai is telling the truth.

  Sea God pondered for a moment when he heard the words, he really didn't feel the killing intent on Mo Bai's body.

   "That's good. I won't break the rules of the God Realm, but I hope you don't do that. After all, it's not easy to find a suitable inheritor!"

  Afterwards, Sea God answered Mo Bai's question.

   He clearly stated that he would not break the rules of the God Realm, but he also hoped that Mo Bai would not trouble Tang San.

   "OK, I got it!"

   "Thank you, Sea God, for letting me know!"

  Mo Bai nodded, and then ended the communication with Sea God's consciousness.

  However, even if he got the answer from Sea God himself, Mo Bai didn't really believe it.

   Before things happen, it's useless to talk beautifully.

  But this can't stop Mo Bai's determination to kill Tang San after returning to his own world. After all, Tang San has a deep hatred with him.

  Of course, it was Tang San who unilaterally hated him like a sea.

  After finishing the communication with Sea God, Mo Bai put away the Blue Silver Emperor that covered the entire Sea God Island, and left Sea God Island directly with a flash of his figure.

  Bo Saixi watched Mo Bai leave, and didn't dare to stop him at all.

  Hundred-level gods are no longer something she can deal with.

   Besides, the other party seemed to be in communication with Lord Seagod, and Lord Seagod didn't say anything, so she naturally didn't dare to be troublesome.

  If Lord Sea God ordered her to keep Mo Bai, even if it cost her life, she would still keep Mo Bai.

   But Lord Seagod didn't, so naturally Bo Saixi wouldn't make his own claim.

   "I don't know who this guy is, I seem to have never heard of it!"

  Bo Saixi looked at Mobai's disappearing back, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

  Although she is only the High Priest of Sea God Island and has never thought of leaving Sea God Island, she still knows about some powerful people on the mainland through certain information channels.

   But as far as she knows, Mo Bai is not any of the strong men she knows, as if he just appeared out of thin air.

   And as soon as it came out, it was a hundred-level god, which is so surprising!

   "Hope, Tang San is all right!"

  Bo Saixi could only pray, Mo Bai went to Tang San not to kill Tang San, otherwise with Tang San's strength, he would be powerless to contend.

   In that case, she would have to wait again.

   After waiting for so many years, she doesn't want to disappoint Lord Seagod again!

   "High Priest, who was that just now?"

   "Yes, High Priest, that person is too scary..."

   "Will that person come back again?"


   After a while, the guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars of Sea God Island rushed to Bo Saixi one after another, and asked Bo Saixi with a shocked face.

  They are all worried about whether the enemy is really gone, and whether they will come back.

   "Don't worry, our Sea God Island is protected by Lord Sea God, nothing will happen!"

  Bo Saixi smiled lightly and comforted everyone.

   "Yes, High Priest!"

  Hearing what Bo Saixi said, the guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars felt relieved.

  They thought so too, their Seagod Island is protected by Seagod, so they don’t need to worry about anything at all.

  Outsiders may doubt the existence of Lord Seagod, but they will not doubt the existence of Lord Seagod at all, but are 100% sure that Lord Seagod exists.


  After Mo Bai left Sea God Island, he returned to Douluo Continent.

  As for the Sun Moon Continent in this world, Mo Bai has no interest in going there at all.

  Wuhun Empire, Mo Bai is not planning to go either.

  In this world, he is not the holy son of the Wuhun Empire, and it doesn't make sense to go there.

   Looking for Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue in this world?

   It's also completely meaningless, they don't know Mo Bai at all.

  The Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue in this world are not the Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue he knows at all.

   What's more, Mo Bai also killed Yu Xiaogang, Mo Bai believed that Yi Bibidong's information must have known that there was a person like him who killed Yu Xiaogang.

   Go to see Bibi Dong, Bibi Dong most likely wants to kill him.

  Mo Bai wasn't going to find himself uncomfortable.

  Mo Bai didn't even think about getting Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue in this world.

   It will take time to attack them, and Mo Bai never thought of staying here for too long.

   As soon as the cooling time of the space-time wormhole is up, he is ready to return to his original world.

  After returning to the Douluo Continent, Mo Bai leisurely wandered around a town on the coast, while thinking about what he should do next.

   "By the way, Ice and Fire Yin Yang!"

   "Long Wei under the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye, it's a waste to put it there, so go and absorb it!"

   "Longwei is still helpful to improve my strength. It can make my divine power more deterrent, especially for beasts!"

  After wandering around Baisha City for half a day, Mo Bai thought of what he could do in this world.

  After thinking of the Binghuo Liangyiyan, Mobai's figure flashed and disappeared into the city. Stepping on a blue silver sword leaf, he flew towards the setting sun forest.


  In the setting sun forest, in the treasure land of ice and fire.

  A blue-silver grass with blue-gold patterns swayed beside the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, slowly emitting light blue spots.

  One of the blue and silver leaves is wrapping around a man's left hand.

  Blue Silver Grass is Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin, the man is naturally Tang Hao who lost his right hand and left leg.

   "A Yin, you mean that Xiao San has returned to the mainland?"

   "Where is he now? How is it going?"

  After receiving the message from A Yin, Tang Hao's eyes lit up, a little pleasantly surprised.

  Since Tang San left the mainland for Sea God Island, he hadn't heard from Tang San for five years, so he was naturally happy to hear about Tang San now.

   At the same time he was relieved, there was no news of Tang San, he was really worried about Tang San's situation in Sea God Island.

   "If Xiao San comes back and sees you, Ah Yin, you will be very happy!"

   Immediately, Tang Hao smiled at A Yin.

  At this time, Ah Yin has grown a lot compared to five years ago after being transplanted into the Binghuo Liangyi Eye.

  The current Ah Yin has probably recovered tens of thousands of years of soul power cultivation, and in about ten years, he may be able to recover 100,000 years of soul power cultivation and transform into a human again.

  As soon as he thinks of this, Tang Hao's heart is filled with enthusiasm, and he is full of expectations for the future.

  In the past, he wanted to die so that he could accompany Ah Yin, but now he doesn't want to die at all!

  The Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye made him see the hope of resurrecting Ah Yin.

   For this, Tang Hao is extremely grateful to his son Tang San. If it wasn't for Tang San, he probably would never have the hope of seeing Ah Yin again in his life.

  Hearing Tang Hao's words, Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin swayed again, expressing the same mood.

  Just looking at Tang Hao's broken arms and legs, Ah Yin is also very distressed. Even if he has faced it for five years, every time he sees it, Ah Yin will feel extremely distressed.

  Thinking in this way, Ah Yin quickly found some medicinal herbs for Tang Hao from the treasure land, and handed them to Tang Hao.

   "Well, I eat!"

   "After eating the herbs you found for me, Ayin, my body has completely recovered, and my soul power has also improved!"

   "Continue, maybe my cultivation can be restored!"

   Tang Hao smiled and took the herbs.

  In these years, he stayed with Ah Yin here every step of the way, and never went out to find food. It was Ah Yin who always found herbs for him to satisfy his hunger.


  But immediately after, Tang Hao let out a low drink, and turned his head to look at the entrance.

  There, at an unknown time, a figure came.

  The person who came was naturally darkened.

   "Who are you?" Seeing Mo Bai suddenly appearing, Tang Hao immediately became vigilant.

   He didn't find out until after Mo Bai appeared, which already showed that the person who came was not simple.

   Moreover, Ah Yin did not find out beforehand, which is even more difficult.

  A Yin, who was behind Tang Hao, also had several vines spreading out from his body at this time, accompanying Tang Hao around.

   "Sure enough, you are all here!"

   "Tang Hao and the Blue Silver Emperor!"

  Mo Bai smiled faintly when he saw Tang Hao and the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin.

  He was not surprised at all that Tang Hao and A Yin were here. In his world, Tang San could think of transplanting the Blue Silver Emperor A Yin here. It is impossible for Tang San in this world not to think of this.

   It has to be said that Tang San in the two worlds is still very filial.

"who are you?"

  Hearing Mo Bai's words, Tang Hao's expression became more serious.

  Knowing Tang Hao is okay, but knowing the existence of Ah Yin, the other party must know him very well.

   Such a person is either a friend or an enemy.

  But he clearly knew that the other party was not one of his own, so the visitor was not kind.

   "You don't need to know who I am!"

   "I want to enter the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye and get something!"

   "Please make way!"

   Mo Bai smiled faintly, but he never thought of killing them.

  Mo Bai didn't even think about killing Tang San in this world, let alone Tang Hao and Ah Yin.

  Only Yu Xiaogang can really make Mo Bai feel unhappy, and he will be unhappy if he doesn't kill him.

   "Get something? Do you think I'll believe it?"

  Hearing what Mo Bai said, Tang Hao sneered suddenly.

   Regardless of whether what Mo Bai said is true or not, he does not agree.

  The Ice and Fire Liangyiyan is of great significance to Ah Yin. It is his hope to revive Ah Yin. He does not want the Binghuo Liangyiyan to be destroyed.

   "Believe it or not, it's up to you. I'm just being polite to you because I'm too lazy to do anything. Don't be shameless!"

  Mo Bai snorted coldly when he heard the words.

   "Said so much, it's nothing more than an excuse, you are here for us, right?"

  Tang Hao also refused to give an inch.

   "Actually, I'm curious about one thing, Your Excellency Tang Hao!"

   "Have you ever thought that you have betrayed the entire human race by defending a soul beast like this and standing by the soul beast?"

   "As the number one sect in the world and the direct descendant of Haotian, you, who are supposed to protect the human race, are colluding with soul beasts. What do you think?"

   "For the sake of beauty, can you abandon the sect and betray the sect?"

   "I'm really curious about how beautiful this Ah Yin is!"

  Seeing that Tang Hao refused to move away, Mo Bai also laughed angrily, and then mocked Tang Hao.

   "I didn't betray the sect and the human race, I just want to be with the woman I love!"

  Tang Hao's eyes turned red when he heard Mo Bai's ridicule.

   Said that he failed the sect, he admitted, said that he betrayed the sect and the human race, he did not admit it.

   "Whatever you think, if you think it's not, then it's not!"

  Mo Bai shrugged, and didn't argue with Tang Hao. Anyway, in his opinion, it's okay for ordinary people to like soul beasts. Tang Hao, a direct descendant from the Haotian School, actually likes a soul beast. That's because he hasn't been educated well.

   "Well, how about I help you resurrect Ah Yin? Let me take a look too, how beautiful is this soul beast woman who can make you abandon everything!"

   Immediately afterwards, Mo Bai suddenly put forward a suggestion that stunned Tang Hao.

  Mo Bai is also really curious about Ah Yin's appearance, and resurrecting Ah Yin is much easier than Xiao Wu.

  A Yin is the Blue Silver Emperor, who can absorb the vitality of the Blue Silver Grass and turn it into his own use. Mo Bai is also the Blue Silver Emperor, who can extract the vitality of the surrounding Blue Silver Grass and loosen it for Ah Yin.

  Probably only need to extract half of the vitality of all the blue silver grass within a hundred miles, it is enough to restore Ah Yin to a hundred thousand years of soul power cultivation.

  Ayin’s existence is also quite special, and it’s not considered a resurrection. She only needs to restore her 100,000-year-old soul power, and she can revert to a human form by herself.

   "You... what did you say?"

   " can revive Ah Yin?"

  Tang Hao stared at Mo Bai dumbfounded. He really didn't expect such words to come out of Mo Bai's mouth.

   "What the **** are you trying to do?"

   After a while, Tang Hao calmed down and looked at Mo Bai warily.

  He just felt that the person in front of him was moody, and he mocked him all the time, and said he would help him resurrect Ah Yin, but he didn't know which words to believe.


  (end of this chapter)

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