MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 220 To Tang Hao: "I just want to see how your wife is

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  Chapter 220 To Tang Hao: "I just want to see how beautiful your wife is!"

   "I didn't do anything, didn't I say it? I just wanted to see how beautiful your wife is!"

   Mo Bai shrugged.

  To be honest, Mo Bai is really curious.

   "No need, this is our place, please leave here, Your Excellency!"

  Hearing Mo Bai's words, with a tone of teasing his wife, Tang Hao suppressed the anger in his heart, coldly rejected Mo Bai's proposal, and asked Mo Bai to leave here.

  If it wasn't for the great decrease in strength, what Mo Bai said just now would be enough for him to smash the opponent with the Clear Sky Hammer.

   "I told you, I'm here to get something from Binghuo Liangyi's eyes!"

   "It looks like you won't let go!"

  Mo Bai looked at Tang Hao indifferently, and his expression gradually became impatient.

   "You are not welcome here, please leave!"

  Tang Hao didn't believe Mo Bai's words at all, and coldly asked Mo Bai to leave here again.


   While speaking, Tang Hao also released his Killing God Domain.

   Now his strongest is the Death God Domain.

  Because the killing **** domain didn't weaken with the weakening of his soul power level, it was still as strong.

  The terrifying killing **** domain, full of domineering killing intent, erupted from Tang Hao's body in an instant, sweeping all directions.

  Mo Bai was immediately enveloped by Tang Hao's murderous aura.

  Tang Hao, for the time being, he doesn't want to release his martial soul and soul ring, only the Killing God Domain, because the Killing God Domain will be at the Title Douluo level.

  Tang Hao's idea was nothing more than to make Mo Bai retreat.

  However, facing Tang Hao's Killing God Domain, Mo Bai's expression did not change at all, his expression was calm.

   "Dignified Haotian Douluo, that's it?"

   Mo Bai looked at Tang Hao and smiled contemptuously.

   "You don't want me to revive your wife, I just want to revive her!"

  Mobai flowers fell, and the martial soul and soul ring on his body were released instantly.


  When Mo Baidang's martial soul and soul ring appeared, the terrifying divine power that swept the world also descended.

  Under this divine power, Tang Hao's face suddenly changed dramatically.

"This is impossible…"

  Looking at the martial soul and soul ring on Mo Bai's body, Tang Hao exclaimed in astonishment.

  Tang Hao was completely taken aback by the configuration of the soul ring on Mo Bai's body. As for the fact that Mo Bai's martial soul is also a blue silver grass, he completely ignored it.

   Didn't notice it at all, okay? My mind was completely overwhelmed by Mo Bai's soul ring configuration!

   "Who the **** are you?"

  Tang Hao looked at Mo Bai again, full of fear.

  A Yin, the Blue Silver Emperor next to Tang Hao, was also swaying at this time, looking very shocked.

  She was a little more careful than Tang Hao, not only noticed the configuration of Mo Bai's soul ring, but also noticed the martial soul on Mo Bai.

   She is also the Blue Silver Emperor, and her blood seems to be a bit higher than hers.

   "Are you...the Blue Silver Emperor of the previous generation? Have you become a **** through cultivation?"

  Ayin respectfully questioned Mo Bai through her spiritual strength. She believed that with Mo Bai's god-level cultivation base, she would definitely be able to hear her voice.

  A Yin just suspected that Mo Bai might be the Blue Silver Emperor of the previous generation, the Blue Silver Emperor who was earlier than her, and then broke through level 100 to become a god.

   Otherwise, it is impossible for two Blue Silver Emperors to appear in the same period.

   Unless the predecessor became a **** or died.

   It's just the possibility of becoming a god, which she never dared to think about before.

  Mo Bai didn't answer the two's questions, the Shura God Domain, which was stronger than Tang Hao, was immediately released by Mo Bai, and suppressed on Tang Hao's body.

"This is…"

   Tang Hao was immediately suppressed by Mo Bai, unable to move.

  The Shura God Domain used by Mo Bai also shocked him, just like his Death God Domain.

  However, when his Killing God Domain encountered Mo Bai's Shura God Domain, it seemed to completely fail.

   "Shut up, just watch it obediently!"

  Mo Bai snorted coldly, and immediately opened another domain on his body, the Blue Silver Emperor domain.


  Within a radius of a hundred miles, it was instantly enveloped by the black-white Blue Silver Emperor Domain.

   "As the Blue Silver Emperor, I order you to donate half of your vitality!"

   Immediately afterwards, Mo Bai couldn't send an order to all the blue silver grass within a hundred miles, no matter if it was an ordinary weed blue silver grass or a soul beast blue silver grass with soul power.

   "It's really the Blue Silver Emperor..."

  Feeling that Mo Bai received the order, Ah Yin was even more convinced that Mo Bai was really the Blue Silver Emperor.


Under Mo Bai's order, in a radius of hundreds of miles, countless blue and silver grasses popped up, their leaves swaying, tiny grains of blue halos fluttered out of them, and finally all went to the ground. Mobai's direction converges.

   Soon, the entire canyon where the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye treasure land was located was filled with light spots, blue and shining, like a dream.

   "Don't resist!"

   After Mobai said something to Ah Yin, he manipulated countless blue light spots and poured them into Ah Yin's body one by one.

Ah Yin's body was absorbed by more and more blue light spots, and soon the whole body was submerged, and the blue light spots continued to gather from all directions, constantly absorbing to the body of the blue silver emperor Ah Yin. body.

  Feeling this change, Ah Yin dared not resist.

  Maybe because she felt that Mo Bai was the Blue Silver Emperor of the previous generation, so Ah Yin didn't dare to resist, and she didn't want to resist if she could be resurrected.

  Even if Mo Bai might be a bad guy, only by resurrecting himself can he have the power to resist!

   Tang Hao watched from the side, and his expression was extremely complicated.

  He didn't know whether to prevent Ah Yin's resurrection.

  He naturally hopes that Ah Yin can be resurrected, but he doesn't want Ah Yin to be resurrected by Mo Bai.

  The mysterious man in front of him had no idea what was going on in his mind, but Ah Yin, who had revived him, just wanted to see if Ah Yin was beautiful.

   This made Tang Hao very worried. He thought that his Ah Yin was unparalleled in the world and the most beautiful woman in the world.

   Then he was very worried, whether the mysterious man in front of him would have evil thoughts after seeing Ah Yin's appearance.

  In that case, he doesn’t want Ah Yin to be resurrected now, because that means his Ah Yin will be taken away.


  Thinking of this, Tang Hao roared angrily, wanting to prevent Mo Bai from resurrecting A Yin.

  It was only after roaring that Tang Hao found powerlessly that he couldn't break free from Mo Bai's suppression, and he couldn't even move his body, let alone stop Mo Bai.

   "Noisy, I'm not happy to help you resurrect your wife!"

  Mo Bai snorted coldly when he heard the words, and immediately controlled a dark blue silver emperor. After wrapping around Tang Hao, he also closed his mouth.


  Tang Hao could only struggle desperately, but it was a powerless struggle. In the end, he could only glare at Mo Bai with his eyes tearing open.

   "Shame on you, right?"

   "I know what you are worried about. I didn't plan to do anything at first, but since you are so shameless, don't blame me for really doing something!"

  Looking at Tang Hao who was still glaring at him, Mo Bai knew what the other party was worried about, so he sneered suddenly.

   Originally, he really didn't intend to do anything, he just wanted to see the appearance of the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin.

  But now, Mo Bai feels that if Ah Yin is really beautiful, it’s not too much to do something by himself, and it’s better to treat him as a reward for resurrecting the other party.

   "Big pervert, don't you just want to do that to her by reviving that woman?"

  Xiao Wu who was on Mo Bai's body immediately exclaimed after hearing Mo Bai's words.

   "It depends on the situation. If it's pretty, I can play with it. It's my price for resurrecting her. Isn't that too much?"

   Mo Bai chuckled.


  After hearing Mo Bai's words, Tang Hao struggled even more intensely.

  Before, he was just worried, but after hearing Mo Bai's confirmation, he wanted to sabotage Mo Bai's actions.

  His wife absolutely does not allow others to get involved.

   Absolutely not.

   "Why can't it be too much, this is too much, okay? If people know that you are going to do this, they definitely don't want you to help her resurrect!"

  Xiao Wu also snorted in Mo Bai's heart.

  She didn't want to help Tang Hao and A Yin, she was too jealous!

   Obviously she was the one who fell in love with Mobai first, so it's fine with Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, do you want to add one more now?

   "In short, you can't touch her, or I won't talk to you anymore, I mean it!"

   The short-tempered Xiao Wu became snarky again.

  Hearing Xiao Wu's exasperated words, Mo Bai fell silent for a moment.

  Before, he didn't realize that Xiao Wu liked him, but after becoming a god, Mo Bai has a kind of insight into a person's emotional changes.

  Especially Xiao Wu was still on him, so Mo Bai could clearly guess Xiao Wu's emotional change this time.

   "You like me? Do you?"

  After guessing, Mo Bai asked Xiao Wu directly.

   "Ah... no... no... I don't like you, a big pervert!"

  Hearing Mo Bai yelling to break her mind, Xiao Wu suddenly exclaimed.

   There are panics and surprises.

   Mo Bai is so weak, did he finally find out?

   "Oh, it would be nice to not have it!"

  Mo Bai breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words.

   "What's good, my wife just likes you, right?"

   "Anyway, you are not allowed to touch her, or I will feel bad!"

  Hearing Mo Bai's words, Xiao Wu was so angry, she didn't care whether she was shy or not, reserved or not, and directly admitted the fact that she liked Mo Bai.

   "Okay, since you don't want to see it, then I won't do it!"

   "Besides, I was just angry with Tang Hao, but I'm actually not interested in wives!"

  Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Mo Bai suddenly laughed from the bottom of his heart.

  Finding that Xiao Wu likes him makes Mo Bai a little complicated. Xiao Wu is a soul beast, and Mo Bai has never thought about this problem.

  However, after finding out now, Mo Bai found that he couldn't bear to reject Xiao Wu, let alone hurt her.

   I didn't know when it started, but I got used to Xiao Wu's existence!

  While Mo Bai couldn't bear to refuse and hurt Xiao Wu, he also thought that if one day Xiao Wu was resurrected and let the other party leave him, he seemed very unwilling.

   "What the hell, I didn't expect me to be a lo*ic*n!"

   Mo Bai, who understood his thoughts, secretly despised himself in his heart.

  It’s unbelievable that I have thoughts about Xiao Wu who looks like a little girl.

   But having said that, Xiao Wu is not considered a loli, she is a legal hundred-thousand-year-old loli.


  Hearing Mo Bai's words, Xiao Wu suddenly became happy.

  As for Mo Bai's last sentence, she didn't bother to refute it.

  Fuck doesn't like married women, doesn't Bibi Dong?

   Don't think she doesn't know, Mo Bai actually likes Bibi Dong the most and can't put it down.

  However, Mo Bai was able to take into account her feelings and gave up on A Yin, she was still very happy.

  This proves that Mo Bai cares about her feelings.

   "Of course, but as a price, you let me lose a woman who should be very beautiful, then you have to pay me for it!"

   "Pay yourself to me!"

  Mo Bai smiled slightly, and asked Xiao Wu to compensate him for herself.

  Since he found that Xiao Wu liked him, and he was actually reluctant to let Xiao Wu leave, Mo Bai simply made it clear.

  Xiao Wu has already spoken first, so he can't pretend that he doesn't know anything, can he?

   Men sometimes need to take the initiative!

   "Ah..." Xiao Wu exclaimed when she heard Mo Bai's words, her pretty face blushed.

  Of course she knew what Mo Bai meant. Mo Bai didn't really want her to pay compensation, but Mo Bai was responding to her liking.

   Just respond in this way.

   "I... I know!"

   After Xiao Wu responded with joy and shyness, she quickly cut off the spiritual connection with Mo Bai and returned to the spirit ring.


  Mo Bai smiled triumphantly, and left Xiao Wu alone for the time being, and let her be happy.

   While Mo Bai and Xiao Wu were having a heart-to-heart conversation, it was announced that the vitality contributed by the Blue Silver Grass within a hundred miles had gathered, and all of them were absorbed into the body of the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin.

  Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin was completely shrouded in blue light.

  Although he couldn't see what was going on inside, Mo Bai could sense that Ah Yin's aura was constantly changing, and his soul power was getting stronger and stronger.

   Such a situation, Tang Hao can naturally find out.

   Such a change, before, he would be elated and excited.

  But now, Tang Hao only hoped that his wife would not recover or be resurrected.

  However, it is not Tang Hao's turn to decide Ah Yin's resurrection.

   Being imprisoned by Mo Bai, he could only watch helplessly as the aura on Ah Yin's body became stronger and stronger, and finally completely recovered to the level of one hundred thousand years of soul power.


  When all the blue light spots on Ah Yin's body dimmed and dissipated, Ah Yin's figure was also revealed from it.

  A woman in a blue dress appeared in Mobai's eyes.

   If you want to say how beautiful it is, it won't be so. Anyway, in Mo Bai's opinion, the appearance value is not as good as Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue.

   It's just the gentle temperament on his body, which is very obvious.

   This is a woman who is suitable for a normal life together.

  It is also a woman who can't bear to be hurt just by looking at her, and only wants to protect her.


   Mo Bai finally commented.

   "Ah Yin, right? As the price for resurrecting you, do you think you can accept staying with me for one night?"

   Immediately, Mo Bai smiled and said to A Yin.

  Although he doesn't intend to do anything to the other party, it doesn't hurt to be angry with Tang Hao.


  (end of this chapter)