MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 3 The third day of not being a man

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The deep sense of sleepiness made Gu Huai sleep very deeply, and the eggshell was gently pushed gently. The last willpower of the Huaihuai consciousness that was trying to woke up was wiped out, and he entered comfortably. Deep sleep.

Also in this sleep, Gu Huai passively received a considerable amount of information. There was no chance to refuse, and all of this information went into his mind.

After Gu Huai finally compiled the information, or passed on the memory, he finally had a relatively intuitive understanding of the world and his current situation.

The world he travels to is a world in the background of the interstellar future. In this world, there are various alien races besides humans.

While the entire Star Age is still in the Old Age, wars between ethnic groups are frequent, and aggression and aggression are performed on different planets almost every day.

It was not until the establishment of the Star Alliance in the new era that StarCraft gradually entered the era of peace. Many ethnic groups began to transmit friendly signals and establish diplomatic relations. The relationship became more and more harmonious under the trade exchanges with or without exchanges.

There is only one race exception, even if it is a new era, it is still an ally.

There are no allies, and there are still many enemies, especially since the old man has been fighting from the old era to the new era. The relationship is so bad that you need to describe it with deadly enemies.

This race is a Zerg, and it is also the race to which Gu Huai belongs.

The label of the Zerg in the eyes of other interstellar races is very clear.

Cruel, dangerous, not easy to provoke.

In the old era, Zerg was the most terrible invader. Every Zerg was a natural and excellent soldier. They were not afraid of death. The lack of emotional racial nature made these Zerg without mercy when dealing with the enemy.

Moreover, the execution of the Zerg forces is far superior to that of other races. They are absolutely obedient to the superior orders, never questioning and asking, which makes the Zerg army extremely terrifying.

After the crossing, even humans are not. Gu Hua spent a while to accept this fact, but this is not the most important thing for Gu Huai.

The thing that makes him most digested is that his current identity seems to be... the king of the Zerg who was just born.

The Zerg society has a very obvious class nature, just like a pyramid, and the Zerg in the lower class will not have any dissatisfaction, and they will unconditionally surrender to the superior.

This is determined by the nature and instinct of the Zerg. In other eyes, it is sometimes very difficult to understand.

Gu Huai is now at the top of this pyramid.

I don't know how long it took to wake up. When I woke up again and opened my eyes, Gu Huai found that she was lying back to the closed space where he was the first to stay. The whole person couldn't help but stay for a second.

The difference from the previous one is that the place where he lies is somehow swaying from side to side, and he feels the swaying clearly in his lying.

Ok, this is really not a dream.

Once I was born and cooked again, I didn’t have to work hard to knock on the shell again. Gu Huai’s action was quite skillful to sit up and poke a head out of the hollow above.

This time, the probe, Gu Huai did not accidentally and tens of dozens of scarlet mullion, and understood the reasons for the shaking.

In front of him, a huge Tak zerg is gently pushing the eggshell with its forearm -

Yes, it is an eggshell.

The light in the cave is a little brighter than before. In this environment, Gu Huai finally saw that the place he was waiting for was the interior of a large white egg.

Gu Huai still remembers that when he first started, his imagination was rich and he thought that he was staying in an egg, but he never imagined that this illusion became a reality.

I don't know if it is an illusion. When Gu Huai felt that he was looking out from the eggshell, the scarlet eyes of this group of Tektrones who were guarding him outside were bright and staring at him. How serious and serious is the line of sight.

The cubs poked a head out of the eggshell to observe the outside world, and the Tucker worms who watched the process all had the same psychological feelings.


This vocabulary does not exist in the Zerg. For the lower zerg who do not have much wisdom, it is difficult for them to understand the meaning of the word, but these Tucker worms clearly appear in their extremely scarce emotions. Touched.

At the same time that Gu Huai poked his head out of the eggshell, the eggshell stopped shaking.

Cub wakes up = don't need to sleep~ don't need to push the eggshell

This cognition made it difficult for the queuing to wait until the tucker larvae that could push the eggshell contracted slightly, and a low-pitched, unclear voice continued to linger in the throat.

After Gu Huai slept in the eggshell, the original eggshell was only pushed by the Tak worm that was the first to try, but later the other Zerg in the cave looked at it, and they all wanted to push.

They all want to sleep young people, but there is only one eggshell. After a brief and short-term exchange, these Tucker worms have discussed the method of “queuing in turns”.

Every insect pushes 600 to replace a worm, and when Gu Huai wakes up, the Tak worms in front of him have actually been shifting several times.

The Tak zerg in front of Gu Huai has just pushed more than two hundred. When Gu Huai shows that he wants to come out of this eggshell, this Tak worm does not stop him, but it is low in the throat. The head is slightly lowered when the sound is low.

This allowed Gu Huai to prepare to jump out of the eggshell and stop it when he was halfway through it.

Although there is no language and dialogue, from the performance and perceived emotions of this Tak zerg, Gu Huai found that the Tak zerg in front of him seemed to want to continue pushing the eggshell.

These Zerg are treating them as cubs that need to sleep?

This cognition made Gu Huai unable to silence for a few seconds, but this is a more obvious manifestation of love, and it is simple and direct, so that Gu Huai has no way to ignore it.

That's not it... he will lie down for a while.

Thinking about it, Gu Huai slowly swung his hands and rubbed his eyes, showing a bit of sleepiness, and then retracted into the huge eggshell under the watch of the Tak.

Because the line of sight was obscured, Gu Huai did not see the light in the scarlet eyes of the Tak worm standing in front of the eggshell when he lay back inside the eggshell. The Tak zerg almost immediately lifted up. Its forearm gently pushes the eggshell in front of it.

Although I didn't see this picture, Gu Huai, who was lying in the eggshell, clearly felt that it was a happy mood in this Tak worm.

If you make them happy, there is nothing wrong with it...

Gu Huai An An was lying in the eggshell for a while, and when the eggshell paused and shaken, he finally got up and went out from the big white egg.

When Gu Huaiyi came out of the eggshell, he immediately felt a tension from the surrounding Tucker worms, especially as he walked a step forward. These Tucker worms suddenly huddled and stared at the ground.

Gu Huai: "..."

This is mostly afraid that he will fall again.

One to two, Gu Huai is almost able to understand the psychological activities of these Tak Zerg.

After a moment of aphasia, Gu Huai bent down with helplessness and appeased: "I won't fall again, you don't have to worry."

Can't understand.

Because of the lack of wisdom, it is difficult to understand the language, but these Tucker worms are happy to make a low snoring when they see Gu Huai's eyes.

The expression of youth is a joy of joy, and their king is willing to smile, and they will be very happy.

After crossing to another world, it has become a king of alien races. What to do after the truth, Gu Huai has no clue.

Just looking at the present, Gu Huai’s current consideration is just how to live with the Tak Zerg who guards him.

The first thing that needs to be solved is the problem of food -

Suddenly, the stomach suddenly screamed and protested. It seemed quite clear in the silent cave. When I heard the sound, Gu Huai felt the hunger after knowing it.

Not counting the actions of Gu Huai, several Tak worms have begun to pile up a variety of ... probably fruit-like things in front of him.

These fruits are the foods that the Tak worms have prepared very early. Although they don’t know when the cubs that were born in the big white eggs will be willing to be born, and with the expectation, these Tak zergs have been in this cave. I have prepared a lot of food.

After the cubs are born, they can use these fruits as complementary foods while eating the eggshells.

The stored foods will go out and find new food when they have broken down because of the time.

The day and night replacement is meaningless to these Tucker worms. They just waited quietly. Just thinking that the king would one day be willing to break the shell, this long wait is full of joy.

Gu Huai picked up a fruit from the ground. The fruit grows a bit strange. It is about the size of a coconut. It has a black hard-painted hard shell on the outside, and it also has a triangular thorn like a durian.

Gu Huai slammed the thorns on the top of the fruit and found that he couldn't move. So he simply knocked the fruit on the ground like a knock on an egg, trying to knock the fruit shell out of a crack.

However, after such a busy life, Gu Huai found silently that the fruits in his hands were not moving at all.


Self-reliance failed, Gu Hua looked at the Tektrones who were watching him. He walked to the Tak worm who was closest to him and stood up, tangled, and finally raised the fruit to the other side.

The young cub couldn't bite the fruit, and the Tucker worms in the cave suddenly understood this from the actions of the young people in front of them.

This must be the fault of the fruit is too hard, the group of Zerg immediately made a judgment.

Although the larvae's cubs are quite aggressive compared to other races, even younger teeth can penetrate steel in the case of hard biting, but the youth in front of them are very weak.

Just falling and hurting, the skin of the youth in front of them is not as strong as the high zerg, and it is completely unsuitable for combat in any respect.

Didn't let Gu Huai wait for a long time, the Tak worm in front of him quickly flattened a few horns and opened a hole with the tip of his forearm, and then waited to see him start eating. Look like.

Holding a fruit with a good hole, Gu Huai easily feels the sight of the group of Zerg in front of him.

Even eating and eating must be collectively onlookers. This makes Gu Huai unable to hold back and draw a squint. However, in the face of these happy Tak worms, he immediately gave up and thought, forget it, look at it, anyway. It will not drop meat.

This strange fruit is a coconut-like juice that can be drunk inside. Gu Huai holds a few mouthfuls of juice. The sweet juice moisturizes his mouth and slightly relieves his hunger.

At this time, Gu Huai’s line of sight just moved to the eggshell not far away, followed by a thing that caused Gu Huai’s eyelids to jump. He looked at the huge white eggshell and even had an appetite in a moment— -

Is he hungry? ?

The eggshell is the best nutritious food for the larvae born in the shell. The inheritance memory received by Gu Huai does not include this detail, and the racial instinct tells him indirectly.

The strong appetite generated by the instinct made Gu Huai hard to resist. He stood still and stared at the eggshell for a while. Finally, he still couldn’t hold back and took another small white egg from the place he had broken before. shell.

The cockroaches were all stunned, Gu Huai hesitated for less than a second, trying to put the eggshell into his mouth and bite.


Milky aroma, crispy.

Just eating a small piece, Gu Huai soon became full of sensation, and the feeling of warmth on his body was very comfortable.

Only when he had enough to eat, after Gu Huai finished the eggshell, he picked up a few fruits from the ground and lifted his feet to the Tucker who were staring at him.

I thought that the young people still wanted to drink the juice of the fruit. The Tak worms who thought about this model quickly opened a hole in the hard fruits of the young hands.

"I don't want to, it is for you to eat." Gu Huai Wen explained that he continued to raise the fruit, eyes and the front of the Zerg's scarlet erect.

I heard Gu Huai say that the Tak Zerg in front of Gu Huaizhen smashed his head. After finally understanding that the young man wanted to hand this fruit to him, the Tak worm carefully lifted his forearm and extended it with it. The forearm component of the outfit clamps the fruit.

This really requires very careful control of the force, so that the fruit will not be crushed directly.

To be honest, the size of this fruit is probably only enough for the tall Tak worms to sew the teeth, and the whole thing is thrown into the mouth and chewed and chewed.

But the Tucker who got the fruit didn't put the fruit in its mouth full of sharp teeth. The Tucker saw the fruit with scarlet eyes for a long time, and then cherished the fruit very cherished. Hidden in a hidden place in the cave.

I am reluctant to eat, because this is what Gu Huai gave it.

Gu Huai looked at the whole process. When he found himself being stared at by other Tektronians who had not received the fruit, he was not sure about the feeling of moving his heart. What is it.

Probably I feel very warm and hope that these good Zerg will be happy.

This bowl of water still has to be flat, and finally Gu Huai gave a fruit to each worm, which is what he intended to do.

The Tucker who got their own gifts carefully hid this gift. Although it was only fruit, it was different from the youth.

The more you look at the young black-haired youth in front of them, the more the Tak worms in the caves understand the meaning of "protection."

Their world, the world wrapped in the black universe, is too cruel to the young.

The youth in front of them are very weak and not suitable for fighting, but it does not matter.

- Wang should come to be protected.

Although living conditions are not very good, it is quite good to be able to live with these Tucker worms. Gu Huai is very optimistic.

After this remote abandoned planet was born just one day, Gu Huai, who is living with a group of Tak worms, still doesn’t know, in other stars outside the planet, because he had unconsciously issued the road before he fell. Spiritual links, what kind of violent turmoil has occurred throughout the Zerg. 2k novel reading network

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