MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 4 The fourth day of not being a man

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Speaking of the Zerg turmoil caused by Gu Huai's unconscious, this matter has to start from ten hours ago.

The spiritual link is the innate ability of Gu Huai as the king of the Zerg. The role of this ability is to build a spiritual link, and Gu Huai can convey his consciousness to any Zerg.

It can be either a single target with a goal, or a group that is large enough to cover the entire race, and there is no distance limit.

As long as Gu Huai thinks, no matter how far away from him, the Zerg will receive his spiritual link.

Because Gu Huai’s planet is a very remote abandoned planet, there are no other intelligent creatures on the planet except for dozens of Tak worms in the cave. His broken shell was born with only these Tak worms. know.

However, when he fell down half a day ago, due to the painful stimulation, Gu Huai instinctively built a spiritual link.

And this spiritual link is still a group of hairstyles.

Comparing the Zerg to a group chat group, the effect of Gu Huai’s spiritual link is that he suddenly came to the whole group in the group.

The consequences can be imagined.

In the entire universe, all races that engage with Zerg forces should have the same feeling at this time -

"Hey, this group of zergs are eating fried medicine. ah?!"

The lower zerg in the Zerg army suddenly violently violently stared at them one by one, and the fighting power soared to make the soldiers of other races unprepared, and even a little more aggressive.

These low-ranking Zerg stared at the eyes they saw, as if they had done anything sinful and unforgivable.

What is even more compelling is that the Zerg’s troops suddenly vented their anger and screamed for less than a minute. Soon they turned their heads like air and turned around without a fight. The speed of the retreat was almost chasing. .

This has confuse the various ethnic groups that were already prepared to abandon the occupation of the new resource star.

All the star resources in the interstellar that have not yet registered data belong to the unowned territory. The race that first discovered and occupied the planet can obtain the ownership of this resource star.

If the multi-party forces find it at the same time, it is also simple, or it is divided into consultations. If you don’t agree, you will directly fight. The party that retreats first counts as a voluntary waiver of possession of the planet.

So now the situation is that the Zerg forces clearly fight well with them, even in the case of military suppression of them, suddenly patted the **** and told them not to fight, and handed the resource star directly to They...

Is there such a good thing in this interstellar?

This wave of Zerg's operation made the various ethnic groups look like a squad, but they had just faced a group of collective violent Zerg soldiers who had a lingering fear. Although they felt that the situation was abnormal, they did not want to go to the worms at this time.

Although Gu Huai’s spiritual link was very short, it was enough to announce his existence to the entire Zerg.

The higher zergs with normal wisdom still have the ability to think, and the low-level zergs that lack wisdom are more directly responsive, and they have begun to look for instinct.

where is it……

The universe is too broad, and only a short moment of spiritual links can't make these Zerg determine their king's position.

But the king calls them, then they must find them.

As a person who caused this series of things, Gu Huai, who still lives on a remote planet, knew nothing about it. After the day he first crossed, he spent two days on the planet.

This planet is an abandoned planet with poor resources and very harsh environment. After two days of life, Gu Huai has already understood this.

On this planet, there are probably no other intelligent creatures besides him and the surrounding Tucker.

Most of the original species that can adapt to the harsh environment of this planet are very fierce. Of course, the murderer is also fierce.

There is a king in the cave, or a king of cubs. These big, dangerous and terrifying Tucker Guards around the entrance to this cave are highly alert and show directly to any creatures attempting to approach the nest. Aggressive.

These Tuckers do not make any representations, and the behavior near the nest is marked as a threat in the eyes of these Tuckers.

The threat must be removed because the king cannot take any harm.

Gu Huai thought that after two days of experience, he already understood the Tak zerg's kind of protection mentality like his parents, but until one thing happened this morning, Gu Huai knew that his parents were protecting him. To what extent.

Even the hole is going to fly in a yellow butterfly, and this butterfly is in danger.

Preventing the occurrence of this scene, Gu Huai unknowingly smoked his mouth.

The world is very wonderful. A fragile creature like a butterfly is stubbornly living on a barren planet that cannot be survived by a large wild beast.

This butterfly, who didn’t know that he almost died, was ignorant and naively fluttering his wings to Gu Huai’s hand and stopped on Gu Huai’s back.

It’s true that the butterfly is right, it may adapt to the environment and become a variant, but it still has no lethality.

When the young butterfly stopped on the back of Gu Huai's hand, the Tak worms around him tightened for a moment.

Although these Tektrons listened to Gu Huai's intention to not attack, they now sent a hoarse voice from the throat to represent warnings and threats, and the scarlet cockroaches stared straight at the butterfly.

"It can't hurt me." Gu Huai slowed down his voice and explained patiently.

Seeing that these Tucker worms were unmoved, Gu Huai looked at the butterfly. He suddenly picked up his foot and placed the butterfly on the sharp forearm of the Tak zerg.

This yellow-eyed butterfly is very obediently parked on the top, weak and unaware of the dangers around.

Good-looking scenery needs to be embellished. For example, Gu Huai feels that this scene of the butterfly resting on the forearm of the Tektrona is very harmonious.

"Look, is it very beautiful?" Gu Huai smiled and said.

Hearing this sentence, the Tektronix, who had a butterfly on his sharp forearm, licked his head, stared at the young butterfly for a while, then looked up at Gu Huai and made a little bit in his throat. Low voice.


This term is also not in the understanding of these Tucker worms, but because the young people in front of them are cringing and smiling when they say the word, they think that this is a word that represents good things.

Of course, in the eyes of these Tuckers, the most beautiful thing in the world is the young black-haired youth in front of them.

There is nothing for entertainment on the abandoned planet. Outside the huge cave, Gu Huai can see a ridiculous scene.

The dust and sand are flying, the vegetation is very sparse, and the water source is not seen.

However, if you go to the east, you will see a small piece of wood. The fruit that Gu Huai had eaten before was picked by the Tak zerg in this wood.

There is still a lot of food left, but because Gu Huai wants to go out to explore the cave, Gu Huai stands in front of the Tak worm headed by him, then lifts his finger to the place where the woods in the east are located.

"I want to go there."

The Tak zerg, which was looked up by Gu Huai, was the tallest one in the surrounding family. If Gu Huai was absent, the Tak Zerg would not be the leader of this small army.

The place where the youth wants to point, the Tak zerg quickly understood the meaning of Gu Huai.

For any requirement of Gu Huai, these Tak zergs would not refuse, so after a group of zergs followed suit, Gu Huai went to his destination smoothly.

Understand the nervous attitude of this group of Tak Zerg, and Gu Huai will be separated into their sights along the way, and they will not be worried about it.

Most of the trees in the woods are black lacquered, just like the color of the shell of the fruit that Gu Huai had eaten before, like charred charcoal.

A few trees of normal color were golden yellow fruits, which were very eye-catching in a black lacquered color. Gu Huai saw it and suddenly wanted to pick it.

However, this tree is really too tall, Gu Huai can only stand in the vicinity to have an eye addiction, as for climbing trees or something... or forget it.

The cub stared at the fruit on the tree for a few seconds, and even though it didn't express anything, the surrounding Tucker Zombies thought it was what they wanted.

And they found that the cubs seemed to want to reach out and pick them up.

Realizing this, the Tak zerg, headed by him, approached Gu Huai and leaned over to him.

Gu Huai: "?"

Gu Huai looked at his doubtful eyes. Although he did not know what the Tak Zerg wanted to do, he still stood still, because he understood that the other party would not hurt him.

In the next second, the huge Tak Zerg extended his forearm to Gu Huai, and it was not easy to complete the action of picking him up, and then carefully placed him on the left shoulder.

As the height changed, Gu Huai’s vision suddenly became broad, and the surrounding scenery became different in his eyes.

Sitting on the shoulder of a Tektron, Gu Huai still had no reaction, and in the middle or two seconds he was squatting, the Tektrona had carried him to the one he had just looked up. Under the golden fruit.

"Oh..." Put the youth in a place where you can pick up the fruit just by stretching your hand. This Tak zerg screams at this moment.

This will make you happy.

Gu Huai reached out and took the fruit. He looked down at the golden fruit held in his hand for a while, and suddenly rubbed his cheek with the skull of the Tak worm covering the hard shell.

At about the same time, the cockle of the Tucker genus contracted from a relaxed state into a needle, and the sound in the throat became clearer at once.

The other Tak worms who saw this scene around have been staring at them with scarlet eyes, and they have all learned to move Gu Huai to their shoulders.

They also want to be close to the youth.

The weather on the starry sky is very varied. In some areas, it is often the first second or the sun, and there is no warning in the last second.

The weather grandfather is probably still a good temper today. At first it was just a pattering rain, so that Gu Huai, who was out and the Tak Zerg around him, could have enough reaction time.

It’s raining, and these Tucker zerds have no concept of hiding from the rain.

They can survive in the harsh living environment, and the rain is not a big deal.

But the king can't.

Instinctive, the Tak Zerg carrying Gu Huai put Gu Huai down.

When Gu Huai stood on the ground, the Tak worm quickly covered Gu Huai's body with a huge body, like a mountain standing like a boulder.

Then the youth will not rain.

Like this weather, will their kings feel cold?

If young people feel cold, how can they get warm things and let their kings stay in a comfortable environment?

The sound of the drip of the ticking sounds around, and the only thoughts of this group of Tak worms are all related to Gu Huai.

The rain on the abandoned planet is corrosive, and the trees that can grow in this environment can be said to be very tenacious.

It is often raining in this wooded area, because exposure to the rain can cause damage, and the fierce native species on the planet are not close to the forest.

Often come to this grove, probably only these Tucker worms.

They are coming here to collect the fruits and prepare the food after the baby is born.

Although there will be some damage, for these Tak worms with strong defenses, the rain in this place is basically not painful for them.

Back to the cave will naturally recover after a day, and these Tak zergs will not treat this small damage as an injury.

"Let's go back soon." In fact, it was not long before I came out to explore, but I didn't want the surrounding Tak Zerg to continue to rain. Gu Huai immediately made a decision.

The rain on this planet is not the same as ordinary rain. Gu Huai has already discovered this.

If you can make an umbrella...

On the way back to the cave, Gu Huai asked a Tak worm to cut a few branches to bring him back. After returning to the cave, Gu Huai sat on the ground and stared at the branches.

When Gu Huai recalled that he had just broken his shell, he unconsciously used some ability to make the clothes he wore.

At that time, he was thinking that he had a piece of clothing, and then the eggshell on his hand disappeared out of thin air, and the clothes appeared on him.

Then can he understand this as an ability similar to equivalent exchange...?

The most primitive substance that makes up the fabric is fiber. This substance is found in the eggshell. Besides, the Zerg's cub is not an ordinary egg. It is reasonable to exchange a piece of clothing.

With a basic understanding of his abilities, Gu Huai put his hands on the long branches and huge leaves on the ground, trying to imagine the appearance of the umbrella in his mind.

The branches are ribs, the leaves are umbrellas, and the umbrellas are bigger.

In a blink of an eye, some of the branches and leaves that Gu Huai touched disappeared, and as he wished, there was a new creation on the ground that could be used as an umbrella.

Exquisiteness is not so refined, and even a little ugly, but Gu Huai happily picked up this ugly umbrella from the ground, and then walked to the front of the Tucker Zombies who are watching him. Lift the umbrella up and show them.

"Give it to you." Gu Huai handed this new creation to the Tak Zerg in front of him, with a smile in his eyes.

The Tektron worm gently clamped the umbrella handle of the umbrella with the extension of the forearm. The scarlet cockroach stared at it and looked at it for a while.

I don't know what this thing is for, but it doesn't prevent the Tucker people from being happy, because the youth gives them gifts.

Gu Huai still wants to make a few more umbrellas, but the consumption of mental energy makes him feel very disappointing and feels a strong sleepiness and drowsiness. He once again fell asleep directly on the ground.

As a zerg, Gu Huai's situation is very special. He has not been born in cubs for decades, and when he was pregnant, his body has grown to adulthood with a humanoid form. But the mental strength is still only the level of the young.

Therefore, he will appear to be very sleepy after building a wide range of spiritual links or abilities.

Just as Gu Huai fell asleep during this time, far away from the Santa Galaxy, which is separated by hundreds of stars, a unilateral overwhelming battle has just ended.

The Saqi people who ruled this galaxy were the most powerful races in the interstellar group, but these Saqi soldiers were lying on the ground at this time, and they only had one enemy.

It is easy to judge from the shape that the person in the center of the battle circle is a Zerg and is a higher Zerg.

The higher zerg have an appearance similar to that of humans, but their eyes are unified in erect, and the body retains a certain zerg characteristics.

The high-level Zerg in the center of the battle circle is now in a state of expressionlessness, because wearing a black eye mask that covers his eyes makes it impossible to see his emotions from his eyes, so it is even more difficult to distinguish the mood.

Although obscuring the eyes, from the contours of other facial features, this higher Zerg is undoubtedly possessing an unusually beautiful face, but it is extremely cold due to lack of expression.

It is clear that the battle has just ended. The militant sentiment has not yet been eliminated from the heart of Yalves. He is indifferent to the battlefield where there is no enemy, and with the impatient look of the blood on the tip of the tail.

Like a dangerous beast that has just been hunted but still unfinished.

Very noisy...

Even if blindfolded to prevent you from seeing tangible things, the ear will instinctively capture the sound, and the superior zerg's superior hearing ability has only a negative impact on Yalves.

There were countless sounds mixed, and the noise was so irritating that he didn't know how far he was from being completely mad.

A few hundred meters away from here, a group of higher zergs in black military uniforms are watching from afar, and dare not approach at this time.

"The recent emotional state of the boss seems to be getting more and more unstable..." Looking at the silver worm that was still in the center of the battle circle, Alger said in a worried tone.

Other higher Zerg who heard this sentence around did not say anything, but they also agreed with Alger.

I don't know for what reason, their heads will fall into the kind of irrational abnormal state like the Tak zerg violent at regular intervals. At this time, they can only say who is unlucky to their leader.

As an adjutant, Alger needs more than a headache.

One of the most troublesome things he has now is that, because of the short-lived spiritual links that have been received before, many of the higher Zerg in the battleship are like the lost souls, and some even want to leave alone to find the king... ...

Because the spiritual link was very short, and because the distance was extremely far away, Wang was just not born with strong mental strength. This spiritual link is not very clear, so the influence is limited.

But even then, Alger has been listening to the lost souls of the warships for two days -

"Wang...what is the king being bullied on another planet?"

"Wang must be bullied, it is the voice that will be sent out."

"Wang Cai was just born, it’s just a cub... if someone meets a hostile race..."

As long as they think that the king of the cub might be caught by the enemy, they will soon feel suffocated.

I haven't left to look for it because they are desperately patient. If the king gives them a spiritual link, they will probably directly betray the incumbent leader, regardless of where they are going.

Alger listened to these words and was in a complicated mood.

No... I can't think about it anymore, and he can't help but want to find it if he thinks.

The Zerg had no king, and even they themselves thought that the higher Zerg belonging to the a class like their leader was already the top power of the Zerg, but their cognition was completely broken by a spiritual link two days ago.

What the subordinates who are not hundreds of meters away are doing, and the irritating feeling of not being able to calm down in the battle makes the body temperature of the silver worms become more and more cold and terrible.

There is only one line left between reason and madness.

This limit is likely to come at any time, just as the irritability accumulates to the moment when it will erupt, a voice that is directly conveyed to the consciousness makes Arviston live.

Call... don't be angry...

Gu Huai can perceive the Zerg emotions. This is not necessarily active. When a Zerg is too emotional, he may passively receive it.

In his sleep, he perceives a sharp, almost mad mind, and Gu Huai subconsciously appease.

The repressed irritability and the desire for destruction suddenly faded, because of this voice, something in the heart of Arvis was able to stop on the verge of collapse.

His world was quiet for a moment. 2k novel reading network