MTL - I’m Walking the Career Line In Dog Blood-Chapter 213

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Peach red and willow green, swallows fly north, their cars pass through a farmland in the 'fragrance' of farmyard manure.

Although the smell is not good, the scenery is very beautiful, the plowed fields are brown, the rapeseed fields are just right, they are green, and it is hard to see in the city buffalo graze by the road.

There is a river between the large fields, so the car has to drive on the stone bridge. There are no guardrails on both sides of the bridge, and people who are unfamiliar here are always a little frightened, but the children here have already crossed the small bridge and ran to the river bank to net small fish.

An Yinong stuck his head out and saw three or five children, using a small fishing net made of unknown materials, catching small fish. Those little fish would be poured into the mineral water bottles in their hands, and there was no way of knowing where they would go.

Maybe he will die. He has the most experience in this matter. After all, he is a 'killer' who has raised and killed many wild animals.

Most of the wild animals are very proud and refuse to live in the hands of humans.

After passing the fields, passing a small park and an elderly activity center, the original owner's grandmother's house arrived. Every household here is a regular two-story building with a yard, and at a glance, it is impossible to recognize which one is.

But someone recognized An Yinong: "Hey, you are not the grandson of the old Zhang family, come back to see your grandmother."

The old woman who broke the pods came up very enthusiastically, but the next second Jingzhe jumped out of the car and startled her: "Hey! What a big cat!"

She was not afraid, just curious how An Yinong raised such a big cat.

"Mutant." An Yinong reminded her.

"I know, I watch TV every day, how can I still know this?" The old woman didn't care.

"When I was young, there were little leopards coming down the mountain. Leopards are also cat-like, you don't provoke them, and they won't provoke you. I'm not even afraid of leopards, but a cat ?"

In some ways, older people are more receptive than younger people.

This old woman not only doesn't think mutant pets are scary, but sincerely thinks: "I have been mutated, I will definitely be able to catch more mice."

"It's really only a cat, the mice have caused headaches in these years, and this mutant cat must be cured."

Farewell to the warm neighbors, An Yinong took Jing Zhe and luggage to her grandmother's house. The door of my grandmother's house was open, and before I walked in, I heard voices, four or five different voices talking.

He stepped over the threshold, the big iron door was bumped, and there was a creak.

"Hey, Yangyang is back!" The little aunt saw him at first sight, and Jing Zhe at the second, "and brought a big cat."

Jing Zhe is too intimidating to animals. From the moment it stepped into this small yard, the **** dog, the three-flowered cat, and the yellow-feathered chicken in the yard were all quiet, watching the big man approach without moving.

"Meow." Jing Zhe looked at the animals and people in the yard, and came to a conclusion: they are all weak chickens, there is no danger, master, you can come in.

An Yinong came in dragging his suitcase, calling people one by one.

In the yard, there are not only his aunt and uncle, little uncle and aunt, but also the uncle and aunt in the next room, but he did not see the third generation.

"Eat, freshly fried lard."

Crispy pork belly lard residue, sprinkled with a little salt, is a simple delicacy.

"It's delicious, and my grandmother eats it too."

"I ate it, my grandmother ate a lot, and I ate it."

She also noticed the huge orange under her feet, and her eyes were even more crooked with a smile: "This cat is well raised, come here, eat oil residue, this one is cold."

Jing Zhe glanced at the lard residue with hesitation, and rolled it away with his tongue: "Meow!"

It seems to open the door to a new world.

Put down the bowl, grandma entered the kitchen again, she said she wanted to cook taro. An Yinong took a bowl and ate one for himself and one for Jing Zhe. The two shared the food and listened to gossip with their ears pricked up.

What they were talking about was the uncle's family returning to China to hold the wedding, all with sarcasm on their faces, as if it was not the nephew who got married, but the enemy came to the door.

"I said, I will go abroad after finishing the work, the whole family will change their nationalities, and I have also taken away my father-in-law, mother-in-law, mother-in-law and brother-in-law, saying they are taking them to help raise the children. Who would believe it?"

Uncle Tang glanced at the kitchen and lowered his voice: "I don't know how sad my aunt is now. The child who has worked so hard to raise has flapped its wings and flew. I don't think I will come back in the future."

"How can I be naturalized again? Didn't I have to repatriate before? I haven't found any serious work for so many years, and now I have met some noble people?"

"Hey, what a noble person, mutated. Now each country has a preferential naturalization policy for mutated people, and he just took advantage of this shareholder wind."

"Is this a mutant?"

Everyone sighs. Mutated animals are excluded, but mutants are sought after. Once they become mutants, let alone naturalization, it is easier than others to be a civil servant (in the countryside, eating official meals is still the most decent).

"You said, why doesn't this mutation pick people? Even this kind of person can mutate? He is as shameless as his parents, and he still drags 250,000 to 80,000 people every day."

Everyone can envy the treatment of mutants. Occasionally, if there is a physical abnormality, they feel that they are mutants.

In fact, at the beginning, there were also many rumors that eating this would mutate, doing this would mutate, and later these people were arrested, and the official channel was there every day to refute the rumors, and everyone agreed I believe this thing is random and uncontrollable.

"Then he has to go out for naturalization with the whole family. Why come back and get married?"

"You stupid, didn't my uncle say before he left that the next junior will get married, 50,000 per person. They are here for this."

The deceased grandfather left money for all his grandchildren, boys are dowry, girls are dowry. The money is the compensation for the demolition of the village, which is deposited in the bank for interest.

"Didn't you say mutants? Didn't you say that you will be foreigners in the future, and you are still greedy for these fifty thousand?"

"No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat. If he is generous, he will not pay a penny of alimony all these years? He also secretly borrowed our mother's pension, saying that there is money for living there. For his face, I can tear him apart."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh brother."

After that, there were some unnutritious complaints, and An Yinong was more curious about the existence of 'mutants'. Countries are plundering mutants, does that mean that they will become a force to be reckoned with?

Currently the most are first-order mutants. They are nothing more than better bodies and better five senses than people. Although they are a bit special, they are all mortal bodies. The bureau didn't have much impact.

So what they really want to compete for should be the evolved version of the second-order mutants, that is, those with special abilities.

The combat effectiveness of these abilities is certainly not as good as that of fully armed soldiers, but their special abilities can come in handy in some special occasions.

As the last world his blessing.

An Yinong's mood suddenly became complicated, because according to this theory, he should be the 'talent reserve' that the country desperately needs.

He's not pushy, but this is the world he was born and raised with countless memories, and it's special beyond all worlds. In those worlds, he would still help his own country, but in this world, would he have to be alone?

Because he couldn't make up his mind for a while, he put this matter in his mind first.

In the evening, several uncles went back to their home, only An Yinong and aunt stayed. When the aunt saw her sister's only child left in the world, there was a bit of maternity overflowing, but An Yinong couldn't stand it, so she found an excuse to wash the dishes and slipped away.

"What dishes do you wash?" Grandma blasted him.

"Washing together, you can rest early." An Yinong stayed there deadly.

They washed the dishes soon, but grandma couldn't sleep right away, and had to check the house again. The old man has lived alone for a long time, and his safety awareness has also increased.

An Yinong was still with her.

The **** dog in the yard has already slept, and the little cat is still awake, full of energy, and barks when it sees them.

Grandma smiled and touched the heads of the two of them, and suddenly said: "Yangyang, if grandma left that day and they are still there, you can help grandma raise them for two years."

"Why do you say that all of a sudden?"

"I always have a day with them, it's just a question of who goes first. I go first, I enjoy it, they go first, they enjoy it."

grandmother thinks so much. She sent her young daughter and wife away one after another, and she made a lot of preparations for what happened behind her. She even thought about where the cats and dogs would go.

An Yinong suddenly felt that her grandmother had always been aware of the plans of the uncle's family, and knew that they were cruel and would not come back after leaving.

But for an old man who has suffered a lot, it may be better for his children to be able to support themselves and live well than to stay by his side and filial piety. So these grievances, she suffered.

The night in the countryside is very dark and quiet, so the commotion in the dark is also very obvious. An Yinong, who was lying on the wooden bed and couldn't sleep, heard the movement of mice crawling over his head, and the movement of birds flying by outside the window, but Jing Zhe shouted, and all the movement disappeared.

Humans may not feel it, but the stinger that has evolved towards hunting has the ability to kill most birds and rodents. They may have sensed the danger.

I wonder if there are enough mutant mice for it to eat.

Eating mutant mice has many benefits for Jing Zhe, but it eats almost all the mutant mice around the house, and ordinary mice don't look down on them, and they play dead and throw them there.

"Squeak-" The door was pushed open, and a vague outline was seen in the darkness, as if there was something in its mouth.

It's not a mouse, is it? He got up hastily and turned on the light, only to find that it held an owl with its eyes open and numb in its mouth. I don't know what kind it is, it's not very big.

“…” (bush)

"Meow—" Jing Zhe dropped the little owl in his mouth and complained to An Yinong, from the little cub staring at his toys to the fact that he dared to provoke himself, emotional When I was excited, I patted the floor several times.

"Hey!" The little owl is not defeated, and the little one wants to spread his wings to scare the sting, but he is caught again, and his feathers fly to the ground.

The two mutant beasts argued for a long time,

Yes, the little owl is also a mutant beast, Jing Zhe is very proud, it is not a mutant beast, I am afraid it will not take care of it.

When the trouble was almost over, An Yinong opened the window and picked up the owl: "Little guy, be good, get better and better."

He wanted to let the owl go, but Jingzhe was holding his trouser legs: "Ow."

"It doesn't belong here." An Yinong finally released the blessed owl. Owls are wild animals. Although they are very fond of An Yinong, they will not stay because of this. down.

"Meow." Jing Zhe's mood became very low.

It is holding it in its mouth and making noise again, just to find a similar one for itself. This same kind is not a cat, but the same mutant animal (except for ingredients), the kind that can communicate.

Whether people or animals, no one will feel lonely.

"I know what you mean, but no, it belongs to nature. And, you know, it's not that easy for humans to find a pet. Like I adopted you, brought Looking forward to being happy, I am also prepared to be sad once. A pet is a seed that is destined to be sad once. It is buried in my heart and will sprout sooner or later."

Jing Zhe doesn't understand, it's not so smart yet.

"Because I have to prepare, I'm still alive and you're going."

Read The Duke's Passion