MTL - I’m Walking the Career Line In Dog Blood-Chapter 214

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"Meow." Jing Zhe still didn't understand, but it felt something keenly, stretched out its head to rub against him, licked him: I rubbed you, don't feel bad for humans.

"I'm not sad. I don't agree this time, because owls don't want to be kept by humans, and I don't want to." He said to Jing Zhe, "If one day you really meet someone who is willing to An animal that is your friend, you can befriend it."

Jing Zhe seemed to understand, but at this moment, the sound of a mouse crawling across the floor sounded again, its eyes widened, its ears moved, and it ran out.

"Like a child." It is easy to be beaten, easy to recover, much stronger and braver than adults.

The next day, An Yinong changed his clothes and got into his uncle's car with the gift money for the wedding.

Uncle booked a banquet at a mid-range hotel in the county town. Because they have not lived in China for many years, the people invited are relatives and old neighbors, all of which do not add up Ten tables.

Probably for this reason, they had to be placed in the same hall with another family, separated from left to right. The bride's family doesn't look very happy. In such a situation, it is impossible to invite the emcee to warm up, and the wedding will appear a little deserted.

At the wedding, An Yinong met the original owner's uncle's family for the first time. To be honest, except for the eldest cousin who suddenly became a mutant and a little proud, the husband and wife both looked polite and smiling. He has been piled on his face, he speaks politely, and looks like a city person who has seen the world.

But when they did come over to say hello, An Yinon knew why they were uncomfortable.

"Mom, why are you wearing this dress?" This was the first sentence of the uncle, accompanied by a frown of disapproval, "The big flowers look outdated."

"Mom, the clothes we bought for you are the most popular there." This was my aunt's first sentence, but she said it with a smile, although there was no smile in her eyes.

"The clothes are very good, maybe because our country is not popular in foreign countries, aunts and uncles will feel out of place?" An Yinong said, he also smiled, and the smile stopped at the corner of his mouth .

He is a person who grew up in this world. He knows when such a large and gorgeous flower color has been popular, that is, when my grandmother was young. This represents my grandmother's "good memories", and it is also what she considers the most advanced aesthetic.

In other words, grandma wants to be here in the best possible light.

An Yinong's fangs suddenly showed a little surprise to the uncle's family. In memory, this is a child who is not good at speech and timidity, and is especially silent after losing his parents.

Uncle frowned, but Auntie walked over before him and said with a smile: "Chu Yang is so old, has he graduated from college? What job do you do now?"

"Pet Groomers."

Aunt's smile became more real, she kindly persuaded him to take the postgraduate entrance examination, it is best to go abroad to see the market while he is young. Then he called his son and said that he should contact his cousin more in the future, and that brothers should support each other.

If it wasn't for the original owner's memory, he would almost believe it.

"I heard that my cousin is a mutant?" An Yinong asked.

"Yeah." The big cousin didn't want to pay attention to him, but he stopped when he heard this, "I don't know what happened, but one day I suddenly found myself very hungry, and my strength was strong. It has also become very big. Later, I went to the Beauty Card Power User Association to test, and the potential is A."

He glanced at An Yinong: "You may not understand what potential A means. Also, the testing level of Huaxia country is not very advanced, and no research and training can keep up, there is no way Accurate estimates of potential, so a lot of people don’t know that.”

Belittling the country as usual, he went on to talk about which celebrities were judged as potential A, and his pride was beyond words.

An Yinong knew that foreign power users are very high-profile. These mutants, which can only be seen on the news in China, have already fought for 500 rounds abroad, and real special effects films are being staged every day.

very famous.

"So, cousin, you have already joined that psychic association? This job has great potential, but the benefits and risks are bundled and sold. Do you feel at ease at home?"

The big cousin who couldn't answer forced a smile: "It will be a matter of time before I join."

He was still unhappy after thinking about it, and choked An Yinong again: "It's better to have a risk than bathing the cat." After speaking, he turned away, not even with the elders on the table, His grandmother said hello.

Grandma didn't say anything, they only meet once a year, what kind of relationship can they have? She is sad, but also sad that her son is not filial, and she cannot relate to her daughter-in-law and grandson.

My aunt couldn't help but say 'Grandma is still here'.

"Oh, look at this child, he has been this sloppy since he was a child, behaves like this to others, and is so rash to his own people." Auntie's words are so nice, rude is rude, here she is It became 'one's own family doesn't have to be too disciplined'.

"I think the eldest cousin treats his grandfather and grandma very well. So he treats his grandfather and grandma as outsiders? Isn't that good?"

An Yinong just wanted to go home after a quiet meal, so he had to provoke him.

The old man came to the banquet wearing what he thought was the best clothes, and was ridiculed before he opened his mouth. It's okay if your mind is trampled, and people are ignored.

My grandmother is proud of my uncle, but in my uncle, the old mother who cannot provide any help is his shame.

"Yangyang, the adults are talking, don't interrupt the child." The aunt stopped him and said to the person next to him, "This child loves his grandmother. My sister used to be a filial person, and the child followed his father. Mom learns, and is also filial."

An Yinong knew that this was his aunt protecting him, and there were always some strange traditions in the countryside.

"It's my heart that speaks quickly, I'm just curious to ask, and my cousin doesn't want to answer it." He simply 'apologised'.

Seeing that the topic turned wrong, the aunt came to smooth things out again, saying that the child has always missed grandma, and at the same time thanked everyone for accompanying the old mother, saying that they are powerless, and there are too many things outside without people.

The aunt said with an embarrassed look, in fact, they especially envied the younger brother being able to accompany the old man and felt very safe. When they were outside, what they were most worried about was the old mother's body. The other relatives around were praising them for their filial piety.

"It's easy, big brother, why don't you take your mother out to live for a few years? You're full of filial piety, and you can accompany the elderly. Pick up overseas and learn from it." Auntie Pi Xiaorou said without a smile.

The aunt seems to be angered by their cheap and good looks, and they can't help but say it at a place like a wedding banquet. You know, in the countryside, sabotaging other people's weddings and wedding banquets is a deadly vengeance.

The uncle's family was stiff there.

"Ha..." An Yinong turned sideways and laughed recklessly, fiddling with his mobile phone, "This video is really funny." As a result, the screen of the mobile phone was black.

"Oh, I'm joking. Mom lives outside alone, how can we rest assured, then we don't have to call three times a day to ask for safety, can we meet comfortably once a year without worrying about it?

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about you, eldest brother, I'm talking about some people with corrupt personal morals in the society. After all, you didn't come, but alimony... Hey, little brother, big brother gives support Is it a fee? Going back to my eldest brother who has become a foreign citizen, foreign laws don’t care about the old Chinese lady’s pension.”

My uncle was embarrassed and wanted to ease up, but my aunt was not aggrieved: "No, I said that there is a lot of money outside, but I borrowed a lot of pension from my mother."

"Eh? I don't forget to pay alimony as a married girl." The aunt said strangely, "Why do others go abroad to make money, and the elder brother is going abroad to pay money?"

Grandma looked at the noisy children, her expression changed from calm to dark, An Yinong reached out and patted her shoulder: "What drink does grandma drink? Or some hot water?"

He saw that grandma wanted to stop, but calling it at this time would inevitably hurt the hearts of aunt and uncle, they would misunderstand that grandma still favored uncle, which would add to her future retirement life hinder.

From the mother's point of view, I naturally hope that everyone can live in harmony, but the ideal is the ideal, and the reality is the reality.

An Yinong can understand, how could grandma not know? So in the end she just said, "I'll drink hot water." There was nothing else to say after that.

The eldest uncle is shameless, and the eldest cousin is even more scolded, only the aunt is still polite with a smile on her face, and smiled and told An Yinong to let him go abroad to play at their house in the future, No matter what, they will be 'brothers' in the future. She was very calm from start to finish, making people shudder.

Perhaps she is very satisfied, she can buy out the uncle's son and a promising mutant grandson with 10,000 a year.

This is the real master of the uncle's house.

An Yinong thinks that the little uncle and the aunt can't play together with the aunt, so it's good to be separated like this.

The newbie village is safe.

He didn't stay overnight, and called a car early. Grandma stood at the door of the house to see him off. Although the unpleasant happened only at noon, there was not much sadness on her face. Maybe she had seen it too much, maybe because she saw it through.

"Grandma, I have connected the water and electricity to my mobile phone at home. I will pay for it in the future, and I will give it to you for my mother." An Yinong took her hand, "Don't refuse first. , I can't come back if I have something to do outside, let me do something, I can feel more at ease."

feel lonely.

Fortunately, my grandmother has a **** dog, a small cat and a bunch of laying hens.

"Grandma is here, so many people are watching, why are you worried? It's you, alone, take care of yourself."

The car slowly drove out of the village, and the grandmother in the rearview mirror kept looking here until the car turned a corner and disappeared.

"Hey." An Yinong heard the owl's voice, he stuck his head out, and saw the little owl that flew away yesterday standing on the tree by the roadside, his round eyes watched Here, it seems to be saying goodbye.

"Meow—" Jing Zhe put his head on the window and yelled at it.

The driver at the front was amused: "Are these two talking to me? They are a cat and a bird, can they understand what the other is saying? I don't think they came here yesterday. What about this one, a new friend? Why is it still an eighteen-year-old gift?"


It looks beautiful, doesn't it?

The other responded, 'It's all a mouthful, and you can bite it if you have the ability. Next time, come and clear this piece of mutant mice. ’

The two kept arguing until the car crossed the slate bridge, and there were still green rapeseed fields and freshly plowed land on both sides. Jing Zhe was no different from yesterday.

One thing to say, Jing Zhe not only has cheap claws, but also has a good mouth.

It also wants to be friends with the little owl, if he is a little owl, he can give it a wing.

Annon returned to the city, which took him three days. Xiao Wu, who was cleaning in an apron, was very strange: "Didn't Brother Chu go to the wedding? Why does he look so tired, could he be urged to marry?"

He put down the hand holding the root of his nose: "It's too tiring to ride in the car. How's business recently?"

"What else? Just like that."

The mutated animals have indeed caused a huge blow to the pet industry. Two more people in their group have changed careers, and even the equipment has been sold. Because of his own affinity, An Yinong has accumulated a few old customers and can barely make a living, no more.

Fortunately, Jing Zhe is not a pet cat, otherwise it can eat An Yinong bankrupt.

Recently, it has set up its own business to make some snacks for others to catch mice.

"Hey," An Yinong thought on a whim, "How's the mouse trapping business in our store?"

With a click, the feather duster in Xiao Wu's hand fell off, and he looked at the boss who didn't change his face in surprise: "Brother Chu, it's not enough for you to let Jing Zhe hunt for yourself, you need to Forcing it to make money for you?"

Is it a bit of a dog?

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