MTL - I’m Walking the Career Line In Dog Blood-Chapter 215

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"There is demand in the market, I have business, and I have three wins." The more An Yinong thought about it, the more he felt that this was a good idea.

Nowadays, mutant rats are rampant, eating food and destroying machinery. Ordinary mousetrap and cats are useless to them. As for Jingzhe, it needs to eat these mutant mice.

What is An Yinong? He is an intermediary, a contractor, and an unscrupulous platform. For example, he has now printed a small poster and put it on the door. In addition to the majestic photo of Jingzhe, it is the scope of the mouse trapping business, the charging standard, and so on.

The price of less than ten mice is one, and the price of more than ten mice is charged according to the number of mice caught. The price of mutant mice is ten times that of ordinary mice, and there is no upper limit.

"Brother Chu, are you serious?" Xiao Wu couldn't help but feel distressed. He is a mutant pet. In the hands of An Yinong, it is not enough to support himself, but also to support the master.

"Well, I just applied for an anchor account, and I will post it when I have material to expand my business."

Xiao Wu probed and saw that the ID was 'mouse trapping team', simple and clear, with a clear theme.

"Yo, what are you two doing there?" Next door Sister Zhang came again, holding her Jingba, "Little Chu is back, I've been waiting for you for two days. I have missed you these two days."

Yeah, come from taking a shower.

"Sister Zhang, why are you picking someone after taking a bath? My craftsmanship is not good?" Xiao Wu asked with a smile.

"My baby doesn't choose craftsmanship, but looks." After that, she put the dog in An Yinong's hand, and saw the spare poster on the table by the way, "Yo, catch Rat business?"

She gave a high five: "I was just about to tell you, isn't my factory a rat? I borrowed your great treasure a few days ago, and I haven't seen those hateful ones for more than half a month. Something. The boss nearby said that he wanted to borrow a cat, and he could give him money. I'll contact you."

Speaking of which, she really gave An Yinong a few numbers, all of which had been borrowed by her before.

"Thank you, Sister Zhang."

The proprietress next door does practical work. Although she has benefited from it, she has always given feedback. After a free wash or two, the dog doesn't find it annoying.

With Sister Zhang in the middle, An Yinong's mouse trapping business quickly received the first order, but it was not a factory, but a commercial and residential apartment building.

"My God, I'm going crazy with these **** rats." When he arrived at the apartment building, the property manager he saw was a bald man, but he claimed to be in his early thirties, Hair is lost because of mice.

It turned out that three years ago, this place was just a normal apartment building. Although two mice were occasionally seen, they had no effect.

However, three years ago...the arrival of an evil farmer ruined it all.

"The little girl spoke softly and softly. She asked me at first if I could keep mice in the apartment. I thought, little girls like pet mice, and that's fine. What should I do? You will know that she actually raised those big southern rats! She is also a breeder!"

An Yinong guessed that the big southern rat should be the chipmunk rat. The white one is okay, and the black one really looks like a sewer rat.

"If it wasn't for the mouse running away and frightening the grandma in the corridor to the point of falling down the stairs, we wouldn't even know that this little girl said she raised a mouse, but she really raised a mouse!

"You didn't see it, that room was full of rat dens, 20 or 30 in a litter, my dear, there are only 100 or 200 in it, and there are rat cubs in many dens, The rat cub grows up again, and has one litter in his life..." The property management couldn't go on.

"Do you need a special breeding certificate to breed pet rats? Didn't you let her move out later?" An Yinong looked up at the twenty-story apartment building, his hand touched Hit the wall and actively use the ability of 'sense'.

However, he recovered quickly and once again felt this huge mouse kingdom.

"It's useless to remove it, the mice have all escaped. I don't know how long this thing is, it is bigger than ordinary mice, and it is harder to catch than ordinary mice. We used traps and used I've taken the medicine, and I've used everything, but nothing at all.

"Three years! Three whole years! With so many residents in the building, the building is almost turning into a ghost building because mice have moved away dozens of them."

The property management had tears and snot: "Then our boss said that there must be mutant mice in it, so he went to the mutant beast management department, but it was useless. They said that the only way to solve it completely is to blow up Take down the whole building."

When he was talking, An Yinong had already checked the rat nests in the whole building. My dear, there are basically no living people in this building, only live mice.


Yes, it can multiply to this point in just three years, and human beings can't solve it with all their efforts, and even say things like 'to completely solve it, you can only blow up the whole building'. Except for the second-order mutant rat king, who has this ability.

"To tell you the truth, you are not the first mutant cat breeder I have found, it is useless. In fact, I have no hope, but after the mutant cats come, they always stop A few days. If you can stop it for a few days, stop it for a few days.”

The property management said he was lying flat.

It sounds so sad, An Yinong wants to be free. At the critical moment, the instinct of the capitalist pulled his conscience, and he took out a bill of charges: "If there is no doubt, you can sign it here."

The property management took a photo of the list: "I have to give my boss a look."

An Yinong was ok.

Soon the owner of the apartment building called back: "I don't care what kind of rat trapping team or rat extermination team, as long as I can get rid of the rats in this apartment, I will give you how much money!"

In this way, even if the rat trap is settled, An Yinong touched Jingzhe's head: "You heard, there are very powerful guys inside, if you are not careful, you may be injured. "

Jingzhe's tail is curled into an S shape, and his eyes are bright, which is a sign of his excitement. That's right, Jing Zhe, who came from a wild cat, is a street fighter himself, so how can he be afraid of mutant mice?

An Yinong turned on the camera: "Then go."

Jing Zhe grows big, but the speed is extremely fast, and it has disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"We don't have to go up, let it open the door to move things?" It's not the first time that the property management has looked for a mousetrap team, but it's the first time that the cat has been released and will not do anything. .

"No, but you have to prepare some sacks."


Five minutes passed and nothing happened.

Ten minutes passed and still nothing happened.

"Should we go up and have a look?" The property management couldn't help it.

"It doesn't matter, when it is full, it wants to play with life. But I have already made three chapters with it, catching a mouse and rewarding a piece of lard residue, so it should not be addicted to playing with mice and not working Yes, probably."

Property management: "..." What should I do, this person looks very unreliable.

"Wow!" The two passing students home from school were startled, "What is this?"

"A rabbit or a rat? Can a rat grow that big?" The aunt who passed by also stopped.

Jing Zhe came to An Yinong, dropped the big rat in his mouth, and slapped the rat's skull with another paw, making the rat dizzy and unable to get up, and not die.


"Okay, the bookkeeping is done." An Yinong showed it a small book, "Look, a line was drawn."

Jing Zhe was very satisfied, and smashed the skull of the big mouse with one paw, and went to earn his own snacks.

At this time, there were many people around them, pointing at the dead mouse on the ground: "I see more than ten pounds."

"More than that, I'm not sure about twenty pounds."

"This is a mutant rat. Look at its big teeth and claws, it is definitely Lu Bu in the rat." An Yinong and property management said.

The second half-dead rat arrived, a little smaller than the first, but also weighed seven or eight pounds.

"Meow!" Bookkeeping!

"This is just an ordinary rat." An Yinong said to the property management while accounting.

Property management: …The difference between one dollar and ten dollars is not too bad.

Yes, the fee here is 50 yuan for less than 10 mice, more than 10 yuan, 1 yuan more for an ordinary mouse, and 10 yuan more for an additional mutant mouse.

Biological rodent control, safe, healthy, convenient, and cheap, the best choice for customers.

One, two, three... The big gray-black mice piled up more and more, and they were arranged one by one with agricultural pliers, filling the platform in front of the apartment building. , resulting in a huge 'visual effect'.

The people around were disgusting, and they just pushed forward, more curious than cats.

"A good cat, a good cat, a good housekeeper." They praised Jingzhe's conscientious work, and took photos and videos, just like the star-chasing crowd.

"It's called Jingzhe, a special mutant pet that evolves in the direction of mouse-catching. I provide mouse-catching business here, and the price is fair. You can write down this number if you are interested." An Yinong Take the opportunity to promote the signboard of 'The Rat Catcher'.

Soon Jing Zhe took out a mutant mouse with sharp claws and teeth: "Meow, ow, woo."

An Yinong's eyes curled: "Go, you can do anything, as long as it's a mouse, you can play or eat."

Jing Zhe entered, An Yinong held the door frame and looked inside.

He was not looking at the elevator inside, but at the bottom of this building, the mouse kingdom. Jing Zhe has shrunk to the size of an egg. It dashes through the pipe, as light as a floating cloud and as fast as a stream of light. Before the mice can feel it, it has passed them by.

Jing Zhe had already smelled the rat king and ran towards it.

And the rat king below seems to smell the smell of natural enemies. It is retreating to a cave under the guard of several huge first-order mutant rats. This cave is like a labyrinth, and Anon's 'perception' is lost.

But it was of no use to Jingzhe, it stopped at a fork, took a sniff, and turned in a direction that was where the rat king was.

Outside the apartment building.


"It was all scratched by your cat?" he asked in surprise.

"Yeah." An Yinong came back to his senses, and there were long, pointed-mouthed mice on the ground. I don't know what breed the breeder raised at the beginning, and the mutation rate is quite high.

It's not right, the mice will eat the same kind, and the weak ones may be eaten, so the rest are relatively strong, including the mutant mice.

"There are three hundred and twenty-six ordinary..."

An Yinong has not finished talking about the price, the apartment owner waved his hand: "As long as the mouse problem in this building can be solved, I will pay 10,000 directly."

"I can't guarantee this, you know the viability of mice..."

"Twenty thousand!"

"It may not be solved in one day. You have too many mice here. I don't know how many holes have been made underground, and the mutation rate is very high. My family Jingzhe also needs to rest."

"Forty thousand." The other party simply increased the price, "I will find someone for the repair work. As long as you can solve the rat problem here, I can fully cooperate with you."


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