MTL - I’m Walking the Career Line In Dog Blood-Chapter 231

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"What ability is this? It's never been documented before."

Countries all spy on each other, so the death of the **** of death soon spread to Huaxia, and his strange death was linked to the heart fragments that the two guys devoured.

"The druid killed him." The **** of death attacked the druid, so the one who killed him was also the druid.

A group of people gathered, trying to find traces from the previous records, and some people wanted to find the truth from the code name 'Druid'.

"He is the person who knows himself the most, and the code name is a summary and a directional explanation."

Druid is known to be a representative of Norse mythology, an avatar shaped by countless creators and legends. It has the ability to regulate nature, can dominate animals, and often appears in the image of animals or tree spirits.

"But in fact, Druids are not only elves, but also priests and wizards. In Norse mythology, wizards can use the things around them to curse and kill others. It can be a leaf that is picked at will, It could also be a bright red apple."

"So after the **** of death attacked the Druid, he was killed by the anti-curse?"

The room was quiet for two minutes. Although there are many types of mutants, there are really not many that can kill at a distance, and each type has great limitations. For example, the **** of death, he needs to get the biological information samples of the killed, and it may not be successful.

But Druids only need an apple to kill?

"There must be some conditions that we don't know. If we consider the legend of the Druid, his main duty is to balance nature and life, not to kill. So I guess, he should curse and kill. There is a premise of 'destroying nature and destroying life'."

This guess is reasonable, but everyone can't help but feel awe, awe of the mysterious power.

"In the next few days, keep an eye on his mood changes and report any abnormalities in time."

They watched him for three days.


"It's normal."

The psychologist in front of the computer desk is watching the filmed video. In the video, An Yinong got up early to read the weather forecast, and then took out the book collection for drying, while humming a song, he couldn’t see it at all How the wind and rain came a few days ago.

Yesterday he also wished a respectable fire fighting hero, wishing him a speedy recovery as a 'queen'.

He said to them: "If you choose not ordinary people from the masses, I will feel sad."

This remark made many people ashamed, because this fire fighting hero was on the list by accident.

"Unconsciously, we also became arrogant."

It turns out that he was not affected in any way by the Apple incident.

"His state is better than most dragon-level mutants, and he can calm down and return to normal life very quickly. It's an amazing adjustment ability." The psychologist praised.

This is a specially-appointed expert, and her daily life is to deal with the psychological problems of the various bosses in the association.

The psychological problem of dragon mutants is the most concerned point of the association, because they face the reality of the world, including pure good and evil. For example, even though he has the ability, he cannot save the person he wants to save, or he is forced to kill someone for something.

The more powerful mutants, the more difficult it is to balance the two identities of 'ordinary people' and 'heroes behind the scenes'.

"I think it has something to do with his occupation and ability." An Yinong's ability and occupation require contact with many animals, and the purity of animals can comfort people's hearts.

Psychological experts suddenly put forward a suggestion: "In fact, if you have the ability and need, you can raise a pet of your own, you will feel that you are needed and will have emotional exchanges."

Anyway, it's great that Anon has no psychological problems left behind. As for the eldest cousin and the black-haired Asian, they didn't die, they were just arrested for espionage. In the next few years, they will have to experience the prison culture in China.

The uncle and aunt cried on the other side of the social forum, causing public opinion, but it was useless, here is enough convincing evidence.

The grandmother was sad for a while, painful and ashamed, and the descendants brought shame to the ancestors.

In the end, she was so angry that she was sick. When her little aunt called him, she was healed, but her spirit was still a little bad. An Yinong decided to go back, just recently the store was going to be renovated.

"Decoration?" Xiao Wu didn't understand what to decorate.

"I have rented the next door, and the bathroom will be expanded after the connection is made. Then you can get started. After learning from me for so long, don't you dare to bathe animals?"

"Hey, this, ordinary pets are fine, but the most common pets in the store are mutant pets." Xiao Wu said while rubbing his head.

"Five hundred salary increase."

"You must dare! Brother Chu, you should be optimistic!"

Are you tossing?"

On both sides of their store, one is a warehouse, not rented, and the other is a second-hand bookstore guarded by an old lady.

An Yinong has been thinking about renting the used bookstore next door for a long time. But this old lady is a very stubborn person, even if she has no business, she is not willing to rent the shop to others.

"How did you convince her?"

"Didn't the old lady keep a Sanhua? It's mutated. The lifespan of mutated pets is a little longer than normal pets, and seems to be worried that she will die in front of the cat, so please, if you are unfortunate She left early to take care of her cat."

The day when An Yinong wanted to rent a shop, the old lady asked him, "Are mutant pets smarter than other pets?"

After getting the affirmative answer, she thought for a long time.

"That would be troublesome, so smart, she will definitely be sad because I left." The old lady is in her 60s, has no parents, lost her wife, and her children died early. She knows that being left behind is a blessing What kind of taste. So I don't want my cat to try this feeling of being alone.

She made an agreement with An Yinong that the shop could be rented to him all the time, and she could even sell it to him a hundred years later. The only condition is that if she leaves early, I hope that An Yinong can take care of her cat and let it live on this familiar land.

An Yinong thought of his grandmother, and after a moment of hesitation, agreed.

"Eh? This old lady's Sanhua has also mutated? Why can't she see it at all?" Xiao Wu was very surprised. He had seen Sanhua next door several times. He had a good personality. It's completely different from Jing Zhe.

"It's mutation direction is 'comfort', and each cat has a different personality."

An Yinong packed her things, and took out a sign that said 'Shop decoration, closed for a month' and hung it on the doorknob: "Didn't your family urge you to go home for a blind date? A Months should be enough for you to go back and forth."

Xiao Wu jumped up in fright: "Brother Chu, please don't hurt me, I don't want to go back."

"Hello." A timid voice interjected into their conversation.

The person who came was a big boy holding a golden retriever: "Boss, do you still recognize me?"

An Yinong thought for a moment: "Your eyes..."

"The operation was a success." A big smile rose on the boy's face, "So I came here to tell you. I'm sorry to trouble you that time."

"Don't say 'you', it should be." An Yinong said with a smile, "The little guy looks good too."

"Well! The first life I saw when I opened my eyes was Beibei. It was what I imagined." The boy crouched down and hugged his 'eyes'.

"Wang Wang." Babe also licked him affectionately.

"I may have to leave the city, and I brought it to see the boss. In fact, that day, Beibei suffered a lot of grievances, but then recovered her spirits, thank you."

An Yinong was stunned for a moment, not because of the boy's words, but because he suddenly discovered that the child had awakened to become a mutant. He didn't know how the other party mutated, but only vaguely knew that his mutation seemed to be related to his eyes.

Is it his illusion? There seem to be more mutants and animals.

The boy waved and walked away with his guide dog and a big smile.

So much information was given, Xiao Wu also remembered: "Ah, it's him." He left in a hurry that day, he couldn't remember what the dog was like, only remembered that the owner was a blind man.

I didn't expect this young man to be able to recover. Although Xiao Wu didn't know him, he was still happy for him at this moment.

After closing the pet grooming shop, An Yinong took the octopus to the beach. He put the octopus into the water: "I'll pick you up in a month."

The octopus larvae already felt the breath of its 'baby', it waved its tentacles at An Yinong, and soon buried in the sand and disappeared.

Han Yu stood on the shore, he felt that the world line was quietly moved again, and even the future had unexpected changes. But the man who plucked the strings didn't know that he never did things with any purpose, just from his heart.

"Let's go. Grandma heard that we were going back and said that we would pack a lot of zongzi."

An Yinong came over, took his hand, and talked about the countryside surrounded by farmland and waterways.

He didn't worry about what would happen if his family didn't accept Han Yu. Obviously, the world is not tolerant enough to easily accept gays brought back by younger generations.

"What gift should I bring for the first visit?" Han Yu asked.

An Yinong recalled carefully, but she could not recall what grandma liked.

In the original owner's memory, every time he went to his grandmother's house, his grandmother would prepare the things he likes, food, toys, games... She prepared everything, but did not reveal her preferences.

So he had no choice but to ask Han Yu dryly: "What do old people like?"

"If it's conventional, it's probably protein powder, calcium tablets, vitamin tablets and other health products, or soft sweets, practical cooking oil and the like. But grandma's words... Maybe we Consider a new smartphone for the elderly.”

Seeing An Yinong's puzzled face, Han Yu said with a smile: "It has not been sold on a large scale, so not many people know about it.

"It is an elderly computer loaded with primary intellectual brain, and it is in convenient and fool mode. Except for the procedures involving money transactions, which will be a little more complicated, you only need to tell the mobile phone directly. The primary brain will take care of everything.

"There are no major drawbacks other than the high price."

An Yinong applauded: "Buy! How much?"

"Your three-month base salary."

"That's not too bad. I'll prepare the phone, Ayu, buy some protein powder that's right." An Yinong grabbed Han Yu's idea in minutes, "No Thinking that our country also has a brain, and it was first popularized for the elderly."

"Science has developed rapidly in recent years, and the various superpowers generated by mutation are not only used to arm themselves, but also to assist various researches and improve people's livelihood."

"Like the last time the association wanted me to go to a biological research institute to assist in simulating extreme biological environments?"

An Yinong remembered this, but because he had other things at the time, he didn't take the task.

"Well, most of the tasks in the association are like this. Some seemingly inconspicuous abilities can play an unexpected role in auxiliary research. Compared with you, my abilities are lackluster. They must be thankful that I had the cheek to catch you so that they didn't miss out on the almighty support."

"Didn't I have the cheek to catch you?"

An Yinong and Han Yu walked farther and farther, and the footprints they left behind were washed away by the sea and they were invisible.

Read The Duke's Passion