MTL - I’m Walking the Career Line In Dog Blood-Chapter 232

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It's the same way back home, but there is an extra Han Yu in the car.

"The last time I came here, most of the land on both sides was newly cultivated, but now it is full of crops and lush. Look, the heart-shaped umbrella-like leaves are from taro. And that One row, it's corn, and that one is a watermelon field, right?"

They opened the window, and the refreshing breeze blew away the heat of the poisonous moon. The colorful braided rope bracelet on An Yinong's wrist was hung with five poisonous silver pendants, swaying and swaying. The wrist is very nice.

Han Yu's wrist also has the same colorful braided rope.

He wore this rather juvenile bracelet in class under the surprised eyes of his classmates, so several classes he taught quickly learned that this cold-faced and serious professor has intimate homosexuality people.

In fact, Han Yu prefers this kind of small objects that can prove the intimacy of the relationship more than An Yinong.

"Meow?" Jing Zhe was interested in the five poison pendants on his wristband, and An Yinong explained to him the tradition of driving away the five poisons on the Dragon Boat Festival.

Han Yu watched him press the cat pad and rub the cat's head, the soft voice was the same as the music.

The cicadas on the roadside chirped one after another, but they did not appear to be noisy, and the ducks in the water hid by the bridge piers to comb their feathers. There are also many small fish hidden there, enough for these Muscovy ducks to eat.

The children are not afraid of the heat at all. They wear hats turned into lotus leaves and carry fishing nets across the fields to catch dragonflies and scarabs.

If you close your eyes, it's as if the world goes back to childhood.

An Yinong's orphanage also has a garden planted with vegetables, where he would catch bugs when he was a child. The wonderful sounds of nature have always been a treasure trove of music for him and a source of inspiration.

He hummed a song softly in his mouth, from the wings of a beetle to the dandelions in the open field. This song seemed to be sung to Han Yu, and it rang like a wind chime in his ears.

"Is it good?" He leaned against him, smiling, "Newly written."


An Yinong still writes songs, just like he occasionally picks up a paintbrush, but his works are usually only for one person to see.

In the past he would have longed for approval from others, but not now.

There is one confidant in the world, enough to comfort the rest of your life.

The driver drove the car into the village, and the old man in the white vest playing chess under the big banyan tree glanced at them, then turned back to continue playing chess. The puppy was lying in the shade, his tongue sticking out.

"Innocent hot."


Two women wearing floral clothes swinging a paddle fan passed by, and the plastic slippers slapped the concrete pavement, making a clicking sound.

"Yangmei, XX Yangmei." There was also a tricycle selling Yangmei, and there were baskets of Yangmei in the bucket. The old man, wearing a straw hat with a wet towel hanging on it, stepped on the pedals.

"How to sell bayberry?" A young woman walked out of the yard and stopped the tricycle.

After a while, the car stopped in front of a compound, the door of the compound was open, and a **** dog with its tongue sticking out suddenly stood up, looked towards them, and called twice.

"Who is it?" Grandma heard the voice and came out, clutching a handful of chives she just picked.

"Yangyang! Why didn't you tell grandma when you came back? You see I'm not prepared for anything." Grandma saw An Yinong wearing a white sunscreen jacket at a glance, and his increasingly large pet cat.

Afterwards, she noticed Han Yu, who was standing beside An Yinong, who had a strong sense of presence, and the big bags in his hands.

Grandma couldn't help but glanced at the car, there was no one else except the driver, and her expression suddenly became strange. She remembered clearly that her grandson was going to bring the object home, so this object...

"Grandma, he is Han Yu."

"Good grandmother." Han Yu shouted directly along the pole, and even confirmed his identity - this is the object of An Yinong who came to see each other.


Han Yu was invited in and sat in the lobby.

The doors on both sides of the lobby are ventilated and it is very cool. Grandma also brought out the bayberry soaked in salt water.

The bayberry is not big, sweet and sour, and the juice will spurt when you bite it. An Yinong ate happily one by one, and did not mean to rescue Han Yu, who was stared at by her grandmother.

"I don't know what you do?"

Han Yu was full of scrutiny like watching a big bad wolf taking away his own lamb.

So she asked the classic 'what do you do'.

"Now teaching at XX University."

"University professor?"

The grandmother, who has always admired her education, is in awe. In her eyes, college teachers who can teach college students must be very learned people.

"How did you meet our family?" she asked again.

"He and I are both mutants. We met by chance, and we have been in contact for a while..." Han Yu did not take a scornful attitude because she was the grandmother of the original owner, but answered the old man's question very carefully. How did you meet, what plans for the future, what the family thought, all answered one by one.

An Yinong is still like a normal person, staying quietly and eating bayberry.

He was so heartless, and made Han Yu extraordinarily fresh. The grandmother whispered to herself: This child is so inconsiderate, if you change the object, I don't know how many conflicts will arise.

So grandma looked at Han Yu, who was mature, stable and reliable, and went a little bit of rejection.

Han Yu still didn't know that he was about to pass the test with his grandmother. He was worried about An Yinong, would he eat so much bayberry, would it hurt his teeth? Will it catch fire?

Actually, An Yinong was restrained. He stopped when he had almost eaten and wiped the juice from his hand with a wet tissue: "Grandma, I brought you a gift."

"I have everything here, why are you wasting this money?"

"The welfare of mutants, I think it is very useful, and it is specially used for the elderly, so I just bought one." He has already taken out the mobile phone, which is smaller than ordinary smartphones and easy to hold In the hand, the four sides are also covered with rubber, which is not easy to break, and is still waterproof.

Grandma held it and looked at it for a long time: "Mobile phone?"

"Yeah, come, I'll teach you how to use it."

The grandmother was a little resistant. An elderly person like her can't understand these new and new things that she doesn't understand, and she refuses to admit that she was left by the pony carriage of the times. Failure to study, trouble, nostalgia, refusing to learn.

But this smart phone is really easy to use, as long as it is turned on, it will be fully automatic.

It is not the automatic 'hand-in-hand teaching' like the original smartphone, but the mobile phone directly opens a website according to her request, or reads today's news, or buys something...

"I want to hear the 'Pearl Tower'." Grandma called into the phone, and said the name of an actor, saying she wanted to hear this person sing.

The phone intelligently found out the 'Pearl Tower' sung by the actor and turned on the audio. It turned out to be a local 'drum lyric', a kind of local drama.

This makes my grandmother very happy. She has no other hobbies, but likes to listen to drum lyrics. But before, she didn't know how to find it on her mobile phone. It was her children who found that "love butt". The second time she still couldn't open it, or she forgot.

"This thing is not cheap, right?" She liked it a little, and felt that such a good thing must be expensive.

"Hey, internal benefits, just a few days' salary." An Yinong directly broke the price, and the tens of thousands of things are thousands of dollars for him.

Grandma believed it, she thought, high-level mutants can pull her old lady's pension from early one thousand to eight thousand, the benefits must be very high.

"It's better to work for the country, the iron job, and the benefits. You are like those jobs outside, and you resign people for excuses, and there is no human touch."

An Yinong smiled: "Grandma, you are right."

So she accepted it, and asked An Yinong if he had any precautions, such as how to charge it, and whether watching videos would deduct a lot of money.

My grandmother accidentally watched some videos before, and as a result, she was deducted more than 200 yuan per month for traffic, which made the elderly feel distressed enough, and has PTSD for smartphones.

"No, isn't there a wire at home? I set it up for you, you can use it at home. You can't watch the video when you go out."

"Okay, I don't go out much, I can use it at home."

Grandma has WiFi at home, not for herself, but for her grandchildren. She heard people say that there is no such thing at home, and children are reluctant to come to play and live.

This afternoon, An Yinong taught her grandma how to play with her mobile phone, listening to drum lyrics, watching old movies, and teaching her to play 'farming games'.

My grandmother said that the farming in the game doesn't make sense without pests, but at the same time, she was very engaged in the game. She played until the sun went down, and then she remembered that she hadn't cooked dinner yet.

"Then let me help you play?" An Yinong picked up the phone.

"No, no, that old radish is waiting for me to collect." Grandma was not at ease when she entered the kitchen, and came out and reminded, "Don't touch my vegetable garden."

An Yinong covered his face and smiled, he and Han Yu said: "I have hooked my grandma's Internet addiction out."

When the food was ready, my uncle's family of four also came to inquire.

"This is my uncle, this is my little aunt, and two younger sisters, An Xue and An Zhen." After introducing them, An Yinong introduced Han Yu, "This is my boyfriend , Han Yu."

My uncle's eyes popped out, just as he was about to say something, he was pinched back by his little aunt.

The two cousins ​​looked at him with a 'cousin you are so brave'.

They sat in the lobby for a while, talking to each other silently, and the little aunt looked for topics, such as talking about An Yinong becoming a mutant, and her current job.

laughing stock.

Mainly, the benefits of high-level mutants are too strong. Now my grandmother can be regarded as the most beautiful old lady in the village. She holds a monthly retirement salary of 8,000 yuan, and has free medical examinations twice a year. There is no money, and there are other benefits.

I really see everyone envious, jealous, and hateful, and they all say that my grandson is raised, and it is more powerful than my own children.

Therefore, everyone is curious and longing for the legendary high-level mutant.

Seeing that my uncle and others were curious, An Yinong picked up what he could say, such as his abilities and special benefits. Tears of envy flowed from the corners of their mouths when the two cousins ​​heard that he could still apply for private panda breeding.

"Brother Yangyang, when you raise a panda, be sure to call me, I'll shovel **** for it."

"And the golden monkey." The little cousin pushed her sister away, "Brother, listen to me, the golden monkey is elegant and good-looking, it's not a loss to keep one."

"What is this all about?" The uncle frowned and pushed the two girls away, looking at An Yinong seriously, "If you want to raise it, you have to raise the king of beasts, tiger, listen to the old man. Uncle's."

"How much meat does a tiger eat a day? I think it is still necessary to raise turtles, eat less, be quiet, not occupy land, and live longer." Aunt said.

The family's preferences are really clear.

After dinner was over, they were going back. Uncle and the others were still discussing the best animals to keep. An Yinong looked at Jing Zhe, who was biting his bones, and thought that he would tear everything up, so don't bother.

"Meow." The lazy Jing Zhe suddenly stood up.


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