MTL - I’m Walking the Career Line In Dog Blood-Chapter 4

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"It sounds good, but the young people in this world don't appreciate it..." The system's voice was dry.

It's a battle-hardened system, but it was tricked by the host? !

Ah, ah, ah, so angry!

"Oh." An Yinong disagreed.

The system saw him open a sheet of music at will, hum it lightly, and then sing a cappella.

He only sang it twice, the third time he was able to get out of the script, and there was no jerky feeling, it was as smooth as if he had sung it hundreds of times. At this time, the voice has completely lost the dryness and hoarseness of speaking. A little smoke can only add a charming flavor, but it looks full of charm.

"The promise was too fast before." The system wiped its face hard, the sweet voice is Tianmei, the hoarse voice is Yujie, and most people in this world can appreciate sweetness Sister, you can also appreciate the royal sister.

The host asked him if he could sing, and of course the answer was... Yes!

This is definitely professional singing, the only downside is the excessive breathing. But this is the original owner's pot. His lung capacity is too low and he needs to exercise.

The system doesn't understand, hasn't his host sang in seven or eight years? She is a well-known waste beauty in the entertainment industry, and there are still a lot of scandals. How can he get started?

The system bows its head and makes a search: In the host's resume, he has only debuted for half a year, and has only participated in one competition and won one championship.


The runner-up in that session was the queen who won the domestic and foreign music awards, and the third runner-up was the new generation of kings who created the era of opera.

It grabs the ground with its head: Blame me for being too young! Don't know the evil in the world.

An Yinong doesn't care whether the system is painful or not, he laughs happily, as if he wants to expel the suffocation of the broken dream.

All kinds of past lives appeared before him, and his eyes were even a little wet.

But An Yinong didn't want to be seen a little 'cowardly', turned his head and rubbed it away, and picked up a pen and wrote on a blank post-it note: Mild smokey voice, wide vocal range, plasticity high.

Determined that he can continue to pursue his dream, he walked out of the recording studio: "Don't talk, it's cold, first boil some brown sugar **** water."

The most important thing in singing is to protect the throat, and some colds can make the throat inflamed.

While cooking **** soup, he whistled in a happy mood. The tune was lively and light, as light as his footsteps.

At the same time, a high-end community.

At this time, Zhao Ze had also arrived at home. He recalled the 'Ke Yinong' who threatened him viciously in the rain and choked with one mouth.

He couldn't remember what 'Ko Yinong' looked like in his previous life, as if everything was vague.

"Hey, sharp teeth and sharp mouth, I have to make you cry and beg me!"

Walking around the room, Zhao Ze remembered something, and he made a phone call: "The plan continues. For the worst character, I want him to leave the entertainment circle 'actively'. By the way , give him the most ugly makeup, a little bit of hell."

Zhao Ze, who hung up the phone, seemed to be in a better mood. He opened a bottle of treasured wine, and said with disdain, "But I really thought I could turn over the things I kept with me. sky?"

Drinking half a cup, his 'friend' came in the rain: "I called you a few times, why didn't you answer?"

In my last life, this 'friend' family collapsed and went bankrupt, fell out of their class, and never saw each other again. Zhao Ze can hardly remember who he is, Lu Yu?

"Rare customer, aren't you busy today?" Zhao Ze remembered that Lu Yu officially entered the Huanyu Group and became the intended heir during this time, when he was too busy to touch the ground.

"My father asked me to practice with the entertainment company at home first." After sitting down, Lu Yu poured himself a glass of wine, he looked at Zhao Ze, "You know my aunt's son also Start an entertainment company."

Zhao Ze of course knew that if it wasn't for the arrogant son who was born in wedlock and insisted on severing ties with his family, then Lu Yu, who was an illegitimate son, would not be able to turn to a big group.

Of course, they will know in the future that the arrogance of the legitimate child is justified.

"I'm going to swallow it." Lu Yu smiled like a wolf, and his handsome face was destroyed by the grin.

Zhao Ze is not surprised, he also did this in his previous life. Speaking of this, he remembered something, Yinong Ke seemed to be in that entertainment company, called... Starlight Entertainment.

Lu Yu didn't notice Zhao Ze's abnormality, he raised his head and drank half a glass of red wine, and muttered viciously: "I will never forget, the first time I came to Lu's house, he stood on top and looked at me Eyes, high above, dismissive."

Zhao Ze came back to his senses, and didn't take it seriously. If he saw an illegitimate child, would he have to warmly welcome him?

"If he has nothing from now on, can he keep his calm?" Lu Yu couldn't hold back when he talked about this person, and he said bitterly, "Maybe he can, A monster who didn't shed a single tear when he saw his biological mother die."

Zhao Ze was not interested in these parents, he interrupted Lu Yu's complaint: "It's noon, do you want something to eat? Yi Nong, let the kitchen..."

Zhao Ze, who habitually told Ke Yinong: No, he has been reborn.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yu wondered.

Zhao Ze was silent for two seconds, and finally showed a relieved smile: "Nothing, the cook is not here today."

He remembered.

No job, no social circle, no hobbies, and he deals with trivial things every day. From a distance, he feels that the smell of oil smoke surrounds him. This is the 'Ko Yinong' in his memory.

"The servant who often asks for leave should be fired earlier, I don't know what to do." Lu Yu frowned.

Zhao Ze smiled again, Lu Yu really didn't know that his mother used to be a servant of the Lu family, did he hook up with the male protagonist?


Older community at this time.

A sudden chill made An Yinong shudder, he rubbed his arm: "You don't really catch a cold, do you?"

After turning on the warm light, he walked into the bathroom with a change of clothes in his arms, and a strange yet familiar person appeared in the mirror. Unfamiliar because of the face, familiar because of a certain feeling.

"The soul and the body will affect each other. After three or five years, you will find that this body is three or four similar to the original you. If you are a minor, there will be more similarities. But now the biggest change should be the temperament."

The original owner's temperament was harmless and gentle, while the host... The system glanced at it and looked back: I wanted to press the grass on the ground.

"I have agreed to the matter of singing, so should the host also take the task seriously?

"I have a lot of products. If you really don't want to improve your appearance and voice, you can also consider cooking. As the saying goes, to capture a man's heart, you must first capture his stomach ."

An Yinong suspects that the system graduated from the 'mother-in-law training class', otherwise how could she say such words with a sense of age of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Can't catch this man's heart... Then change it? Why are you embarrassing yourself?

He changed the subject: "It's private time, let me take a good bath, okay? You'll have fun."

As he spoke, he slipped the rubber doll-like system out and put it on the small cushion at the door.

The dazed system looked at the closed door and exploded with anger: "Are you kidding me? I don't think you care about the mission at all!"

There was a rushing sound of water in the bathroom, and the system bulged its cheeks. It decided to ignore the host for an hour to let him know how powerful it was.

However, this determination did not last long, because its host An Yinong had a fever.

"Do you want to buy medicine? Quick-acting antipyretic."

"Thanks, I won't use it for now."

An Yinong took his body temperature, 37.9, low fever, no need to go to the hospital. Then I took the antipyretic medicine from the medicine cabinet and ate it, and lay down on the bed.

An Yinong has always had a physique that is not easy to get sick, and I never thought that someone could be so fragile.

"Exercise more." He thought, and closed his eyes.

The system sitting on the small pillow was going to talk to him about the task, but he closed his eyes and fell asleep in three seconds, and he slept soundly.

"..." This is too big.

"Forget it, you look so good-looking." The system climbed over and touched the host's forehead.

An Yinong didn't sleep well that night, always dreaming about his past.

From when he was four years old, he began to learn vocal music with his teacher, until he won the championship of the Young Singer Competition, and then his dream was broken and was discarded like garbage.

Pride was broken, and fell in the mud and could hardly get up.

All hope is lost.

He also dreamed of his own death.

When I was about to die, even how the knife stabbed into my chest was played in high-definition and slow-moving a dozen times.

Watching the red blood gushing out of the wound, and a strong **** smell gushing out of his throat. The person who killed him couldn't see clearly, and only saw a boundless blood.

The water stains on the pillow fainted, the system woke up and opened its eyes to see the host.

It's not the same as the strong man during the day, he is very fragile.

"Buzzing." The phone vibrated beside the bed, and An Yinong woke up. He exhaled, only to find that his pajamas were soaked with sweat and his body was sticky.

"Where is this?" He sat up with his hands on the bed, and it took a long time to remember what happened to him like a dream yesterday.

Death and crossing.

It was bright outside, but his head was still a little groggy.

An Yinong touched his forehead, his hands were as hot as his forehead, but there was no sore throat and no other symptoms, probably the fever had not subsided. If it is too powerful, do you really buy a high-efficiency antipyretic medicine from the system on credit?

He shook his head, once there was a second time, he had to restrain himself from things that he didn't use the system, or he would go to the hospital.

"Have you had a nightmare, host?" The system raised its head and asked, "Last night I was talking in my sleep."

An Yinong was stunned, for a while, he couldn't remember what he dreamed yesterday, but it was definitely not a pleasant dream.

"Probably," he said, "just dreaming of breaking a loved one."

The phone on the bed was still vibrating, An Yinong picked up the phone while thinking about something, and the word 'boss' was displayed on the phone.

He pressed the call key: "Hello?"

Read The Duke's Passion