MTL - I’m Walking the Career Line In Dog Blood-Chapter 5

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"Do you have time?" A deep male voice came from the other end of the phone. An Yinong's eardrum seemed to be overcharged, and he couldn't help rubbing his ears.


"Come to the office today."

"Who?" An Yinong seemed to be asking the system, but also himself.

In the original owner's memory, this is a company boss who only exists in the broker's mouth. He has not left much impression on the very few meetings, but he is a good-looking young man. And the style of doing things is more old-fashioned, and I don't like others to be late.

Don't like people being late? When he looked at the time, he had to pass it immediately.

An Yinong got up and took a quick shower, but her mental state was still very poor, her top-heavy body was sore, and her temples were sore.

"It's too late to call and ask for leave to go to the hospital. After I go to the company, I will go to the hospital when I come back."

He drank the cold medicine again, took a deep breath when he walked to the door, and after stepping out of the door, the tired look abruptly disappeared from his face.

As an artist, you have to be at your best when you go out.

Fifteen minutes later, An Yinong went from a familiar and unfamiliar place to another familiar and unfamiliar place - Starlight Entertainment, the company where the original owner worked.

The company is located on a bustling commercial street, and the middle three floors of one of the office buildings are owned by them. It can be seen from this that the company signed by the original owner is only a small entertainment company.

This is the truth. The entertainment company signed by the original owner has only been established for four or five years.

This company only flashes for two seconds at the beginning of the plot, because the original owner will quit the entertainment industry soon.

Take the elevator to the sixth floor. As soon as the elevator door opens, you can see a pair of beautiful twin receptionists. When they see them, they show a perfect professional smile: "Mr. Ke, hello."

"I'm here, please help me spread the word." An Yinong took off his mask, his cheeks flushed with fever, but because of his bright smile, no one saw that he was not in a good state.


There are many people on the open platform, they are sitting or standing, or chatting or drinking coffee, all of them are bright and beautiful, which makes An Yinong more and more downcast.

After seeing An Yinong, the expressions of these people were written with pity and a little indifference.

"The show team is here." A woman with neat short hair passed him with a cup of coffee. An Yinong turned her head to the side, but only saw the back of her head.

"My Way, My Show" is the 'plot' that An Yinong has been thinking about all the way. It is the last variety show that the original owner received, and it is also a variety show that sent the original owner to the guillotine and made him collapse and quit the circle.

In the plot, because of this variety show, the original owner has no choice but to go to Zhao Ze. From body to soul, he has completely become a vassal.

An Yinong frowned, even if he knew the plot was off, he still cared about it.

"The general manager asked you to come up now." The twins hung up the phone at the front desk and made a 'please' gesture to him.

Take the internal elevator to the eighth floor, the innermost is the general manager's office.

"Please come in." After knocking on the door, a deep male voice came from inside, like a mung bean cake with mint and green tea, cool and cold.

The door opened, and the man who was burying his head in the office raised his head. He had a young and handsome face, and his glasses added a bit of grace.

Not like the boss of an entertainment company, but an entertainer of an entertainment company.

"Here?" The man at the desk raised his glasses, "Please sit."

"General Manager, what are you looking for from me?" An Yinong walked in and took a quick look around the office.

This office is too succinct, with no personal items except a few things needed for work. This made him wonder. In his memory, this general manager was always here, working diligently and conscientiously every day, so how could this office not have any 'popularity'?

"The people from the "My Walk, My Show" program team are here. Originally, your agent should be in charge of this matter, but after your agent left, the new agent has not been in place yet. So I'm in charge of this matter for the time being." The general manager's voice was unhurried.

The embarrassment of a small company's lack of people can only be done by oneself, but it's just a trivial matter here.

"Because of what?" An Yinong came back to his senses.

"They want to terminate the contract for free." The general manager raised his head, "Tell me what you mean. Do you want the other party to continue to fulfill their promise, or get a compensation?"

An Yinong combed the broken hair in front of his forehead to the back of his head. In terms of resources, "My Walk and My Show" cannot be compared with the national-level "Singer and Composer". In the small variety show of Xiaobian, you can see all the mountains and small mountains.

If you don't know the future development, just consider it from a practical point of view. Of course, it is better to take this resource.

But An Yinong, who has seen the plot, knows that this is a dead end.

This variety show designed the original owner to be a defiant, self-righteous, untalented villain who oppresses newcomers, and the shape is even more ugly.

The enchanting colorful pheasant shape, just looking at the text can sting the eyes.

The biggest advantage of the original owner besides the sound is the appearance, but the appearance is gone.

The script is already so bad, and it was edited maliciously in the later stage, and the original owner directly went out of the circle. After this variety show is hot, the original owner is black, and after two episodes, he quit the entertainment circle forever amid the scolding.

When An Yinong watched the plot, he felt that the planner of the program had a grudge against the original owner, and he would never die. Otherwise, it cannot explain why the planners want to kill them all.

"If I want to keep it, how sure is the general manager?" An Yinong didn't say no as soon as he came up, which was not in line with his current personality.

The general manager sat there with his fingers crossed: "Thirty percent. The program team has a new leader, and the other party is an ambitious guy who wants to make a popular variety show for young audiences. He prefers more popularity. Gao's idol, I think he is more willing to gamble than those liquidated damages. But I suggest you cancel the contract."

Seeing that An Yinong's expression remained unchanged, the general manager continued: "If you must stay, you will be in a passive disadvantaged position, and the other party will put forward very harsh and unfavorable conditions for you. Variety show It's a big live-action drama, and in all dramas, there should be an objectionable character."

An Yinong was surprised by the general manager's acumen, but the general manager still underestimated the other party, it was more than a villain, it was a disgusting character who was entertained as a 'stalk'.

"The program team wants to terminate the contract with me, have they found a replacement guest? Who is it?"

"You should ask, change a few."


This means that the four star mentors have to be replaced by half or even more than half?

The general manager stood up and opened the door, turned to look at him and said, "If you are curious, then go and see them. They are in the living room. Before the results come out, keep your calm."

An Yinong stood there for two seconds and raised his heels.

"Who is the program team going to replace?" An Yinong's question continued until he entered the small reception room, where a person who should not have appeared was sitting there.

"Long time no see, Senior Ke Yinong." Zhang Ruojun, who had dyed silver hair and drew delicate eyeliner, looked at him provocatively, then turned to the general manager, "Is the general manager here? Oh, look at me, I forgot that Senior Ke's agent left two months ago."

Annun pulled out the chair and sat down, ignoring him.

The relationship between Ke Yinong and Zhang Ruojun is more complicated.

Two years ago, Zhang Ruojun was Ke Yinong's assistant. A year ago, Ke Yinong lost his voice. Zhang Ruojun did not know who he took to become 'Little Ke Yinong'. Can't wait to tear off the label of 'Little Ke Yinong'.

No outstanding looks, no stunning voice, no outstanding skills, but all kinds of marketing and resources are piled up, Zhang Ruojun is popular, shooting advertisements, acting, and appearing in various parties to 'sing', the distance from the top traffic Only one step away.

However, according to industry rumors, the sponsor behind him has found a new person and no longer supports him, so he has to work hard.

The small reception room was quite tense, but the general manager turned a blind eye. He put his hands on the table and looked at the representative of "My Way, My Show": "Let's make a long story short."

"Are you a general manager, or..."


The general manager lifted the spectacle frame: "It has been brewing for two months from the appointment of the program team, the preheating of the network, to the broadcast of the preview. At this time, when the guests are changed, all the previous efforts will be Fall short.

Suitable for?"

The person in charge of the program group straightened his back: "I understand your idea, but even an official variety show has to sacrifice for the best effect. You can understand it, Ke teacher?"

Ke Yinong tilted his head, endured a slight headache and smiled: "I'm sorry, as a victim whose personal interests have been violated, I reject this kind of moral kidnapping."

The person in charge choked: Doesn't it mean that Ke Yinong has a mild temper and doesn't easily offend people?

"Cough," the person in charge coughed strategically, he looked at Zhang Ruojun, "The replaced guests are also from your company."

The general manager smiled: "This is another matter and cannot be confused."

The person in charge of the program group drank water strategically: "Our program group has a new group leader, and he proposed a new plan. Because we need to cooperate with the new plan, the personnel need to be carried out to a certain extent. adjustment."

"This is a problem within your working group." The general manager pointed out the key point, "It should not be paid by others."

"Mr. Ke." The person in charge was not prepared to continue to be hypocritical when the matter reached this level. He directly aimed at the 'weakness', looking at An Yinong's eyes full of arrogance, " It was a decision we made after our meeting, and I sympathize with it, but there is no way."

[Ann, I'm sorry, but this is the decision above. 】

The appearance of the person in front of me overlapped with the faces of many people in my memory, with similar tone, similar words, and similar attitude.

Because he is weak, struggling and resisting can also be regarded as a cute interest.

An Yinong fixed his eyes on the person in charge, laughed briefly, and his expression returned to calm again.

Cute? Be careful not to chip your teeth.

"Actually, with Mr. Ke's current resources, I don't want to leave, I can understand." The person in charge of the program team laughed disgustingly, "So, our team leader gave a second set of plans, If you accept it, it's not that you can't keep it."

Someone like an assistant handed over a bound desk book.

"Really?" The general manager took it, and the person in charge smiled.