MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 287 Kill the green bees first, then the humans

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Void True Demon God is an old acquaintance. Back then, the Monster Race, Machine Race, and Zerg Race jointly hired the most powerful lone universe to assassinate the Green Bee Alliance. Except for the strongest man in the universe who refused to stop the mission and was killed by the employer. The other strongest person in the universe is the Demon God of False Truth. At that time, Lu Ge had nothing to do with these cosmic powerhouses. The False Demon God can come and go freely. He successfully assassinated hundreds of clones of Lu Ge. The two sides have long been feuded. The Demon God of Void and True dared to enter now because of the superiority in his heart. At the beginning, he was able to come and go freely in the siege of the Green Hornet Alliance. It is the same today. The opponent is just relying on the advantage of numbers. A wolf is always so confident when facing a group of sheep. He's got those Xeon-to-Treasure boots. No one in the original universe can kill him, and no one can keep him. Little did they know that the Green Bee Alliance was no longer what it used to be. He is not a wolf, and the Green Bee Organization is not a sheep. "Virtual Demon God?" Lu Ge showed a sneer, he is an old acquaintance, so he needs to be treated well. "Boom!" The Void and True Demon God came across the boundary with a monstrous aura. He is confident but not underestimated. The boots of the most powerful and precious are already in an excited state, and the armor flowing with golden flames covers the whole body. In this state, he thought no one could kill him. Unfortunately, he met Lu Ge who didn't play by the rules. He just came across the border, facing the boundless sea of ​​blood. Three hundred clones of the Nine Nether Seas turned into a sea of ​​blood and merged together. Coupled with the coverage of the pinnacle treasures of the domain category. A radius of hundreds of millions of miles was covered and blocked. There are still three hundred clones looming in the sea of ​​blood, rushing to kill the virtual demon god! The three hundred points of skill are all top-level attack treasures. Lu Ge didn't use a joint attack this time, but used his formation to charge. Let's see if we can kill the False Demon God. The face of the virtual demon **** changed wildly. He found himself locked in. "Damn it!" He stomped his feet suddenly, and the void shattered inch by inch. The void with a radius of millions of miles is reduced to the tiniest stream of particles. The sea of ​​blood all over the sky has also evaporated for millions of kilometers. But compared to the vast and boundless sea of ​​blood. This is only the tip of a feather in the bucket. It doesn't affect anything at all. The sea of ​​blood that had been lost was re-covered in an instant. at the same time. Lu Ge's clone team has already attacked. The wind, thunder, water, fire, time, space and other secret arts are combined, and the power is not small. "Boom!" First, several million miles of sword light cut across the sky. Then came the chains of flames overwhelming the sky, coupled with the terrifying ice cones all over the sky. And the crazy attacks of other masters of the universe. In the eyes of the Void and True Demon God, this is indeed the case. As soon as he arrived, he was trapped in a sea of ​​blood. The masters of the universe who were killed in groups in the sea of ​​blood were extremely terrifying. They actually had a top-level treasure in their hands, and the attacks they sent out were too ruthless. Even though he was wearing the most powerful and precious armor, his divine body was actually declining. The descent was slow, but there were too many enemies attacking him. Especially after they formed an formation, their power doubled. The decline rate of the divine body tends to accelerate. This is the beauty of formations. The fierce fighting did not last long. The strongest in the universe will be suppressed in the original universe. Stronger than the Lord of the Universe, but very limited. These cosmic powerhouses can only exert their greatest power when they leave the original universe and reach the cosmic sea. Even if the Void and True Demon God was wearing the most powerful and treasured equipment, after he was surrounded by the Nine Nether Seas and locked by the domain, he could not escape. His end was doomed. 300 clones of the top-level master of the universe launched a siege to him. Even if you don't use combined attacks, but only use formations, the Void and True Demon God still can't escape from birth. Even in the end, he was completely obliterated without even revealing himself. The body is shattered and the soul is killed. The equipment he carried with him was ups and downs in mid-air. Lu Ge saw at a glance that the pair of dark golden boots were slightly damaged. But it is also the most powerful treasure. Xeon Xunbao will repair this damage by itself. Of course, it still needs to devour a lot of equipment of the same attribute. Lu Ge swept away all the equipment in one go. Especially those Xeon to Treasure boots. You must quickly recognize the Lord. With this pair of combat boots, he now has two Xeons. It's a pity that both Xeon Xeons are defensive types. Not a single attack. After the Void and True Demon God was killed by him, it immediately caused an uproar outside. "The Void-True Demon God has fallen!" "That's the most powerful person in the universe, or the most powerful person in the universe with the most powerful treasure, how is this possible!" "The strength of the Green Bee organization is simply terrifying." "No wonder they are so arrogant." Universe The most powerful Void and True Demon God was beheaded on planet 02892. Just like having wings, those bad things spread throughout the primordial universe. The major organizations and forces were all extremely shocked. Each of the nine superpowers basically has a cosmic powerhouse. Even Yaozu has two. Most of the others are cosmic loners. They were all quite shocked when they heard the news of the fall of the most powerful person in the universe. Although we all know that the strongest in the universe will be suppressed by the original will in the original universe. But no matter how suppressed he is, he is still the most powerful person in the universe. It is possible to defeat him, but it is too difficult to kill a most powerful person in the universe. Especially the strongest in the universe who owns the most powerful treasure. Almost synonymous with immortality. No one knows the prestige of the False Demon God. Because he possesses the most powerful treasure and is a lone traveler, the Void and True Demon God is extremely arrogant in the primordial universe. He thought that no one in the original universe could do anything to him. Except for him. There are another 5 factions that have Xeons and treasures, but just like the colorful Aurora Lake of the Ancestral God Sect, the Xeons and treasures of some forces cannot leave the ethnic group. The primordial universe is basically the back garden of the False Demon God. He comes when he wants, and leaves when he wants. No one can keep him, let alone kill him. But all this has become a thing of the past. The False Demon God is dead. He died in the primordial universe that he thought was very safe. His death made other powerhouses in the universe more cautious. Originally, there were still a few solitary powerhouses in the universe who planned to forcibly break into planet 02892. Now they have to plan again. Planet 02892 has the power to kill the strongest in the universe. They don't have Xeons. It is worse than the False Demon God, if you rush in rashly, the ending will be worrisome. They also know that the Qishen Temple can find the best, which is the peak treasure of the domain category. It's not worthwhile to bet your life for a peak treasure. One by one, the lone traveler, the strongest in the universe, went back home one after another. Or turn on spectator mode. They didn't enter planet 02892 anymore, they just watched from the side. Those cosmic powerhouses who wanted to enter the Qishen Temple for the sake of the ethnic group also hesitated. But it is quite unwilling to let them retreat. Qi Temple, the largest treasure on the entire primitive planet. If you give up like this, you don't know how many years you will have to wait. There are peak treasures inside. In addition to the peak treasure, there are many other treasures. The strongest in the universe discussed with each other. Planet 02892 has more than one channel, it can have 10081 fellows. Can Green Hornets block all 10081 channels? Just bluff. Green Bee Organization shouldn't have so many strong people. If the forces of all parties and the major ethnic groups unite, of course they will have more powerful people and have more advantages. "It's better for all of us to try to enter planet 02892 from the 10081 passages." "If we find which passages are weak, we will focus on conquering which passages." Or? Even a mouthful of saliva from one person can drown the Green Bee organization." "So we must first unite!" The organizations of all parties deeply agreed and began to discuss. To form a coalition to attack planet 02892 together. If you want to attack, you must attack at the same time. Otherwise, it is easy to be broken one by one by the cunning guys inside. Only by attacking at the same time can a long-distance opening be opened. In the human camp. Many masters of the universe meet in the virtual universe. Greataxe Creator is there too. They are also watching the war. They were also extremely shocked when they heard that the Void and True Demon God had been killed. The creator of the giant axe was not sure of winning against the Demon God of Void and Truth even if he asked himself. The Green Bee organization is really strong. Now that the forces of all parties are united, they are also worried about the Green Bee Organization. The creator of the giant ax asked Lu Bu who was sitting beside him. "Lu Bu, the Green Bee Organization needs the assistance of our human race." Lu Ge said with a confident smile, "No, we humans will not take this muddy water, just watch the fun." Lu Bu's relationship with the Green Bee Organization is irreversible. Having said that, the Lord of the universe of the human race can watch the show with peace of mind. Although Lu Ge is on planet 02892. But he has already ambushed many eyeliners in the major ethnic groups. Regarding the countermeasures discussed by the various ethnic groups and organizations, he clearly knew that except for the human race, almost all the forces and ethnic groups had united. It's getting more and more interesting. Lu Ge's eyes were completely calm. The thinking of the major ethnic groups is correct, the wolf pack tactics, every place is the main attack. If they were weaker, they might have been attacked by them, but their opponent this time was the Green Hornets. Attack 10081 channels at the same time, so come on, let you feel what despair is. In an instant, avatars appeared one after another. They deliberately let out their breath, and fixed their strength at the level of the universe lord. The combat power has the strength of the master of the universe. Lu Ge acted in a high-profile manner this time, arbitrarily occupying planet 02892. This is different from his previous style of doing things in a low-key manner. This time, he was not only for the treasures of Qishen Temple, but also not only for teaching those wolfish and ambitious groups. He wants to re-establish the right to speak of the Green Bee organization. To re-enact the new order of the original universe. If in the past. Lu Ge's idea is arrogant and unrealistic. But now he has this strength. The comprehensive strength of the Green Bee Organization has completely surpassed all major ethnic groups including the Zerg, Monster Race, and Ancestral God Sect. It even surpassed the era of the third reincarnation universe. Not to mention that the various forces in the original universe lack the human race. Even in the cosmic sea, Green Bee is considered a strong organization. The first round of the universe era, the second round of the universe era, and the two holy places dare not provoke easily. The war has begun. The coalition forces of various ethnic groups outside the planet 02892 are overwhelming. The entrances of 10081 channels have all been put in place. Headed by the Lord of the Universe, a large number of Universe Overlords and Masters of the Universe are ready to go. Every strong man is nervous and excited. This is the first time that the major life groups in the primordial universe and all forces have united. The Green Bee organization has always been arrogant, and this time it committed public outrage. Today is the day to destroy the Green Bee Organization. These coalition powerhouses are making history. There are also some strong people who found something wrong. "Where are the strong people from the human race? Why didn't any of them come?" "I've already discovered that the human race is a coward." The human race has always flirted with the Green Bee organization, and it's normal if they don't." "Collude with the Green Bee organization, you should kill it!" "Destroy the Green Bee organization first, and then destroy the human race!" "Kill!" Countless strong men roared and attacked 02892 at the same time number planet. The terrifying momentum affects the void and stirs up the wind and clouds. Some of these countless strong men are tens of thousands of kilometers tall, some are covered in flames, and some have collapsed space around them. Each of the strong men was full of evil spirits, and their murderous intent was awe-inspiring. Pieces of void were shattered. A large number of space fragments collapsed and flew around, "Boom!" The first strong man who stepped out of the vortex channel had not waited to see the surrounding situation clearly. UU reading www.uukanshu. com A golden knife light streaked across the void, and the divine body was annihilated. Instantly killed. When he was dying, this strong man was full of unwillingness. "Is this the end?" Immediately afterwards, his consciousness fell into boundless darkness. The war finally broke out. Lu Ge's millions of avatars deliberately expanded the exit area to accommodate more powerful people. Come in and kill! After the avatars of these peak cosmic lords are lined up, it is simply a massacre against the enemies who are dominated by these cosmic lords and cosmic overlords. The master of the universe who led the team was locked first. After three face-to-face encounters, they had already fallen. The other strong men fell down in pieces, and one after another the divine body was destroyed. "I'll fight with you!" A seriously injured foreign strong man blatantly blew himself up. "Boom!" The terrifying energy destroyed the void, but before this wave could spread, it was completely suppressed by the sea of ​​blood that filled the sky. Keep killing! 10081 passages The corpses of the gods who were killed lay all over the place, and the blood of the gods flowed through the void. This is a great battle that can be recorded in history. One after another, the venerables and overlords were destroyed. The corpse is empty. After paying an extremely tragic price, the coalition forces of all ethnic groups did not move forward. The complexion of the most powerful man in the universe who was commanding by remote control finally changed. The coalition forces have lost more than half. These are the elites and pillars of the clan. One of the most powerful members of the Crystal Clan universe frantically ordered: "Retreat, retreat quickly, don't fight anymore!" "Retreat first!" He found that the members of the clan were almost exhausted. Must retreat immediately. But the all-out war has already begun. Since they have entered, how can they withdraw if they want to? Then you have to ask Lu Getong if he agrees. "Wai!" Lu Ge's many avatars moved at the same time. Terrible spatial fluctuations descended one after another, forcibly blocking the exit passage. Catch the turtle in the urn! These coalition powerhouses can't get out!

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