MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 288 Terrans and Green Bees want to form an alliance

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Lu Ge has never been worried that because of his mass killings, the strength of the third reincarnation universe in the universe sea will decline.

Originally, they were at the bottom of the cosmic sea.

There's not much room to go down.

What's more, as long as he is there, the third reincarnation cosmic era will not be able to bottom out.

Killing a batch of these alien powerhouses with different ideas will make the resources of the original universe much more relaxed.

A great battle.

All forces in the universe are involved, except for the human race and the Ancestral God Sect, which has always remained neutral.

The Ancestor God Cult does not take the initiative to participate, but it does not prohibit private behavior of members.

There are also some members of the Ancestral God Sect.

Lu Ge doesn't care about this.

Anyone who dares to step into Planet 32 ​​will be shot to death.

The vortex channel is blocked.

The powerhouses of all races became more crazed and desperate, and the battlefield became more tragic.

Lu Ge also attaches great importance to this peerless battle.

This is a good opportunity for him to hone his avatar tactics, so he must grasp it well.

During the entire battle, his many clones never used a joint attack.

Many avatars alternate and intersperse with each other, playing various tactical coordination.

The strong ones who entered Planet 32 ​​were killed like cutting melons and vegetables.

Seeing such a tragic scene, even these strong men who had practiced for countless years, with rock-like hearts and extremely strong wills collapsed.

This is simply a Shura field!

Seeing the strong men around them being killed one after another, they broke down and wanted to ask for help.

However, the original planet cannot transmit information.

The strong man who has a clone and is not here immediately calls for help outside.

"The vortex channel on the 32nd is blocked, we can't get out!"

"Help! Ask the strong members of the family for support and open the channel!"

"I can't hold on, I'm going to fall, I'm so sorry!"

"Come and save us!"

The six powerhouses of the universe outside of planet 32 ​​were in a state of anxiety.

They are connected in tandem with each other.

"The Green Bee organization is too ruthless. They blocked the passage and wanted to wipe out our strong men."

"We can't let them succeed, let's open the channel together."

"But there are so many channels, how to open them?"

"No matter how many there are, let's focus on opening one channel first, and save one is one."

Six cosmic powerhouses unite.

They attack a vortex channel together.

The terrifying attack shook the void, and they forcibly tore open a hole in the blockade Lu Ge had placed.

The channel was opened.

But the other end of the passage was quiet.

When they saw the scene inside, their eyes burst into tears.

That's horrible!

The number of powerhouses of various races attacking from this vortex passage exceeded 30,000.

But now there is no one alive.

A large number of mutilated corpses lie in the void.

Broken weapons, decomposed armor, only half of the head, and countless stumps and broken arms.

Tens of thousands of strong men of various ethnic groups died tragically, and the strong murderous intent and resentment soared into the sky.

Among the countless corpses, there was still a group of Green Bee Organization members who were full of evil spirits.

Their number is about three thousand.

The blood of the gods still flows on the armor and weapons.

Staring indifferently at them at the other end of the passage.

Sensing that the passage was opened, one of Lu Ge's avatars opened their eyes.

He showed a ferocious smile: "Everyone who is the strongest in the universe, standing at the other end has no sense of participation, why not come in and experience it!"

A cosmic powerhouse from the Northern Xinjiang Alliance roared angrily: "Your green bee organization is too cruel, too cruel, and you have killed so many powerhouses of various races. Aren't you afraid of being attacked by groups?"

Lu Ge was surprised and said: "Rise up and attack? Isn't that what you guys are doing now?"

The six universe powerhouses suddenly misfired.

They are indeed doing this now, gathering powerhouses from all races and besieging Planet 32.

Originally thought that the Green Bee organization would be wiped out under the siege of various powerful people.

Unexpectedly, they were met with a strong counter-kill.

The battle on planet thirty-two is drawing to a close.

Lu Ge didn't leave anyone alive this time, and he didn't need prisoners.

Kill them all.

All the strong men of various ethnic groups who entered through the 10081 passages were wiped out.

Thick blood-colored mist filled the sky over the entire planet 32.

All forces in the primordial universe, major life groups, and millions of strong men gathered were wiped out.

I was terrified to hear it!

"Since you don't come in, I'll go out!"

Lu Ge is fearless.

He drove a clone and came out directly from the passage.

Face the six most powerful men of the universe alone, and the armies of various races behind them.

Although there is a huge disparity in strength, Lu Ge has no fear.

He glanced at the six universe powerhouses and the army of various races behind him, and said provocatively, "Have you enjoyed the fight yet? If not, let's continue!"

The eyes of the strong men of all races were filled with anger and resentment.

"Butcher, devil, I want to kill you!"

"Damn Green Bee organization, how dare they kill so many strong people of all races."

"We must take revenge!"

"The blood of our people cannot be shed in vain!"

Seeing the gnashing of teeth on the opposite side who were angry.

Lu Ge smiled: "Don't just stand there and bark, the teleportation channels are all open now, you go in, you should avenge your revenge, you should avenge your hatred, go quickly..."

A word made the scene quiet.

Many powerful aliens who shouted loudly couldn't help but take a step back.

The army of millions of strong men was wiped out, how dare they enter this devil's lair again.

"Don't dare to come in? Then shut up."

Lu Ge's eyes suddenly became cold: "Now I tell you to listen."

"Your joint attack on planet 32 ​​this time, we are very angry, and the consequences are very serious."

"Since ancient times, winners and losers, we win, you lose, and if you lose, you have to bear the consequences."

"I declare that from now on, all the ethnic groups and forces participating in this siege will become affiliated races and forces of our Green Hornet organization."

"Every year in the future, you need to hand over 30% of the income of the ethnic group."

The six universe powerhouses, as well as the powerhouses of various ethnic groups, watched Lu Ge talk freely.

They seem to be listening to a joke.

The Green Hornet organization wants to blackmail the major life groups and all forces of all sizes in the original universe.

Are they crazy?

The most powerful Ancestral God Sect would not dare to be so crazy!

But think about it carefully.

They couldn't laugh anymore.

Even if the Green Hornet Organization is a lunatic, it is an extremely terrifying lunatic.

The strength of the green bee exceeded the expectations of all strong men.

Millions of coalition troops were slaughtered.

This is an army with the Master of the Universe as the main body.

The strength of peak groups such as the monster race, machine race, zerg race, and prison race has been reduced by more than half.

The Green Hornet organization can kill even the strongest in the universe, who can stop their atrocities?

Lu Ge looked at the changes in the expressions of the strong men of all races, and showed a sneer.

"Give you a month to think about it. During this time, you have many choices."

"You can unite to encircle and suppress our green bees again, and you can also invite even more powerful people to help out."

"Or you move with your family, leave the original universe, and hide in a place where we can't find it."

"In a word, I'll wait for you for a month. If you don't make a choice within a month, you will be hit by our green bee organization in an all-round way, and you will bear the consequences."

"Contact us if you think clearly."

After Lu Ge finished speaking, he returned to Planet 32.

Many avatars are already cleaning up the battlefield.

Millions of lords of the universe and overlords of the universe, and dozens of lords of the universe fell.

At their level, they all have extremely rich net worth.

The resources and equipment that exploded almost filled the starry sky.

Whether it is a **** corpse or equipment resources, the value is immeasurable.

None of these pieces of equipment are Xeons.

However, there are several top-level treasures, countless top-level heavy treasures, and countless resource materials.

If considered comprehensively.

The resources contributed by millions of powerful people of all races are converted into energy points, which will exceed the income of Qi Temple.

A windfall.

Lu Ge also suffered losses in this battle.

In such a fierce battlefield, he lost a total of 18 clones.

This loss is negligible compared to the huge gain.

Now, all 10,081 passages on planet 32 ​​have been opened.

But no one dared to break in.

Two days later, Qishen Temple opened as expected.

Only Lu Ge appeared in the Qi Temple, which originally required a **** fight.

The lucky ones who have Qijing Stone are all outside the 32nd planet, stamping their feet and beating their chests.

They dare not come in.

He could only watch helplessly as Lu Ge slowly looted all the treasures in the Qi Temple.

It is indeed the biggest treasure since the opening of the original planet.

A total of one domain-type pinnacle to the Baolinglong Pagoda was born in Qishen Temple.

One of the pinnacle of sealing towns to Baodi burning prison.

There are also 15 top-level treasures, more than 300 ordinary treasures, and 100,000 top-level treasure sets.

There are many pieces of Luge, the pinnacle treasure of the domain category.

This is the first time that the pinnacle treasure of the sealed town type has been created.

Good stuff!

Once the most powerful person in the universe is sealed in, it is absolutely impossible to escape.

Qishen Temple did not disappoint him.

Lu Ge was satisfied with the rich harvest.

Coupled with the resources contributed by millions of strong people, double happiness.

Some are happy and some are sad.

He is satisfied, but many forces in the primordial universe are jumping around because of him.

No one underestimated the threat of Green Hornets.

If there is no compromise within a month, they will be hit by the Green Hornet Organization in an all-round way.

Who can bear it?

The powerhouses of all parties have discussed ways to contain the Green Bee organization.

The lone universe powerhouses did not participate.

Green bee tissue is covered with stings.

It would be unwise to provoke them, they are a powerful mob.

Although these lone travelers have no territory.

But he was also worried about retaliation from the Green Bee organization.

It's better to go to the universe sea.

Although the Cosmos Sea is full of dangers, it is not as scary as the Green Bee Organization.

Compared with the restless races, the human race is much more comfortable.

The Creator of the Great Ax and the Lord of Chaos City also looked at the Green Hornet Organization with admiration.

Already knew they were strong.

But I didn't expect it to be so strong.

Fortunately, fortunately, Lu Bu of the human race is inside the Green Bee organization.

The Terrans are protected from the storm.

This time, the major ethnic groups suffered heavy losses and lost their strength, but the human race retained their strength.

One ebbs and another, the human race has already taken advantage.

in the virtual universe.

The Creator of the Great Axe, the Lord of Chaos City, and the nineteen Masters of the Universe are all present.

They are discussing whether to step up their offensive and occupy more territory in the extraterritorial battlefield.

Many masters of the universe also deeply agree.

All agreed to do so.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the human race.

The Lord of Chaos City looked at Lu Bu: "Master Peerless, what do you think?"

Lu Ge chuckled: "Nowadays, the monster race, machine race, and Zerg race are greatly weakened. If we only take advantage of the battlefield outside the domain, it will be a waste, right?"

"what do you mean?"

Lu Ge pointed to the huge three-dimensional star map.

Draw a big circle on it.

He looked around and said seriously: "The creator of the giant axe, the lord of Chaos City, the lords of the universe, our human race has always had a saying, how much food to eat, how big a bowl to serve, and now the strength of the three races has lost more than half, then their territory It should also be halved, what do you think?"

When everyone heard this, they all became excited.

The monster race, the zerg race, the machine race, and half of the territory of each of the three races add up to a larger territory than the current human race.

If the human race takes it over, it will definitely increase in strength.

But now there is a problem.

The human race wants to take half of the territory of the three races, and the three races must unite to resist desperately.

Their strength has declined.

But once they unite, the human race still can't stand it.

Lu Bu didn't speak out of breath: "If you don't dislike the bad reputation of our Green Bee organization, we are willing to form an alliance with the human race. We will take down half of the territory of these three races as a meeting gift."

The Chaos City Lord and the giant ax creator looked at each other.

The creator of the giant ax said: "First of all, we are grateful for the generosity of the Green Bee Organization, but we want to know what the Green Bee Organization wants?"

Lu Ge slapped his head.


You don't get paid for nothing, not to mention half of the territory of the three ethnic groups. UU reading

A territory larger than the territory of the human race is given away as soon as it is given away. No wonder the Chaos City Lord and the creator of the giant ax would commit a crime.

Lu Ge explained: "Since it is an alliance, it is naturally mutually beneficial. You have also seen that the Green Hornet organization is now an enemy in the original universe. The human race and the Green Hornet form an alliance, and they have to bear the malice together."

"In addition, the Green Hornet organization also hopes to help the human race when necessary."

The creator of the giant axe, the master of the city of chaos, and the eighteen masters of the universe all discussed.

Lu Bu was right.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Once the human race forms an alliance with the Green Bee Organization, it will have to bear the malice of all forces in the entire primitive universe.

It's so exciting to be against all the groups and forces of the original universe.

In the end, the creator of the giant ax said: "God-sent opportunity, it would be a pity to miss it."

"Just because the Green Bee Organization can suppress these many forces, and our human race will be more confident. My suggestion is to form an alliance. Let's all raise your hands."

The Chaos City Lord was the first to agree: "Wealth and wealth are in danger, and I agree to form an alliance."

"I agree!"

"I agree!"


The top leaders of the Terran unanimously approved the proposal to form an alliance with the Green Hornets.

Lu Ge smiled and said: "Okay, then the human race has formed an alliance with the Green Bee Organization from now on, but there is no need to rush to announce it, we still have to wait for their decision..."

Lord Peng Gong suddenly asked: "If the monster race, the machine race, and the Zerg race compromise and are willing to serve the Green Bee Organization as the main force and become a subordinate race, how can they attack their territory?"

The other masters of the universe also have the same opinion.

Wouldn't this be a waste of time.

Lu Ge smiled: "The rules are set by us. We don't accept the surrender of monster races, Zerg races and machine races."

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