MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 984 living hell

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Bai Ze found that the more he came into contact with Ye Cheng, the more he couldn't see through this person.

He, like his predecessors, became more and more mysterious.

Moreover, his growth rate is extremely fast, and he will always get all kinds of surprises.

Unexpected harvest.

Even a top existence like Zhulong can take the initiative to help improve his strength, which is outrageous!

"Damn it, if I knew you and Zhulong still have this relationship, why don't we be afraid of the Nine-Tailed Fox and Ba Snake? Come here sooner, and it will be resolved long ago!" Bai Ze cheered excitedly, as if there were more Like a backer.

After laughing, with this backing, let alone walking sideways in the mountains and seas in the future, it is almost the same.

Ye Cheng rolled his eyes, "Thinking too much, Zhulong won't help us, although I have the blood of Zhulong in my body, although it can help me improve some strength, but he will definitely not help us deal with other enemies, because, That is an insult to this bloodline!"

"A person with the blood of the candle dragon, no matter how powerful the enemy is, should bear and face it alone!"

This was the feeling in Ye Cheng's heart at the moment when the power of blood was sublimated.

As one of the top existences in the world, he has very high demands on himself, which is one of the reasons why Zhulong can become the top existence in the world.

Bai Ze curled his lips, and murmured: "If you want me to say, it's hypocrisy. Don't you have blood? Who doesn't? The blood of my Bai Ze family is also first-rate, and we know everything, we are the smartest! "

"Okay, okay, you are awesome, you are awesome, lead the way, we have to rush to the corpse mountain as soon as possible!" Ye Cheng was quite helpless towards this guy.

He also said that others are hypocritical, but Bai Ze is actually the most hypocritical!

However, he didn't care about these things. It would be nice to have such a guy chatting with him along the way, giving him a chance to learn more about this world.

Now, his strength has been improved, and he is more confident to go to the corpse mountain.

Bai Ze seemed to know Ye Cheng's anxiety.

Although his heart was full of reluctance, he was silently speeding up, trying to reach the mountain of corpses as soon as possible.

After two days' journey, they finally arrived at the outskirts of the corpse mountain.

In the past two days, Bai Ze ate what was called Yishuang, and Ye Cheng roasted all kinds of game for him. Only then did this guy realize that he had lived for thousands of years, and what he ate was called garbage.

The real gourmet food can only be eaten after being cooked, and all kinds of delicious seasonings should be added.

Although those seasonings are unacceptable when eaten alone, once they are added to food, they will produce a delicious taste, which is very magical!

"The mountain of corpses in front of you is the mountain of corpses. If there is no accident, your friend should be there!"

Ye Cheng stood on a big mountain, looking into the distance!

Although there is still a distance, even if it is so far away, you can still feel the weirdness there.

The majestic yin qi covered the sky and covered the sun, and the sky was shrouded in mist, which was all black and gray, and the earth could not see the sun, giving people a feeling of lifelessness.

Moreover, looking at other places, they are all lush and green, only the corpse mountain is not green at all, but has patches of white flowers.

Ye Cheng knew that it should not be a flower, but a white bone, which looked like **** on earth.

"That's the mountain of corpses!"

Ye Cheng frowned slightly, from such a distance, he could feel the Yin Qi coming towards his face.

With his intuition, he can feel that there are many zongzi waiting for him!

Looking at the mountain of corpses piled up with bones, Ye Cheng felt infinitely moved.

Just a few thousand years ago, this place should have been a relatively prosperous human tribe, but now it has become one of the most dangerous places in the mountain and sea world.

What happened in it, and what kind of power led to the demise of this human tribe, is a mystery to everyone.

But for Ye Cheng, this place is now a big tomb.

A large tomb where countless ancestors of the human race were buried, he, Captain Mojin, finally came to a useful place!

"Let's go when you're full!" Ye Cheng glanced at Bai Ze who was still gorging on Haisai.

Over the past few days, Bai Ze has obviously become fatter after eating.

Bai Ze didn't try to persuade him anymore, "Okay, today I will risk my life to accompany Junzi, and go for a walk to the mountain of corpses!"

A few miles away from the corpse mountain, the atmosphere has changed.

Although the corpse aura from the corpse mountain did not spread too much, within a radius of more than ten miles, it was still enveloped by the corpse aura.

There is no sunshine here all year round, so the ground is bare, and there is almost nothing to see except for the bones and stones of some small animals.

The temperature is not very low, but it makes people feel cold all over.

That is the fear from the soul.

Hoo... woo...

The surrounding wind howled, as if there were countless evil spirits roaring, crying, and howling. It really felt like coming to hell.

If you close your eyes, it feels as if you are surrounded by **** on earth.

Even when the wind blows, it seems that there are ghosts floating by. You can clearly feel that their hands seem to be brushing against their cheeks.

If ordinary people came here, I am afraid that they would be too scared to continue at this moment.

But Ye Cheng didn't stop, he and Bai Ze continued to move forward!

"Grandma, this place is really gloomy. Even a beast like me feels uncertain. Boy, we have to be careful!" Bai Ze said in a low voice.

At this moment, even he unconsciously lowered his voice, and instinctively felt a certain fear of the surrounding things.

This feeling is very subtle, and perhaps they have not even discovered it themselves.

And here, it's just the outermost edge.

Ye Cheng nodded, "Understood, you should also be careful!"

After walking for a while, Ye Cheng's eyes became strange. He actually found a few skeletons. They were nothing special, but they were still wearing clothes.

Ye Cheng knew the clothes, they were obviously the people that the white ape brought in.

But at this moment, all these people died tragically for no reason, leaving only a bunch of skeletons.

Not far away Ye Cheng also saw the corpse of that white ape, it was also turned into bones, only a layer of skin and bones remained, and he could clearly recognize it!

"They should have walked with Zhang Qiling all the way, but it's a pity that they all died here. Fortunately, I didn't see the clothes of the little brother, which means that he may still be alive. This is good news!"

Seeing them, Ye Cheng's face was a little ugly, and he was a little worried about Zhang Qiling.

He has also seen the strength of that white ape, a very strong existence, but now he is dead like this, which shows the danger here.

Ye Cheng didn't dare to take it lightly, the horror of this mountain of corpses might be far more powerful than he thought.

And here, it's just the periphery, and they haven't really entered the scope of the mountain of corpses. Who knows what kind of danger will be waiting for them inside!

But now that he has come, there is no reason to back down, so he can only bite the bullet and move on.

(end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion