MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 985 mark

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Seeing those familiar clothes and the skin of the white ape, Ye Cheng felt strange.

These people racked their brains and tried every means, thinking that this world is a fairy world with infinite benefits, but they don't know that the things in it are actually trying to escape outside.

Zombies are an obvious example.

And their arrival obviously did not get the great benefits like Ye Cheng, but died here. I don't know if they regretted coming here before they died.

Ye Cheng didn't think about it anymore, these people were cruel and merciless, they died as soon as they died, and they didn't bother to care about it, the most important thing now was to find Zhang Qiling.

Ye Cheng knew in his heart that the Zhang family also dealt with the tomb. Perhaps it was a wise choice for Zhang Qiling to come here at that time. After all, compared with those ferocious beasts, it is obvious that this mountain of corpses makes Zhang Qiling feel more intimate. After all, I did this before!

Zhang Qiling's tombs are definitely no less than his.

And this mountain of corpses, no matter how many corpses there are, can only be regarded as a large tomb after all.

After walking for more than half an hour, they finally came to the real mountain of corpses.

It is said to be a mountain of corpses. In fact, there are no big mountains here. They are all small hills of varying heights. There is a large piece of land in front of it.

Moreover, most of these skeletons are standing on the ground. On their body, chest cavity, nose, eyes, and ears, there is something like a tree vine that looks like jade but not jade. It should be the legendary beryl!

Those translucent jade and withered tree vines grow together, running through the body of the bone, like thick blood vessels in the bone, looking very evil.

Moreover, these bones were all standing there, looking at them with empty eye sockets, as if they were staring at them.

Ye Cheng was used to seeing too many corpses and zongzi, and he had already taken it for granted, but the scene in front of him still made him a little flustered.

There are too many, looking around, there are bones everywhere.

Judging from the shape of the pelvis, there should be men, women, and even children.

It can be imagined that the battle back then had reached the point where the whole people participated in the war, and as long as they were members of this tribe, no one was spared.

Everyone died in this catastrophe, and no one could survive alone.

"What the **** is going on, let these people kill each other to such an extent!" Ye Cheng frowned, it was really hard to imagine what happened back then.

Bai Ze shook his head, "I don't know. At that time, the human race was very prosperous and powerful, and I would not approach their territory easily. Therefore, unless you are a survivor, no one will know what happened back then!"


Ye Cheng sighed.

After all, he is a human being.

Seeing so many dead bones, a burst of sadness rose in his heart.

"Be careful when you go in, the vines are all withered, I guess the time for the moonlight to shine is coming soon, once the moonlight falls, the rain of corpses will moisten these corpses, and these bones will turn into corpses again!" Bai Ze reminded!

Ye Cheng nodded, "I know!"

"Although these bones haven't turned into corpses yet, we still have to be careful, this thing is very fierce, one or two is fine, if there are too many, it will cause serious trouble!"...

When he got here, Bai Ze put away his previous cynical demeanor and became much more serious.

Obviously, he also knew that they didn't come here to play, it was very dangerous here!

Ye Cheng nodded again, he is a cautious person, no matter where he goes, he will not take it lightly.

"I understand, let's go, go in and see what this mountain of corpses is like!" Ye Cheng said, and bento walked in first!

As soon as I stepped into the mountain of corpses, I suddenly felt different.

Unlike the howling ghosts and howling wolves outside, it calmed down here, and the calm made people feel creepy.

So calm, people always feel that there is something hiding somewhere, as if watching them.

This feeling is very weird and confusing!

At the foot of the mountain of corpses,

There is a path full of bones and rubble.

Ye Cheng stepped on it, and it made a crackling sound. Those bones have existed for too long, and they have long been weathered.

Stepping on them, they were all turned into white powder.

Ye Cheng glanced at his feet and frowned slightly, but he didn't stop and continued to walk forward.

This path is curved, and it should be the way for people to come out, because other things are unlikely to come here!

After walking for about an hour, they had completely entered the mountain of corpses, but along the way, it was considered safe and nothing happened.

Of course, they didn't find any clues.

Bai Ze said: "I said, will your friend see the danger here, evil door, and then leave, if that is the case, then our efforts here will be in vain!"

Ye Cheng shook his head, "Probably not. My friend's job is to touch the graves of corpses. These things are nothing to him, so they shouldn't scare him away!"

Bai Ze pouted, looking around indifferently.

"Hey, boy, look quickly!"

Suddenly, Bai Ze exclaimed, and looked at a white bone next to him.

"What's wrong?" Ye Cheng hurriedly looked over!

"There seems to be something there!"

They hurriedly got closer, and indeed found a difference in the body of a white bone.

It was a red arrow, written in blood, obviously a mark left by someone, and the one who could leave a mark here must be Zhang Qiling without a doubt.

Obviously, after Zhang Qiling came here, he knew that Ye Cheng would definitely come here, so he left a mark and gave Ye Cheng a guide.

"Great, he must be here!" Ye Cheng was a little excited.

With this mark, he was sure that Zhang Qiling must be here!

Bai Ze leaned over, sniffed it carefully with his nose, a little curious, "Hey, it's strange, why does this blood smell like a unicorn, could it be that your friend brought a unicorn here before?"

Ye Cheng waved his No, he has a special bloodline like me, mine is the bloodline of the candle dragon, and his is the bloodline of the unicorn! "

Bai Ze was not surprised this time, but murmured thoughtfully, "The two worlds cannot be connected, so these guys projected their blood into another world to complete another inheritance. in this way!"

"What did you say?" Ye Cheng asked curiously!

Just now Bai Ze's voice was too low, he didn't hear it either!

"Ahem, it's nothing, I said, isn't there a sign, it's much easier to find someone, let's find your friend quickly, and then leave here quickly, I always feel that it's not that simple here!" Bai Ze said!

Ye Cheng nodded, "Okay, let's go!"

Following the direction indicated by the arrow, Ye Cheng and Bai Ze walked forward together, continuing to search for the imprint left by Zhang Qiling.


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