MTL - Kendo True Explanation-v4 Chapter 403 Mishap two

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  The two long swords collided suddenly.

  Dong Yaofei's whole body was shocked as if struck by lightning, and he flew backwards.

   Fell on the ground and slid a few meters away.

  The long hair that was originally tied into a ponytail was also scattered, and the white clothes on his body were also black in one part and black in the other. It looked very embarrassed.

   "Ahem!" He coughed violently twice, then lifted his head weakly and looked across.

   "Master, you are too hard...can't you be a little lighter?"

  Lin Fei held the long sword and looked at him speechlessly.

   "I only use F-level strength, and I just use the same sword style every time, and you have the same result twenty-eight times in a row..."

  Dong Yaofei tried to struggle to get up, but he was completely weak and couldn't get up at all, so he just lay down on his back, his limbs were in large characters.

"I'm just an ordinary person, an ordinary dude, spoiled and spoiled, but I'm still skinny and tender, F-level... That's also the top expert level in the army. How can I compare. Master, Why don't you lower it a bit?"

  Lin Fei also knows how difficult it is for Dong Yaofei, whose body has been completely shaped, to really step into the gate of kendo. But there are no shortcuts to some things, just like when he was learning martial arts and Sanda, the daily fighting training, confrontation training, and fixed training routines were far more difficult than Dongyao Feilai's.

   This is the time to accumulate the foundation, the most critical period, and there are no shortcuts. If there is no accumulation of the consciousness base above, even teaching him powerful swordsmanship can only be a show.

   "I have a method that can make you a level-up master in a short time." Lin Fei said suddenly.

   "Really?" Dong Yaofei suddenly got excited, and got up from the ground all at once. He didn't look like he was extremely weak just now, it was obvious that he was just pretending.

   "Are you serious, Master?" He looked expectant.

  Lin Fei could feel Dong Yaofei's pure respect for him, so he gave him this chance.

   "It's a bit dangerous though."

   "Danger? What danger? I won't go if it will cause death." Dong Yaofei said decisively.

   "People won't die, but they may be severely injured." Lin Fei said calmly. "You have to think about it for yourself. Call me when you're sure, but it's best not to wait within a few days." Lin Fei flicked the long sword casually.


  The sword body just fits in the scabbard on the sword stand on one side. Unparalleled precision.

   "Handsome!" Dong Yaofei whistled.

   "Dad, I want to help too! You tell me the truth!"

  Xu Xu stood in his father's office and said loudly.

  Xu Shichang was sitting behind his desk, frowning at a document report.

  He had no intention of answering his daughter's question at all.

   "Dad!?" Xu Xu shouted again.

"I've already booked your air ticket for tomorrow, you go straight to school, you don't have to worry about family matters!" Xu Shichang waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, you go back first, I have something to do here. Don't stay here It's messed up."

   "But..." Xu Xu wanted to say something else.

  But he saw that his father had already picked up the phone and started dialing numbers.

  She walked out of the office in a low mood. From last night to now, she went to the hospital and saw her mother with a haggard face. She asked her mother about the situation at home, but she didn't get any important points. Apparently the father also kept it from the mother.

  She had no choice but to come over and ask in person. But unfortunately, her father, Xu Shichang, still refused to tell her the details, but just told her not to worry, and things would get better.

  Go home in the afternoon. Xu took some money and rushed to the hospital.

  In the ward, Xu Dong looked much better, but he was still sleeping and resting. Xu Xu picked up his mother and went home together.

   After making a good meal, the two mother and daughter sat at the table, but they had no appetite at all.

  Mother Chen Jianing has always been weak and has no opinion, and listens to her father in all matters big and small. At this time, her husband was not there, but her daughter Xu Xu became her spiritual support. Her eyes were red and swollen like peaches. Sitting at the dinner table, she kept wiping away her tears.

   "Ke Ke, what should I do now? I went to withdraw money just now and wanted to pay Dongdong's medical expenses, but for some reason, the bank card was said to be frozen..." The mother said with a choked voice. …

   "Now the family is in chaos. Your aunt and uncle are also being investigated and temporarily resigned. You can't do anything. You can only wait for your father to come home..."

   "The bank card is blocked?" The permission obviously feels bad. "Mom, when was the last time you withdrew money?" she asked hastily.

   "It was the day before yesterday..." Chen Jianing replied in a low voice.

   "The day before yesterday..." Xu Xu's face changed, and he was about to speak. Suddenly the landline at home rang.

  Mother Chen Jianing walked over to answer the phone. I just picked up the microphone and listened for a short time.

   Xu Xu saw his mother's face turned pale in an instant.

   With a snap, the microphone fell directly from his hand.

   "Your dad...was arrested...."

  Xuan felt his head go blank, and he was completely stunned.

  Suddenly, the mobile phone placed by the mother also rang.

   After a long time, Xu Xu woke up with a start. He picked up his phone and looked at it. It was the phone number of the hospital.

   "Hello." She just spoke out, but she felt that her voice was not the same as before, it was very dry.

   "Hello, this is Ms. Chen? Your son Xu Dong's condition has deteriorated, and he needs a second operation immediately! Please come over to sign the agreement and pay the operation fee immediately! The situation is urgent!" A man's voice came from the phone.

   Xu Xu only felt a slight dizziness in front of his eyes. She forced herself to ask calmly. "Excuse me, how much is the operation fee...?"

   "Prepare about 400,000 yuan first, and it is estimated that more will be added later."

  Hung up the phone, Xu Xu rushed to his mother, Chen Jianing.

   "Mom! How much cash do we have? My brother's condition is getting worse and he needs to have an operation right away! We need the operation fee!" She asked anxiously.

  Chen Jianing's face was pale, his lips trembled, and he couldn't make a sound for a long time. Just tears streaming down the line.

   After much difficulty, she whispered.

   "All the money has been spent.... The 150,000 withdrawn the day before yesterday has been paid... I wanted to withdraw the money today..." Chen Jianing didn't finish his sentence, so he couldn't continue. He knelt down and cried directly.

  Licensing was also confused.

  She felt very dizzy, and hurriedly supported the handrail of the stairs on one side.

   "Mom, don't panic! Take out all the money in the family first. Then we will find someone to borrow!"

   Seeing that her daughter was calmer, Chen Jianing seemed to be a little calmer too.

  The two of them rummaged around and found all the money in the family. There is only more than 40,000 cash in total, all of which are placed on the dining table, right next to the food.

   Both mother and daughter are almost on the verge of collapse.

  Permission to make phone calls to former uncles, brothers, sisters-in-law and so on. But either no one answered, or a tactful rejection. The assets of other relatives in the family have also been frozen. Obviously, it was the same as his father's situation, all involved.

  The phone calls continued until the evening, but there was no result. Finally, there were two uncles who sympathized with their family, but when they heard that they wanted to borrow a huge sum of 400,000 yuan, they also chose to remain silent.

  The hospital called again and again.

  Xuan finally hung up the phone, suddenly feeling weak all over. She really wanted to cry, but she could only suppress her exhaustion and sadness. She can't fall, she is all the support of the mother now, if she falls too, then everything is over.

   There was silence in the living room.

  Liuan turned his head silently, looking at the gorgeously decorated house around him.

   "That's right! And this house!" Suddenly her eyes lit up.

  She hurriedly called an uncle at a bank who had a good relationship with her father.

   "House?" The other party's tone was a little strange. "Xiao Ke, it's not that uncle doesn't help you, it's that all the real estate of your family has been frozen, and the mortgage is not allowed!"

   beep beep...beep beep...

  Mother Chen Jianing's cell phone rang again.

  Liu put down the phone, and hurried over to take the phone from his mother.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Chen, if you can't pay the operation fee within half an hour. Xu Dong's situation may be..." This call, like the last heavy hammer, hit the parents hard. female heart.

"half an hour...."

   Xu bit her lip, she didn't know how she hung up the phone. A sour feeling in my heart kept rushing to my eyes, and tears filled my eyes long ago. It was as if an extremely heavy boulder was pressing on her body, making her unable to breathe. …

   "What to do? What to do now?" Mother Chen Jianing sat down on the ground.

  The whole living room was deadly quiet.

  Xuan tremblingly took out his wallet, and took out the bank card and ID card inside. She has to try one last time, to try her own bank card.

   Suddenly a piece of paper fell out of the wallet.

  White pieces of paper fluttered and fell to the ground.

   Xu Xu was taken aback suddenly. She recalled what Lin Fei said earlier.

   He knelt down and picked up the piece of paper.

   She bit her lip. Looking at the number above, he finally picked up the phone.

  Yanlin Group Headquarters, the highest floor of Meteor Building, Shidong District, Pingshi

   "President Fan, your phone number." A female secretary walked into the room cautiously. "It's a special number transfer."

   In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, Fan Yuanshu turned around.

   "Special number?" He frowned slightly. "Come to my office."

  He opened the seat, sat down calmly, picked up the landline microphone and put it to his ear.

   "Hey, what's the need this time?" He never left the water.

   "I am...!" A cautious girl's voice came from the microphone.

   "I don't care who you are! Tell me what you need!" Fan Yuanshu said lightly. "This number will expire in five minutes, you only have this one chance."

   Xu Xu was stunned.

   "400,000...I want to borrow 400,000!" She said decisively.

   "The account will arrive within five minutes."

   With a snap, the other party hung up the phone directly.

  Liu opened her mouth, but she didn't even report her account number...

   Less than two minutes later, the phone suddenly received a text message.

   "You have deposited RMB 400,000 in your savings card ending in 9375...."

   Xu Xu looked at this text message, not knowing whether to cry or laugh... ).

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