MTL - Kendo True Explanation-v4 Chapter 404 Trial one

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  Lin Fei lay on his back on the bed, looking at the mobile phone in the car. The light from the white screen hit his face.

  A text message that just arrived was clearly displayed on the phone.

   "Thank you." The person who is texting is giving permission.

   Only these three words. However, Lin Fei could feel that there was some kind of vague sincerity in it.

   "I used it so soon. That one-time number." He closed the phone cover. He tossed it lightly in his hand.

   It's more than two o'clock in the middle of the night.

  The other two in the bedroom were sound asleep.

   Only Lin Fei was awake. During the rest time every day, he only needs to sleep for two or three hours to recover his energy.

   Lying on the bed, Lin Fei began to directly communicate with Jin Yi, who was far away in Ping City, using the sword code space. Learn about the situation in Southwest Province. Now the entire southwestern province has been brought into his hands. Although it is only in name and has not yet been fully controlled, the power under his command is also steadily expanding outward step by step.

   "The trainees for the trial have all been confirmed, my lord, when are you going to start the trial?" Jin Yi asked.

   "The last procedure is needed. It depends on whether the other side is ready." Lin Fei said lightly.

  The sky near the polar circle in Iceland is light blue, and it is already close to the evening.

  The large and wide lake also reflects light blue, and the rolling hills on the shore are covered with white snow and ice, and are also dyed a light blue by the evening sky.

  On the shore of the lake, a young man in a black solid coat was panting, jumping forward on the stones by the water.

  The surroundings, the sky and the earth are all blue. All eyes are light blue.

  The man jumped forward, from one stone to another, this place is already far away from the residential area of ​​Iceland. The temperature at the mouth of the azimuth area very close to the polar circle is also getting colder.

  Pieces of floating ice can also be seen on the lake from time to time.

   It has advanced for about ten minutes.

  The man finally stopped on a rocky land near the shore.

   "It should be here." He tightened the coat on his body, and said to himself with a white breath from his mouth. "Known as one of the most horrific earth dragons, the sealed Forgotten Land of Galasos."

  He carefully took out a microcomputer, only the size of a palm, and square in shape.

  A metal rod suddenly popped up from the side of the computer. The metal rod was folded, opened and extended automatically, and actually propped up a small metal umbrella with a snap. Like a satellite signal receiver.

  The small silver umbrella turned around automatically, as if it had found the best direction for signal reception, and then stopped with a click.

  On the computer screen, the satellite map of the entire Iceland is directly displayed, which is directly the size of a mung bean on the entire earth. Immediately afterwards, the map rapidly zoomed in.

   The speed is getting faster and faster.

  Finally, the image came to where the man was in an instant. Zoom in directly to the blue lake beside him.

  In the middle of the image, there is a piece of blue, with a few ice floes slowly floating along the lake.

  The man mentally entered an instruction.

   Suddenly, a spreading circle of water patterns flashed on the screen.

   "It really is here."

  He breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know what button he pressed on the computer, and the small pot-shaped receiver automatically folded and closed, and finally closed in the computer, completely hidden.

   Put away the computer. The man gently unzipped the top part of the coat. Lu out the neck part.

  Suddenly on his right neck, a delicate and gorgeous golden sehua pattern was slowly glowing with a faint golden light.

   "It's started." He murmured. Lightly touch the golden sehua lines with your fingers.


  A faint golden halo suddenly radiated from his fingertips. The man's whole body suddenly emitted a dazzling white light. His figure was completely submerged in the light.

  The light only lasted for two seconds before it completely dimmed.

   But what appeared again was no longer the original man, but a slender, handsome boy wearing only a black shirt and a casual ku. It was Lin Fei who was originally in China.

  Lin Fei stood on the shore of the lake, looking at the large lake in front of him.

  The entire lake looks like a large piece of sapphire. Completely one piece. The lake is as calm as a mirror.

"Longxue in Galasos, Iceland, is a terrifying place where five 'super powerhouses' once fell. It just happened to be a place for me to collect test creatures." He came this time directly from his body. It was Yuan Yicheng who pretended to be. When he teleported over, Yuan Yicheng also teleported to his location and acted like him. In order to wait for him to send back as a positioning. …

  Jiandian's teleportation is the most perfect teleportation method, and consumes very little power. Convenience is also extremely strong. The only weakness is that the security of transmission is insufficient. It is easy to be blocked and interfered with.

  Lin Fei tugged at the collar of his shirt, facing the lake, he lifted his steps and walked into the lake.

   Step by step, step by step.

  The lake gradually submerged his feet, small tui, big tui, and waist.

  He walked directly into the lake without stopping, until he was completely submerged, and he could no longer see the slightest figure. Only the circles of dang-spreading water marks still showed that there were traces of people here just now.

  The icy lake was directly blocked by an invisible force around Lin Fei. Forming an oval, it happened to completely isolate Lin Fei.

  He completely ignored the buoyancy of the water and walked into the lake standing upright.

   Surrounded by a piece of blue and black, only the top of the head above, there is a light blue fluorescence refracted down.

  Below is a pitch-black lake bottom. I can't tell how deep it is, it's just darkness. It's like an abyss. Gives people a profound illusion.

  A depressive, empty sense of death slowly permeates.

  Lin Fei frowned, and walked down to the bottom of the lake without stopping. Every step he took was as if he was stepping on the ground, as if something was just under his feet. Walking in the lake is as easy as going down the stairs.

  The surroundings are getting darker and darker, and the blue fluorescence printed on the top is also getting darker and darker.

  Lin Fei didn't know how long he had walked, but it was very, very deep anyway.

  There is only darkness around, and only a small sesame seed can be seen on the blue lake above. Strands of undercurrents are constantly tearing at his body, but they are easily crushed by him without exception.

   No sound, no light, no smell, only water.

  There seems to be no signs of life around.

  Lin Fei stopped suddenly and habitually moved his right hand toward his waist. But all of a sudden mo empty. Only then did he remember that the Black Demon Sword had completely disappeared. The root of the Black Demon Sword is the evil thoughts and the mark of the devil inside, but when this mark dissipates, it is equivalent to complete destruction, and it can no longer be condensed.

   "It's really troublesome." He said softly, and a small white light ball suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand. The whole body of the light sphere was glowing with soft white light, which immediately illuminated the surrounding range of more than ten meters in the lake water.

   But more than ten meters away, there is still a deep darkness that cannot be seen.

   This is a miniature version of the Xingyao sword skill of the first layer of the Broken Star Sword Art. The continuous traces of sword shadows continue to radiate in all directions, which is equivalent to continuously consuming Lin Fei's true strength. In this way, it can not only play the role of lighting, but also play the role of protection and warning.

   These white lights are not light, but white sword shadows. Transformed by real power.

   The first level of the Broken Star Sword Art naturally cannot be pushed with true energy, so Lin Fei chose to push the sword with true strength.

  Lin Fei continued to walk down.

  The light above gradually disappeared completely. Up, down, left, and right all turned into a piece of black.

  Lin Fei seemed to feel alone, surrounded by the entire black world. It seems that there is only one person and one life in the whole world.

  Iceland is a famous island of ice and fire. There are many volcanoes on the island, and the geothermal heat is extremely rich. No matter what, there should be fish in this unnamed lake, but after diving underwater for so long, Lin Fei didn't see a single fish. It seems that there is no life under the water of this lake.

  The surrounding water pressure is getting stronger and stronger, which increases with the increase of diving depth. It was also Lin Fei's only criterion for judging whether he was still moving. It was pitch black, up, down, left, and right, and he couldn't see if he was moving at all.

   After an unknown amount of time, a strange pulling force suddenly made Lin Fei move slightly.

  He clearly felt that there was a deep and huge force below him that was constantly pulling him.

"It's the vortex." Lin Fei frowned slightly. He suddenly found that the white sword shadows released around him were pulled into a cone by the force of the vortex below. A large number of sword shadows passed away quickly and were sucked by the vortex. Pull it in.

  He simply withdrew his sword, and the surroundings fell into darkness again.

  In his perception, below where he is now, a huge vortex with a diameter of several kilometers is frantically absorbing anything that can be absorbed, like a huge disc, with a hole in the center that is completely invisible to the bottom.

   "It should be here."...

  Lin Fei let go of his body completely, and his whole body was pulled down by a powerful pulling force, and gradually fell into the center of the dark vortex.

  His speed was getting faster and faster, and he plunged into the deepest part of the huge vortex like a sharp arrow.

  The entire bottom of the lake suddenly fell into dead silence again.

   About half an hour later.

   There was another slight hiss. A white light and shadow rushed out from the center of the vortex below.

   Then the arrow rushed straight up.

   It's only about ten seconds.

  It was already possible to see the blue fluorescence on the lake again.


  The surface of the blue lake was suddenly disrupted, forming circles of ripples.

  Lin Fei rushed out of the lake and hovered in the air above the lake.

  He was still dry, without any water stains on his body. But the expression on his face was extremely serious.

   "It's actually this kind of thing," he murmured in a low voice. "No wonder one dies when we go down." Suddenly, his face changed, and his whole body instantly dissipated into a phantom, and when he reappeared, he was already in the mid-air far away.

   "Ho!" Just above the lake he just rushed out of, a thin sound of breathing came out slowly.

   After a few bubbles appeared on the surface of the lake, it became calm again, as if nothing had happened.

  Lin Fei flew several kilometers away before slowly coming to a stop.

   Then use teleportation to return to Kyoto Yandu University.

   Then directly enter the Jiandian space from the school.

  Yuan Yicheng was already waiting for him inside.

  Lin Fei slowly condensed and appeared on the top seat of the Extinction Church.

  Below his left side, Yuan Yicheng sat on a seat.

  Now he is carrying three long swords on his back. The three swords form a cross shape, and his back looks like the halo halo behind those Buddhas. The difference is that behind him are three silver long swords, while behind the Buddha is a white or golden halo.

  This means that his Tianluo Mingyue Sword has reached a certain height. Lin Fei didn't know the exact extent. He didn't study one of the April Sword Art in depth, but it could be seen from Yuan Yicheng's aura. His current strength seems to be getting deeper and deeper. Maybe there is no big improvement, but it seems that every time I see him, I can feel that he is constantly improving. Every time he is stronger than the previous one. ! .
